1. Do believers in astrology claim it works because of the effect of gravity from the moon, planets, and stars? If it isn't gravity, then why does it allegedly work?
2. Are we in the "age of Aquarius" yet, or are we still in the "age of Pisces"?
I thought "The Age of Aquarius" was a song from the 1960's. One of the lines is "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius..."Quote: Wizard2. Are we in the "age of Aquarius" yet, or are we still in the "age of Pisces"?
Wikipedia is great.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Aquarius has some cool info.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrological_age has a direct answer:
Quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrological_age, paragraph 3Many astrologers believe that the Age of Aquarius has arrived recently or will arrive in the near future. On the other hand, some believe that the Age of Aquarius arrived up to five centuries ago, or will not start until six centuries from now. Despite all references provided by various sources, astrologers cannot agree upon exact dates for the beginning or ending of the ages.
4. Why aren't two planets, a myriad asteroids and a myriad myriad Kuiper belt objects taken into account for astrological purposes?
My horoscope told me not to believe in astrology.Quote: WizardI'm sure there are not may believers in this forum
For this reason I stay away from them [g]
Quote: FleaStiffMy horoscope told me not to believe in astrology.
You must be a Sagittarius.
I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical. -- Arthur C. Clarke
My horoscope told me not to believe in astrology.
>>>>>>>>You must be a Sagittarius.
As a matter of fact, ... yes!
I would imagine that ancient peoples, not particularly possessed of many alternatives, might look to the stars. Broad personality types might well be more related to pre-natal nutrition at various times of the year but ascribing such traits to the stars rather than the availability of crops is so much more exciting.
Quote: Wizard
1. Do believers in astrology claim it works because
My forecast for today said "Beware of Wizards asking questions." Scary..
Quote: ahiromuEveryone here seems to be relatively intelligent and to-the-facts logical, I'm just curious as to what everyone's overall opinion is on astrology.
Its one redeeming value si that the obsession it generated with observing the heavens set the basis for astronomy.
BTW Astronomy is one of the odlest sciences and one of the most sueful. Astronomy makes possible suh things as calendars, which enables you to know the lenght of the seasons, which enables agriculture, which makes civilization possible. Astronomical knowledge was also essential for navigation until quite recently.
Quote: NareedBTW Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences and one of the most useful.
When I was like 10 I told my mom I wanted to be an astrologer (I meant astronomer). I have never seen my mom freak out as much as she did that moment in the car.
Quote: ahiromuWhen I was like 10 I told my mom I wanted to be an astrologer (I meant astronomer). I have never seen my mom freak out as much as she did that moment in the car.
I seem to recall that it took myself (or is the right word "me") until at least 12 to get the two straight.
My feelings for astrology are about the same as my feelings for superstitions. And that can be summed up by my signature phrase.Quote: ahiromuEveryone here seems to be relatively intelligent and to-the-facts logical, I'm just curious as to what everyone's overall opinion is on astrology. As for me, it's complete BS and anyone who takes it as more than just a little dose of fun is more than idiotic.