Quote: DJTeddyBearSlot machines don't accept $1 bills. Most don't accept $5 bills either. I wouldn't be surprised if some didn't take $10s.
On second thought, you could put in $20, take a photo of the TITO, cash it, and move on.
Regardless, that challenge is an awful waste of time. Hardly an Advantage Play I would think.
Most slot machines do accept $1 and $5 bills in Nevada. Generally only some of the high limit machines will not accepts them.
Quote: IbeatyouracesAnyone ever try a $2 bill in a machine?
I recently gave a$2 bill to a cocktail waitress and I think she thought it wasn't real.
Quote: AyecarumbaHow about balancing a stack of coins on your elbow, then catching them in the same hand?
Funny you should post that. I was just gambling on catching quarters that way on Saturday. My opponent asked how long I've been doing it and I said ever since that episode of Happy Days originally aired. Every boy in the upper grades of my elementary school was doing that the next day, although probably with pennies, as a quarter was a lot of money to a kid back then.
I'm a bit rusty but I think I could do 40 with a little practice.
Quote: Wizard...
I'm a bit rusty but I think I could do 40 with a little practice.
I think I could do 41...
Quote: AyecarumbaI think I could do 41...
Are you serious? I meant it when I said I can get up to 40 with a little practice. I was just practicing with 20 after my last post and caught all of them about 90% of the time.
p.s. Just attempted 30 a bunch of times. Caught all of them a few times and all the rest I let fly only 1 to 5. In doing a bit of research, it seems you get credit for all caught, even if some fall. That makes me even more confident about doing 40.
Quote: billryanI recently gave a$2 bill to a cocktail waitress and I think she thought it wasn't real.
She may not have been all real, for that matter.
That said, I don't have any ideas, but the quarters idea seems to be the most appropriate, while ratcheting down the masochistic factor.
Quote: IndyJeffreyShe may not have been all real, for that matter.

. hehe... I guess I better actually try it. I have caught 50 pennies, but that was back in the days of Oingo Boingo.Quote: WizardAre you serious?...
Quote: AyecarumbaHow about balancing a stack of coins on your elbow, then catching them in the same hand?
I haven't seen Happy Days in years but who is this guy? Did they bring in a big brother for Chachi or something?
Quote: GWAEBetter specify that they can't be wrapped. Sorry APs
I've got a few tricks up my sleeve...I can't be foiled that easily.
Quote: RSI've got a few tricks up my sleeve...I can't be foiled that easily.
But I've heard you can be Saran - wrapped.
Quote: billryan...I haven't seen Happy Days in years but who is this guy? Did they bring in a big brother for Chachi or something?
He was another of Fonzie's cousin's, Angie. He was shy, so Fonzie and the gang at Al's helped him gain confidence by encouraging him to participate in a Word Record Contest.
Quote: billryanI haven't seen Happy Days in years but who is this guy? Did they bring in a big brother for Chachi or something?
I'm pretty sure he predated Chachi and was only on that episode.
Does anyone remember the show Happy Days actually started on? Hint- It was a long running show that had two or three different novella type segments each week.
As far as I know, this was the only storyline that ever was given a series, and it happened a good bit afterward.
Quote: billryanDoes anyone remember the show Happy Days actually started on? Hint- It was a long running show that had two or three different novella type segments each week.
Interesting. I always thought it was an original show, perhaps inspired by the success of American Graffiti. I can think of at two actors who were in both.
The Novella type show sounds a little like Love American Style, but I think they were on the air concurrently. Other than that wild guess, I just don't know.
That makes think of something called "Afterschool Playhouse" or something similar.Quote: billryan... two or three different novella type segments each week....
That's my best wild guess.
Quote: billryan...Does anyone remember the show Happy Days actually started on?...
I remember seeing an episode of "Love American Style" on, maybe, the Decades channel about three weeks ago. Richie Cunningham and some of the other characters from Happy Days were in that story. I watched Happy Days in the early 70s, but I didn't know about the Love American Style connection then.
"Happy Days is an American television sitcom that aired first-run from January 15, 1974, to September 24, 1984, on ABC, with a total of 255 half-hour episodes spanning over eleven seasons. The show was originally based on a segment from ABC's Love, American Style titled Love and the Television Set, later retitled Love and the Happy Days for syndication, featuring future cast members Ron Howard, Marion Ross and Anson Williams."
Quote: RS...have a "trivia" type challenge...5'th grader" TV show with that hill billy host.
How about a trivia challenge with 50% 5th grader questions and 50% pre-shark-jump Happy Days questions?
Some questions can be from both categories. For example: What is the state capital of the state in which Happy Days is set?
I would cram only for the Happy Days questions.
Quote: ChesterDogHow about a trivia challenge with 50% 5th grader questions and 50% pre-shark-jump Happy Days questions?
I will spar with anyone on pre-Shark Happy Days trivia. Laverne and Shirley too.
Here is that Love American Style episode referred to above.
I wonder if there is more. It would be nice to see Richie get to second base with the stacked TV girl.
It was quite the sensation. I was a freshman in high school at the time and I remember two of my teachers asking who had seen it the following Monday.
The series came out well after.
Quote: WizardI will spar with anyone on pre-Shark Happy Days trivia. Laverne and Shirley too.
Here is that Love American Style episode referred to above.
I wonder if there is more. It would be nice to see Richie get to second base with the stacked TV girl.
What school did Richie's older brother go to?
You are not allowed to use superglue.Quote: MaxPenI'm pretty sure I could do 50 quarters.
I will bet the no on 50.
Personally, I'm not going to get much more than that as I have small hands and not many more will fit.
Quote: WizardJust did 44. Attempted 45 but dropped one. Again, dropping is allowed, you get credit for all that you catch.
Personally, I'm not going to get much more than that as I have small hands and not many more will fit.
Wtf are you talking about???
EDIT: Nvm, you're talking about catching quarters. I thought you were talking about eating chicken McNuggets.....lol
Catch all or you caught none.
Quote: billryanDrop one, drop all.
Catch all or you caught none.
Quote: World Records for Coin Snatching, rule #2All coins must be caught in one snatch and the snatch is to be achieved on a downward beat of the same arm and the coins caught palm down. If not all of the coins which are stacked are caught, the attempt is still valid, but only those which are caught would count. In this instance, the documentation should mention both the number of coins stacked and the number successfully caught.
Source: http://www.recordholders.org/en/records/coin.html.
If I stack 1,000 coins and catch 23 percent of them, does anyone think that's better than 100 out of 100?
The recognized amount for a perfect catch is 100. That rest is nonsense.
A charade.
Below the dignity of such a fine institution as we represent.
Quote: Ibeatyouraces150 mcnuggets? Pfft. Try this...
He said he is already planning on doing $500 worth of apple slices. Then I am assuming $200 worth of salad and $50 worth of burgers. That still leaves $250 worth of hot dishes he has to get down. Might be possible. Looking forward to see how this turns out.
I would much rather see that.Quote: billryanIts the spirit of things.
If I stack 1,000 coins
Quote: AxelWolfI would much rather see that.
I once tried to buy $1,000 worth of quarters at the bank. B****es said they had as much as I wanted. And that's how much I wanted. They only had like $180 or something worth of quarters they could sell me. Didn't think they'd be that heavy.......they're pretty heavy. I couldn't imagine trying to balance $250 worth of quarters on my arm or elbow or whatever you young whippersnappers are doing now a days. Back in my day, we took pictures of cats with their head sticking through a piece of bread....
How much would you want to swallow $4 in quarters, given an hour?
$1000 in quarters? Planning ahead for the porn arcade?Quote: RSI once tried to buy $1,000 worth of quarters at the bank. B****es said they had as much as I wanted. And that's how much I wanted. They only had like $180 or something worth of quarters they could sell me. Didn't think they'd be that heavy.......they're pretty heavy. I couldn't imagine trying to balance $250 worth of quarters on my arm or elbow or whatever you young whippersnappers are doing now a days. Back in my day, we took pictures of cats with their head sticking through a piece of bread....
Quote: billryanIts the spirit of things.
If I stack 1,000 coins and catch 23 percent of them, does anyone think that's better than 100 out of 100?
I do. I'd be very impressed at even getting 1,000 coins on ones elbow, let another catching 230.
In his honor, and just for the hell of it, I keep most of my change (coins and bills under $20) and keep it all in a large plastic storage tub with lid in the closet.
It's nearly full.
Can't figure out where the mount the diving board.
"Last one in's a pauper!"
Quote: RomesPerhaps I'll open one or two and see what this quarter thing is all about =P.
I challenge you to do just that. You probably will find it is not as difficult as it looks.
Quote: RSI once tried to buy $1,000 worth of quarters at the bank. B****es said they had as much as I wanted. And that's how much I wanted. They only had like $180 or something worth of quarters they could sell me. Didn't think they'd be that heavy.......they're pretty heavy. I couldn't imagine trying to balance $250 worth of quarters on my arm or elbow or whatever you young whippersnappers are doing now a days. Back in my day, we took pictures of cats with their head sticking through a piece of bread....
I'm guessing you were doing the coin exchange at Ellis Island.
Quote: DRichI'm guessing you were doing the coin exchange at Ellis Island.
It's very slightly possible, yes perhaps.
wonder how accurate theirs are? My bank pulled their machines because of thisQuote: WizardNobody ever tells me anything. I did a little research and found this promotion where the Ellis Island gives 110% of your change in free play. I have a 5-gallon water jug half full of change. I should take advantage of it.
Quote: WizardNobody ever tells me anything. I did a little research and found this promotion where the Ellis Island gives 110% of your change in free play. I have a 5-gallon water jug half full of change. I should take advantage of it.
IIRC there was a limit, I think $400. So you have to run $440 coin in at a 1% loss, so overall your profit is $35 for $440 coin in. It's not too shabby, but, it's quite a hassle especially if you don't already have a bunch of quarters....also how far away you live from there.
I think when I did it the machine counted an extra quarter. Not sure if a roll from the bank had an extra quarter, there was already 25c in it, or maybe we put an extra quarter in (we dropped some on the ground and scooped 'em up and put them in, so maybe there was an extra on the ground). My brother thought it was amazing a casino would offer such a promotion.
I'm mainly interested in getting rid of my change. I think I have about $1,000 worth.