How to Make Money Playing Online
There exists a skepticism among those that have never gambled online not just that online gambling is often rigged, but also that if you manage to win despite that supposed fact, that you may not get paid. The combination of these two beliefs lead to the assumption that it is both impossible to win and impossible to get paid even if you do. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
There are a few simple steps that you can follow in order to have a winning expectation by way of online gambling, and by following these steps, even if you happen to get burned by a no-paying or slow-paying online casino, you can still realize profits on your overall action.
Do Your Due Diligence to Make Sure it is a Legitimate Site
The first thing that you need to know is whether or not the site that you intend to possibly gamble online is a legitimate one. Obviously, an excellent place to start is with these WizardofVegas Forums as well as at to ensure that any online casino at which you may play is protected by the Wizard's Advertising Policy. What the policy states, in essence, is that if there is any dispute that you have with the online casino and cannot resolve yourself (including no-pays) then you may contact the Wizard if you have signed up through any of the links on a Wizard website and it is an APPROVED casino. In such events, the Wizard would personally step in as a neutral third-party arbitrator between the casino and yourself and ensure that the right thing is done. If any Wizard approved casinos were to welch on a player, for example, and the player had not violated any Terms & Conditions; then at a minimum the casino would likely lose the, 'APPROVED,' tag, and at a maximum, it could even end up blacklisted.

Beyond that, though, one might even be encouraged to check out a particular casino's credentials and reputation on other online casino sites such as our parent site, If you look into the reputation of an online casino and find anything sketchy about it, or otherwise feel uneasy, simply choose a different casino. However, it would always behoove you to make sure you sign up through one of our websites so that you can enjoy the protections of a Wizard player.
Understand that Payments Sometimes Take Time
On occasion, there will sometimes be payment delays for one reason or another due to third-party issues beyond a casino's control. Essentially, U.S. banks are not to receive funds from online casinos, so both parties have to ensure that there is some degree of deniability there, or better yet, the bank not be aware that is where the funds are coming from. As a result, online casinos sometimes have to use separate processors and other offshore banks to get you your money, and on occasion, these accounts can end up being shut down or otherwise blocked.
While these may seem like onerous conditions considering it is your money and you are entitled to it after winning, remember that it is the online casino that has to be spent the time, money and resources to be able to get you that money.
Do the Math
The profits are not going to simply start stacking up simply by virtue of the fact that you play at online casinos that offer seemingly favorable bonuses. You have to actually use those bonuses to your advantage, and that involves an understanding of math. One of the most basic concepts to understand is what is the House Edge of the target game that you might consider playing, or alternatively, the Element of Risk, and what is the Expected Loss on the combination of your personal funds and the Bonus amount added to it?
For example, an online casino player cannot simply jump on a random slots game and expect to profit simply because he or she has taken a favorable bonus. There is a lot more to it than that. The one thing that I would recommend is to check out any of my previous Articles on how specific online casino Bonuses can be beaten, take the concepts expressed in those, and you can apply those concepts much the same to other offers. One of the reasons I try to spell out the Math as detailed (yet as simply) as possible in those Articles is because I want people to be able to learn these mathematical concepts for themselves and be able to apply them. You may find an unbelievable offer on a terrific Bonus one day and need to know how to exploit it, so you can't just sit around and wait until someone writers about it before you act: You need to know how to do the Math for yourself. If you were to figure out an offer with an expected value in the high hundreds, or perhaps even in the low thousands for yourself and could compel friends and family to also do it, would you really want me to write about it, anyway?
Sometimes it is as simple as a cashable Bonus in which either the House Edge or the Element of Risk combined with the playthrough amount result in a low enough negative expectation that you should survive the Bonus with a profit.
Abide by the Terms & Conditions
This Rule cannot be stressed enough, you don't want to lose after you have already won, after all, so make sure that you abide by all the Terms & Conditions. I know I have said this before, but: Read the Terms & Conditions, Understand the Terms & Conditions, if anything you see in them is ambiguous, then make sure you talk to the, 'Live Help,' desk and have an E-Mail transcript sent of the conversation. I want to make no bones about the fact that if a casino is under the impression that you did not abide by the Terms & Conditions, then they may believe they have a legitimate cause not to pay you...worse yet...sometimes they are actually right.
These are the fundamental advice points that should always be considered by an individual who is looking to try out online gambling as an extra source of cash, or even if you are just trying it out in general, (why not play to win?) what may seem complicated and foreign at first, if not outright risky, you might find to be a startlingly simple affair once you have actually tried it out. Furthermore, if you have any questions about specific online casinos, PM me, and I will do the best I can to get an answer for you. The biggest key to online gambling is to effectively use the resources that are already at your disposal, and this site as well as ranks very highly, if not the highest, among those resources.