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October 24th, 2016 at 4:32:37 PM permalink
Hi... I'm learning to count, and I noticed a couple of odd things about the wizard's blackjack counting tool (under play for fun) on the wizard of odds main page. I set it up for the Hi-Lo counting method, 6 decks, H17.

1. When the dealer get's blackjack, the count jumps a bonus -1 (for a -3 total). I think a blackjack would just be -2.
2. The simulator shows that a running count of +6 with 4.1 decks left as a true count of 0. I think this should be a true count of +1

Has anyone else noticed this in the counting simulator? Are these things mistakes or am I thinking about it wrong?

Thank you
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October 26th, 2016 at 6:38:37 AM permalink
Hi prozema, and welcome to the forums!

I haven't experienced the same glitches as you have with the trainer... Though to be honest I've only used it a little bit to check it out as I've been counting for a very very long time. Hopefully JB will see this thread; he's the programmer for the WOO/WOV sites that built the strategy trainer I believe.
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October 26th, 2016 at 7:07:39 AM permalink
Hi Romes

Thank you for the reply and for the warm welcome to the forums. Let me see if I can figure out how to post a link or a screenshot of the true count conversion matter.

In regards to the dealer BJ bonus -1, I've been monitoring that and it appears to be something that happens intermittently.

I've noticed a few other things that are odd also, so I'll plan to document them in this thread so there is a consolidated list.

I sure hope my amateur (but improving) counting questions are not a waste of everyone's time. :-)
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October 26th, 2016 at 7:35:18 AM permalink
Quote: prozema

...In regards to the dealer BJ bonus -1, I've been monitoring that and it appears to be something that happens intermittently...

The only thing I'd suggest is to make sure you don't have a 10 valued card when this "intermittently" gives the 'bonus' -1... The count might update off your cards and the dealer up card, then if the dealer has BJ it will flip the dealers hole card and update the count. This could give the appearance of a "bonus" -1, but could just be accounting for the dealers hole card. Again, I'm just speculating on something to check.
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October 26th, 2016 at 7:39:57 AM permalink
I appreciate the speculation. I will check and report back here.
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October 26th, 2016 at 9:03:45 AM permalink
Ok I checked it and recorded my screen so I can post it here, but I see that I cannot post links until I get to 20 posts... So off I go... i'll be back. :-)
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October 28th, 2016 at 8:11:06 PM permalink
Hi... I finally got to 20 posts so I can post a link... Check out the video...


1:22 - Running Count = +8.... end of hand before dealer BJ
1:24 - 8, 6 (player) and A (dealer) are dealt... running count still +8
1:27 - dealer hole card K exposed, running count goes to +6... Should be +7

3:50 - Running count = 0... end of hand before dealer BJ
3:52: A, 4 (player) and A (dealer) are dealt... running count -1
3:55: dealer hole card K exposed, running count goes to -3... Should be -2

Am I right or is the counting trainer right?
Last edited by: prozema on Oct 29, 2016
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October 28th, 2016 at 8:12:31 PM permalink
1:15 - Running count +6 / 5.3 decks left should be true count +1, software shows TC of 0
1:40 - Running count of +6 / 5 decks left should be true count +1, software shows TC of 0
Last edited by: prozema on Oct 29, 2016
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October 31st, 2016 at 8:11:47 AM permalink
I'd send a PM to "JB" linking him to this thread. He's the one that programmed the strategy trainer.
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October 31st, 2016 at 1:55:15 PM permalink
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're working on it. I definitely agree that there is something wrong.
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October 31st, 2016 at 5:40:11 PM permalink
Thank you for the reply and for the fantastic web site! I appreciate the acknowledgement... At least I know I'm thinking about things right.

Here is another thing I've noticed:

- the trainer allows me to hit split aces.

Thanks again.
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November 1st, 2016 at 1:12:41 PM permalink
JB reports the problem should be fixed and in testing it I found it treated a blackjack correctly in the running count.

Quote: prozema

Thank you for the reply and for the fantastic web site! I appreciate the acknowledgement... At least I know I'm thinking about things right.

Here is another thing I've noticed:

- the trainer allows me to hit split aces.

Thanks again.

You're quite welcome. Thank you for the kind words. The game defaults to no re-splitting aces. Are you sure that you didn't change that setting under "adjust rules"?
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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November 1st, 2016 at 6:26:39 PM permalink
Hi again. Yes... I am 100% certain I did not adjust the rules. It just happened moments ago and I double checked settings and took screenshots of both the settings and the simulator giving me the option to hit split aces.
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November 2nd, 2016 at 2:26:20 AM permalink
I had recently lots of issues with the game(wrong advices, saying all is 0 ev) but it seems to work correctly now!
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November 3rd, 2016 at 4:26:27 AM permalink
Only used that tool once since I just want to try it. When I used it it seem to be functioning very well. Haven't encountered what you just encounter.
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November 3rd, 2016 at 1:33:15 PM permalink
I get frequently "analysis error" when trying to check for advice(I don't count in realty so I am not familiar with strategy considering counting, only the basic).
Also I think that the true count calculation is wrong. I had count of +10 and less one deck left, and true count was +2 or +3 instead of +10.

And most important: when the dealer gets blackjack(and not me), I win by 3:2! Why it cannot be real?
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November 4th, 2016 at 4:22:01 AM permalink
The bonus -1 on a dealer blackjack seems to be resolved.

That's the main thing...

Some of the other settings are wonky, but if it keeps the running count right it is still a fine training aid.

Some of the other bugs noted are:

True count conversion, which is noted above.
It lets me hit split aces even though the setting is set to no hitting split aces.
One time last night, it let me draw against a dealer blackjack even though peek was set to yes.

I did not check if it pays bets properly or not, but that's an awesome catch... Maybe we need a 'slap the dealer's button? Lol!

Anyway... The one enhancement that would be awesome would be if there was a setting to turn off the little number that adds the card totals for you. It's easier to maintain a running count if you don't need to total your own cards.

Again... Great tool and a million thank yous for fixing the running count and allowing me to practice for free!!!

I love me some Wizard!!!
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