Quote: MDawgUh, weren't you the one who showed up at a WOV social event wearing a mask?
And by rascals at forums, I don't mean just this forum. One such rascal posted at the other forum about letters he wrote to the casinos complaining that as a stockholder he had a right to complain about MDawg's ruining their bottom line, and included a name that he thought was MDawg's.
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Ok fair enough. I don't follow the bozos at that other forum. Too many trolls over there
As for the mask I wore that to the get together and unmasked in front of everyone. That instance was for the entertainment value, not to hide my identity
2) What are the odds of getting a 21 Bank or Player run in a Baccarat shoe?
3) What are the odds of getting a 22 Bank or Player run in a Baccarat shoe?
4) What are the odds of getting one of the above and clearing 7 figures on the run (MDawg has now done this), with the net win for the session being 7 figures.
5) Mikki Mase did in fact win $8.5M or so on one Baccarat shoe, and walked with it all. He first won a few hundred thousand and then lost it all. Pulled a million and with a single $100K chip won 85 chips out of the dealer’s tray for the win.
6) Dana White turned to playing Baccarat after clearing some $23M in a single session. He has tipped females as much as a few hundred K just for cutting a good shoe where he’s won a few million.
Quote: MDawg
6) Dana White turned to playing Baccarat after clearing some $23M in a single session. He has tipped females as much as a few hundred K just for cutting a good shoe where he’s won a few million.
I don't doubt it but he is a huge loser in Vegas casinos. His generosity is legendary and so are his losses.
Quote: Dieter
Whoa, he wins at the DiMaggio?
I had no idea...
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It's just down the road from the Shwynn..

One thing I’ve been wondering about lately. If I cash out say 6000 in chips at one cage using my player card then later cash out say a few grand more without my player card at a different cage (high limit cages lately seem to have a tolerance of about 3000 before requesting a player card or ID), as a known player are they watching the cam and later attaching the full 9000 deposit to me or only the 6000. I assume only the 6000 but I don’t know for sure. Not that it really matters but curious.
Quote: MDawgI can have Wizard verify a slip that verifies via front money verified chip wins about a mill in such deposits. If you know anything about this only verified win chips may be placed on deposit.
One thing I’ve been wondering about lately. If I cash out say 6000 in chips at one cage using my player card then later cash out say a few grand more without my player card at a different cage (high limit cages lately seem to have a tolerance of about 3000 before requesting a player card or ID), as a known player are they watching the cam and later attaching the full 9000 deposit to me or only the 6000. I assume only the 6000 but I don’t know for sure. Not that it really matters but curious.
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Without a paper trail they can't prove it even with a video. At least so I would imagine. A lawyer would say in the video you can't really see what you're doing for sure.
Hundreds or thousands of videos online of actual play.
As for the cage cashing out chips, you'll have to ask someone, maybe yourself, what happens when you cash-out multiple times without your card being checked to over $10K.
I've got a feeling from a recent BJ counter video of the 20-somethings women from Canada that they went over the $10K limit of buy-ins at the table in a single Vegas casino and got trespassed. They already knew from a previous casino visit that day that the casinos don't allow them to buy-in for more than $10K even with a passport, so cashing-out over $10K isn't allowed either.
Dealing with casino checks instead of cash is another option.
Quote: ChumpChangeDark Oz might know if kiosks that cash-out $3K or less keep a record of your Player's Card from the TITOs redeemed and flag you when you hit the $10K limit in a day. Seems slots can do the same if your card is in the machine when you input a wad of hundreds time and time again.
As for the cage cashing out chips, you'll have to ask someone, maybe yourself, what happens when you cash-out multiple times without your card being checked to over $10K.
I've got a feeling from a recent BJ counter video of the 20-somethings women from Canada that they went over the $10K limit of buy-ins at the table in a single Vegas casino and got trespassed. They already knew from a previous casino visit that day that the casinos don't allow them to buy-in for more than $10K even with a passport, so cashing-out over $10K isn't allowed either.
Dealing with casino checks instead of cash is another option.
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I am aware of at least one property where you are tracked at redemption machines cashing out. But this property doesn't know who you are until you then visit a live cashier where for just a simple small cash transaction they ask for ID.
They don't flag players cards through the Tito's (otherwise I wouldn't have an operation. I would be caught cashing out other players cards Tito's.). A lot of players don't even use a card so that's probably why.
The same check for ID would occur if you cash out under $3000 multiple time once you have passed ten grand st the cashier
You will get CTR'd if you WIN more than ten grand but not if you lose more than ten grand so inserting ten grand+ isn't an issue. Just cashing out
I can't speak for all casinos. But the ones I can speak for have been quite consistent with the above.
Quote: darkozYou will get CTR'd if you WIN more than ten grand but not if you lose more than ten grand so inserting ten grand+ isn't an issue. Just cashing out
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How would you know if you got CTR'ed or not? Not like the casino hands you a piece of paper, notwithstanding A.Wolf's asking SiegfriedRoy to show me the money and CTR! to prove a win. Nothing like that happens, the player is not notified and does not receive anything. A CTR or SAR is something the bank or casino files secretly.
The law states that the casino needs to report over > $10K cash input or output in a 24 hour period. For someone playing rated at tables or slots (with a player card) why would the casino skirt the law for input but not output?
Perhaps DRich could comment on this again, as he has before, and stated that the casino does report does CTR all inputs/outputs of over >10K during a 24 hour period, when they are made aware of such. Obviously someone playing unrated unknown to the casino who manages to skirt their awareness of his inputting or outputting the cash is not going to get CTR'ed but why would the casino deliberately violate the law on a known player.
Quote: darkoz
You will get CTR'd if you WIN more than ten grand but not if you lose more than ten grand so inserting ten grand+ isn't an issue. Just cashing out
Just a clarification.
You do not get a CTR for winning no matter how much it is. You get a CTR for cash transactions that total over $10k in a 24 hour period.
Secondly, a CTR is supposed to be filed on you if you put over $10k in a machine but it is hard to track especially when not using a players card. I used to run daily reports and file CTR's for players that put in over $10k in slots using their players card.
But D.Oz's "people" obviously all play with player cards to get the benefits he claims, so why would the casino allow such a rated player to input 10K cash into a machine in one day, and not report it? And how would he even know if CTRs are being filed or not, I have had CTRs filed on me when I've pulled 50-100K cash at once for winnings, and nothing has come of it (sometimes when I do this it is because I decide to use the cash to pay a marker at another resort where I lost a session, and so the CTRs "wash" each other out, with one for output, one for input).
Quote: darkozso inserting ten grand+ isn't an issue. Just cashing out
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Obviously, yes, the casino is supposed to file the CTR if it is aware of over > $10K cash in or out in a 24 hour period, and obviously also this does not always happen, but D.Oz is saying that they simply do not have to do this for the input end of $10K into slot machines - that is obviously wrong.
Quote: DRichI used to run daily reports and file CTR's for players that put in over $10k in slots using their players card.
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Something simple like that that he gets so wrong makes you wonder about what else he doesn't get.