Quote: boymimboI think the movie goes straight to streaming. Rotten Tomatoes will give it a 20%. Or less.
Giovanni Ribisi plays Mark Frissora, CEO of Caesars Entertainment.
Ken Jeong plays "Guy Lo", the comedic president of the Chinese card making factory.
Steve Buscemi plays "Tony Burducci" the Director of Table Games at Bellagio
ZenKing played of course by Jonah Hill. We'll name is character "Leo" with a nickname of "Lucky"
We'll throw in Hayden Panettiere as Leo's love interest.
I think Ribisi, Buscemi and Jeong would be great fits but I don't know about Hill. I've been getting more of a Jay Baruchel vibe from ZK.
A more intriguing question is who plays the forum members who attended the July get-together. This is clearly a key scene so casting the right actors for the parts of Romes, Axel, Monet, etc is important.
Another scene worth including is OnceDear trying to make good on his offer to lift the curse. I'm thinking we couldn't do better than Christopher Walken:

Quote: boymimboI envision a scene where ZK takes out all of the money and puts it in his shoes and drives across America in with the cash in his shoes. He gets pulled over in Texas of course for a "broken taillight" and the police ask to search his car. He refuses and he gets taken to a holding cell where they take his car apart. But they never search his shoes, and he leaves a day later, paranoia intact, with the sweaty money in his shoes.
Might I suggest a twist?
They search his shoes and find the money.
Upon inspection they note that not only are the bills counterfeit, they are all encrusted with cocaine.
The cops tear ZK's ricer apart and find a few ounces of heavily cut cocaine.
The movie ends on a fade-out of a sadistic jail guard beating a restrained ZK with a billy club, saying "Bad boy!"
I'd pay good money to see it, if only to catch the happy ending.
Quote: MrV
The movie ends on a fade-out of a sadistic jail guard
And in a twist of irony , that jail guard once worked in the very same Chinese prison where pre-shuffled decks of cards with king of diamonds missing were made
Quote: michael99000And in a twist of irony , that jail guard once worked in the very same Chinese prison where pre-shuffled decks of cards with king of diamonds missing were made
The circle is now complete.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
Quote: boymimbo.

LOL. I swear i have to be the best counter in the world. Itxs alright i dont need to hit EV ever. Why would i need to hit EV? You know 1000 hours and 39k profit to show for it is so amazing right. Its alright instead of hitting EV i rather be down -1 SD after 1000 hours. God fuxkin bless me. Nobody on this forum knows what it feels like to run so bad. Not one. Dont even care, not even witchcraft can stop me. I was obviously put into this world for one reason and thats to be tortured. Surprised i still have both of my legs at this point or even both of my arms
Quote: ZenKinG-2330 / 117 hours
LOL. I swear i have to be the best counter in the world. Itxs alright i dont need to hit EV ever. Why would i need to hit EV? You know 1000 hours and 39k profit to show for it is so amazing right. Its alright instead of hitting EV i rather be down -1 SD after 1000 hours. God fuxkin bless me. Nobody on this forum knows what it feels like to run so bad. Not one. Dont even care, not even witchcraft can stop me. I was obviously put into this world for one reason and thats to be tortured. Surprised i still have both of my legs at this point or even both of my arms
You've now officially passed ridiculous and gone straight into offensive. You really have no idea how good you have it. My father almost lost both his legs to Gangrene due to complications from his diabetes which he was born with. Your joking or kidding or ranting or whatever you call it is offensive to people who have dealt with actual struggles. You are 1 fu*king standard deviation off, get your head out of your a*s and realize that you are acting like a jacka*s. I hope you never actually come on hard times because you would have no idea how to deal with it cause you are a self involved mental midget. G-d doesn't give a sh*t about you or your bloody games because guess what if he is real (I'm not a believer) then he has better things to do then worry about some spoiled brat from Pennsylvania. There as you would say "rant over".
Quote: PokerGrinderYou've now officially passed ridiculous and gone straight into offensive. You really have no idea how good you have it. My father almost lost both his legs to Gangrene due to complications from his diabetes which he was born with. Your joking or kidding or ranting or whatever you call it is offensive to people who have dealt with actual struggles. You are 1 fu*king standard deviation off, get your head out of your a*s and realize that you are acting like a jacka*s. I hope you never actually come on hard times because you would have no idea how to deal with it cause you are a self involved mental midget. G-d doesn't give a sh*t about you or your bloody games because guess what if he is real (I'm not a believer) then he has better things to do then worry about some spoiled brat from Pennsylvania . There as you would say "rant over".
Too far, PG. Personal insult: 3 days.
Quote: DeMangoSome might argue he didn't go far enough, but we don't want our name in red!
My issue is with the targeted insults, not the veracity of their content.
Quote: beachbumbabsMy issue is with the targeted insults, not the veracity of their content.
Lol nice way to say. I agree, but rules are dem rules.
Thanks pg for taking one for the team.
I have probably typed my first suspension 6 times and deleted it.
This is just getting comical now. I knew my instincts were right all along. This citys fukin rigged. Mafia ridden piece of shit. I actually cant wait till i get backed off and trespassed. Not only is it goimg to take 5 security guards to even move me, but im not leaving this city without a supreme court decision in my favor. Mark my words. They really have no idea what theyre messing with. If they think im gonna just let them walk over me like every pussy counter, they better think again.
As for everyone else on this forum dont think i havent noticed that no one ever puts a 'thank you' on any of my posts, meanwhile some other idiot on here goes and posts a one liner and gets multiple thank yous. I domt give two shits about the thank yous, but just goes to show the useless scum on here. Done posting in thid pathetic forum
Quote: billryanGood riddance. Not that I expect you to keep your word.. You simply aren't hardwired for it.
He's just venting. Be nice or I'll invite Phil Singer to this forum! 😉
Quote: MaxPenI simply do not have any words.
I know what you mean
Quote: ZenKinGjust goes to show the useless scum on here. Done posting in this pathetic forum
I can agree that I am scum. I am not so sure about useless scum but when I think about it I am pretty sure I might fall into the category of useless scum.
My problem is that I actually gave you some inside information on this thread multiple times. I even met up with you for a few hours and paid for all entertainment involved. I was able to size the situation up pretty quick from conversation and body language. I figured out long ago that you just like to keep this thread running and after weeks of it being dead this is how you bring it back to life. If I am wrong about that... so be it... I am wrong plenty every day. I find the forum useless for the most part but I do find it entertaining at times. I find it to be a safe place to say whatever you like and not have to commit to anything. The truth is that I have had a few opportunities from this forum but my problem is that I have my loop all mapped out. I can barley keep up with what I have going on and to take the time to meet someone off of a public forum and try to build trust is too difficult for me to grasp or work into my schedule. When I do have some free time, I tend to want to spend it with my family or dogs or improving my house. Plenty of Honey Do's for me to take care of but I know that you don't have that problem.
You may want to retract those comments about Useless Scum and Pathetic Forum though. I mean that doesn't seem very professional of you. I thought you were Pro Material... Primed to make the Big Bucks??
How many months have you been in town now?
You only have 117 hours in at the tables???
The quote is "prime to make the big bucks" I believe =DQuote: monet0412... I though you were Pro Material... trying to make the Big Bucks??
I, for one, enjoy the rants and hope ZK continues to post here. I also hope he takes the advice that myself, and several other people much smarter than me gave him and FIND OTHER PLAYS. ZK, I think you understand gambling math, and if that's the case, there's no way you can be walking through these Vegas casino's and not see +EV all over the place. A ton of people have reached out with advice. I wouldn't be surprised if someone you met up with spelled out another advantage play to you word for word. So the claim that everyone on the forum is rooting for your failure kind of falls flat.
A wise singer once sang....Quote: ZenKinG-3355 .
This is just getting comical now. I knew my instincts were right all along. This citys fukin rigged. Mafia ridden piece of shit. I actually cant wait till i get backed off and trespassed. Not only is it goimg to take 5 security guards to even move me, but im not leaving this city without a supreme court decision in my favor. Mark my words. They really have no idea what theyre messing with. If they think im gonna just let them walk over me like every pussy counter, they better think again.
As for everyone else on this forum dont think i havent noticed that no one ever puts a 'thank you' on any of my posts, meanwhile some other idiot on here goes and posts a one liner and gets multiple thank yous. I domt give two shits about the thank yous, but just goes to show the useless scum on here. Done posting in thid pathetic forum
I stay out too late, got nothing in my brain
That's what people say, that's what people say.....
players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off.
I for one am rooting for you. So shake it off.
I think he is more than smart enough, I think he has the proper BR management and he has his expenses under control, I don't think he has any real leaks, I think has the proper work ethics, but I don't think he is ready to dive into other forms of AP. He won't be able to concentrate on other things until he gets some of the BJ bug out of his system. I'm not totally sure, but other than a few casual meet-ups, I don't think he has taken the time to reach out to anyone further. IMO that means he doesn't really want to at this time. I doubt many AP's are going to reach out to him for obvious reasons. Not to mention there are some smart people with great qualities out there, people without all the crazy forum psycho sh*t. Rather than a guy who knows something about AP, I would rather teach someone who knows absolutely nothing about gambling but has all their other sh*t together.Quote: gamerfreakWhat blows my mind in all of this, is that everyone who has met ZK in person, myself included, will attest to him coming off as a nice and rational person. "I'm just venting on the forum" he told me.
I, for one, enjoy the rants and hope ZK continues to post here. I also hope he takes the advice that myself, and several other people much smarter than me gave him and FIND OTHER PLAYS. ZK, I think you understand gambling math, and if that's the case, there's no way you can be walking through these Vegas casino's and not see +EV all over the place. A ton of people have reached out with advice. I wouldn't be surprised if someone you met up with spelled out another advantage play to you word for word. So the claim that everyone on the forum is rooting for your failure kind of falls flat.
IMO He will have to have a come-to-Jesus moment if we want's to do other things aside from BJ.
Quote: ZenKinG-3355 , but just goes to show the useless scum on here.
Well since you are on here I would agree.
Quote: ZenKinG-3355 .
This is just getting comical now. I knew my instincts were right all along. This citys fukin rigged. Mafia ridden piece of shit. I actually cant wait till i get backed off and trespassed. Not only is it goimg to take 5 security guards to even move me, but im not leaving this city without a supreme court decision in my favor. Mark my words. They really have no idea what theyre messing with. If they think im gonna just let them walk over me like every pussy counter, they better think again.
As for everyone else on this forum dont think i havent noticed that no one ever puts a 'thank you' on any of my posts, meanwhile some other idiot on here goes and posts a one liner and gets multiple thank yous. I domt give two shits about the thank yous, but just goes to show the useless scum on here. Done posting in thid pathetic forum
You're right, you are done, at least for 3 days. -useless scummette.
Quote: AxelWolfIMO He will have to have a come-to-Jesus moment if we want's to do other things aside from BJ.
Yea, based on his posts here, he seems like the type who needs to figure things out for himself rather than listen to anyone else.
Not that I'm any kind of expert cause I spent a week in Vegas, but it doesn't seem like finding a play worth, say, $50/day, would require a huge amount of time/effort or discipline. I might be wrong. But that little bit of money to cover a good chunk of his living expenses could go a long way in keeping his head clear for Blackjack.
Certainly not in that case, but is going to want to do that when he is making sizable bets on blackjack and supposedly earning a fair hourly rate?Quote: gamerfreakYea, based on his posts here, he seems like the type who needs to figure things out for himself rather than listen to anyone else.
Not that I'm any kind of expert cause I spent a week in Vegas, but it doesn't seem like finding a play worth, say, $50/day, would require a huge amount of time/effort or discipline. I might be wrong. But that little bit of money to cover a good chunk of his living expenses could go a long way in keeping his head clear for Blackjack.
Hell, he could probably pick up $25 in value checking UX while going in and out of multiple casinos on his way to and from BJ.
Quote: beachbumbabsYou're right, you are done, at least for 3 days. -useless scummette.
I didn't know scum was gender specific.
Live and learn.
Actually, none of us are "scum;' yes, a few might be circling the bowl, but not scum.
Quote: sodawaterI never thought I could actually root for the casinos to win money from a player, but here we are.
I'm rooting for him. Why be a hater(negative nancy or whatever)? There's just no place in my life to wish ill on some guy struggling to beat the casinos at their own game. Even though he does a lot of griping or venting, so what, I actually like his mostly positive attitude(yes that's how I see his attitude).
Quote: ZenKinG-2330 / 117 hours Nobody on this forum knows what it feels like to run so bad. Not one. Dont even care, not even witchcraft can stop me. I was obviously put into this world for one reason and thats to be tortured. Surprised i still have both of my legs at this point or even both of my arms
Such childish histrionics.
As a business partner,he is a potential time bomb. Bad news.
As a friend, his negative energy will depress you. Bad news.
As a forum poster, he provides a lot of useful information. Good news.
Now that's so something we could practice and help with him.Quote: MaxPenMaybe he'll get lucky and get back roomed with a slight beat down as a bonus.
Any volunteers?
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Nobody knows my sorrow
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Glory, Hallelujah
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Nobody knows but ZenKing
Original Lyrics Written by Louis Armstrong, Copyright @ Universal Music Publishing Group
Quote: Mission146:Clears Throat:
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Nobody knows my sorrow
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Glory, Hallelujah
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Nobody knows but ZenKing
Original Lyrics Written by Louis Armstrong, Copyright @ Universal Music Publishing Group
Perfect! Now we have a theme song for the TV show.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI love the whole "nobody knows what it feels like to run so bad" part because it's such utter nonsense.
This I can agree with, especially today. I ran 3 st dev out on the bad today doing some gambling. Sometimes it's good to vent.
First thing I have to say it's weird how much not being able to post made me want to post. I mean I go days and even weeks sometimes without posting (mostly read) but the last couple days I kept wanting to post lol.
As far as the suspension I'm not upset about it at all as I fully expected to be suspended as soon as I started that post. I'm not one to hold my tongue and I stand by what I said. I wrote the post while on dinner break from my poker session, I wasn't angry when I wrote it, I was thinking clearly. I appreciate all the private and public support I got :)
I actually hope ZK figures it out and gets his head on straight. Despite my post I am rooting for him to figure it out and be successful. I've tried, as have many others both AP's and non AP's to offer advice on dealing with the struggle. Before this forum I hadn't done any AP things other than playing poker for a living but some people on this forum that I consider friends have shown me a few different plays in a casino and I have made around $5000 off those plays since septemeber. It's nothing major but it's a nice side income when poker is down swinging which obviously happens. Gambling is a tough way to make a living, I love it but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It seems like his game by the numbers is good but his mental game is atrocious. He needs to check his holier than thou attitude at the door or he is doomed. His ego will be why he fails, not his technical game.
Quote: PokerGrinderI'M BACK!!!
First thing I have to say it's weird how much not being able to post made me want to post. I mean I go days and even weeks sometimes without posting (mostly read) but the last couple days I kept wanting to post lol.
As far as the suspension I'm not upset about it at all as I fully expected to be suspended as soon as I started that post. I'm not one to hold my tongue and I stand by what I said. I wrote the post while on dinner break from my poker session, I wasn't angry when I wrote it, I was thinking clearly. I appreciate all the private and public support I got :)
I actually hope ZK figures it out and gets his head on straight. Despite my post I am rooting for him to figure it out and be successful. I've tried, as have many others both AP's and non AP's to offer advice on dealing with the struggle. Before this forum I hadn't done any AP things other than playing poker for a living but some people on this forum that I consider friends have shown me a few different plays in a casino and I have made around $5000 off those plays since septemeber. It's nothing major but it's a nice side income when poker is down swinging which obviously happens. Gambling is a tough way to make a living, I love it but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It seems like his game by the numbers is good but his mental game is atrocious. He needs to check his holier than thou attitude at the door or he is doomed. His ego will be why he fails, not his technical game.
Sounds like you were conspiring. I suggest another suspension. :)
Quote: AxelWolfNow that's so something we could practice and help with him.
Any volunteers?
Does anyone here have any experience with that? If so, they should volunteer to be beaten down and back-groomed.
Quote: RSDoes anyone here have any experience with that? If so, they should volunteer to be beaten down and back-groomed.
That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Iron must pass through fire to become steel, and the strongest steel goes through the hottest fire
The Grand Wizard?