What is your spread, in real money, not units?
Quote: dwight5610-50, if you win say a 40 dollar bet count drops and your next bet should be 10 does that not throw a red flag to the pit boss?
Sorta yes and sorta no. The problem with DD is given the volatility of the TC, you can't really afford to only increase your bet after a win and only decrease after a loss. And once you do get an advantage, you only have a few rounds to play at that advantage before the shuffle. If you expect to get 5 rounds at that advantage, you can't waste 2 or 3 rounds of big bets by keeping your min bet out there because you keep losing or win every other hand. You can afford this type of technique in a 6 deck game because once you get an advantage, you expect many rounds with an advantage before the shuffle.
This, plus more...Quote: RSSorta yes and sorta no. The problem with DD is given the volatility of the TC, you can't really afford to only increase your bet after a win and only decrease after a loss. And once you do get an advantage, you only have a few rounds to play at that advantage before the shuffle. If you expect to get 5 rounds at that advantage, you can't waste 2 or 3 rounds of big bets by keeping your min bet out there because you keep losing or win every other hand. You can afford this type of technique in a 6 deck game because once you get an advantage, you expect many rounds with an advantage before the shuffle.
If you're spreading $10-$50 you shouldn't get too much heat from "most" places to move your money with the count. That said there are other cover techniques without a cost that you could implement if you're worried about image... Such as short buying with small bills... Asking for help on easy basic strategy hands (so you know they'll tell you the right play), etc.
Also, if you're going to specialize in DD then another count other than Hi/Low would be better, but it does work just fine if you prefer to stick with it. Hi/Low just performs 'best' on shoe games.
FYI, with the game you mentioned (assuming DA2 - HE = .45%), a $10-$50 spread worked what I consider to be optimally (wonging out at TC -2 and biggest jump from $20 to $40 at TC +3) produces an hourly of about $15/hour. You're going to short yourself a TON of EV if you miss your bigger bets and amplify your bets on hands you shouldn't due to the variance of the count in DD (as mentioned by RS above).
Quote: dwight5610-50, if you win say a 40 dollar bet count drops and your next bet should be 10 does that not throw a red flag to the pit boss?
Most pit bosses have multiple tables to keep running. I play very differently the small number of hands that the pit is actually watching. At our betting level, the eye in the sky won't be hawking us,either. As mentioned, there are better ways to disguise yourself than betting big in bad situations.