If you want to beat baccarat? You HAVE to use flat betting. I have created something that is quite remarkable. It's hard to explain, but, the only way I can explain it, is that I am basically, fighting fire with fire. Baccarat is totally random. And, in that randomness, you have less than a 50% chance of hitting banker or player, over the long run. You have a better chance of hitting head or tails 50% of the time over the long run when you flip a coin. This is true because of the way baccarat is designed. Even 50/50, can't be beaten by progressions. HOWEVER.......baccarat uses cards. Cards, since they have a declining element, cannot be 100% random. Being that there are certain rules that create certain outcomes (stands, naturals, and then 6 card draws), a truly random element CAN BEAT a pseudo random element. This may not make sense to most, but, this is what I have created with my partner (my wife) to beat baccarat. We have, over the past 8 months, tested and tried a very effective flat betting method that has been generating us 30-80 units a day with a max draw down of 4-5 units at any given time. We've gone through many periods of winning over 20 hands in a row. I have never seen anything like that. And these win streaks are not on streaks of banker of player or chops, or twos, or threes....no, these are just streaks of winning hands period.
What is the secret to our success without giving away the system? Our bet selection is random. Our trigger is random. And our wagers are random. And all three of those change randomly. For random reasons. Nothing we do, has anything to do with banker, player, or the game itself. Yes. 100%, true randomness. And we bet every single hand. On paper? We're up over 1000s of units. In real live play? We're up a fortune. I'm not here to give away my system, sell my system,...I'm only here to share an experience to encourage certain things and share advice.
First, STAY RANDOM. Don't fall prey to patterns, simple triggers, banker/player tracking.
Second, don't ever use progressions. If you have to use a progression? Your system is a losing system.
Third, if you have to use "triggers" that make you wait for certain "conditions"? Then your system is a loser. You have to be able to bet on every single hand. This way? Your system will face all hand combinations.
Fourth, which is the most important one, TEST YOUR METHOD THOROUGHLY. Just because you beat a few hundred shoes that you recorded from your local casino, does not mean your system is a winner. Test your method against a simulator. A real baccarat random (rng) simulator. If your system, cannot stay positive, winning over 1000 units, flat betting, against a simulator? Then it will not work. Please people....this is VERY important advice. Too many times, people are in such a rush to use a system that has won fairly often enough in the casino. Listen to me when I say this......even if your system beats the casino shoes for a whole year....they can still lose. Here's why. Random results, force your "system" to face more combinations, much sooner. It's like, putting the house edge in your face all the time. You can be in the casino, and not see enough hand combinations to really see the randomness of the game and the winning rate of the house edge for a long time. Due to weak shuffles, overlaps/clumps in the cards, ..etc. etc. This never happens with simulations. Simulations are harder to beat than live cards because they pit you up against the long term odds much more sooner than live cards. So please, test your method THOROUGHLY against simulations for a long time. And set a number. If your system can BEAT a random baccarat simulator and put you in the positive 1000 or more units? Flat betting? Then you have beaten baccarat.
I am willing to answer any questions. I have lost so much money playing baccarat before discovering what I have discovered and I have finally made all of my money back plus TONS more. I want people to win. But, I cannot reveal my system to anyone, for obvious reasons.
Using my advice, anyone can create their own winning system!
Quote: letswin
What is the secret to our success without giving away the system? Our bet selection is random. Our trigger is random. And our wagers are random.
Then you're losing right at the HE. Congrats.
And thanks!
Quote: letswinWhat is HE?
And thanks!
House edge. It;'s an incorrect statement though. You expectation is right at the house edge. However, actual results aren't expectation, as you actually have the results of a play (or series of plays). You can only compare to the expectation at that point and see if you are above or below, how far and whether that it is within the variance expected, given the model of expected bets you are using.
Best of luck.
Great point.
That's I suggest simulators for everyone to use. Don't waste any money until your method is thoroughly tested.
but your system's a losing one.
Quote: AvincowSo basically you created a system based on being random? If your system is truly 'random', then by definition you don't have a system. You are betting randomly! Btw, betting randomly, progressively, or flat betting will get you to the same result in the long run. Please do not be deluded into thinking you have someway beat the casino with your random betting. You have experienced some good variance, and that is it. I have met my fair share of people who have told me they get good hunches to help them beat the casino and win $5000 or some other unrealistic goal. At the end of the night these same people are begging me for gas money. It's one of the reasons I try to avoid making friends with randoms at the casino.
I agree with you that I don't have a system. My system isn't a system, it's more like an approach. A method. A style. The only person that is delusional is the person who has won a few and believe they have a system. Like I said. My method has been tested over 17 hours a day, for about a year against random results and is up over 1000s upon 1000s of units before finally being used lived, flat betting every single hand. That's not just some good variance And, in live play? I've been making about 100 units a day. Max draw down, only 4-5 units. It's not good variance, trust me. Random can beat random, if used properly.
But don't believe me, test the theory yourself. I won't give you my system, but, the idea is sound! Test it! It will blow your mind and change the way people approach gambling forever. If you can beat a simulator, and with stand all of the 5 million or so baccarat combinations? You have beaten the game, not, just created some good variance.
Just think about what I have said. I bet every single hand. That means I am betting 72 hands per shoe, every single shoe. I'm not avoiding anything. I'm not hitting and running. I'm not using a progression. I am flat betting and winning long term. I have beaten the game. Random can beat pseudo random. And I have proven it.
Quote: sc15tl; dr
but your system's a losing one.
Before assuming or casting judgments, test the theory my friend!
Quote: letswinBefore assuming or casting judgments, test the theory my friend!
Test the theory? That random bets of random sizes will lose in a random game? You haven't done anything to alter the house's edge on any one bet. The sum of a string of negative numbers is a negative number.
Quote: letswinWhat is HE? And thanks!
Quote: rdw4potusThe sum of a string of negative numbers is a negative number.
Near the equator that's not true on Tuesdays..
Quote: letswinI agree with you that I don't have a system. My system isn't a system, it's more like an approach. A method. A style.
But don't believe me, test the theory yourself. I won't give you my system, but, the idea is sound! Test it!
So you admit that you don't have a system, but you also state that you are unwilling to share your system? Sounds a bit contradictory to me
Quote: letswin
Just think about what I have said. I bet every single hand. That means I am betting 72 hands per shoe, every single shoe. I'm not avoiding anything. I'm not hitting and running. I'm not using a progression. I am flat betting and winning long term. I have beaten the game. Random can beat pseudo random. And I have proven it.
It sounds like this is your entire 'system'. So you just randomly pick a bet, and flat bet through the entire shoe? Isn't that what most people are doing in the casino? Basically, you try to pick a 'hot' table and then bet. Isn't that what every gambler is trying to do?
All this leaves us with is betting banker or player. I guess you consider this to be the core of your 'system'. I assume this selection is random too...well if you are flipping a coin, picking heads each time or randomly choosing heads/tails will give you same result in the long run.
Quote: rdw4potusTest the theory? That random bets of random sizes will lose in a random game? You haven't done anything to alter the house's edge on any one bet. The sum of a string of negative numbers is a negative number.
No, the betting size stays the same.
However, the bet selections, the triggers, ....all random.
Test it. Before making statements, test it. Instead of staying closed minded, test it. I have been wildly successful. For a very long time. I have no reason to come here and lie to anyone, because I don't want anything from any of you. I just want to help you find a way to win!
Test the theory.
Quote: AvincowSo you admit that you don't have a system, but you also state that you are unwilling to share your system? Sounds a bit contradictory to me
It sounds like this is your entire 'system'. So you just randomly pick a bet, and flat bet through the entire shoe? Isn't that what most people are doing in the casino? Basically, you try to pick a 'hot' table and then bet. Isn't that what every gambler is trying to do?
All this leaves us with is betting banker or player. I guess you consider this to be the core of your 'system'. I assume this selection is random too...well if you are flipping a coin, picking heads each time or randomly choosing heads/tails will give you same result in the long run.
No, I was only agreeing with you. You have a good point about my not even calling what I do a system. A system would suggest a specific conditional thing being done over the course of a certain period of time. Which is not what I do.
I sit at a table, doesn't matter what's going on. And randomly bet, for a random reason, on a random spot. Of course, there is a "method" to it. Which is my secret. However, I don't bet on streaks, or not on streaks. I just bet. I have done things no one else has been able to do. I have a dublinbet account that I grew to over $500k, using the max bet of $1600. I have grown my simulators to exorbitant amounts of money before heading to the casino to play live. And my live play? Has not only generated back the $500k I have lost over the years playing baccarat using losing methods, but MUCH more. I want people to win. Just test the theory before deciding anything! Open your mind, that's all I ask. And try.
Quote: AvincowSo you admit that you don't have a system, but you also state that you are unwilling to share your system? Sounds a bit contradictory to me
It sounds like this is your entire 'system'. So you just randomly pick a bet, and flat bet through the entire shoe? Isn't that what most people are doing in the casino? Basically, you try to pick a 'hot' table and then bet. Isn't that what every gambler is trying to do?
All this leaves us with is betting banker or player. I guess you consider this to be the core of your 'system'. I assume this selection is random too...well if you are flipping a coin, picking heads each time or randomly choosing heads/tails will give you same result in the long run.
Honestly, most people don't do that. Most people bet because of this. Or they bet because of that. Those are not random reasons. They bet for conditional reasons. They either bet on banker. Bet on twos. Bet in chops. Bet on streaks. Bet on player. Bet on card counting. Bet near the end of the shoe. Bet near the beginning of the shoe. Bet after every two players. Bet after every three bankers. Wait for their triggers to "win" before betting. Whatever the case is, they are using conditional reasons to bet, that will LOSE to the house edge. Pit any of those bet selections against a simulator? And it will win and then eventually lose. They will NEVER make 1000 units. Flat betting. EVER.
Using my method? I have made 1000s of units against a simulator.
It cannot work, does not work. If you make random bet
selections against a random game, it cannot change the
house edge by the tiniest amount.
Quote: EvenBobOn gambling forums, we call it 'random against random'.
It cannot work, does not work. If you make random bet
selections against a random game, it cannot change the
house edge by the tiniest amount.
I have to disagree with you due to not only my success on paper and in live play. Perhaps you don't understand the depth of the type of randomness I speak of.
Even just picking banker or player random, is not going to make you win. Why? You will fall prey to one side of the random deviation. And your "random" bets will then fall to the same chops, streaks, three, fours, patterns as banker or player.
Baccarat is pseudo random because it uses cards and a declining element. It can be beaten by TRUE randomness. Again, I'm not asking anyone to believe a word I say, or to risk any of their money on the theory I suggest. I am only sharing my experience, and to give others the opportunity to then have the same success as me....take my advice and test my theory.
You beat a simulator? By the 1000th degree? You have beaten the game!
Quote: letswinBefore assuming or casting judgments, test the theory my friend!
Sure. I'll deal you a baccarat game, you place the bets.
I'll be more than happy to take your money.
Quote: sc15Sure. I'll deal you a baccarat game, you place the bets.
I'll be more than happy to take your money.
I would beat you. Bad idea.
He made pretty much the same thread last month except he was testing his "system" out in an online bac casino and boasted about making $250,000 in play money.
The thread was closed.
Quote: ijksGuys, he's a troll.
He made pretty much the same thread last month except he was testing his "system" out in an online bac casino and boasted about making $250,000 in play money.
The thread was closed.
The thread was closed because I was able to get the advice I was looking for from a member on the forum. So, as it should have been, it was closed by a moderator after I told him, there was no use for it anymore.
If sharing my experiences, looking for advice, AND, now, giving advice, makes me a troll?
Then you're right, I am a troll.
Closed minds, almost never succeed. While all the open minded people, who are willing to at least think outside the box, or step outside the box, leave the closed minded people behind.
Just test the theory. It won't hurt. Really.
Quote: letswinThe thread was closed because I was able to get the advice I was looking for from a member on the forum. So, as it should have been, it was closed by a moderator after I told him, there was no use for it anymore.
If sharing my experiences, looking for advice, AND, now, giving advice, makes me a troll?
Then you're right, I am a troll.
Closed minds, almost never succeed. While all the open minded people, who are willing to at least think outside the box, or step outside the box, leave the closed minded people behind.
Just test the theory. It won't hurt. Really.
Your theory is, bet randomly and flat bet.
You somehow have a "secret" method you can't share.
You want people to test the theory.
So are you saying randomly flat betting will work? Or does it require your "secret" knowledge method to fully work? If the latter, then how can people test your theory if they don't know your secret method?
Quote: JoeSnowYour theory is, bet randomly and flat bet.
You somehow have a "secret" method you can't share.
You want people to test the theory.
So are you saying randomly flat betting will work? Or does it require your "secret" knowledge method to fully work?
Any one can create a method using the theory I have given.

I assume you might use a template and bet according to it every shoe. Also, it would not surprise me if you increase your flat bets after a losing shoe until you recoup losses. There must be more to this.
Many years ago, I was at the Bellagio playing baccarat. There was a guy there with a coin in a cup he would shake the cup flip it on the table. Heads represented bank or player and player the opposite. Anyways, I played a few days with him off and on he left a loser.
Regardless of what you use if it works for you all the more power to you. I would rather see the average person take the casinos money than the casino taking the average persons money.
Take care.
Quote: RouletteProdigyI agree with Joe. You would have to provide more info for this method to be tested. I tried random betting and I came out a loser.
I assume you might use a template and bet according to it every shoe.
Many years ago, I was at the Bellagio playing baccarat. There was a guy there with a coin in a cup he would shake the cup flip it on the table. Heads represented bank or player and player the opposite. Anyways, I played a few days with him off and on he left a loser.
Regardless of what you use if it works for you all the more power to you. I would rather see the average person take the casinos money than the casino taking the average persons money.
Take care.
Don't use a template. A template is too conditional. Too stable. What I mean is, the template is just one side of the random deviation. You need to be able to bet on all sides of the random deviation. One template, and your bets will become "recognized" for lack of a better word.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Quote: letswinSeptember 30th, 2014 at 4:00:07 AM Any of you guys familiar with dublinbet?
It's a live baccarat casino with a live dealer. So the whole thing is live. No simulation. No rng. No online casino game program. Real deck, real dealer, real shoe. So I trust the results, 100%.
The max bet is $1500, the minimum bet is $50. I've seen people in atlantic city turn $10,000 into $100,000. But that's because they could bet a max of $10,000. So all they needed was to win 10 in a row.
The startup bank for dublinbet is $1000. After testing my method out for over 6 years, I've created something that has never been done before. I was able to turn the $1000 startup bank into $250,000. Using 100% flat betting. Max bet is $1500, so there's no way I was using a progression, or just got on a lucky streak. $250,000/$1500 is 166 units!
I have been building that bankroll with this account for months. I said to myself, if I can get over $200,000 flat betting then what I have has beaten the game!
.Quote: beachbumbabsSince you have no further use for this thread, I'm closing it
We can only hope she does the same thing.
IMO you're trying to recruit players to sell something or take a cut.♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
Quote: AxelWolfQuote: letswinSeptember 30th, 2014 at 4:00:07 AM Any of you guys familiar with dublinbet?
It's a live baccarat casino with a live dealer. So the whole thing is live. No simulation. No rng. No online casino game program. Real deck, real dealer, real shoe. So I trust the results, 100%.
The max bet is $1500, the minimum bet is $50. I've seen people in atlantic city turn $10,000 into $100,000. But that's because they could bet a max of $10,000. So all they needed was to win 10 in a row.
The startup bank for dublinbet is $1000. After testing my method out for over 6 years, I've created something that has never been done before. I was able to turn the $1000 startup bank into $250,000. Using 100% flat betting. Max bet is $1500, so there's no way I was using a progression, or just got on a lucky streak. $250,000/$1500 is 166 units!
I have been building that bankroll with this account for months. I said to myself, if I can get over $200,000 flat betting then what I have has beaten the game!
We can only hope she does the same thing.
IMO you're trying to recruit players to sell something or take a cut.
Some of the responses I get here are unbelievable. Like I said, close minded people almost never succeed. Which is why open minded people with ingenuity constantly leave close minded people behind.
I can't believe that you think, based on my posts, that I am interested in anything from anyone other than helping people NOT lose money gambling. I definitely can't believe you think I actually am interested in doing something as pointless as 'recruiting" people for some sort of sale or to get a measly cut of something, when I have been wildly successful with a method of my own that I am not giving away or selling.
Trust me, you will never hear about or ever discover anything even CLOSE to me asking anyone for money, a partnership, an investment, or any type of recruiting. Period.
Quote: MoscaThis system in a nutshell: Get really really good at guessing.
Don't be close minded.
Is that considered random enough?
Quote: letswinDon't be close minded.
Not at all. I'm reducing your words to their essence. Everything you wrote reduces to, "Guess the right sequence of numbers before they happen." If you guess right more than you guess wrong, you win.
Quote: nickolay411so If I carry a 6 sided dice to the baccarat table and before every hand i roll. 1-3 is Banker Bet. 4-6 is Player Bet.
Is that considered random enough?
That's extremely close. But then, if your bets fall prey to a one sided deviation, for instance, your arm getting tired. How truly random your rolls. And also, keep in mind, that you would need to randomly decide (a random trigger) to follow or go against, the out come of your 1-3 banker/4-6 player bet selection.
Quote: MoscaNot at all. I'm reducing your words to their essence. Everything you wrote reduces to, "Guess the right sequence of numbers before they happen." If you guess right more than you guess wrong, you win.
There is a method to my way of play. However,
A person who guesses randomly each hand, has a much better chance of staying ahead more often than a person who uses a conditional system.
say guessing......
If you flipped a coin, that is the way I know where your decision to bet player or dealer or tie
would not be based on something you had done before, otherwise even guessing relies on
what ever data your mind has stored.
Quote: sc15so basically this is a thinly veiled spam message advertising a scam online casino.
If you can show me where I suggested anyone to play at any online casino for any amount of real money. Then it is what you say it is.
I don't play online with real money and I would never suggest for anyone else to do so.
Quote: dicesitteri do have a question.... or more a thought, I don't think it is possible to stay random, or as you
say guessing......
If you flipped a coin, that is the way I know where your decision to bet player or dealer or tie
would not be based on something you had done before, otherwise even guessing relies on
what ever data your mind has stored.
I don't suggest guessing. However, it is true, over the long run, that a person guessing, and I mean truly guessing, with a 100% truly, unbiased guess each and every single hand, with no influence from the previous hand....will stay ahead much longer than a person using a conditional system.
However, my method is not guessing. There are other ways...much more reliable ways, to stay completely random, that is not flipping a coin.
And it sounds like you're trying to advertise dublinbet by mentioning you won 500K there, which is a lie, lol.
Quote: sc15Why are you here advertising on the internet about it instead of sitting at the casino making bank then?
And it sounds like you're trying to advertise dublinbet by mentioning you won 500K there, which is a lie, lol.
Ok. Please, read what I post before responding. Dublinbet offers free play there, where you can bet with free money against their live shoes. It's a really unique way to test your system/systems against live dealt cards. They have a camera showing the cards being dealt, so you at least know your testing is done against real shoes. I would suggest someone to go there to TEST their methods out against live shoes with the FREE money account only. No way would I EVER myself, or suggest for ANYONE to use real money at any online casino.
Second, I have generated $500k in my free money account. At any time, anyone can have the account information and log in and see this for themselves.
Third, I already stated more than once why I'm here. To share my experiences (winning) and to give people who do gamble playing baccarat (and probably lose) information and advice about creating systems and the best theory to apply when creating one.
Taking a day or a few hours out of my time to do this service here? For free? In no way means that any of my claims are bogus, or that I have some sort of alternative motive. I have stated countless times that I am not interested in partners, investments, to sell my system, to recruit anyone. I get it though. To close minded, negative people, it's really hard to believe anyone would do what I'm doing. And perhaps, one day (when you're successful), people such as yourself will reflect on how and why someone such as myself would do what I am doing. I have lost $100,000s of dollars playing baccarat and finally created something that works. Won all my money back plus a fortune more. I would be SELFISH if I wouldn't do what I'm doing.
However, I will never reveal my PERSONAL working method. But, the theory I have given away, is SOUND and will allow ANYONE who puts work into to create a system that works for them and either changes their life for good? Or allows them to at least win back all or at least most, of the money they've lost to casinos!
Possibly? Even stop them from LOSING any money...as I suggest ENDLESS Amounts of testing before EVER betting a real $1.
In no way, do I hope to gain ANYTHING but knowing that I stopped some people from losing money OR? Given some people the knowledge they needed to create a method that works.
Quote: sc15Ok, go win like 100K at a real casino, and show us a picture of the flags that you won.
You do know I am not here to prove that I won money?
I'm not saying your request wouldn't be a fun thing to do, I'm just saying......
Quote: letswinYou do know I am not here to prove that I won money?
I'm not saying your request wouldn't be a fun thing to do, I'm just saying......
Would you be willing to put your randomness "system" up to a challenge where you could win many more times your money if you win??
Quote: Zcore13Would you be willing to put your randomness "system" up to a challenge where you could win many more times your money if you win??
I'll beat any one's baccarat game, results, simulation, ...doesn't matter.
However, I'm not interested in winning any money for it. I would do it simply to show that my theory WORKS.
Quote: letswinI'll beat any one's baccarat game, results, simulation, ...doesn't matter.
However, I'm not interested in winning any money for it. I would do it simply to show that my theory WORKS.
Well, no it really doesn't. But maybe someone on the site could create a simulation for you to show you. And if you would like to wager, even just a small amount for fun I'm pretty sure it would be just that for everyone involved.
Quote: Zcore13Well, no it really doesn't. But maybe someone on the site could create a simulation for you to show you. And if you would like to wager, even just a small amount for fun I'm pretty sure it would be just that for everyone involved.
Ok, I'm game.
May I suggest the radical idea that anybody with any system that "can't be beaten" just use it and make about 100 million from it. If you don't want to be "selfish," then give away 50 million to charity.