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June 23rd, 2022 at 11:37:00 PM permalink
How much do you think your poker image helps you win? The following copyrighted article explains what I think are the ingredients of the most profitable image you can bring to the table.

It's a topic that comes up often. And your thoughts are appreciated.

This article (below) first appeared in Card Player magazine.

When evaluating the importance of poker concepts, there is one that I rate much higher than do many other authorities. That concept deals with the image you present at the poker table and how much it affects what you can expect to win.

Could I be more specific? Sure. I believe that finding and conveying the right image is so important that – right now, as we speak – thousands of players who are capable of making a life-long profit are, instead, broke and miserable. You keep hearing me stress again and again that you need the right kind of image to win big at poker. Here are six elements that should comprise that image:

1. Friendliness. This is incredibly important. Many players think that they can intimidate or irritate their opponents into handing over their stacks of chips. They think they can win just by presenting themselves as angry and rude. While this demeanor may occasionally lure a call, the overall effect is to win less money. Yes, you might sometimes put an opponent on emotional tilt, and, I guess, that is a rational argument in favor of being unfriendly and intimidating.

But, in general, you’ll make more money by being friendly and intimidating, instead. When you are mean-spirited, when you criticize your opponents, when you snarl and snicker, when you badger and berate, you’re making your opponents feel uncomfortable. They will not enjoy losing to you. My teaching has always been that you’ll earn a lot more if your opponents enjoy playing with you. That way losing won’t bother them as much.

So, be friendly. Make the poker experience rewarding for your opponents. If they don’t mind losing to you, they’re more likely to hand over their money and to enter pots against you when you have the edge They’re also more likely to come back and offer you another chance at their money on the days that follow.

Remember, casinos are in the business of making profit. In general, they don’t aggravate their customers into making wagers. Instead, they lure them into making wagers by creating a pleasant experience for gamblers – so that their customers don’t feel the pain of losing as much as they might otherwise.

As a poker player intent on making a profit, you should treat your customers the same way.

2. Playfulness. You need to go one step beyond just being friendly. It’s also important to seem playful. Act as if you’re enjoying the poker experience, too. Show that you don’t mind losing pots to your opponents. Laugh and giggle and have a good time. It’s easy to do if you know you’re going to end up with the money eventually.

3. Recklessness. This is what I mean when I talk about that favorite “wild” image of mine. Although the image may not be one that you’re personally comfortable presenting, you should at least let your play suggest recklessness.
Last edited by: OnceDear on Jun 24, 2022
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June 24th, 2022 at 1:17:51 AM permalink
Quote: AnnaPokerGirl

The following copyrighted article...

This article (below) first appeared in Card Player magazine.

(assuming for a moment that you are not a bot)
You say it's copyrighted. Do you have the copyright owner's ( Mike Caro?) permission to replicate the article here?

If not, then I'll delete your post under rule 2.
"Respect copyright: Don't post entire articles from other sources. If you must quote without permission, do so sparingly, and properly indicate the source."

I see your post as beyond "sparingly"
Last edited by: OnceDear on Jun 24, 2022
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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