Now, for February's drawing it was 1 entry for every jackpot hit in January (1st to 31st). I had 3 in January.
Now, my game of choice at MGM is $1 9/6 DDB. For the first 2 months of this year I have been up and down anywhere from -$7k to +$7.4k swinging back and forth. Before the drawing I was down $5k. So I figured what the hell I would go to the drawing this past Monday night. Not only out of desperation but the fact that they added 10 more prizes of $1,000 in free play in addition to the top 4 prizes of $2,500 to $10,000 in free play. I thought I might have at least a longshot of getting one of the $1,000 prizes.
Well, see for yourself what I won

(The woman was another winner I was talking to, She is not me, or Kentry....I think)
So, after I give them my information they say they will get the free play on the accounts as soon as possible and it is good for 30 days. Well, I knew I had to discuss my options of what to play with my friend Simon23 as of that moment I was fairly excited and thought I may be dreaming all this (well, just for a second :) ).
So, now at this point I go home and start running some simulations on a couple different video poker games to get an idea of what I can expect to get out of the 10k running it thru once. I ran 10 play $1 DDB for 200 hands (200*$50=$10,000 coin in) Lowest I was getting in return was about $7k. From previous experience I knew the possibility of a dealt 4 Aces and a kicker ($20k, but discounted that as I already got one of those in my life and in only 200 draws it seemed unlikely to get another) That leaves a dealt royal for $40k, again in only 200 pulls seems unlikely.
Then I ran several simulations on $.10 6/5 Bonus Poker 100 Play (100*$.50*200=$10,000 coin in). This seemed like a more consistent return. Nothing less than just a hair over $9k with a few just over $10k.
The next day I went back to play another $2k and 5Play $1 DDB and to verify my free play was loaded onto my account. It was.

I figured I would either lose it and be down $7k before doing my free play or hit something nice. Well, the only thing I hit was the inside of the toilet when I went to pee after dropping 2k. I did earn $70 in free play which brought my total to $10,070 in free play.
I now was definitely going to play the crappier game of 6/5 Bonus poker. I know that most people reading this will not agree with my choice but I was now down 7K for the year and If I went to hell on 10 play $1 DDB I could very well not get the 7k return to break even for the year. So I decided to go the safer, albeit less AP'ish, route and go for a much higher chance (at least in my mind) of coming out ahead for the year. Besides, I thought, the top jackpot for both games was the same. $40k for a dealt royal.
I returned Wednesday night with Simon23 in tow to witness my 3rd comeback this year. We went to the 100 play machines, sat down and I inserted $50 cash since I needed to cover the first bet with my own money. That's how free play works there.
I put my card in. Saw the $10,070 in free play and decided to convert $10 more of my point play to free play. Once I did this my free play total went from $10,070 on display to $10 on display. Hmmm...I thought I'll just pull my card out and reinsert it and that should fix the issue. I did just that and the free play now listed as $10,080. Problem solved....or so I thought.
I put my pin number in to activate the free play. It then said something along the lines of "we cannot activate your free play at this time, please try again later" I didn't take a picture of it because at this point I was a bit confused but not upset as I knew I would get to play it off. It might just take a bit longer than I anticipated. I tried two other machines and got the same response.
Cliff note version as this is already a bit long winded.....
After about 30-40 minutes, 2 visits to the rewards desk and getting 6 different employees involved the solution was to knock off a $100 in freeplay off my account to bring it below $10k. Apparently there system can only handle a max of $10k in free play and not a penny more. Once they did that and I played a few hands they added the $100 back on and all was well.
The best dealt hand I got was this...

Oh, and I discovered the max amount of credits that can be on a machine is $10,000. Any win that puts you over will print a ticket out...

Total return on my $10,080 free play plus $20 of my own money (needed to play in increments of $50) was $9962+$327-$50(starting money)=$10,239
So a 96.87% return game turned out to be 101.38% (10,239/10,100) for me. That was with no royal flushes but I did get several dealt trips which seemed to more than make up for that.
Gonna take a break for now and at least enjoy my 3rd comeback for a little while.
Might I ask that you, at your convenience, edit the top photograph further to remove all of the names except for your last name? While unlikely, I wouldn't want any trouble to befall any of those people or for perhaps anyone they wouldn't want to know they came into money to become aware of same as a result of this forum.
Their names were posted in the casino for all the world to see, and besides: all they won was a bit of freeplay.
Quote: MrVWhy delete their names?
Their names were posted in the casino for all the world to see, and besides: all they won was a bit of freeplay.
I don't know that I would consider as much as 5k or 7.5k, 'A bit,' certainly more than, 'A bit,' to some people.
Further, I wouldn't say that the names were posted, 'For all the world to see.' Perhaps for anyone in that general area of the casino to see.
I also note that the OP blacked out his first name in the image, perhaps if not for that, I would be more likely to be swayed by your position.
Quote: Mission146I don't know that I would consider as much as 5k or 7.5k, 'A bit,' certainly more than, 'A bit,' to some people.
Further, I wouldn't say that the names were posted, 'For all the world to see.' Perhaps for anyone in that general area of the casino to see.
I also note that the OP blacked out his first name in the image, perhaps if not for that, I would be more likely to be swayed by your position.
I blacked out my first name since my last name is in my user ID for this forum. I saw no reason to blacken it out. I didn't think of blackening out anyone else's name originally since some people do have the same first and last name. I did blacken out account numbers since those are unique.
Either way I did go ahead and edit it to blacken out enough of the names sufficiently I think.
At least I didn't get banned for a Kentry reference. :)
Quote: SiegfriedRoyDid they make you fill out a W-2 for winning the 10K?
That was the first thing I asked as I handed my players card and ID over to claim the prize.
No W2G is required on free play. I will still factor it in when I do my taxes at the end of the year though. I may be ahead now but a lot can, most definitely will, happen in the next 10 months.
Quote: cmlotitoI blacked out my first name since my last name is in my user ID for this forum. I saw no reason to blacken it out. I didn't think of blackening out anyone else's name originally since some people do have the same first and last name. I did blacken out account numbers since those are unique.
Either way I did go ahead and edit it to blacken out enough of the names sufficiently I think.
At least I didn't get banned for a Kentry reference. :)
Looks great, thank you very much!
I'm just thinking in terms of maybe someone recognizing the background combined with the name, plus a few of those names are pretty unique, especially combined with a casino and the surroundings in the picture. Like I said, it's a long shot, but no reason to take the risk of having an adverse effect on someone.
Congrats on winning the $10k FP. I likely would have done the same thing or played something similar (low variance).
have you gotten an idea where table minimums are settling in after a [no doubt] high beginning level?
Quote: odiousgambithow about a new thread giving some impressions and facts about MGM Nat. H. ?
have you gotten an idea where table minimums are settling in after a [no doubt] high beginning level?
I have been there many times and rarely stop to look at table minimums as I do not play table games anymore.
That being said I have noticed $10 let it ride and $15 BJ during weekdays. All the BJ I saw was 6:5 and Hit on Soft 17. I did ask if they had 3:2 BJ anywhere and was told yes but I did not visually verify that. Weeknights I have seen craps tables $25 and $50 min mostly and BJ was $25 and $ 50 minimums. I did see a former co worker there around 1am on a weeknight and she said she played at a $15 craps table but again, I did not verify that myself. One time I strolled thru the high limit room and was surprised to see a $500 min BJ table. No one was playing and I did not look at the rules. I suppose next time I go I will try to get a more detailed report on minimums and rules.
but why were you so hung up on 100 play? 6/5 bp.. ouch!
aren't there single play machines better than 9/6 ddb at mgm?
thought I saw 9/7/5 db (99.1%)?
Quote: 100xOddscongrats cmlotito!
but why were you so hung up on 100 play? 6/5 bp.. ouch!
aren't there single play machines better than 9/6 ddb at mgm?
thought I saw 9/7/5 db (99.1%)?
Never saw those 9/7/5 machines. Have you seen them yourself or just heard they exist? I did a thorough walk thru the Tuesday after grand opening and best return I found was 9/6 ddb on the hot roll machines. I just play it without the hot roll feature active. And u can play 1 to 10 hands which is nice instead of a set 3 5 or 10 at a time.
But a thief must first have something tangible to steal.
How can a thief steal freeplay?
That's not to say the money won't find its way back to the casino, sooner or later, but is it not reasonable to assert that a low-roller might initially do that?
Again, do I think those names being posted here would result in a problem for those people? Absolutely not. Do I think there is a 1% chance that those names being readily seen here would result in an issue? Nope. However, do I think there is a non-zero chance, do I think that there is any way that this completely preventable thing could conceivably have consequences for one of those people? Yes, I do.
EDIT: I would also ask in what way is the revealing of their full names necessary for the purposes of this thread? It is a thing with potentially non-zero cost and absolutely zero benefit.
That is seriously sweet! Thanks for all the details; always interesting to see what new casinos are offering for promotions.
Quote: Mission146Let's say that, theoretically, you're generally a low-roller who happened to get lucky and catch a jackpot. Let us say that as this theoretical low-roller, you had the good fortune to get one of the higher free play prizes, though obviously not the 10k. Given this unexpected windfall, at least initially, is it not conceivable that the person might run the free play through once and only once and then simply walk away with whatever happens?
That's not to say the money won't find its way back to the casino, sooner or later, but is it not reasonable to assert that a low-roller might initially do that?
Again, do I think those names being posted here would result in a problem for those people? Absolutely not. Do I think there is a 1% chance that those names being readily seen here would result in an issue? Nope. However, do I think there is a non-zero chance, do I think that there is any way that this completely preventable thing could conceivably have consequences for one of those people? Yes, I do.
EDIT: I would also ask in what way is the revealing of their full names necessary for the purposes of this thread? It is a thing with potentially non-zero cost and absolutely zero benefit.
I posted this around 1am and did all the editing of the pics just before that. I think it was a combination of sleepiness and laziness as to why I didn't edit out parts of their names. But if you lived where I live names like Haroon are not that uncommon. The DC area is extremely diverse.
Perhaps you could.Quote: BTLWII bet you can write the casino and get a list of winners. If I write the casino and get the list can I post it on here? IMO they lose protection of anonymity when they show up for a must be present to win drawing like this and where there name is blasted on every screen in the casino and announced on the PA.
Its probably not a big deal, but I think there is a difference posting something online for entire world to see vs it being posted it up in the casino or having to make an effort to find out.
I say, lets not be the ones here on WOV who make it easier than it already is.
It annoys me when casinos do it in a drawing. It should always be players card number only.
Quote: ahiromuI would have played DDB, but I won't fault you for your decision. Congrats.
I see your point but since it was DDB that got me 7k in the hole I wanted to take the safest route to positive territory. Trust me, I won't ever touch 65 Bonus poker again.....unless I win March's drawing too. Lol.
You’re treating this $10K like it’s in a different category from other money. It isn’t. It just goes into the pot. If you never gambled before and never planned to gambled again, I could understand wanting to cash it out as safely as possible. But you’re a regular player.
I don’t know how much you gamble for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me that you play hundreds of thousands of dollars through the machines a year. This particular $10K is just one small part of those hundreds of thousands you recycle through the machine. Treating it as “special” is a not an intelligent way to gamble.
Being down $7K on DDB is just part of that game. It has “heaven or hell” swings. You know that and accept that. The next $10K you play could easily be the “heaven” part of the cycle. You never know until you play. If the swings are too large for your comfort zone or bankroll, play a less volatile game.
Avoiding a terrible pay schedule is intelligent gambling 101. And you just flunked that course. The fact that you got rewarded this time only makes it more likely you’ll make the same mistake in the future. Over time, your results on these machines will come out to be the way they should --- discounted by your accuracy rate. Seeking out bad machines you think are safe will definitely cost you long term.
Quote: BobDancerI know you came out ahead with what you did --- and folks are congratulating you for that --- but I think it was a major mistake playing such a bad game.
You’re treating this $10K like it’s in a different category from other money. It isn’t. It just goes into the pot. If you never gambled before and never planned to gambled again, I could understand wanting to cash it out as safely as possible. But you’re a regular player.
I don’t know how much you gamble for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me that you play hundreds of thousands of dollars through the machines a year. This particular $10K is just one small part of those hundreds of thousands you recycle through the machine. Treating it as “special” is a not an intelligent way to gamble.
Being down $7K on DDB is just part of that game. It has “heaven or hell” swings. You know that and accept that. The next $10K you play could easily be the “heaven” part of the cycle. You never know until you play. If the swings are too large for your comfort zone or bankroll, play a less volatile game.
Avoiding a terrible pay schedule is intelligent gambling 101. And you just flunked that course. The fact that you got rewarded this time only makes it more likely you’ll make the same mistake in the future. Over time, your results on these machines will come out to be the way they should --- discounted by your accuracy rate. Seeking out bad machines you think are safe will definitely cost you long term.
Do you recommend Palms' $1 UX machines instead? <wink wink>
Quote: BobDancerI know you came out ahead with what you did --- and folks are congratulating you for that --- but I think it was a major mistake playing such a bad game.
You’re treating this $10K like it’s in a different category from other money. It isn’t. It just goes into the pot. If you never gambled before and never planned to gambled again, I could understand wanting to cash it out as safely as possible. But you’re a regular player.
I don’t know how much you gamble for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me that you play hundreds of thousands of dollars through the machines a year. This particular $10K is just one small part of those hundreds of thousands you recycle through the machine. Treating it as “special” is a not an intelligent way to gamble.
Being down $7K on DDB is just part of that game. It has “heaven or hell” swings. You know that and accept that. The next $10K you play could easily be the “heaven” part of the cycle. You never know until you play. If the swings are too large for your comfort zone or bankroll, play a less volatile game.
Avoiding a terrible pay schedule is intelligent gambling 101. And you just flunked that course. The fact that you got rewarded this time only makes it more likely you’ll make the same mistake in the future. Over time, your results on these machines will come out to be the way they should --- discounted by your accuracy rate. Seeking out bad machines you think are safe will definitely cost you long term.
I know it is a bad game and no matter how I rationalize it it was a bad decision. However, I was considering the cost of $220 in expected return loss to greatly reduce the risk of a bad swing in variance costing me a few thousand. But again, I know the math is not on my side. Would I choose the 96 ddb if there were a next time? If I were ahead or not too far behind then yes I would choose ddb. Not the intelligent move but I'm not regretting it either.
BTW, I am the player you saw playing QQ at southpoint last year and held 6682 because I had been playing for 12 straight hours and had a brain fart and subtracted instead of added . That was the day you got 20k hit on 4 aces and kicker I believe.
Quote: BobDancerI know you came out ahead with what you did --- and folks are congratulating you for that --- but I think it was a major mistake playing such a bad game.
You’re treating this $10K like it’s in a different category from other money. It isn’t. It just goes into the pot. If you never gambled before and never planned to gambled again, I could understand wanting to cash it out as safely as possible. But you’re a regular player.
I don’t know how much you gamble for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me that you play hundreds of thousands of dollars through the machines a year. This particular $10K is just one small part of those hundreds of thousands you recycle through the machine. Treating it as “special” is a not an intelligent way to gamble.
Being down $7K on DDB is just part of that game. It has “heaven or hell” swings. You know that and accept that. The next $10K you play could easily be the “heaven” part of the cycle. You never know until you play. If the swings are too large for your comfort zone or bankroll, play a less volatile game.
Avoiding a terrible pay schedule is intelligent gambling 101. And you just flunked that course. The fact that you got rewarded this time only makes it more likely you’ll make the same mistake in the future. Over time, your results on these machines will come out to be the way they should --- discounted by your accuracy rate. Seeking out bad machines you think are safe will definitely cost you long term.
I agree with everything you just said but help me out here. I sat next to you at the SouthPoint this last MLK day and noticed you were playing 10 play .25 UX BDLX - 2 machines at a time. As you know, Southpoint has 9/6 DDB UX that returns about .16% higher. Yet there you were plunking away at the BDLX. When I asked you why, you said to me that the volatility is far less. Well for every 100K coin in that day you did, you left ~$160 on the table. CML and I had a long discussion about this very point. I know your circumstances were different but the philosophy of taking less return for lower volatility is still valid, no?
Quote: MoosetonDude it's poor form to out what other members are playing. Although you do have a point.
What he said. You your own plays and pics, but please don't be giving out info on others in public threads. PM this sort of thing or keep it more generic than naming casino, date, denoms, etc. Exception would be at a wov function I can see a recap.
Quote: Simon23When I asked you why, you said to me that the volatility is far less. Well for every 100K coin in that day you did, you left ~$160 on the table. CML and I had a long discussion about this very point. I know your circumstances were different but the philosophy of taking less return for lower volatility is still valid, no?
I understand you broke the rules by pointing out what I was playing. Let’s let that go for now and address your question. But I would appreciate you following the rules in the future. Some of my plays I do NOT wish to be described to the world.
There were three major extenuating circumstances under consideration at the time --- and a couple of others I’m not going to discuss.
1. I was teaching the BPD UX game on March 1, nine days after MLK 2x point day. I had worked out the strategy, but I hadn’t really played it very much. To be an effective teacher I needed some “hands on” experience. Although I had 99%+ of the hands memorized, many of the ones I had to look up that day turned into “things to talk about” during the class. I am serious about being a good teacher.
2. Although it doesn’t have 100%+ games, the South Point advertises more than 10,000 games returning more than 99%. Depending on how you figure, this arguably makes them the loosest overall video poker casino in the world. (If you disagree with that argument, please start another thread --- from which I will abstain. I don’t want this thread to be hijacked by that. And this point is actually just a prologue to the next paragraph, which is my main point here.)
To manage such a loose floor, they keep a close eye on their loosest games --- and they certainly watch my results closely as well. I was dealt a $40,000 royal on DDB QQ and that pay schedule was removed a week later. Although there’s no skill involved in getting a dealt royal, there were a number of players who expressed variations of “Dancer killed the DDB QQ game for all of us.”
Ultimate X has the potential to generate big jackpots. Being dealt aces, with or without a kicker, on DDB UX can get pretty large --- up to $60,000 on the quarter game. Should that happen when I was playing, that game would likely be removed too. BPD UX jackpots top out at $12,000 (other than dealt royals, which is the same for both games.)
Although criticism tends to follow me on occasion (including this one --- although this time the criticism was phrased politely and appeared to be an honest attempt to understand), I would prefer to not be blamed for killing the loosest game in the house.
3. Although there is a percentage difference between the games (the one-strategy versions I use have about a 0.13% difference rather than the 0.16% difference cited --- but the principle still holds) --- coin-in is only one factor. DDB UX generates MANY more W2Gs than BPD UX. Each one takes five or more minutes to pay. Each one generates a $5 tip, at least, from me. Since I was playing a positive game, five or more minutes of not playing costs money as well. And I also suspect that management there looks at the number of W2Gs I get. In the time I could play $100,000 of BPD UX, I would probably get between $90,000 and $95,000 worth of DDB UX coin-in, with $20-$40 of extra tips being paid.
At the same time as the 2x points, in February there were two casino-wide progressives going on. Having your card not active because you’re waiting to be paid for a W2G removes you from having any chance at the progressives. There is a $25 consolation prize if you’re playing when the big progressive is hit, and I could probably talk them into giving that $25 to me if my card was out because of a W2G, I wouldn’t even ask. Between the radio show sponsorship, the classes, and just allowing me to play at all --- I have a good deal there that I don’t take for granted. You never know when asking for a “little favor” could bring it all crashing down.
So those were my major reasons, many of which are not applicable to other players. Although I mentioned variance when I spoke to you on MLK day, that was just a throw-away answer. You certainly aren’t a confidant to me and on that day, time was money.
I didn’t want to spend a lot of time discussing this with you. And I didn’t want to be rude to you either. I hoped my answer would be sufficient to satisfactorily bridge that gap. And it did, for a couple of weeks anyway.
Quote: BobDancerDDB UX generates MANY more W2Gs than BPD UX. Each one takes five or more minutes to pay.
5 minutes would be a miracle at MGM National Harbor. The one time I actually clocked them it took 23:45 just to acknowledge me and another 16 minutes to actually pay me. The reason i clocked them was the previous jackpot i hit a few days earlier i had to flag someone over and that took 15 minutes. It wasn't even a busy either night. The machines I play do not have any music playing while it is locked up. So unless they actually see you waving at them you need to rely on them coming over to you. Or at least bring a friend to go get someone for you.
Quote: Simon23Bob,
I agree with everything you just said but help me out here. I sat next to you at the SouthPoint this last MLK day and noticed you were playing 10 play .25 UX BDLX - 2 machines at a time. As you know, Southpoint has 9/6 DDB UX that returns about .16% higher. Yet there you were plunking away at the BDLX. When I asked you why, you said to me that the volatility is far less. Well for every 100K coin in that day you did, you left ~$160 on the table. CML and I had a long discussion about this very point. I know your circumstances were different but the philosophy of taking less return for lower volatility is still valid, no?
If I remember right there's only 2 of those machines. Double point days usually consist of the big bankroll APs, small bankroll shot takers, and clueless people who play 5 coins especially when I want a seat
Quote: cmlotito5 minutes would be a miracle at MGM National Harbor. The one time I actually clocked them it took 23:45 just to acknowledge me and another 16 minutes to actually pay me. ... So unless they actually see you waving at them you need to rely on them coming over to you.
Say what?? And MGM National Harbor just opened (supposedly with all the newest technology)?? I'm aghast!!
Best I can tell, all Gulfcoast Mississippi casinos -- old and new -- have floor staff fixed up with electronic devices. When you press the Service button, it alerts all the floor staff, not just the person serving your part of the floor. I know this is true for the IP Casino, because the person who showed up apologized for keeping me waiting, but it was only a few extra minutes. She came when she realized the person responsible where I was located was involved in a complex payout, and she didn't want to keep me waiting. But, I never wait very long when I summon assistance, even on busy nights.
Yech! Is National Harbor trying to copy Las Vegas casinos, or what?
Quote: djatcIf I remember right there's only 2 of those machines. Double point days usually consist of the big bankroll APs, small bankroll shot takers, and clueless people who play 5 coins especially when I want a seat
Not sure about your categories.
But I am sure that when there are only a few machines yielding among the highest returns in the entire casino, during promotions you better have a "Plan B" concerning which machines you are willing to play. It's a simple case of "more dogs than bones," however you choose to categorize those "dogs."
You can feel bad about not getting your favorite machine if that will make you feel better. I'm pretty sure if you showed up six hours before the promotion started, you would have gotten a machine at some point during those six hours. Then it was yours for as long as you wanted. Should you not wish to show up that early, it's hit or miss. And if you DO get a machine during the promotion, it's clearly (according to your own words) because you're a big bankroll AP, small bankroll shot taker, or just a clueless person.
Which is it?
Quote: BobDancerYou can feel bad about not getting your favorite machine if that will make you feel better.
This may win the award for most perplexing sentence. . .
Always believe Expected Value is Value
Quote: BobDancerNot sure about your categories.
But I am sure that when there are only a few machines yielding among the highest returns in the entire casino, during promotions you better have a "Plan B" concerning which machines you are willing to play. It's a simple case of "more dogs than bones," however you choose to categorize those "dogs."
You can feel bad about not getting your favorite machine if that will make you feel better. I'm pretty sure if you showed up six hours before the promotion started, you would have gotten a machine at some point during those six hours. Then it was yours for as long as you wanted. Should you not wish to show up that early, it's hit or miss. And if you DO get a machine during the promotion, it's clearly (according to your own words) because you're a big bankroll AP, small bankroll shot taker, or just a clueless person.
Which is it?
Huh? You should try re-reading djatc's
Quote: beachbumbabsYou your own plays and pics, but please don't be giving out info on others in public threads. PM this sort of thing or keep it more generic than naming casino, date, denoms, etc. Exception would be at a wov function I can see a recap.
Is this a "new rule" you just made up, or an interpretation of an existing rule?
The only existing rule which might arguably apply would be rule 4: "Respect privacy. Do not post any information about someone else that is intended to be private or quote from private communication."
The problem is, I fail to see how commenting on what someone observed a member doing IN PUBLIC (in this case, playing a particular machine in a casino) would be a violation, as the member playing the machine forfeited any expectation of privacy by playing in public.
Would it apply to craps play, or only so-called AP games?
Quote: BobDancerNot sure about your categories.
But I am sure that when there are only a few machines yielding among the highest returns in the entire casino, during promotions you better have a "Plan B" concerning which machines you are willing to play. It's a simple case of "more dogs than bones," however you choose to categorize those "dogs."
You can feel bad about not getting your favorite machine if that will make you feel better. I'm pretty sure if you showed up six hours before the promotion started, you would have gotten a machine at some point during those six hours. Then it was yours for as long as you wanted. Should you not wish to show up that early, it's hit or miss. And if you DO get a machine during the promotion, it's clearly (according to your own words) because you're a big bankroll AP, small bankroll shot taker, or just a clueless person.
Which is it?
I don't care either way if I get on or not. Double point days are not really worth the hassle. I usually only do them if I have nothing else going on. I've seen the same faces on them and the one guy I know about plays big all over town.
I am a clueless person with a big bankroll who takes shots obviously. Or a small bankroller who takes shots on clueless machines.
Quote: MrVIs this a "new rule" you just made up, or an interpretation of an existing rule?
The only existing rule which might arguably apply would be rule 4: "Respect privacy. Do not post any information about someone else that is intended to be private or quote from private communication."
The problem is, I fail to see how commenting on what someone observed a member doing IN PUBLIC (in this case, playing a particular machine in a casino) would be a violation, as the member playing the machine forfeited any expectation of privacy by playing in public.
Would it apply to craps play, or only so-called AP games?
It's not a new rule, and I didn't say it was one. I agreed with Mooseton, who said it was poor form, "dude", and it is. Bob is both a member (important point in this) and a public figure, so it makes it more difficult for him to do things in many ways. As an acknowledged expert, people are going to track what he plays in a casino, probably follow him onto a game if they can, ask questions of him, etc.
But he has a right to some expectation of privacy vs. having his play discussed in a public thread here and subsequently (possibly) having a good machine pulled over it, or messing up his relationship with some casino.
Pretty surprising to have at least 2 self-acknowledged AP's, who not so long ago flagged a post listing a play to supress it, chime in favoring a third party outing a play someone else was doing.
Again, if people want to provide details on their own play, I'm not going to suggest they can't. But I strongly discourage detailed public posts on plays you observe from another member. PM them to ask, or at least ask if you can post details about something you saw from them before you post it.