My goal is to have a good time and continue the positive variance from the Vegas trip of last week. Maybe the one and only teliot will chime in on how my threads are disinteresting to mathematicians…?
I wish us all positive variance at the casinos and in life…trip report commences tomorrow.
Quote: sodawatergood luck ace. i'll be in ny for the holiday.
Thanks soda - were you in AC today - any crowds yet?
Quote: aceofspades
My goal is to have a good time and continue the positive variance from the Vegas trip of last week. ]
If you want to hear god laugh, announce your plans.
Looking forward to the reports, looking forward to
them a lot. I'll home at the computer on NYE, waiting
patiently for NYE schaden. Other than what I get from
the morons in Times Square standing in upper teens
temps for hours.
Quote: EvenBobIf you want to hear god laugh, announce your plans.
Looking forward to the reports, looking forward to
them a lot. I'll home at the computer on NYE, waiting
patiently for NYE schaden. Other than what I get from
the morons in Times Square standing in upper teens
temps for hours.
Good thing I'm an atheist
Quote: aceofspadesGood thing I'm an atheist
You're my entertainment on NYE, Ace. It's
all about me, in case you forget.

Sat down at a 6D game 25min (but I played usual black chip)
The shoe started out nicely with a blackjack and 3 double downs in the first half of the shoe…at this point I was up ~700
Then the other half of the shoe dropped and I proceeded to lose 13 hands in a row with my lowest hand total being a 19…
i.e. I was dealt a natural 20 but, alas, the dealer had a blackjack
then I was dealt an Ace, 5 against a dealer 5, I doubled and was dealt a 4…too bad the dealer had a 4 under and drew an Ace for 21
more of the same happened for those 12 hands so I proceeded to switch tables…
I jokingly asked the dealer if he would treat me better than losing 13 hands in a row
Of course, he obliged me by only winning the first 12 hands (wherein, yet again, I had no total less than 18 on all the hands)
I then switched tables again…at this point down 2k
After some back and forth for about 4 shoes, I finally hit a nice run and won all the 2k back (I then took a dinner break)
So, for 2 ½ hours of play time, I am even
Just had dinner—taking a few minutes respite then heading back down to the casino floor.
Trip is Even
Quote: aceofspadesat this point down 2k
This is what I got out of that post: down 2k.
You never let me down, Ace.
Quote: aceofspades
Then the other half of the shoe dropped and I proceeded to lose 13 hands in a row with my lowest hand total being a 19…
Ace.... come on.... I need a math guy to figure out the odds of being dealt a 19 or 20 13 hands in a row, and losing all of them!
I'm guessing out of 13 hands, given they are either 19 or 20, likely you would average 8 20's and 5 19's. So for EACH of your 8 20's the dealer would have needed exactly 21! And for your 5 19's the dealer would need 20 or 21. I don't know how rare what you are claiming is, but before the math guys have at it I'd guess it is less likely than a trillion to one against.
Quote: aceofspades
I jokingly asked the dealer if he would treat me better than losing 13 hands in a row
Of course, he obliged me by only winning the first 12 hands (wherein, yet again, I had no total less than 18 on all the hands)
I'm imagining how you were feeling at this
point. Low, depressed, angry, frustrated.

Quote: SOOPOOQuote: aceofspades
Then the other half of the shoe dropped and I proceeded to lose 13 hands in a row with my lowest hand total being a 19…
Ace.... come on.... I need a math guy to figure out the odds of being dealt a 19 or 20 13 hands in a row, and losing all of them!
I'm guessing out of 13 hands, given they are either 19 or 20, likely you would average 8 20's and 5 19's. So for EACH of your 8 20's the dealer would have needed exactly 21! And for your 5 19's the dealer would need 20 or 21. I don't know how rare what you are claiming is, but before the math guys have at it I'd guess it is less likely than a trillion to one against.
If I had access to the surveillance tape, I would gladly share it — I believe I had 9 19's and 4 20's (and I never said these were natural 19's and 20's - there were a lot of small cards that made those up)
Also, it is not all that uncommon to lose with 19's and 20's — happens on a minute by minute basis to a lot of people I see
I started even and quickly got down 500.
First hand of the shoe I was dealt 8,8 versus dealer 8
I split and received a 9 on the first 8 for 17 and a 10 on the second 8 for an 18
Dealer flips over an Ace YUCK
Second hand of the shoe I was dealt a 5,6 versus dealer 10
I doubled and dealt a 7 for 18
Dealer turns over a 3 for 13 then draws a 6 for 19
(see I keep losing by one with good hands (yes yes I know 18 is not really a gooooood hand but it is not bad)
By the end of the shoe I Was down 800
Took a mini-break to watch some friends play at a 25 table…mid-shoe a well-dressed but obviously three sheets to the wind guy (who looked like "The Most Interesting Man in the World") slams about 400 in greens onto the table and points his finger at the dealer and says to her "YOU'RE MINE!!!" - he proceeded to throw up a mess a greens totaling about 175 on the first hand and wins—he then drops down to one green and wins—then up to 4 greens and wins—the dealer then gets a blackjack with this guy having 3 greens up—he becomes irate and screams that he "can't take it anymore" while grabbing all his chips and storming off…an interesting diversion to say the least
I sat down for another shoe at a 100min. table…things were nice from the start
1st hand blackjack
2nd hand blackjack
hands 3 through ½ shoe were back and forth but by this time I had the 800 I was down back on my side of the table…
I then got into a a couple of hands in my favor:
3,3 versus dealer 5…split the 3's
first 3 got a 4 then dealt a 9 for a 16
second 3 I got an 8 dealt a 6 for a 17
dealer had 5, flips over a 10 then busts with a King
By the end of the shoe I was up 500
Trip is +500
Time for bed
Sweet dreams
Quote: IbeatyouracesNot blackjack, but one day long ago playing Caribbean Stud, I had trips 8 times that day and all 8 straight up lost to a higher three of a kind or better.
A woman at the next table lost 25 hands in a row at her table! The agony in her voice sounded like something out of the Pit of Despair
Quote: aceofspadesA woman at the next table lost 25 hands in a row at her table!
Your stories, Ace, have me writhing in delight. The
masochism of it, the sitting there losing hand after
hand. Surely you felt a twinge of 'better her than me.'
I know you're a lawyer and lawyers are devoid of
most human emotions, but c'mon..

Quote: EvenBobYour stories, Ace, have me writhing in delight. The
masochism of it, the sitting there losing hand after
hand. Surely you felt a twinge of 'better her than me.'
I know you're a lawyer and lawyers are devoid of
most human emotions, but c'mon.. was not better her than me--I had lost the same.number of hands...just at 2 tables instead of 1
Quote: aceofspades was not better her than me--I had lost the same.number of hands...just at 2 tables instead of 1
Yes, but now it was happening to HER, not you! And
it could have been you at that table.
*Raises eyebrows * that's what happens when you hit hard 20's I guess. Unless you witnessed every hand and counted them, I'm not buying it.Quote: aceofspadesA woman at the next table lost 25 hands in a row at her table! The agony in her voice sounded like something out of the Pit of Despair
I have been playing since the 90's and I have never seen such an event on Blackjack or any game. I would love for someone to take a pic of a score board that has 25 losers or winners, close to even money events come up.
Quote: aceofspadesOK - all checked in and just had dinner - but, prior to that I played for about 2 ½ hours.
Sat down at a 6D game 25min (but I played usual black chip)
The shoe started out nicely with a blackjack and 3 double downs in the first half of the shoe…at this point I was up ~700
Then the other half of the shoe dropped and I proceeded to lose 13 hands in a row with my lowest hand total being a 19…
i.e. I was dealt a natural 20 but, alas, the dealer had a blackjack
then I was dealt an Ace, 5 against a dealer 5, I doubled and was dealt a 4…too bad the dealer had a 4 under and drew an Ace for 21
more of the same happened for those 12 hands so I proceeded to switch tables…
I jokingly asked the dealer if he would treat me better than losing 13 hands in a row
Of course, he obliged me by only winning the first 12 hands (wherein, yet again, I had no total less than 18 on all the hands)
I then switched tables again…at this point down 2k
After some back and forth for about 4 shoes, I finally hit a nice run and won all the 2k back (I then took a dinner break)
So, for 2 ½ hours of play time, I am even
Just had dinner—taking a few minutes respite then heading back down to the casino floor.
Trip is Even
Good news! You didn't lose 13 hands in a row. You pushed the ace,5 double. Ask for your money back.
Quote: 1BBQuote: aceofspadesOK - all checked in and just had dinner - but, prior to that I played for about 2 ½ hours.
Sat down at a 6D game 25min (but I played usual black chip)
Lol thanks 1BB
The shoe started out nicely with a blackjack and 3 double downs in the first half of the shoe…at this point I was up ~700
Then the other half of the shoe dropped and I proceeded to lose 13 hands in a row with my lowest hand total being a 19…
i.e. I was dealt a natural 20 but, alas, the dealer had a blackjack
then I was dealt an Ace, 5 against a dealer 5, I doubled and was dealt a 4…too bad the dealer had a 4 under and drew an Ace for 21
more of the same happened for those 12 hands so I proceeded to switch tables…
I jokingly asked the dealer if he would treat me better than losing 13 hands in a row
Of course, he obliged me by only winning the first 12 hands (wherein, yet again, I had no total less than 18 on all the hands)
I then switched tables again…at this point down 2k
After some back and forth for about 4 shoes, I finally hit a nice run and won all the 2k back (I then took a dinner break)
So, for 2 ½ hours of play time, I am even
Just had dinner—taking a few minutes respite then heading back down to the casino floor.
Trip is Even
Good news! You didn't lose 13 hands in a row. You pushed the ace,5 double. Ask for your money back.
Quote: AxelWolf*Raises eyebrows * that's what happens when you hit hard 20's I guess. Unless you witnessed every hand and counted them, I'm not buying it.
I have been playing since the 90's and I have never seen such an event on Blackjack or any game. I would love for someone to take a pic of a score board that has 25 losers or winners, close to even money events come up.
It is good to have a fellow atheist on the thread!
Had to deal with 3 separate players who hit Hard 14 against 5, Hard 15 against 4, and the best Hard 16 against 3!
These same "experts" would then stand on hard 14-16 against 7 or higher. But alas, they have a "hunch" it's all good!
Sands PA, here I come!!!
Quote: aceofspadesNot going wrll ... updates to follow
You're a tease, Ace. You give and then you take away..
Began the day +500…
Sat down to what I thought would be a leisurely pre-breakfast shoe…
First hand was dealt a 9,9 versus dealer 9…I split and dealt another 9
First 9 dealt a 2, doubled down and dealt an Ace
Second 9 dealt a 10 for 19
Third 9 dealt an 8 for 17
Dealer turned over an Ace for 20
Lost 400 on the first hand
The second hand did not fare much better
Dealt a 6,5 versus dealer 10
Dealt a 7 for 18
Dealer, of course, had a 20
Lost 200 on second hand
I decided to switch tables just because
The first few hands were back and forth, then the dealer's assault on my chip stack began
I had no pat hands - I kept having to take hits and it didn't matter what the dealer had as they were showing an Ace or face every hand
I had lost another 900 this shoe
I switched tables again…this time instead of starting +500 I was negative 1k
Things went from bad to worse as the Speed Count got good but the dealer was the one who ended up with the face cards
Lost 800 this shoe
A buddy of mine sat down and we wished one another luck…
He stayed even for the shoe and I lost another 600
It was round about this time that I thought of Bob sitting gleefully behind his computer screen cheering on the bad luck to others as his New Year joy
The beatings continued over the course of the next three shoes losing another 600 during that time
At this point in the late afternoon I was now down 3k
down…but not out
Sat down ready for bear and began making some key doubles and splits and, within ½ shoe, I had already regained 1k
I took a break for a late lunch (Italian sausage and bread)
Began playing again with a lovely Jamaican woman who informed me she was currently down 15k since Saturday
I wished her well and we began playing
I got two blackjack's out of the gate…won a double…won a split…up and down and back up again and by the end of the shoe I had regained another 1k
Into each life a little rain must fall and the next shoe was not so kind as I lost 500 back
The sun began to shine again as I had a good Speed Count and this time the face cards came my way and I was able to press it
By the end of the shoe I had regained another 2300
So, as I get ready for the gala NYE event…I regained 2800 of the 3k I was down
Trip is now -200
Quote: strictlyAPAny update ace. Hope someone wins I'm stuck over 40k in Vegas already
Get it back strictly
Thanks again for the fun updates.
Quote: aceofspades
At this point in the late afternoon I was now down 3k

Quote: BuzzardAna Cumpanas is in AC wearing a bright orange dress..
The infamous 'lady in red' who ratted out Dillinger.
Quote: BuzzardRight you are Bob. It appears red in the pictures because of the bright lights.
Didn't you date her in the 40's?
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!
Trip is now even
play resumes again in the morning
Quote: PerditionThat's a good way to go into 2014.
Nothing from Ace in 17 hours. This is good news for
somebody. But who?
Quote: BuzzardPerhaps he and Ana went to see Manhattan Melodrama at the movies.
This is pretty odd, nothing for 21 hours. Did he
leave and go home?
Quote: EvenBobThis is pretty odd, nothing for 21 hours. Did he
leave and go home?
Been busy socializing and will update soon
has anybody checked the DC morgue? He'll be
the one in the $2000 suit.. I'd post his pic here
so you can tell if you've seen him, but he hates
it when I do that.
The NYE party was great—they held it in Ovation Hall and the theme was "Winter Wonderland"…everything decorated in white with beautiful table decorations. My parents, some fellow gambler friends and other strangers who then became friends were all at the table.
A poll about something that occurred at the event
Surf and turf followed by chocolate lava cake YUM YUM YUM
There was a champagne toast at midnight as well and a great time was had by all.
Fast Forward to New Years Day:
2014 welcomed me by kicking my ass
Shoe 1:
I lost so fast I almost got whiplash
Negative 1k
Shoe 2:
This one only went half as fast but with similar results
Negative 900
Break time to collect my thoughts and curse EvenBob
Shoe 3:
Does anything go right for me at the game of blackjack?
8,3 double down versus dealer 3...draw the Ace…lose to 17
Split 2,2 versus dealer 6…dealt another 2…re-split…dealt another deuce
(plenty of faces to come)
First 2 draw a 7…double down get another 7 FUN FUN FUN
Second 2 draw a 9…double down get a 4 EVEN MORE FUN
Third 2 draw a 5…hit and get a 9 Ughhhhhhhh
Fourth 2 draw a 3…hit and get a King GREAT, here come the 10's
Of course, with all the low cards out there, the dealer joined in the fun by having a 3 underneath…she then drew a Queen for 18, thereby wiping me out on that hand
I thought the faces would come out in my favor with all the lows and the Speed Count going well so I pressed and, as seemed to be the case in 2014 up until then, the dealer was the only beneficiary of the positive count
I lost 1200 that shoe
At this point in the late afternoon…I was now down 3100
Dinner break/mental health break
Waited for the 8pm shift to begin and began playing again…(continued)
Travel gonna be very messy tonight and most of tomorrow.
Quote: sodawaterAce, I take it you are riding out #WinterStormHercules at the Revel?
Travel gonna be very messy tonight and most of tomorrow.
I left early this morning…I will finish my trip report shortly...
Quote: aceofspades
At this point in the late afternoon…I was now down 3100
This is old news, I have a feeling things got
worse. For me..