Posted by odiousgambit
Jun 04, 2010

Putting Craps Tables ON NOTICE

OK, Craps Tables, you're "on notice" and could be moved to "dead to me" status ala Colbert if you don't look out. It was one thing when I was cleaning up for a while, and actually pretty neat when staying about even for remarkably long whole sessions, but lately you're getting close to blowing me out so bad I'm about ready to ask WoO to crunch the numbers! Last two times out, over about 5 sessions, you've take about $1000 from my funds in an awful slaughter!

Two short sessions at newly available Craps at Harrington Delaware took exactly $406 out of my pocket, and all but $3 of it was lost on the Pass Line or Don't Pass Line with various sized odds bets. That's supposed to have cost me 14 cents a bet EV at most, and it was pretty slick how that got to add up to about 30 times that per bet.

I'm putting the total for 5 years of gambling to "down $906" now.

I keep thinking how there are two different approaches to the anonymity here. I could make wild unverifiable claims as to how I always win big, or just try to be as honest about it as I can, relying on no one knowing me personally. I've clearly taken the latter tack and glad of it, although I have to tell you a little voice is still there that says "hey, you gotta brag a little." So we'll when and if I get to do that. For this summer, this was only about a third of my planned action.

I actually forgot to tip except $3 in two-ways. I honestly did plan to leave a green chip at the end, but reaction to my luck really did just make me forget. Perhaps more on Harrington later.

edit: for some perspective, I lost $400 on gambling yesterday, but today my losses in the Stock Market will mean 10s of Thousands of Dollars. Do I gamble? I have to say yes, if I never walk into another Casino in my life.


DJTeddyBear Jun 04, 2010


Putting Craps Tables ON NOTICE

I'm sure the craps tables are shaking in their boots....NOT!

But seriously, I feel your pain. Take a break or a lap or something. Things will turn around.

Posted by odiousgambit
May 30, 2010

Newbie Embarrasses Self in Atlantic City

I don't see how I can resist checking out the new Table Games in Delaware that opened this week, and, yep, they are going to have Craps. I'm holding down my expectations, though... nonetheless, there will be a report!

After feeling stupid about not playing Craps in the Bahamas when I had a chance, I vowed to take advantage whenever such an opportunity came up again. So, when going to Ocean City Maryland to check out fishing charterboats with a couple of friends a solid 15 years ago, we decided to later hit a Casino in Atlantic City. One guy really wanted to go and actually made it sound one heck of a lot closer than it was; he was the only one who had experienced casino gambling and now I can see he really had an itch he needed to scratch. Unfortunately it never crossed his mind to tip the other two of us off that we really needed a little preparatory information beforehand. It was a toss into the deep water, sink or swim, something that probably amused him. [I loved the guy, actually; he's passed away now].

We hit the Taj Mahal. I approached the Craps Tables with a minimum of information; this was before the internet [for me that is]. I knew how to play Craps, but just that 7 or 11 won, 2,3 or 12 lost, and how the other numbers were resolved. And somehow I found out what the Passline was on a Craps Table, and that there were a ton of sucker bets to avoid. That was it! So I proceeded to pretend I knew what I was doing, knowing no etiquette whatsoever. Right away, of course, I get yelled at for doing stupid stuff like letting my hands hang down to the felt. Worse, when it was my turn to roll, I managed to let go of the dice twice to hear "No Dice!!" yelled out. First time, I threw them without making a bet. Next time, I'm thinking I have it all figured out and for extra good luck cupped the dice in my hands and let her go! Duh!

Somehow I managed to stay at the table without being asked to leave, determined to stay there and suffer through, realizing now I needed to have prepared for this! It wasn't long, though, before my friends wanted to leave anyway. Our experienced gambler, I think now, probably worked some system that busted his bankroll in record time at the BlackJack table, and for that matter we got there crazy late to begin with due to quite excessive travel time. We used the Lewes Delaware Ferry to cross into New Jersey. Brother, do not think that is just some short little hop; that ferry, including the wait of course, took forever!

I learned nothing about the bets in Craps I didnt already know. But I certainly found out I better learn some etiquette! About this time, I started using the internet. Surely about that time or soon after I came across the Wizard's site.

A future post will have to include the next time I played Craps, a little more informed and this was in Vegas.

Posted by odiousgambit
May 27, 2010

Paradise Island Gets Stiffed

One thing since the last post, I want to use this as a place to keep a tally of how much I'm up or down for casino gambling. I have remembered another loss and since it is all trusted to memory, rounding it all up to "Down $500" to start with as of about 5 years ago ... additional figures will be more accurate. I keep having to remind myself there is no need to hide the fact I'm down. We are most of us anonymous here.

At one point it didn't look like Gambling was going to have much to do with me outside of things like the friendly poker game. Things that were available: state run lotteries, state run Keno, somewhat local slot machine parlors, and the like were not interesting to me. The Horses were the big disappointment, having held out some hope for that; see the first blog post.

I found myself some 15-20 years ago or so at Paradise Island, Nassau, in the Bahamas. I was there for Sun and Fun, and barely thought about the Casino. I had to admit, though, that there were times I was a bit bored. I knew the basic rules about playing Craps. And I knew Craps had a pretty fairly even bet. Nonetheless, I left there without making a single bet. After I got home and thought about it, I became convinced that it was really dumb to have sat there at the bar overlooking the Casino and not just walked up to the Craps area and had some fun. I vowed not to be so stupid next time around.

Next: well, when I finally played the first time, it didnt go so good. But it was progress!


DJTeddyBear May 27, 2010


.... But it was progress!

Now THERE'S an optimist for ya!

Posted by odiousgambit
May 24, 2010

Gambling Opportunities this Summer Part I

Well, my first Blog posting. I think it is the way to go rather than clog up the Forums with musings, and folks can ignore it if they choose.

I kind of have been wanting to keep track of wins/losses so let's start that too, figuring I'm down about $200 over the last 5 years or so, and before that there was nothing worth tracking [and no tracking of various friendly poker games]. So just Casino wins/losses.

One thing for sure, I'm a little surprised myself that I'm taking such an interest in Gambling these days. There were reasons to think it wouldn't happen. As far as family influence goes, it would be neutral to negative, knowing no relatives who gambled at all. My siblings and I got introduced to Poker as teenagers and took to it to a minor degree is all. Once I was a young adult, I knew some people who seemed to have fun going to The Track to bet on horses. So I wanted to give that a whirl.

I have to tell you that each and every time, few and far between, that I tried to enjoy myself at a Racetrack was a bust. Something always happened that made me *not* want to go back. This varied between being hassled by a maniac who threatened to kill me for sitting in his favorite seat to having to deal with pan-handlers. My last trip to a Track ticked me off with the attitude there that they were all about soaking patrons to the max: this was Rosecroft that has the Trotters in the DC area. When you drove into the place they charge you to just drive in the gate. Then they charge you to park. Then they charged you for a program [a must-have for horses]. Then to get away from the maniacs and panhandlers you paid to get to a nicer section. The appeal of betting against other bettors on the parimutuel basis had appeal [I didn't realize the rake was so high] but there was no question I would never be able to overcome being down $20 or so just getting to a
seat for the size bets I was going to be making.

I told myself I wasn't really a Gambler. I certainly wasnt having much fun tring to gamble on horses.

Part II will be about how Craps got my attention.


DJTeddyBear May 24, 2010


figuring I'm down about $200 over the last 5 years or so

Wow. That's good enough to be called a win! (Yeah, talking like a typical gambler, LOL)

The track charges to drive in AS WELL AS park? Are you using the Valet Parking?

The track near me, Meadowlands, doesn't charge for parking anymore. Not enough business. I think they decided it's cheaper to make it free parking than to pay for parking attendants. But they always did, and still do, charge to use the valet.

You don't HAVE to purchase a program. All that info is available online, and in some newspapers, but I understand your point. Of course, it costs to print them, so somebody has to pay....

And the overpriced beer and dogs? That's not the track, but the concessioneer, with a captive audience to exploit.

Looking forward to your Craps story.

odiousgambit May 24, 2010


Wow. That's good enough to be called a win! (figuring I'm down about $200)

I remembered another loss so let's modify that to down $400 and even say $500 for possible inaccuracy having to rely on memory. I want this to be honest and will correct that next post. Oh, it also speaks to how seldom I get a chance to do the type of gambling I want. After all, the local stuff such as Horses doesn't cut it for me [but that is changing].


The track charges to drive in AS WELL AS park? Are you using the Valet Parking?

No Sir, regular parking. I wanted to say they charged you to get into the Racetrack itself from the parking lot, but I'm not sure I remember that right. The Racetrack is on its last legs now and you can imagine I'm not the only person who learned to despise the greed.