Quote: GWAEMaybe because their workers are on strike
Speaking of the strike...here is a quick quiz for you guys:
Who are the strikebreakers currently working as cocktail waitresses?
An answer:
a) good looking dealers,
b) temporary workers hired by Taj among Thousands for job fair for re-opening Showboat,
c) Taj Managers or,
d) cocktail waitresses previously laid off due to the stock crash of 2008.
"b" could be an answer. I don't know for sure because I don't recognize a few new cocktail waitresses who can be ex-Showboat-job-applicants.
Well then I'd prefer not to be referred to as a 'strikebreaker'. But that's just 2F
Quote: WizardofnothingWell the good looking part is not accurate but dealers definitely are waiting on tables for drinks- I also know a couple floor people that are cleaning rooms- the workers from the strike will never be hired back that union is als very weak and it is unskilled labor
the dealers union didn't oppose Taj using them for non-dealer job activities?
if supervisors/pit bosses are cleaning rooms, then the hotel is open???
or does the union not believe that?
Quote: 100xOddsso if the Taj is in such dire straights, then why are they striking?
or does the union not believe that?
Here is a reason: the Union doesn't get what it asks for.
"The workers are seeking reinstatement of health, pension and other benefits eliminated during 2014 bankruptcy proceedings, as well as higher wages. ...., union representatives say."
Off topic - Non Taj stuff
A retiree "Giuseppe" has repeatedly lost all his monthly pension money in slots for years. He still thinks that switching from slots to slots will win back his money. Yo Giuseppe, slots are pre-programmed to win from you about 6%~12%. Switching slots will not help you to overcome the house-edge of 6%~12%.
Here is a report on:
Atlantic City Casino Industry
Casino Win Data
For Calendar Year 2015
Slot Machines
Quote: ArtemisHere is a reason: the Union doesn't get what it asks for.
"The workers are seeking reinstatement of health, pension and other benefits eliminated during 2014 bankruptcy proceedings, as well as higher wages. ...., union representatives say."
ok but if the Taj is in dire financial straights then getting them to give better benefits risks another bankruptcy thus they will be out of jobs.
so why is the Union pushing for it?
Quote: 100xOddsok but if the Taj is in dire financial straights then getting them to give better benefits risks another bankruptcy thus they will be out of jobs.
so why is the Union pushing for it?
Speculation on my part, but if the Union made concessions in order to avoid or emerge from bankruptcy, they should have been made whole as a first order of business. They apparently were not.
As to why, everybody offers the same games, so properties need other reasons to build loyalty. Paying your people well to create a welcoming customer environment, giving extra service with enthusiasm, anticipating and resolving issues, goes further with repeat customers than almost anything else. It's an investment that pays.
Look at Costco vs. Sam's. Southwest vs. Spirit. Even Harrah's pre-CET merger. Many historical examples also of decline when a company goes from valuing employees to counting beans. Eastern Airlines, TWA, United, Delta, Northwest from my personal background, not to mention the contrast between the ATC contracts of 1998 and 2006, respectively.
The value in most businesses is reflected in their service, regardless of the product. And service is dependent upon employees, their attitude, their work ethic, their professionalism. Customers go, and return, where they are treated with respect and friendly service, even when the product is flawed.
Quote: WizardofnothingWell the good looking part is not accurate but dealers definitely are waiting on tables for drinks- I also know a couple floor people that are cleaning rooms- the workers from the strike will never be hired back that union is als very weak and it is unskilled labor
To each his own. I'm confirming that cocktail waitresses (not all) in the grave shift are good looking, i.e., one of them looks like Olivia Newton John

Quote: GWAEOn my way to ac
Hello GWAE, I think I get a very very very small chance to run into you in AC. What will be the odd?...1/100,000?
1. Does everyone in AC set the dice? I play a decent amount of craps in PA and every once in a while I see it. Last night there must have been 10 different people doing it. The funny thing is though; they all thought they had an effect on the next number but none of them were actually betting anything of significance. A few of them weren't even taking odds.
2. I was in the corner near the dealer. He leans over and whispers, "be careful with your chips with a few of these players, they can disappear quickly." In all my time playing I have never heard anything like that from dealers. It's not like I was walking from my chips but I wasnt keeping an eye on them at all times until he said that.
Taj had been the No. 1 casino before Borg opens. Now Borg is No. 1 casino & Taj went belly up. Why? Well... Taj has failed to take care its players. Most of them went over to Borg & made Borg No 1. That's one of the reasons why Borg won about $50,000,000 ~ $70,000,000 per month while Taj won less than $20,000,000.
Taj closed for good this morning @5:59am

That has been the story with the Plaza and the Castle/Marina, too.Originally all those casinos refused to issue player's cards to low and medium level players. Gotta revel in the paradox of a casino that used to brag about its $100 minimums on the craps tables biting the dust, or in this particular case, the sand.Quote: ArtemisTaj has failed to take care its players. Most of them went over to Borg & made Borg No 1. That's one of the reasons why Borg won about $50,000,000 ~ $70,000,000 per month while Taj won less than $20,000,000.
Borg won $ 64,282,241 in Sept while Taj won merely $8,148,839. The Taj strikers really have done some damages financially. That's another reason why Taj went belly up on 10/10.
Quote: ArtemisThe latest winning info is in...
Borg won $ 64,282,241 in Sept while Taj won merely $8,148,839. The Taj strikers really have done some damages financially. That's another reason why Taj went belly up on 10/10.
Actually the strikers said the closing announcement was just a bluff to get them to accept his terms. They read that hand wrong!
Rooms are nicer -
Quote: WizardofnothingTaj didn't loose customers because of how they were treated- To start with the borgata is a million times easier to get to. Second better places to eat and better area of the city-
Rooms are nicer -
that cant be the story.
caesars/ballys, trop, and resorts are still alive. unless all those casinos also have better rooms and were easier to get to than the Taj?
This link provides better winning info for the month of September.
It looks like Trop picks up Taj's players. Trop's winning % went up 8% in Sept. A Trop supervisor confirms that Trop has Taj's database for a while. Trop will honor & match Taj's offers.
Quote: Artemis. Trop will honor & match Taj's offers.
Trop honoring offers? Can't tell if sarcasm or not....they'll probably honor the first one

Quote: ArtemisNo sarcasm, I kid you not. Trop sez it will honor Taj's offers on the billboard. A Trop supervisor also confirms the offer-matchups.
Trop doesn't match caesars or Borgata tier cards. :(
Quote: ArtemisNo sarcasm, I kid you not. Trop sez it will honor Taj's offers on the billboard. A Trop supervisor also confirms the offer-matchups.
Does anybody have any Taj offers left that the Trop could honor?
I stopped getting mailers after they announced they were closing, and can't seem to log in to the Trump One page anymore.
Quote: ArtemisNo sarcasm, I kid you not. Trop sez it will honor Taj's offers on the billboard. A Trop supervisor also confirms the offer-matchups.
Right I believe they're offering it. Just referencing the opinion, expressed by at least one member here, that Trop has a reputation for not honoring their own offers.
When you attend the gathering 10 days from now in AC, make sure you wear a cap & Flash™ Safety Glasses - Clear Lens. I overheard the casino supervisors' conversations. They are talking about taking photos of APs & everything in sight in the Hotel.
Quote: 100xOddsTrop doesn't match caesars or Borgata tier cards. :(
Yes they do. They will take it away if you don't put in a certain amount of play though.
Quote: gamerfreakYes they do. They will take it away if you don't put in a certain amount of play though.
I went there last week and the guy at the rewards booth said no.
(im both diamond and black card)
Quote: 100xOddsI went there last week and the guy at the rewards booth said no.
(im both diamond and black card)
Were you a new played? I tried in August with my diamond and they upgraded me. It was pretty worthless though so you aren't missing much.
Quote: gamerfreakWere you a new played? I tried in August with my diamond and they upgraded me. It was pretty worthless though so you aren't missing much.
the rewards boothling didn't even ask if i already had a Trop card.
he just said no when I asked about matching my diamond/blackcard tier cards.
don't u get a free cruise as Trop Gold?
Quote: 100xOddsdon't u get a free cruise as Trop Gold?
Based on availability*
I haven't been back since August, so I'm assuming availability would be pretty sparse if I tried to book.
They also stipulated that it was a trial membership and I'd have to earn X credits to keep the status.
1) 7 Stars for a $500 tip, &
2) black, diamond, etc... for lesser amount
Of course there are exceptions to the above. I also know a player who got upgraded to a SIGNATURE without tipping because the "top boss" OKed the upgrade.
Quote: ArtemisRecently I took a break from AC and visited NYC. I dropped in Saint Paul's Chapel near the new World Trade Center Tower (Freedom Tower). I paid my respect at the memorials inside of the Chapel. I got all choke up and deeply saddened by what I saw & felt.
Saint Paul's Chapel @ 9/11, 15 years of ago, on the day of WTC bombing.
It's a miracle that Chapel remains intact while the Twin Towers collapses right across the street on 9/11. Only the Almighty knows why. Perhaps He has a special purpose to save the Chapel.
Today the Chapel looks like this:
And the Freedom Tower looks like:
This Tower replaces the collapsed-Twin Towers.
Here are photos of saddening mournful commemoration and things inside the Chapel:
A visitor also got all choked up with tears.
Even NOW, after 15 years since 9/11, National Guardsmen still have patrolled subways & pathways of the new World Trade Center (Freedom Tower).
I guess that guardsmen have strapped on the big guns, Glocks 41 .45 ACP pistols, right?
I'm in the NJ Guard . And, I can't see well enough to say for sure.
But 9mm M9 Berreta is the standard side arm. (Though that my soon change). The Army updates its sidarms very slowly, the .45 1911 was used from 1912-1985, and the M9 was used from 1985-current.
I have never volunteered to be activated for such a detail, but I suppose its possible they may get some kind of Law Enforcement sidearm as oppose to the standard issue. But, generally I would assume M9. Their body armor is highly dated, so I would doubt their unit has any kind of high speed modern equipment....
About 6 months after I posted the above visit of 911 sites, another terrorist had bombed Manhattan and Seaside Park. You, I & many spectators could get killed if he bombed the AC Boardwalk during The Atlantic City Triathlon. Why did the bomber skip AC and choose to bomb Seaside Park instead? I don't know for sure. Perhaps he didn't want to hurt his fellow Muslims who have made a living thru "push carts/rolling chairs"" along the AC Boardwalk. Or perhaps he didn't like all those new cameras installed recently along the Boardwalk. Can you guys figure out why?
Here is a good write up on the bombings:

Quote: ArgentozIt's so awful that people don't value their lives and allow themselves to take the lives of others. I'm so depressed by the accidents in the world, in particular terrorism. It should not besuch way. We should all live in peace.
You can feel a little better in the fact that we live in the most peaceful time in human history.
The Lady of Statue of Liberty sez: ""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
So USA is well known for welcoming the poor, the refugees, & the immigrants who want to come to USA to make a better life and live in peace.
However USA welcomes the wrong immigrant/terrorist: Ahmad Khan Rahami .

He does not thank USA. He bombed USA's 2 cities: Manhattan & Seaside Park.
I strongly believe that Atlantic City guys are really lucky. Ahmad was shot & arrested in Linden, NJ on 9/19/2016 before he could bomb the AC people. See the photo which showed lotsa of people in the last AC Beach Concert on 9/22/2016.