And it shouldn't take a $50,000 wager to do so. In my experience on forums, whenever someone sets condition like that for a wager, they are attempting to set conditions that they believe will not be met.
I said months ago, maybe on another forum before I was re-instated here, maybe MDawg is doing something....I have no idea what, that allows him to play with an advantage and win, as or close to what he claims. My thinking was some sort of a loss rebate. But as MDawg has described his play, he is winning every session, or nearly every session playing a -EV game and that defies math (and logic). Again the onus is on him and not for any wager that likely won't be met.
Otherwise he should just make his claims on some other site where logic and math have long ago been thrown out the window.
That's not really his job or the porpuse of this forum. He presents the mathematics as evidence.Quote: Notboz100Still I think Mike should protect the integrity of this site and either expose this guy or accept what he does is possible. Otherwise the guy is making a mockery of the site.
Whatever the case, from what I know about The Wizard he is not a confrontational person and he likes to see the good in people and take their word on things until that person proves otherwise. I see Mike as a 'why would anyone make up such things?'
I don't think there's a mathematical formula for finding BS, so for those reasons, I actually don't think he would be very good at sniffing out any BS. While I would trust whatever Mike says regarding his impression but I wouldn't rely on just his assessment of the situation since there's just too many tricks, misdirection opportunities and angles left open.
It's been how long now, a few years or more? And the only thing he has come up with is some BIG BET BLUFF with silly conditions. Take note: You'll notice non of those pictures ever show any actual bets being paid. I believe I even offered to spring for a spy pen so he could record a session of his big action. He had some excuse about the casino not allowing video. As if they would know. He wouldn't have to post the video. That could be something Mike and or someone else could view and assess privately.
Perhaps Dawg is clever enough (I never said he isn't smart or clever, I believe he is a smart guy) to know that if he were to actually prove he is a high roller that there wouldn't be any controversy, therefore, someone like myself and others would basically ignore him. If it's found out he is just making stuff up, I don't need to explain how that turns out. As long as there's any doubt either way(even if it's just a few people) it keeps him alive for whatever his game is.
Believe whatever you want, but trust me, something isn't right.
Few things have become apparent here. One is that that both DarkOz and AxelWolf know almost nothing about the way resorts and casinos work. That both would think it possible to change whatever the hotels and casino marketing show in their computers and get vast numbers of human beings across three resorts to report data that does not reflect what is actually going on, just should make anyone who knows anything shake his head in wondering why anyone should take either of these guys seriously about anything they have to say. So we go from one hotel to another and some front desk staff prints out my folio and it shows that everything was comp'ed and AxelWolf seriously thinks that this was all wiped out, something like fifty grand in room food beverage and spa comp'ed, just so that I might be able to win a wager. So we go from one casino host to another and different staff verify the play over the course of six solid weeks, close to a hundred hours of play at a very high average bet, and verify the wins and DarkOz thinks that this was all a result of dozens of casino staff changing things over a period of weeks just to help out one guy with an internet forum bet. So a casino is going to give a $1000. shopping spree even though I didn't earn it just for me to win a bet. 🙄 Then again, we're talking about a guy (AxelWolf) who posted that markers with the signature torn out of them haven't been paid back yet. Shows you how many markers he's apparently pulled in his life - zero.
Neither DarkOz nor AxelWolf appear to have played any significant (if any) high end table game action and I'm going to continue to ignore whatever they have to say about this sort of thing . They are in the dark about all of this. In fact, it tends to lead credence to that both are lying about a lot of things if they think that anyone could engineer this level of manipulation of the casino system. Don't liars tend to accuse others of lying? At best, it shows ignorance of the way things work in casinos.
I am still looking for a bettor. AxelWolf continues to run his mouth, but again, if he's so sure that it's not possible for me to be in Vegas now - nearly a month a half and be nicely ahead while playing a very high level and fully comp'ed, then let him put his money where his mouth is, or forever hold his peace. He often claims to have stacks of cash available, let him put up fifty grand, that's not all that much is it, to prove his point? We just got extended a few more days, but I am pretty much at my winning goal for this trip and might not stick around much longer. So if we're going to do this wager let's do it NOW. Part of why we continue to stay is that California is on a pretty serious level of lockdown right now, so we figure, might as well stay here as long as the trip remains cost free, and I keep winning. Is there a risk that I might lose today? Of course! But, given that I've won so consistently not just this trip but for years now, I am confident that whatever I am doing is sustainable.
Additionally, let's see if AxelWolf is even a person of his word.

Quote: AxelWolfBig deal! Ill give you $5,500 and I haven't seen it nor do I know what kind it is.
Your watch is sold Wizard, to AxelWolf. Let me know when this guy pays. Let's start there. Put up or shut up AxelWolf you just bought yourself a watch.
I know that the Wizard will accept that price because his counter to me was below 5500.
Pay him AxelWolf.
Another reason no one is taking the bet is the possibility that once arranged you don’t show up. And the guy is stuck having to sit with Mike with $50k in his pocket wasting time.
You obviously have some rapport with Mike.... why don’t you just invite him to watch you play one of your regular sessions?
I tagged along with Axel on one of his AP plays, and of course without revealing what he was doing, would vouch that he had an advantage over the casino, and a repeatable one at that.
We're talking about a hundred thousand dollars put up by two people. It's not going to be decided based on a piece of paper. We're talking about going to casino staff to verify everything face to face. And we don't have to go to my hosts, we may go to anyone anywhere at any of these resorts. This is a serious matter. Anyway, I'm going back to bed. If someone with some balls and money wants to take up the Wager I'm available later. Everything I have ever posted here is 100% true, including the subject of this wager.
In any case, as far as AxelWolf I doubt it's even going to get so far as his honoring his $5500. offer for the Wizard's watch. AxelWolf will take a powder on that too, I predict.
You know what I'm laughing about right now's not about how AxelWolf wrote a check with his mouth for a watch that I predict he won't cash, but what one of the pit bosses said about me the other day.
She was laughing and saying, "______ every time he puts down a big bet 99% he knows he's going to win...and he does!" Now that's from HER observation. From mine, nothing is ever 99%. But, come to think of it, I do win most of my bigger bets. How else you gonna win? You can't win every bet.
Quote: MDawgSoopoo, I don't want to be out of line, but...get real man.
We're talking about a hundred thousand dollars put up by two people. It's not going to be decided based on a piece of paper. We're talking about going to casino staff to verify everything face to face. And we don't have to go to my hosts, we may go to anyone anywhere at any of these resorts. This is a serious matter. Anyway, I'm going back to bed. If someone with some balls and money wants to take up the Wager I'm available later. Everything I have ever posted here is 100% true, including the subject of this wager.
In any case, as far as AxelWolf I doubt it's even going to get so far as his honoring his $5500. offer for the Wizard's watch. AxelWolf will take a powder on that too, I predict.
I am very interested to see if that watch changes hands!
So it would take you and Wiz an hour or two to prove the veracity of many of your claims. You spend hundreds of hours posting here. Why not just invite Mike, have lunch with him at the casino, shoot the breeze, and end this silly back and forth?
I bought 2 shares of AMZN yesterday, more to be ‘in the game’ than any real other reason. And three different companies that are involved in making robots. Down around 2% in a day already! I had a bond mature.... I need to buy another stock.... what is the MD play of the day?
As far as trading AMZN, I just look for the dip of the day and buy. Yesterday I did one trade 3088 to 3093. I'm not trading as much while in Vegas. On that trade I sold myself short, as usual, but money's money and some of the time it plummets lower after booking the profit, so it's not like anyone has a crystal ball to get the absolute low and high. I'm actually pretty good at getting the lows for the day though, but not the highs.
As you may see TSLA is back around 500. S&P 500 inclusion! I continue to hold my long term shares on that and will not sell them. I'd see TSLA around 600 eventually but it will have ups and downs along the way. Now that TSLA is part of the S&P 500 fund managers MUST buy.
CMG is rebounding, I bot some more of that recently at average 1228, and I have a lot of shares of CMG from years ago at much lower. CMG should be gradually headed back to 1400.
How about that bitcoin? HODL ALL THE WAY. Man, am I glad I have been accumulating and hodling that for so many years. I'm looking for $50,000. minimum on BTC, not today, but sooner than you might think. It's not too late to get in.
In any case, AVOID PENNY STOCKS like the plague. Those are like lottery tickets.
I'm not interesting in taking up my time and potentially uncloaking my anonymity for free. Even fifty grand is too low but it's at least a token receipt. I want someone to put his money where his mouth is - that's the whole point of this Wager. Some of these guys run their mouths but when it comes to actually cashing a check they come up with excuses. I don't really even post my Adventures here anymore they are all at TruePassage as you may see, so truly, I don't care much what naysayers who are scared to put their money where their mouths are think.
Yes let's start with the Wizard's watch. Will AxelWolf carry through on his word, or take a powder?
Mike is holding 8k of mine soo if he feels its a fair deal, then so be it.Quote: MDawgSoopoo, I don't want to be out of line, but...get real man.
We're talking about a hundred thousand dollars put up by two people. It's not going to be decided based on a piece of paper. We're talking about going to casino staff to verify everything face to face. And we don't have to go to my hosts, we may go to anyone anywhere at any of these resorts. This is a serious matter. Anyway, I'm going back to bed. If someone with some balls and money wants to take up the Wager I'm available later. Everything I have ever posted here is 100% true, including the subject of this wager.
In any case, as far as AxelWolf I doubt it's even going to get so far as his honoring his $5500. offer for the Wizard's watch. AxelWolf will take a powder on that too, I predict.
You know what I'm laughing about right now's not about how AxelWolf wrote a check with his mouth for a watch that I predict he won't cash, but what one of the pit bosses said about me the other day.
She was laughing and saying, "______ every time he puts down a big bet 99% he knows he's going to win...and he does!" Now that's from HER observation. From mine, nothing is ever 99%. But, come to think of it, I do win most of my bigger bets. How else you gonna win? You can't win every bet.
I recall your posting once "I wouldn't waste my money on a watch for over 4k even if I had a billion dollars" so if you will indeed now follow through on your 5500 offer, that would mean that MDawg somehow influenced you to get with the program! of fine timepieces. Nice.
Quote: MDawgAxelWolf if you do carry through with your word, please do come back here and post a picture of the watch. I have pictures of it already I am quite familiar with it.
I recall your posting once "I wouldn't waste my money on a watch for over 4k even if I had a billion dollars" so if you will indeed now follow through on your 5500 offer, that would mean that MDawg somehow influenced you to get with the program! of fine timepieces. Nice.
I don't understand what the whole hullabaloo is over a watch.
Does it tell time better?
I would spend money on a lot of things that people find nuts though.
A $1000+ for a 1950' EC comic.
I just paid $2500 for a super 8mm projector completely refurbished.
But a timepiece seems a waste of time (was that punny?)
Please show me where I said that? It was obviously an exaggeration if I did. I would spend money on just about anything I saw as an investment. Im not interested in wearing expensive watches. Most people don't even notice nor can they tell the difference.Quote: MDawgAxelWolf if you do carry through with your word, please do come back here and post a picture of the watch. I have pictures of it already I am quite familiar with it.
I recall your posting once "I wouldn't waste my money on a watch for over 4k even if I had a billion dollars" so if you will indeed now follow through on your 5500 offer, that would mean that MDawg somehow influenced you to get with the program! of fine timepieces. Nice.
Put up or shut it up.
Quote: MDawg
Few things have become apparent here. One is that that both DarkOz and AxelWolf know almost nothing about the way resorts and casinos work. That both would think it possible to change whatever the hotels and casino marketing show in their computers and get vast numbers of human beings across three resorts to report data that does not reflect what is actually going on, just should make anyone who knows anything shake his head in wondering why anyone should take either of these guys seriously about anything they have to say.
Everything you said above, while improbable, is not impossible and yes I make reference to a famous quote.
More to the point, changing what marketing shows in their computers is precisely a common inside job that occurs. Employees have been arrested for such manipulation including the uploading of illegitimate offers.
If I suggested a top casino executive would coordinate with a bartending waitress to steal customers Freeplay would you say the likelihood is very small of that happening?
Guess what, it's happened.
Collusion and casino marketing manipulation is all too easy and many posters on here have seen articles that boggle the mind when it comes to casino inside jobs.
It is apparent to most of the posters here that it is you who don't know how casino marketing works or how it can be manipulated.
Theorem: Eliminating the impossible, whatever is left over, however improbable, has to be the truth.
MDawg beats a -EV game which defies mathematics while getting full RFB but doesn't qualify for any freeplay or promo chips.
MDawg is conspiring with a number of casino employees in a for profit scam including inside manipulation of documents.
Apply the Theorem to the above. I already have!
Quote: MDawg
You know what I'm laughing about right now's not about how AxelWolf wrote a check with his mouth for a watch that I predict he won't cash, but what one of the pit bosses said about me the other day.
She was laughing and saying, "______ every time he puts down a big bet 99% he knows he's going to win...and he does!" Now that's from HER observation. From mine, nothing is ever 99%. But, come to think of it, I do win most of my bigger bets. How else you gonna win? You can't win every bet.
Who cares what a casino employee thinks about your winning or your system? Most casino employees have no idea about how proper gambling works. As a person that has both played lots in casinos, has worked with casino employees for over 20 years, and been a casino dealer I can tell you that very few casino employees understand gambling. Let's just start with most dealers and casino floor people think you should take even money on your blackjacks against and Ace, A terrible idea.
If you are beating the odds that is fantastic, but don't believe that it will contine.
MarcusClark also has a point that few (if any) on here seem to be willing to put their money where their mouth is - that is show up for this Wager and cease to be an anonymous naysayer.
And as far as DarkOz, he speaks only for himself. He knows next to nothing about high end table game play, and just makes himself sound less and less knowledgeable with his posts about bizarre conspiracy theories at the casinos. I mean - let's face it, this is a guy who was duped into buying (according to him) something like seventy grand worth of some crappy penny stock by believing whatever some corporate shysters at a crappy, completely unprofitable, on the verge of bankruptcy company posted in way of press releases.
Getting induced to buy massive shares of ANY penny stock is representative of what - gullibility at its finest, or investing acumen. You tell me.
In any case, show up with some cash DarkOz, and take on the Wager! if you are so sure I could not have won.
The reality is exactly as I posted. I am in Vegas going on six weeks, fully comp'ed, and winning.
And DarkOz keeps repeating over and over about why MDawg didn't get promo chips at the casino he is at. For about the tenth time, the casino I am at has never given promo chips except for tournament wins, until very recently (post coronavirus lockdown). I have not won any tournaments at this casino, hence no promo chips. My play a year ago wasn't quite enough for any chips today. The criteria are pretty strict they are based on a relationship between theoretical loss or actual loss and some other numbers. My play early this year didn't qualify - in prior trips I was going in, playing much less hours, and banging out quick winnings - hence no actual loss, and not much of a theoretical loss - hence, no promo chips today for past play. Based on my play this trip, which is my first trip to Vegas post-coronavirus lockdown, I should receive some promo chips in the future. Have you ever SEEN let alone TOUCHED a table game promo chip DarkOz? Why do you persist in talking about things that you clearly know nothing about. Stick to buying penny stocks, I am sure there are other penny stocks out there for you, so get busy!
Do you have any MONEY bro to back up your mouth? Show up and take the bet. Or, cease with your jealous cavil.
Quote: MDawgNow, is someone going to PUT UP on this wager, or keep mouthing off naysaying coming up with more excuses as to why he's afraid to take the bet.
If no one takes you up on your scam/con will you give up and go away?
For that alone I will turn you down, lol
Again, the last stage of the outed gambling fiction writer is "Send me 50k or you're a chicken bro".
Anyway at least one good thing may come of this - if AxelWolf keeps his word - Wizard will have sold his watch.
Quote: Marcusclark66Almost all of the regular players here with the thousands and thousands of posts are on multiple forums with multiple personalities depending on what the Forum admins and owners will tolerate. It's like a cartoon that's gone wild allowing me to laugh my ass off.
Seriously factual truth.
Quote: MDawgYou just make yourself seem more jealous. Go back to whatever it is you do and think. I know you spend a lot of time trying to figure me out, right down to investigating policies at casinos where you think I am, but you're afraid to put your money where your big mouth is. And nobody is SENDING anything anywhere. This is about real men showing up in person, cash in hand.
Anyway at least one good thing may come of this - if AxelWolf keeps his word - Wizard will have sold his watch.
Hmmm, wouldn't the money be put into some type of escrow account?
If the wager requires showing up with fifty grand in cash and only cash then the con/hustle could simply be getting robbed by three ahem "strangers" who just happened to have advance warning a guy with fifty grand in a suitcase was showing up.
Would not have to even deal with rigging casino employees and internal documents.
"Sorry the wager could not take place but poor person was robbed on way to meetup"
Don't discount every possibility
DarkOz: We'd meet inside the casino in VIP and handle the first leg of the verification inside that casino, then go straight to casino limo to go to the next legs, and also remain inside those two casinos. Anyone who shows up with fifty grand cash is probably not going to be a thief, and he'll be known to the Wizard I assume.
I dunno, I mean this trip I've carried around a good sum of cash at times and tons of chips at times, but it's not like I'm straying outside. I stay inside the casino for the most part. Inside the casino is pretty damn safe. I'll admit there are times I've toyed with the idea of hiring someone but, really, it isn't necessary. Stay inside, and you've got an army protecting you, basically.
Quote: DRichWho cares what a casino employee thinks about your winning or your system? Most casino employees have no idea about how proper gambling works. As a person that has both played lots in casinos, has worked with casino employees for over 20 years, and been a casino dealer I can tell you that very few casino employees understand gambling. Let's just start with most dealers and casino floor people think you should take even money on your blackjacks against and Ace, A terrible idea.
If you are beating the odds that is fantastic, but don't believe that it will contine.
Intrinsically - of course, true! as far as that the casino employees don't necessarily know anything.
But, how many times is the pit boss watching some guy on a roll winning every bet and knows clear as day that the guy is poised to empty the rack, but the player himself is oblivious just pushing out black chips when he should be pressing purples and yellows. It's not necessarily scientific, but believe me, sometimes the observer sees what is happening more clearly than the participant.
I'll be back online later to see what transpires here.
That two million -- in a bag in your room. I'm going in to take a nap -- when I wake, if the money's on the table, I'll know I have a partner -- if it's not, I'll know I don't.
Quote: sabreA person who puts up this much time and energy into a fake persona is certainly capable of orchestrating a robbery.
Banks won't let you get away with $50K unless you're armed or a millionaire.
Quote: ChumpChangeBanks won't let you get away with $50K unless you're armed or a millionaire.
What? Are you saying that banks won't allow people to withdraw $50k if they have it? I have done it and I wasn't armed or a millionaire.
I'm available for the bettor rest of the day. The Wizard told me he has not received a PM from any potential bettor yet.
Quote: MDawgPlayed just one shoe / won 4K was about as easy as could be. Wasn't even betting much today.
I'm available for the bettor rest of the day. The Wizard told me he has not received a PM from any potential bettor yet.
Hey Big Dog you're wasting your time, better you go get some junk food and pig out somewhere you'll be gaining a better experience.
No one's going to take you up on your bet because they already know it's a sure loss for themselves. But they will talk a good story in their favor.
Keep up the good work I admire you. I have no problem admitting it and thanks for all the advice and the information you were so unselfish in sharing. You're the best.
The host occasionally reminds me that if I hadn't lost that day I'd be up way over a hundred thousand now. But, would I? I mean maybe I'd be no further ahead than I am now, which is plus over fifty K now. After I lost that day I was determined to win it all back - to get back to as far ahead over all as I was before the dump - gradually, and I did! Also, if I hadn't lost that day I would not have gone across the street and won really big. My single biggest winning session this entire trip was across the street after losing here. Imagine how that casino feels - I show up for three hours, clock them for over $30K, leave, and have not returned since. Not that a casino "feels" anything, but it's a nice thought.
Still, at no point have I been negative. Even at the end of that one day I was still ahead for the trip.
Today was really easy, I had a shoe with a 13 bank run. I got on it a bit late - on hand four - but I stayed on it after that to the end. What's interesting is that give me a 13 bank run when I am down a fair amount and trying to catch up and I might win, easily, twenty, thirty grand (these days, the way I play), and even a hundred grand, or more (the way I used to play, harder, in the old days). Give me a thirteen bank run when I am just a little down for the session such as today, or not down at all, and I'll make only say five or six grand on the run. On this run I actually reversed my press after about four or five (winning) hands because I didn't think it would keep going. But I stayed on the bank to the end. Just - sometimes - your luck and your determination to win coincide with a run, and those are the times that the tray empties. Was not the case today, but nevertheless, an easy 4K net win on one shoe.
The pit boss pointed out that he was impressed that I got on the bank run and stayed on it even after missing the first few hands. "Most people would have just free-handed it after that and then been afraid that it was going to end, and stayed out entirely." Not me, give me any run (or chop, or any discernible pattern really) of four or more and I always make money on it.
Anyway, once we leave this third resort I will post all details as to this leg of the trip at the TruePassage forum as I've been keeping a daily log.
MarcusClark: that is EXACTLY what I did. I went out to get a few things I needed and brought us back two authentic Mexican burritos, fries, Nopal, peppers, etc. Not exactly junk food but not resort food either. Sometimes you want a break from the resort food.
At least it "seems to be".Quote: Marcusclark66Axel guy seems to run his mouth with all sorts of claims all the time LOL.
Put up or shut it up.
Put up or shut up about what? What's the offer/bet? I'm not willing to make -EV bets unless I believe I have an advantage on what seems to be some type of scam. Im willing to bet he doesn't show up with 50k and put it in action betting sizable bets over many hands.
He has had ample time to meet with someone, anyone known from the forum(years) but he hasn't even accomplished that.
Please elaborate when you say I have been running my mouth.
I highly suggest you go back and read all his unbelievable claims.
And what's just as interesting is you posted up this.Quote: Marcusclark66Hey Big Dog you're wasting your time, better you go get some junk food and pig out somewhere you'll be gaining a better experience.
No one's going to take you up on your bet because they already know it's a sure loss for themselves. But they will talk a good story in their favor.
Keep up the good work I admire you. I have no problem admitting it and thanks for all the advice and the information you were so unselfish in sharing. You're the best.
And this.
Quote: AxelWolf
1) Please elaborate when you say I have been running my mouth.
2) I highly suggest you go back and read all his unbelievable claims.
1) Exactly what you are doing.
2) I did andI seen plenty of visual proof and statements that make sense rather than all the slang, one liners, unfounded accusations and name calling.
For me, the very first part of that is the math. Does this claim defy the math? That is a very low bar to clear. And once that bar is cleared you move on to credibility. MDawgs claim, AS HE STATES IT, doesn't not clear the low bar of the math (Longterm winning playing -EV), UNLESS THERE IS SOMETHING HE HAS NOT SHARED. And when that occurs I think people, AP's and others have not only a right, but a responsibility to call them out. What your claiming defies the math. Boom.
Now nobody is required to prove anything. But anyone who starts making claims that defy the math and yeah, the Onus is on you to explain.
I mean really this quote by Axelwolf, is all that need be said (about so many situations and claims that defy math and reality).
Quote: AxelWolf
Believe whatever you want, but trust me, something isn't right.
Quote: ChumpChangeSounds like the profitable vacation at the casino I need.
How come nobody has contacted the Wizard, deposited their money with him and challenged the big dog and taken his money with ease, enjoying such a profitable vacation like you mentioned??
I seriously wonder that exact thing!

Well spoken. Well said MarcusClark.
I'd just add that you have those who run a few words and those who run more than a few words, but it's still all running!

Money talks...B.S. walks.
Speaking of money, here are the current contents of the Winner's Envelope, not including about $25K in uncashed Winner's chips, the combined total being over fifty grand.

I'm still here in Vegas ready to put up $50K (minimum) of my cash against yours if any one of you is so certain that any of what I claim is untrue. That's my money - versus your B.S. My money will win.
Quote: MDawgThat's my money - versus your B.S. My money will win.
One month ago:
Quote: darkozPretty easy to spew BS isn't it?
Quote: WizardPersonal insult, masked profanity -- 3-day suspension.
What is the standard here?
Quote: darkozOne month ago:
What is the standard here?
If you look back at your post DarkOz you will find that the four letters (starting with the letter "s") for which you were suspended from your October 23rd post - the masked profanity - were not the two letters you are trying to claim were at issue. Also, your entire post was directed at one specific person, and you went on and on as you usually do when you lose control, with a litanous (I just made up that word, but I think it fits) harangue of rather insulting terms and mixed metaphors trying to demean the guy you disagreed with. Way out of line for WOV.
In my case, I'm using a well known expression, and referring in general to anyone who gainsays the great MDawg's claims without being willing to put up his money to back up his mouth. And I'm not trying to demean anyone - just pointing out that no one seems willing to put his money where his mouth is.
Are you done hijacking my thread? If you wish to complain further about your past suspension I have provided the link to it, please continue your misguided gripe in that thread.
Nobody in the history of gambling has won 99% of their Baccarat sessions. That's the cake. The not knowing how mailers, or comps, or hosts work is just icing.