Although Michael went up in rank, from 9 to 8, between 2015 to 2016, it fell in total names to 13,998. The reason it climbed in rank is there is more diversity in all names so the top ten names share a smaller percentage of the total than they used to. Anyway, it is all in the Wall Street Journal. Here is a link to the article, although it is password protected: Parents Drop the Mike. However, I did make some screenshots for the few of you who don't subscribe to the WSJ. Here they are:
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Links to scans of the print article:
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Quote: billryanWhat I found surprising was the drop in pare t-shirt naming their kids Caitlyn.
I think it is due to the association with Caitlyn Jenner.
Quote: onenickelmiracleMichael is a nice name, as well as Mike. I think parents are screwing their kids up with these unique names, so you can take credit for it. First of all, as has been said by Dale Carnegie, "a person's name is the sweetest sound". By having a unique name, you're dooming your kid to not even be remembered, and for him to grow up thinking he is special when he is not. They're not going to be Sir Galahad, Aldous Huxley, Link from the legend of Zelda, they're going to be unnamed and forgotten red shirts on Star Trek that are killed and forgotten.
I have nothing against the name Michael, except its popularity. It works well with short last names, like Jackson, Jordan, or Pence. Combined with a long last name like mine and you have a real mouthful.
In my opinion, the middle ground is where you want to be. Somewhere in rank between #100 and #1000 is the sweet spot.
Also, what is with all these people who can't spell Michael? I can understand asking me to spell my last name, but my first?
Given that a person is supposed to be under the protection of their Saint, I can understand why so many parents pick the Avenging Angel to look over their sons.
Perhaps the solution is shortening your surname.
Mike Shack has a kick to it.
Michael Ford has a calming effect.
Quote: WizardOne of my many regrets is not adopting a nom de plume when I started out as a gambling writer, like Bob Dancer or Stanford Wong.
First World Problems.
Quote: UP84Hmmm...I wonder how the popularity of the name Donald will trend in the coming years?
I don't expect an upsurge in the name Hillary either.
What about the name Michelle in the African American community?Quote: WizardI don't expect an upsurge in the name Hillary either.
I think that first name if fairly standard, especially in the white community.
Quote: AxelWolfWhat about the name Michelle in the African American community?
I think that first name if fairly standard, especially in the white community.
I think it will go up. People generally has positive associations with First Ladies.
Liam, Noah, Elijah, Ethan
Ava, Isabella, Mia, Abigail, Harper
No Emma on your list?Quote: RSI didn't know the following names were so common:
Liam, Noah, Elijah, Ethan
Ava, Isabella, Mia, Abigail, Harper
I'm sure Scarlett will be popular.
Quote: WizardIf I may toot my own horn, I made the Wall Street Journal today. At least the online edition. Hopefully I'll make the weekend hard copy. As I mentioned in the thread 2016 Baby Names, Social Security just released the most popular baby names for 2016. For those who don't know, I started those lists, in part because I hated having a popular name and wanted to kill the name Michael.
Although Michael went up in rank, from 9 to 8, between 2015 to 2016, it fell in total names to 13,998. The reason it climbed in rank is there is more diversity in all names so the top ten names share a smaller percentage of the total than they used to. Anyway, it is all in the Wall Street Journal. Here is a link to the article, although it is password protected: Parents Drop the Mike. However, I did make some screenshots for the few of you who don't subscribe to the WSJ.
I'm hoping you tried to kill the names "Kyle" and "Justin". Every Kyle and Justin I've ever met has been a royal pain the rumpus!
Congrats on the link buddy!
Quote: CanyoneroMike, Collegehumor has taken up your plight:
Thanks, I never saw that video before. I, of course, totally agree with him.
Quote: AxelWolfNo Emma on your list?
I'm sure Scarlett will be popular.
Not talking about your old friend Rachel Jessee, also known as "Scarlett- Princess of Magic".
As least your last name is somewhat unique.Quote: WizardI have nothing against the name Michael, except its popularity.
As I was reminded last week when I was in Vegas and needed to get a replacement slot club cards for a couple casinos whose card I lost, having a name like David Miller can be a pain.
Some people can't spell at all. I get asked to spell my name too.Quote: WizardAlso, what is with all these people who can't spell Michael? I can understand asking me to spell my last name, but my first?
Um, The Wizard?Quote: WizardOne of my many regrets is not adopting a nom de plume when I started out as a gambling writer, like Bob Dancer or Stanford Wong.
Congrats on the WSJ mention!
Quote: DJTeddyBearSome people can't spell at all. I get asked to spell my name too.
FWIW I never get asked how to spell "Bob. "
The burden I have is everybody spells it backwards.
Not much wiggle room with a misspelling, either going to be Bobo or Boob, though Bobb might be funnier. Just have to come up with a story for the extra b, the extra b is for _____.Quote: BobDancerFWIW I never get asked how to spell "Bob. "
The burden I have is everybody spells it backwards.
However, what I flash on when someone brings up the name is the whole series of paraplegic jokes..."What do you call a guy who..."
Hmmm. Probably not PC these days.
Probably not a good idea to...
Oh, alright, l'll be bad for D-day and mention a few (there are so many) in honor of those who taught them to me, including a paraplegic WWII vet. Mike gets 1 penance pushup cancelled for each. No clue if younger generations told these as kids, but I hope so.
What do you call a guy hanging on a wall?
What do you call two guys hanging around a window?
Curt and Rod.
What do you call a guy going swimming?
What about when he goes water skiing?
And the guy sitting on the blackjack table?
Enough for now.