April 28th, 2011 at 5:30:32 PM
We are playing this game quite often but I've never given much thought about the math behind it. It is usually just for fun, to play something else not just poker, although the stakes sometimes get high. I'm really interested in your opinion about the correct strategy/math.
The game is played with a regural 32 card deck (without 23456). (Actually its played with a hungarian card, but its almost the same.)
Value of the cards: 7,8,9,T - 7,8,9,10
J - 2, Q - 3, K - 4, A- 11
The objective of the game is to get as close to 21 as possible without busting. Number of players 2-6, one player is the bank.
Before the first round the bank declares how much money he is putting in the bank. Any amount he wins from the players stays in the bank, and the players winnigs are payed from the bank (up to the amount of the bank). Before any round the bank has the option to top up. A player remains the bank until the others win all the money from the bank (and he doesn't top up) OR he deals himself a king or a seven (the bank is also the dealer). If the bank gets a K or a 7, he has the option to withdraw the money, then the next player becomes the bank.
After the shuffle and the cut the bank gives each player one card face down (the game is played clockwise), in the next turn the subsequent player will get the first card and so on. If the dealer gets a K or a 7, he has the above mentioned option to withdraw, if he decides to remain the bank he deals himself an other card and discards the K/7 (showing it to the others). Then the dealer turns the next card in the deck face up (this card doesn't play any role just for information).
The dealer (bank) turns to the first player in line. The player has the option to bet any amount (he may bet the bank) or ask for a card without betting, after betting he receives one card. Now the player can stop (the player and the bank must have at least 15 points to stop) or bet again, or ask for a card without betting. If the player busts he immediately throw his hand away. 21 from 2 cards or 2 aces wins instantly. When the player stops or busts the dealer turns to the next player, and at last the bank draws for himself, if the the bank busts everyone wins, the bank wins the tie, 2 card 21 or AA beats any remaining hand. After payout a new round begins. Throughout the game all the cards are face down. A player can win only the amount he bets.
Special rules:
- A player with 11 has the option to turn over his hand and say "no ace", which means if he draws an ace it will be discarded and he will get a new card.
- The player with five card has the option to discard all of them, then he gets 2 new one.
Player A: K (4) no bet, draws a 9 -> he will throw his hand away because it didn't cost him money and he don't want to bet on 14 because there is a good chance to bust
Player B: 9 bets, draws a 2 he bets again ("no ace") draws an 8, stop 19
Player C: J (2) no bet, draws a Q (3), no bet, draws a J no bet, draws a K, he now has 11, he bets, draws a Q -> throws all five away, gets an 8 and a J, he bets again, draws a T, stop 20
Player D: Ace he bets, draws a Q no bet, draws a 9 -> 23 bust
Bank: T, draws a 9, stop 19 -> Player B loses, Player C wins
All comments are appreciated!
The game is played with a regural 32 card deck (without 23456). (Actually its played with a hungarian card, but its almost the same.)
Value of the cards: 7,8,9,T - 7,8,9,10
J - 2, Q - 3, K - 4, A- 11
The objective of the game is to get as close to 21 as possible without busting. Number of players 2-6, one player is the bank.
Before the first round the bank declares how much money he is putting in the bank. Any amount he wins from the players stays in the bank, and the players winnigs are payed from the bank (up to the amount of the bank). Before any round the bank has the option to top up. A player remains the bank until the others win all the money from the bank (and he doesn't top up) OR he deals himself a king or a seven (the bank is also the dealer). If the bank gets a K or a 7, he has the option to withdraw the money, then the next player becomes the bank.
After the shuffle and the cut the bank gives each player one card face down (the game is played clockwise), in the next turn the subsequent player will get the first card and so on. If the dealer gets a K or a 7, he has the above mentioned option to withdraw, if he decides to remain the bank he deals himself an other card and discards the K/7 (showing it to the others). Then the dealer turns the next card in the deck face up (this card doesn't play any role just for information).
The dealer (bank) turns to the first player in line. The player has the option to bet any amount (he may bet the bank) or ask for a card without betting, after betting he receives one card. Now the player can stop (the player and the bank must have at least 15 points to stop) or bet again, or ask for a card without betting. If the player busts he immediately throw his hand away. 21 from 2 cards or 2 aces wins instantly. When the player stops or busts the dealer turns to the next player, and at last the bank draws for himself, if the the bank busts everyone wins, the bank wins the tie, 2 card 21 or AA beats any remaining hand. After payout a new round begins. Throughout the game all the cards are face down. A player can win only the amount he bets.
Special rules:
- A player with 11 has the option to turn over his hand and say "no ace", which means if he draws an ace it will be discarded and he will get a new card.
- The player with five card has the option to discard all of them, then he gets 2 new one.
Player A: K (4) no bet, draws a 9 -> he will throw his hand away because it didn't cost him money and he don't want to bet on 14 because there is a good chance to bust
Player B: 9 bets, draws a 2 he bets again ("no ace") draws an 8, stop 19
Player C: J (2) no bet, draws a Q (3), no bet, draws a J no bet, draws a K, he now has 11, he bets, draws a Q -> throws all five away, gets an 8 and a J, he bets again, draws a T, stop 20
Player D: Ace he bets, draws a Q no bet, draws a 9 -> 23 bust
Bank: T, draws a 9, stop 19 -> Player B loses, Player C wins
All comments are appreciated!
April 28th, 2011 at 6:12:46 PM
What is a "hungarian card"?
What happens if the player winnings exceed the amount in the bank? Does the first player clockwise get paid in full, and the others are out of luck?
Do the bets have to be equal in size?
What happens if the player winnings exceed the amount in the bank? Does the first player clockwise get paid in full, and the others are out of luck?
Do the bets have to be equal in size?
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci
April 28th, 2011 at 11:18:38 PM
Hungarian card is basically same as a 32 card deck. It's a german suited card with roman numerals and different figures, but it can be replaced with a regular deck. Similarly designed cards used throughout central Europe.
Player winnings cannot exceed the amount in the bank. For example if the bank is 100$ and player A bets 40$ overall then the remaining player can only bet up to 60$ (if player A busts the bank becomes 140$, then player B can bet up to 140$). This is why in each turn someone else is the first (it goes around also clockwise). So if the first player bets the entire bank and wins the others do not play in that turn.
There are no restrictions in bet size. You are allowed to bet any amount up to the bank.

Player winnings cannot exceed the amount in the bank. For example if the bank is 100$ and player A bets 40$ overall then the remaining player can only bet up to 60$ (if player A busts the bank becomes 140$, then player B can bet up to 140$). This is why in each turn someone else is the first (it goes around also clockwise). So if the first player bets the entire bank and wins the others do not play in that turn.
There are no restrictions in bet size. You are allowed to bet any amount up to the bank.