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February 2nd, 2013 at 1:31:28 AM permalink
This is a documentary on the casino, it is pretty sad. If anyone knows the blond prositute who made her first porno in the casino, let me know bc my other casino forum is dieing just to meet her.
I am a robot.
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February 2nd, 2013 at 4:59:47 AM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

This is a documentary on the casino, it is pretty sad. If anyone knows the blond prositute who made her first porno in the casino, let me know bc my other casino forum is dieing just to meet her.

Not if this forum grabs her first for another "challenge." Was that Morgan Freeman at about 12:30 into the video?
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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February 2nd, 2013 at 7:20:51 AM permalink
hey, with rock bottom table limits at least you would be losing money slower.....I'm going
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February 2nd, 2013 at 8:20:40 AM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

This is a documentary on the casino, it is pretty sad. If anyone knows the blond prositute who made her first porno in the casino, let me know bc my other casino forum is dieing just to meet her.

Thanks forsharing this. I never went there, now I didnt need to.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 4th, 2013 at 10:38:27 AM permalink
I still remember the only time I set foot in this casino, in 2006. I talked 2 buddies into walking down there with me at about 2 AM from the ElCo. We played $2 (I think) DD BJ for about an hour, each winning or losing about $20. When we walked up to the cashier to cash out, there was a sign behind the counter that said:


Pennies will only be sold by the roll.

Thank You
The Management

To this day, that sign is a running joke among my group of friends.

After we left, I nearly was run over by a man in a motorized wheelchair when he burst through the side door at the El Cortez onto Fremont Street without looking. I actually had to jump out of the way or I would have been taken down. Definitely one of the most entertaining nights I've ever had in Vegas.
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February 12th, 2013 at 1:17:15 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Not if this forum grabs her first for another "challenge." Was that Morgan Freeman at about 12:30 into the video?

Funny, there is a bit of a resemblance. Have fun with her. We'll just take a photo op and Q&A session after your T&A session is over.
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July 27th, 2013 at 9:55:10 AM permalink
Quote: thegov2k2

I still remember the only time I set foot in this casino, in 2006. I talked 2 buddies into walking down there with me at about 2 AM from the ElCo. We played $2 (I think) DD BJ for about an hour, each winning or losing about $20. When we walked up to the cashier to cash out, there was a sign behind the counter that said:


Pennies will only be sold by the roll.

Thank You
The Management

To this day, that sign is a running joke among my group of friends.

After we left, I nearly was run over by a man in a motorized wheelchair when he burst through the side door at the El Cortez onto Fremont Street without looking. I actually had to jump out of the way or I would have been taken down. Definitely one of the most entertaining nights I've ever had in Vegas.

I laughed my ass off reading this thread. I think my experience at the Western is a little bit different than you kind folk's experience. I hitchhiked into Las Vegas in April of 1992. My last ride picked me up in Kingman and dropped me off at the Showboat. I walked up Boulder which turned into Fremont looking for a place to stash my gear. Do you think they even had one flower bush on that boulevard for me to stash my gear in? Hell no! I threw my gear away. When I got to the Western I thought "what a nice open air joint." I had $300 and change in my pocket. I sat down and played some $1 blackjack. The neighborhood was dangerous even back then. But I was a street thug so I didn't notice. I thought the joint was quite nice. I got a few beers in me and walked on up to the real joints. My $300 disappeared pretty quick. I still had the change. So I went back to the Western where a man's money lasted for a long time. At that point I was homeless in Las Vegas. But so what? I've been homeless in a lot of towns. I was a highly experienced homeless drifter at the ripe old age of 39. I had been back and forth from the outhouse to the penthouse to the outhouse all my life. Homeless in Las Vegas didn't scare me worth a damn.

The Western was the home of buck bingo. It only cost $1 to play bingo. There were five bingo sessions a day. 8, 11, 2, 7 and 9 PM. I didn't know it then but it was the first advantage play I ever worked. There would be 50 or 60 players, all paying $1. You got 2 three-ons and that was it. No one was allowed to buy extra cards. So everyone in the joint was playing with the same number of cards. But the payouts for the session averaged about $120, plus two Jackie Gaughan funbooks. Them funbooks were the nuts. Two breakfasts at the café in the El Cortez, two burgers and fries at the Plaza, and two dinners at Roberta's in the El Cortez.

I met Black Bart at the Western. He was a hard core casino hustler....and a compulsive gambler from hell....just like all the other down and out, loser, no account, broke ass, dumass, scufflin', tweakin', alky, drug addict, mother rapin', father stabbin' assholes that hung out at the Western. I was right at home. Black Bart taught me how to hustle credits. From that point forward it was game on. Backpack Phil told me I needed a load of stamps. "What the hell is that?" I asked. "Go down to the Welfare Office on Eastern and file for good stamps" he said. "Do you think they will give them to me?" I asked back. "Hell, yeah" he said "You're homeless, they have to expedite for you. You'll have a load of stamps in five days. Look, when you file at the Eastern Office, tell them you're camped out behind the Huntridge. If you give them the wrong address they'll send you to a different office. " I went down and filed for food stamps. Five days later I picked up $115 worth of food stamps at a check cashing place on Eastern. When I walked out the door a guy standing there offered me $60 for my load of stamps. I turned him down. You can call me anything but "late for dinner." Once a month I went down and picked up those stamps....and everytime that asshole was standing outside the office trying to buy my stamps.

The Western became my home. Well, not exactly. Center of Operations is more to the point. Me and my broke ass, no account friends. We played five bingo sessions a day. All you needed was $1 to play. Don't have any money to play the next session? Hit the convenience store out back and buy a twenty five cent piece of candy. Hand them a $1 food stamp. Get 75 cents in change. Then hit the convenience store down Fremont Street from the Western. Buy a twenty five cent piece of candy. Hand them a $1 food stamp. Get 75 cents in change. Now you have the money for the next bingo session. If you are out of food stamps then head on up to the Fremont Street casinos and do some credit hustling. It is imperative that you come up with $1 to play the next bingo session at the Western.

Of course, you are going to need accomadations while you are in Vegas. My first accomadations were at the Sleeping In The Weeds Motel. My campsite was on the corner of Bonanza and MLK. How would you kind folks like to make that walk at midnight? You walk up Fremont to Main Street. Hang a right and walk up to Bonanza. Turn left and walk up under the viaduct. Keep walking until you get to MLK. How would you like to be the only honky white boy making that road trip every night? Walking through a sea of drunken black folks when you pass the Moulin Rouge? I did it a thousand times. It helps to have a mean look on your face when you encounter them. Make 'em think you're a crazy bastard and they'll leave you alone.

With your exuberant income from food stamps, credit hustling and your occasional $15 bingo hits you are going to need some sharp threads. There was a Salvation Army Thrift Store underneath the overpass on Main Street. Five bucks for a change of clothes, then walk around the corner to the Bonanza Street Swimming Pool for a shower and a shave, $1.25. And then you are good to go. You look just like a tourist while you are out hustlin' credits.

What? Low on money today? No problem. After the 11 am bingo session, walk down to St. Vincent's for lunch. You've got plenty of time to make it back to the 2 pm bingo session. If you are still hungry, then after the 2 pm session walk over to the Las Vegas Rescue mission for a bowl of beans, milk and bread. They serve at 5 pm everyday. Reservations are not excepted so you have to cue up in the line early if you want to eat then get back to the 7 pm bingo session.

I will tell you more about the good old days and my fabulous, fabulous Fremont Street experience in the next post. But for now I need a drink. I'm headed down to the bar for some booze and music....and maybe a little conversation with my asshole friends. Take care.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 27th, 2013 at 10:24:09 AM permalink
These are great stories. Thank you.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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July 27th, 2013 at 5:24:33 PM permalink
Yes!! I love Mickey's stories. Glad to see he joined here.
$1700, 18, 19, 1920, 40, 60,... :/ Thx 'Do it again'. I'll try
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July 27th, 2013 at 6:13:06 PM permalink
Quote: Mooseton

Yes!! I love Mickey's stories. Glad to see he joined here.

Moose, it's not a story. It's the truth. I was there. I'm drunked up tonight so I won't comment any further. But thank you so much Moose.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 27th, 2013 at 7:30:07 PM permalink
*stomps feet, whistles*

Crack ho's.

We need to hear about the crack ho's.
"What, me worry?"
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July 27th, 2013 at 7:56:47 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Moose, it's not a story. It's the truth. I was there. I'm drunked up tonight so I won't comment any further. But thank you so much Moose.

Who the hell could or would make that up? Great stuff, can't wait for more!
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July 27th, 2013 at 8:57:56 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

Who the hell could or would make that up?

Frank Scoblete for openers. No accusations but you did ask!
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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July 28th, 2013 at 12:59:25 PM permalink
This thread was one of my original ones started 3.5 years ago. The thread outlasted the casino.
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July 28th, 2013 at 2:20:57 PM permalink
Quote: MrV

*stomps feet, whistles*

Crack ho's.

We need to hear about the crack ho's.

Lot's of crack ho's. They hung out in Atomic Liquors....if Joe or Stella weren't there. The Atomic was half a block from the Western. The owners, Joe and Stella Sobchic were devout catholics and didn't tolerate that sort of thing. But their bartenders did. The crack ho's went for about $40 a pop. Jackie Gaughan owned the Ambassador East right across the street from the Atomic. $20 hotel rooms and a bar. Crack Ho's were in there too. A can of beer was 50 cents, well drinks were 75 cents. It was an alky bar from hell.

The Western had $16 hotel rooms in the annex. A room with two single beds so, when we could afford it, two guys would split the cost of the room. The Western didn't have a slot club but if you hit for a $50 jackpot or higher you got a meal comp for two in the café. It was a full course meal that included a drink and dessert. The comps became "blackmarket currency." The floor attendents sold them for two bucks apiece. The café was packed for lunch and dinner everyday....and everyone was using the meal comps. You hardly ever heard the cash register ring. Jackie didn't know it but he was feeding all the down and outers of lower Fremont Street for free.

When I got there in April of 92 the WSOP was going on up at Binion's. Between bingo sessions I would spend time walking through the downtown casinos and stopping in to watch the poker. That's when the lightbulb went off in my head and I told myself I was going to have to learn to play poker. But it's hard to play poker when your bankroll is only 20 or $30. I watched all three days of the final event. Hamid Dastmalchi won it. And a guy named Tuna Lund came in third. I would learn a lot more about Tuna as the years went on. He had a slot team that was nation wide.

By late May it was getting too hot in Vegas. One of the tricks of a homeless drifter is don't get caught where it's too hot or too cold. You have to travel with the seasons. So I hitchhiked north out of Vegas. But I would be right back on lower Fremont Street that coming fall.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 28th, 2013 at 3:31:46 PM permalink
Keep 'em comin', Mickey! I'm lovin' it!
"Poker sure is an easy game to beat if you have the roll to keep rebuying."
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July 29th, 2013 at 4:53:25 AM permalink
Awesome story, this is what makes this site. The true thug lifestyle gotta love it!! I want to hear more of these stories & can you tell you all on this site of you are looking for some fun just travel along with micley you will be delighted, Only way to fly . keep em comin mickey..
Just Me.......
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July 29th, 2013 at 6:32:54 AM permalink
Quote: pacomartin

The thread outlasted the casino.

That would be more remarkable, but for the fact that threads on, oh, Fitzgerald's and Sahara for instance, have also outlasted those casinos ;)
Donald Trump is a fucking criminal
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July 29th, 2013 at 10:39:18 AM permalink
Quote: silicone

Awesome story, this is what makes this site. The true thug lifestyle gotta love it!! I want to hear more of these stories & can you tell you all on this site of you are looking for some fun just travel along with micley you will be delighted, Only way to fly . keep em comin mickey..

Thanks, silicone. 1992 was the watershed year in my life. It was the year that the process began of a high school dropout that didn't even take algebra converting himself from a homeless drifter into a full blown professional gambler. It didn't happen overnight. It took me four long years of learning curve before I threw the sleeping bag away. It all began right down at the Western.

I started out that year with a fairly good job in Dutch Harbor, Alaska loading and off loading ships for $18 an hour. I say fairly good because the town was expensive as hell to live in. In Dutch we sarcastically called a hundred dollar bill a "Dutch Harbor ten." In early April of 92 my father fell dead of a heart attack in Tupelo, Mississippi. I had $1500 to my name and the airlines wanted $1100 for a one way ticket to Memphis. I knew that if I chose to go to my father's funeral it would put me back on the street again. I chose to go. I buried him then hit the Interstate and thumbed to Las Vegas. I had $300 and change on me but I needed to be standing in Seattle with $550 to fly back to Dutch. I figured I would take a shot at the blackjack in Las Vegas to get to the $550. That plan didn't work....I went broke instead. But in hindsight I'm glad I went broke. Because it sent me off on a journey through the heart of the gambling world....the greatest adventure of my lifetime.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 29th, 2013 at 12:49:01 PM permalink
Mickey, you have made only 4 posts to this forum and you are our most interesting contributor.
"Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things." -- Isaac Newton
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July 29th, 2013 at 12:53:00 PM permalink
Last edited by: Tanko on Mar 10, 2016
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July 29th, 2013 at 12:54:34 PM permalink
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July 29th, 2013 at 12:59:58 PM permalink
mickey welcome to WOV. Loved your posts on VPfree2
"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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July 29th, 2013 at 1:46:27 PM permalink
Quote: Tanko

Reminded me of this story:

Tanko, what a coincidence that you would come up with this story. My 1st cousin, Billy Ray Lang, from Tupelo, Mississippi, went to work for
FedEx when the company first started. He was in the first 500 employee's. It must have been 25 years ago that Billy told me the story of Fred Smith and blackjack. He also told me that Fred Smith told him that if he stuck it out with him he would take care of him in the end. Billy opened up a lot of FedEx offices. About 20 years ago he was given the cush job that he wanted, running the FedEx office in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where his wife was from. About five years ago Billy became the longest running employee of FedEx. He just retired a couple of months ago after 40 years.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 30th, 2013 at 2:55:02 AM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Tanko, what a coincidence that you would come up with this story. My 1st cousin, Billy Ray Lang, from Tupelo, Mississippi, went to work for
FedEx when the company first started. He was in the first 500 employee's. It must have been 25 years ago that Billy told me the story of Fred Smith and blackjack. He also told me that Fred Smith told him that if he stuck it out with him he would take care of him in the end. Billy opened up a lot of FedEx offices. About 20 years ago he was given the cush job that he wanted, running the FedEx office in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where his wife was from. About five years ago Billy became the longest running employee of FedEx. He just retired a couple of months ago after 40 years.

Welcome to the board... very interesting stories for sure

speaking of FED EX.... how did your package arrive?
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July 30th, 2013 at 12:04:37 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

mickey welcome to WOV. Loved your posts on VPfree2

Thank you. I thumbed north out of Vegas in late May of 1992. I had been working day labor for a lot of years. I knew where all the good day labor towns were in the northwest. I spent part of the summer in Everett, Washington and then Jackson, Wyoming....working day labor. Then I thumbed over to Rapid City, South Dakota where a guy could get work everyday. Deadwood was just up the road about 30 miles. I thumbed up there one weekend with some money in my pocket. I walked into a place called Big Jake's. There was a poker game going on. I had gotten the poker bug watching the big timers at Binion's during the WSOP. This was the first time I could afford to play the game. "Seat open" the house man said.

I grabbed a seat. They were playing a game called Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo Split (8 or Better). It was a $1 to $5 no ante game with a forced opener of $1. They fleeced me pretty quick. I had absolutely no clue how to play. So I had to thumb back down the hill. That next week, after washing cars or stacking boxes or whatever, I stopped into the Library to see if they had any poker books. This is where my study of gambling first started, in the libraries. I found a book by Oswald Jacoby with a chapter on Seven Stud Split but it was for the no qualifier game. The next weekend I was back up at Deadwood trying to beat the game in Big Jake's. The tips I got from Jacoby helped a little. My money lasted longer but I still got beat in the end. I just couldn't figure it out.

I eventually left Rapid City and wound up in Fort Collins, Colorado. One day after work I hit the library. There on the shelf was a small book called Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo Split 8 or Better written by Andy Nelson. I grabbed the book and found a seat. Within a few minutes I was going "Wow! This book is the nuts!" I ran it over to the copying machine and copied the whole thing. I would be prepared the next time I hit Deadwood. I drifted on into Frisco, Colorado, a high mountain town west of Denver. They had a great day labor office there. And I hit the library there too. I had figured out that under the Dewey Decimal System 795.4 was where the gambling books were. So whatever town I was in I would hit the library, go straight to the gambling books, pull them off the shelf and start reading. Not just poker books but everything, craps, roulette, blackjack, everything.

It was getting late in the summer so I thumbed I-70 to Minturn and jumped on a Southern Pacific grainer for the ride to Helper, Utah. All tramps know about Helper, Utah. They had a mission there that treated you like a king for 3 days. Shower, shave, wash your clothes, three big squares a day. But you get the boot after 3 days. It's the R & R stop on the tramp trail. Three days in Helper then I holed up in Salt Lake City waiting for the weather to break in Las Vegas.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 30th, 2013 at 12:15:19 PM permalink
Quote: JimRockford

Mickey, you have made only 4 posts to this forum and you are our most interesting contributor.

Amen to that! Welcome to the forum Mickey. I hope you'll stick around a while. You should write a book about your stories.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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July 30th, 2013 at 1:04:17 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

If you are out of food stamps then head on up to the Fremont Street casinos and do some credit hustling.

Forgive my ignorance, but I've lived a sheltered life. What is credit hustling?

You sure write well for a dropout/former homeless!
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July 30th, 2013 at 3:54:56 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Amen to that! Welcome to the forum Mickey. I hope you'll stick around a while. You should write a book about your stories.

I concur, I can't believe I'm getting this kind of reading material for free! I wouldn't specifically say, "Most interesting," though. I wouldn't publicly say that about any individual, (and I'm sure you didn't strictly mean that, though I'd hate to put words into your mouth) despite the fact that there is one poster here I enjoy reading more than any other. Nobody will ever get the handle out of me, though!
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July 30th, 2013 at 4:16:33 PM permalink
Quote: jon

You sure write well for a dropout/former homeless!

I noticed that, too. He certainly has a remarkable knack for writing and telling stories.

His stories sort of remind me of this.
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July 30th, 2013 at 4:36:58 PM permalink
Quote: tupp

I noticed that, too. He certainly has a remarkable knack for writing and telling stories.

His stories sort of remind me of this.

Actually it is him if you look at he writers name.
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July 30th, 2013 at 5:48:58 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Amen to that! Welcome to the forum Mickey. I hope you'll stick around a while. You should write a book about your stories.

Thank you so much, Shack. I've read many a biographical sketch of successful professional gamblers. The stories always start out with how much education that person has. A degree in this, a degree in that. I didn't have any of that working for me. I knew that I was unusual in the gambling world. An uneducated person that finds a way to do it. When I began participating in the gambling forums about 7 years ago I made a conscience decision not to lie to the people about my background.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 31st, 2013 at 12:50:38 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Quote: tupp

I noticed that, too. He certainly has a remarkable knack for writing and telling stories.

His stories sort of remind me of this.

Actually it is him if you look at he writers name.

I grieve for Black Bart, I haven't seen him in years. Black Bart was a white man. One of the most compulsive gamblers I've ever met. But still a friend. I miss you, brother. I miss you forever.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 31st, 2013 at 9:12:47 AM permalink
Quote: jon

Forgive my ignorance, but I've lived a sheltered life. What is credit hustling?

You sure write well for a dropout/former homeless!

This was all before TITO. Credit hustling goes by a few different names. Silver mining, seagulling, buffalo hunting. The occupation has been around as long as the machines in Vegas have been there. It's a monument to human fallibility. For whatever reason people walk off from machines leaving credits on them. It takes a practiced eye to spot those machines. But it mainly had to do with buttons being lit. Generally, there are no buttons lit on a machine with no credits on it. But you weren't just looking for a button lit on a machine. People leave money in the coins trays, on the floor, don't forget to check the phone booth. And if the joint has a coin counter then check the pigeon hole down at the bottom of the machine. The coin counter doesn't take dimes so it spits them out down at the pigeon hole. The pigeon holes underneath the bartops are also good.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 31st, 2013 at 10:23:19 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

You should write a book about your stories.

Wiz, I have a lot of stuff documented on my computer. Maybe one of these days I'll publish. I also have some fictional short stories that involve a gambler and how he thinks, the traps he gets himself into, his reaction to being in the trap. If you don't mind, when I get the time I'll put some of these short stories up on Wizard of Vegas. Take care.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 31st, 2013 at 11:00:06 AM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Wiz, I have a lot of stuff documented on my computer. Maybe one of these days I'll publish. I also have some fictional short stories that involve a gambler and how he thinks, the traps he gets himself into, his reaction to being in the trap. If you don't mind, when I get the time I'll put some of these short stories up on Wizard of Vegas. Take care.

You should just start a new topic and post stuff I would love to read anything you got. It's great thanks for sharing this stuff.
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July 31st, 2013 at 3:27:56 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Wiz, I have a lot of stuff documented on my computer. Maybe one of these days I'll publish. I also have some fictional short stories that involve a gambler and how he thinks, the traps he gets himself into, his reaction to being in the trap. If you don't mind, when I get the time I'll put some of these short stories up on Wizard of Vegas. Take care.

I have a section on my Odds site devoted to gambling fiction. The existing submissions are also by a WoV forum member. I'd love to add any of your stories to the list. Feel free to PM me and we can discuss one on one.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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July 31st, 2013 at 4:21:37 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I have a section on my Odds site devoted to gambling fiction. The existing submissions are also by a WoV forum member. I'd love to add any of your stories to the list. Feel free to PM me and we can discuss one on one.

Wiz, I'm ruff, tuff battle man. For 17 years my gambling has paid my bills. I'm 60 years old but gambling pays my bills. While the rest of the folks want to talk about it, I live it. Shack, I'm a ruff tuff gambling man. No other income. Just my gambling earn. I will quit when they shovel dirt on me. Not one day before. Shack, my stories are tough. Thank you so much for your consideration. Always your friend. Take care.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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July 31st, 2013 at 4:24:34 PM permalink
Mickey, do you know the blond prostitute Angel from the documentary I shared in this thread and have any contact info? I know some people from the slot forums who would love to meet and talk to her. She is the one who said she made her first porno in the Western if you watch the video.
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July 31st, 2013 at 4:46:25 PM permalink
Not to take over from Mickie who spent far more time at the Western than me, but my wife and I visited a few years ago and she still wants to kick my ass for it.


Some slot that was like Pitfall where she won $ 60 and had to wait for a hand pay while guys just watched like she had a hand pay. Well actually it was a hand pay.
The lady in the women's room who asked if she could spare a quarter.
The payroll wheel at the entrance with a top prize of $50', but most won a free beer
$1 beers where the bartender could not believe when I gave him a five and told him to keep it
The pimp outside the bathroom who looked just like Huggy Bear complete with cane and Purple hat. Almost a parody.
The look on the PB and dealer when I bet $10 on a hand of BJ.
The look on my wife when I told her the next casino (El Cortez) would be better.


Oh yea my wife just reminded me I told her to hold tight on her camera.
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July 31st, 2013 at 7:08:49 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

Mickey, do you know the blond prostitute Angel from the documentary I shared in this thread and have any contact info?

Not that you asked me, but I think if you got a cheap motel room anywhere on east Fremont street you would come across many others like her. Maybe you cold even track down the original if you bring a screenshot from that movie.
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July 31st, 2013 at 7:51:23 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Not that you asked me, but I think if you got a cheap motel room anywhere on east Fremont street you would come across many others like her. Maybe you cold even track down the original if you bring a screenshot from that movie.

I never met Angel. But in the late nineties, when I was hammering Lake Tahoe I used to go with a girl down at Moonlight Bunney Ranch named Kathie Willets. She was famous for filming her customers. I always looked around the room for hidden cameras before anything got consummated.
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July 31st, 2013 at 8:09:33 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

I used to go with a girl down at Moonlight Bunney Ranch named Kathie Willets.

Did you ever meet Air Force Annie?
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July 31st, 2013 at 9:59:21 PM permalink

What a pleasant surprise to run across your stories in the middle of this thread! Incredible stuff, and you tell it so well. I would also encourage you to write your stuff for publication - they would sell a million books.

Welcome, traveller!
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July 31st, 2013 at 10:39:38 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Not that you asked me, but I think if you got a cheap motel room anywhere on east Fremont street you would come across many others like her. Maybe you cold even track down the original if you bring a screenshot from that movie.

Someday it probably will come down to some kind of detective search. If you find her and get her to model for your website, keep her email address and phone number. No other hooker will do, it has to be her. She is the only forum prostitute celebrity.
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July 31st, 2013 at 10:46:07 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

I never met Angel. But in the late nineties, when I was hammering Lake Tahoe I used to go with a girl down at Moonlight Bunney Ranch named Kathie Willets. She was famous for filming her customers. I always looked around the room for hidden cameras before anything got consummated.

Thanks anyways. Where did all these people wind up at, or what casino? Do you know? Are they priced out of most casinos now or are there places they can still go drink and gamble on their budgets?
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August 1st, 2013 at 12:51:14 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Did you ever meet Air Force Annie?

I know of Air Force Annie. But I can't say that I ever met her. Maybe she was on the bar. I was famous for buying all the hookers drinks. It started at Mustang Ranch. Twenty hookers and me. I didn't give a damn whether I got laid or not. The greatest party you have you have ever seen is twenty hookers and me. I had them bitches laughing so hard. Yeah, sure I took a couple of them in the back. But to me the greatest fun was twenty hookers and me sitting at the bar.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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August 1st, 2013 at 10:28:27 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Did you ever meet Air Force Annie?

Wiz, this is the dumbest thing I ever did. I was knocking the Red Lion in Elko for $2000 a week. And I was going with a hooker named Sky down at Mona's Ranch. She was costing me about $700 a week. So I stopped into a bar one night for a couple of drinks before I go see Sky. I always was a dumass braggart. I killed my second drink then said to the bartender and the patrons "Well, I think I'll head on down to Mona's Ranch for some R & R." The guy on the barstool next to me says "You're going to Mona's Ranch? I wish I could afford to go to the Ranch." I look at the guy and say "You wanna go to the ranch, pal? C'mon with me, I'll get ya laid." He was tickled to death. We walked down to the Ranch and hit the buzzer. I pulled a hundred off my wad and handed it too him. The door opened and my girl, Sky, was standing there with a big smile on her face. I was about to comment on how nice she looked when the idiot beside me said "Honey, I got the money!" She and him took off running down the hallway and disappeared into a room. I was standing there flabbergasted. "Did I just pay for some other asshole to go with my girl?" I muttered to myself. I was so disgusted I walked off.
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August 1st, 2013 at 9:58:49 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

Thanks anyways. Where did all these people wind up at, or what casino? Do you know? Are they priced out of most casinos now or are there places they can still go drink and gamble on their budgets?

I never went to the Western but I can imagine they migrated over to El Cortez. I see an oddball or two everytime I play there. Saw an Elvis impersonator playing slots, probably was the real deal.
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August 2nd, 2013 at 11:08:16 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

I never went to the Western but I can imagine they migrated over to El Cortez. I see an oddball or two everytime I play there. Saw an Elvis impersonator playing slots, probably was the real deal.

Lol nothing better than seeing an Elvis impersonator. They had one at Presque Isle Downs in Erie, PA who was grinding himself on the leg of a 75 year old lady during his show at the buffet lol. Can't beat that for humor. It was definitely a wtf moment.
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