
24 votes (36.36%)
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2 votes (3.03%)

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July 20th, 2013 at 6:55:16 PM permalink
Today I got a ticket at the Cypress (California) Community College for facing my vehicle in the wrong direction in a parking space. It was in a large parking lot with angled spaces. For 29 years, when given the choice, I pull ahead to the front space, to avoid having to back out. In my younger days I had a couple minor fender benders due to backing out in parking lots, which has taught me to avoid driving in reverse as much as possible.

When I do leave said parking spaces, in this situation, I admit I have to drive in the wrong direction until I can make turn. However, I always wait until the lane is clear, and if another vehicle should come the other way I'll pull over, letting it pass.

So, when I returned to my car I found a $32 ticket. I can understand paying a small fine for breaking the rules, but $32 seems entirely excessive for parking facing the wrong way. The ticket was from the community college, not any police department or city government. I might add that my car is titled in Nevada.

My options are:

1. Pay the ticket (under duress)
2. Ignore the ticket
3. Protest the ticket

My only argument protesting the ticket is that I think the amount is too high.

If I don't pay the ticket, what can the college do to me? If I had a California license plate I might be worried come time to renew my license plates or license. However, I can't see them having any pull in Nevada.

My questions for the poll are:

1. What would you do?
2. What will happen if I ignore the ticket?
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:05:30 PM permalink
I always park that way. I had no idea it is illegal. Is that really a law? Or specific to that lot only? I voted you should pay it. Doesn't mean that I would though haha
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:10:16 PM permalink
My opinion: pay the ticket, wizard. Although trivial, you have already acknowledged you are in the wrong.

And $32, doesn't seem an extraordinary high amount. Are you stuck in the late 1900's when parking tickets were $10? Lol

I felt similarly 3 years ago when I first relocated to Vegas. I walked out of El Cortez and crossed against the light. I forget now if it was $76 or $96, but I remember thinking it was outrageous. I mean, I looked both ways. All 4 ways actually and there wasn't a vehicle any where in site. But in the end, I just paid, tried to forget about it and save myself the stress. I recommend the same for you.

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July 20th, 2013 at 7:16:34 PM permalink
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:27:14 PM permalink
Pay it and move on. This stuff happens, you were
in the wrong, you can't win, you have lots of other
things to waste your time on.
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:28:56 PM permalink
I would research the law on this. Did the ticket contain the statute that you violated? I have never heard of a violation like that.
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:35:11 PM permalink
Pay it and get on with your life. Consider it a donation to higher education.
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:39:08 PM permalink
Quote: luckyjackg

I would research the law on this. Did the ticket contain the statute that you violated? I have never heard of a violation like that.

+1. If the ticket was not issued by an agency with authority to do so, it may be null and void. But don't take legal advice from the Internet.
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:44:13 PM permalink
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:49:37 PM permalink
Per Reuters, campus police declared George Zimmerman a danger and barred him 1 credit shy of a degree.
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:56:28 PM permalink
Sometimes they give those tickets solely so the parking cops can drive along and see the stickers on the front window or something. Its for their convenience, not safety or anything.

Fight it.... or pay the two dollars.... but don't let it go to some warrant in a computer somewhere ... you don't want some Bubba pulling you over at 2:00 in the morning over this ... and all he will have is a "hit" in the computer system.
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July 20th, 2013 at 7:59:56 PM permalink
First thought is do the uniforms and cars of the campus force say "security" or "police?" If it says "security" you have some leeway.

I would ignore the ticket until they send you a reminder in the mail. Usually the first reminder is no extra fee. Even with the fee you may still be able to ignore it, so far away the may just nor pursue it.

FWIW I try to do the same whenever I park as having managed a fleet of vehicles I know that backing is a major cause of accidents. Some people are jagoffs, though, when you park this way and pull out. A few weeks ago I pulled the "wrong way" and this woman in her SUV simply refused to pull to her side, gave me a screw-you look about it. I say screw her, I am avoiding an accident. Give way, we are in a society here.
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July 20th, 2013 at 8:00:58 PM permalink
Were you armed? Are you licensed to carry in Calif?
Did you go on a rage rampage over the ticket? You
may have bigger problems..
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July 20th, 2013 at 8:07:04 PM permalink
Hey, doesn't this belong on Diversity Tomorrow? This has nothing to do with gambling!

OP could be in serious trouble if Mike sees this thread.

Mission 146 is reviewing for possible suspension at this moment.
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July 20th, 2013 at 8:29:54 PM permalink
I voted protest the ticket. I know the nearby university here (ISU) isnt a community college, but years ago when I would frequent there solely to use their internet access, they had a policy that basically said "If you're just visiting the campus, you could have 3 excused violations, just bring the ticket in and let us know." Maybe it works that way there too. Worth looking into I suppose.
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July 20th, 2013 at 8:33:32 PM permalink
Quote: SoulChaser

I voted protest the ticket. I know the nearby university here (ISU) isnt a community college, but years ago when I would frequent there solely to use their internet access, they had a policy that basically said "If you're just visiting the campus, you could have 3 excused violations, just bring the ticket in and let us know." Maybe it works that way there too. Worth looking into I suppose.

I agree. Though most colleges' law enforcement orgs do have the power to ticket you, the people that actually run the parking enforcement will usually give you a pass on the first one if you explain yourself. "I don't go here and I didn't know you needed a sticker" works almost every time for those kinds of violations at a college. And the other person is right, they force head-on so they can easily scan for cars that don't have parking decals during the periods when you need to have a parking decal.
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July 20th, 2013 at 8:34:01 PM permalink
When I saw the title of this thread, I assumed that the car was parallel parked on the street the wrong way. I had no idea that parking in a parking space the "wrong way" was any type of violation. Sounds like BS to milk people for more money.

With that said, I'd just pay the $32. Even though the ticket was issued in CA, you still may have problems registering your car next year if you ignore it. OTOH, ignoring the ticket shouldn't affect your license renewal since they never actually saw you park the car.
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July 20th, 2013 at 9:39:47 PM permalink
Just write an email saying you are an out-of-state visitor on business and not aware of their
parking policy and ask for dismissal of the ticket. I am almost certain it would work.
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July 21st, 2013 at 12:28:50 AM permalink
Off Campus Traffic and Parking Regulations Cypress College
• Campus speed limit at all times is 10 M.P.H. and 15 M.P.H. as indicated
by signs.
• Any car parked in a RESERVED space must display and authorized
sticker or permit plainly visible to a campus safety officer (staff,
handicapped or medical).
• Park ONLY within designed parking spaces.
• No parking on crosswalks, sidewalks, driveways, or in a manner that
will hinder normal traffic flow.
• No parking, standing, or stopping in RED ZONES at any time.
• Vehicles shall park head in only.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<right there
• No citations can be recalled or cancelled for any reason once issued.
Citations may be appealed ONLY.
• Strict obedience to police officer or authorized official and to all
authorized signs and other traffic control devices is required.


Student employees of the Campus Safety Department are hired to provide support services to the department. The student employees assist with patrolling the campus parking lots, buildings, parking enforcement, special events, and emergency operations
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July 21st, 2013 at 2:08:19 AM permalink
What is their authority to ticket you and their means to collect? These kinds of things drive me crazy when fairness and logic seem to be of no use in arguments. I don't like backing out of spots either because I also got into fender benders and always find when it's time to leave my attention span is low and I'm in a hurry.

It just boggles my mind to even think there is a wrong way to park in a parking spot unless you're parked the wrong way on a street. Too bad it wasn't on public property where you might have rights beyond take it or leave it. Private property used as public should entitle some rights, but there usually isn't. We all know about that.

I go with ignoring it if they have no means to collect without your volunteering the money. In Texas, there are people who owe almost $200,000 for never paying EZ pass and they have no way to collect besides public embarrassment.
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July 21st, 2013 at 3:16:11 AM permalink
I also pull straight thru or back in - but only straight spots. If its angled, it's more difficult to pull out as you stated.

That said, I vote "suck it up and pay" or whatever that first choice is...
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July 21st, 2013 at 4:36:35 AM permalink
Appeal the ticket. Tell them this was your first offense and ask for a courtesy dismissal. That's it. Do not make excuses or attempt to debate their rules. In the meantime have some fun with it by taking wagers on whether the ticket will be dismissed.

That school has an impressive alumni list. When I clicked on Taylor Rain my computer started smoking up a storm. :-)
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July 21st, 2013 at 5:27:55 AM permalink
I can't believe no one has told you to go play BJ and card count,win ticket+gas money and pay it.
When they ask you why you are leaving tell them thank you for paying my ticket.

There now it is a gambling post and not A DT mis-placed thread.2 birds with 1 stone.

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July 21st, 2013 at 5:31:07 AM permalink
And furthermore if this was my web forum,I would post anything anywhere I pleased.And the first one of you to make a smartellic remark would be suspended.
Good thing it is not my site.

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July 21st, 2013 at 6:37:57 AM permalink
Quote: KB1

And furthermore if this was my web forum,I would post anything anywhere I pleased.And the first one of you to make a smartellic remark would be suspended.
Good thing it is not my site.


Maybe you can become a secret moderator. A few more posts and you should qualify.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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July 21st, 2013 at 6:42:23 AM permalink
Thanks for the comments thus far. Although it is coming in third place, I am leaning towards appealing the ticket. I'll admit I was in the wrong and will apologize, while making the point that I think $32 is way too much.

If I lose then I'll deduct $32 from my next donation check to UCSB.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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July 21st, 2013 at 7:19:10 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

If I lose then I'll deduct $32 from my next donation check to UCSB.

Deduct $33 just for the satisfaction!
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July 21st, 2013 at 7:36:10 AM permalink
What ever you decide this link off their site will assist you

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July 21st, 2013 at 8:35:17 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Maybe you can become a secret moderator. A few more posts and you should qualify.


I shouldn't be a moderator though,I should be a fireman.
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July 21st, 2013 at 8:53:15 AM permalink
Quote: coilman

What ever you decide this link off their site will assist you


That says:

Quote: 40215. (a)

For a period of 21 calendar days from the issuance of a notice of parking violation or 14 calendar days from the mailing of a notice of delinquent parking violation, a person may request an initial review of the notice by the issuing agency.

It seems there is nothing to lose by waiting for the delinquent notice. Maybe they wouldn't be able to find me in Nevada anyway.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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July 21st, 2013 at 9:19:13 AM permalink
Were there other cars around you when you parked, or did you park in the back of the lot?
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July 21st, 2013 at 9:20:11 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

That says:

It seems there is nothing to lose by waiting for the delinquent notice. Maybe they wouldn't be able to find me in Nevada anyway.

I hate to say everyone is overthinking this, but I've gone to or worked at seven different places of higher ed, and whenever I had to get my decal, it was a student worker there. They were the same students that would deal with violations, and every time I saw someone say they didn't know about __________ and they'd never gotten a ticket before, it was dismissed. By a student.
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July 21st, 2013 at 12:47:59 PM permalink
My wife had an outstanding parking ticket for $55 in San Diego before we were married. Eighteen months later a $225 deduction was made from my checking account in Nevada. The state of California tracked down that she got married and was living in Nevada so they did some paperwork with the bank to get the ticket paid. Wells Fargo bank added $100 fee for processing the paperwork.

It was a very expensive $55 parking ticket.
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July 21st, 2013 at 12:55:04 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

It was a very expensive $55 parking ticket.

I love it when people tear the ticket up in
front of the meter person on Parking Wars,
screaming they'll never pay it. Sure they will.

The history of parking is fascinating. In the
early days people parked wherever they
wanted for as long as they wanted. In front
of hydrants, in the traffic lane, on sidewalks,
on curbs, double parked, with no penalty.
Every parking law you see came from people
parking like idiots.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 21st, 2013 at 1:02:47 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I love it when people tear the ticket up in
front of the meter person on Parking Wars,
screaming they'll never pay it. Sure they will.

When I graduated college in December of '93 I mentioned how after 3.5 years of no I h parking tickets I somehow managed to get 3 in the last 3 weeks of school (2 on campus and one off.) $5 each back then and still cheaper than the $15 for a permit. They only checked certain lots and at certain times no matter what the signs said. Anyways I said how I had to pay to get my diploma.

An uncle I had mentioned how about 20 years before some guy he knew had that problem at Penn State. Said the university told him they would never release his transcripts or anything to anyone until it was settled. They guy already had a job lined up and had an attitude of "try to imagine how much I care!" Said he never paid and as far as they knew.
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July 21st, 2013 at 1:05:02 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

My wife had an outstanding parking ticket for $55 in San Diego before we were married. Eighteen months later a $225 deduction was made from my checking account in Nevada. The state of California tracked down that she got married and was living in Nevada so they did some paperwork with the bank to get the ticket paid. Wells Fargo bank added $100 fee for processing the paperwork.

It was a very expensive $55 parking ticket.

Jesus. Also BS if they didn't contact her/you by mail. And also BS that your bank charged that much for the city's laziness to contact you first. I highly doubt this would happen in Mike's case though. It's a community college...
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July 21st, 2013 at 1:24:53 PM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

Jesus. Also BS if they didn't contact her/you by mail. And also BS that your bank charged that much for the city's laziness to contact you first. .

My bank has a dept that handles stuff like this
and they charge $75. My bank manager says
they aren't obligated to contact you until the
deal is done. Then you can scream all you like.
He says that dept is busy all day every day,
it seems an awful lot of people have creditors
after them. The don't just pay them outright,
they deduct the money from your account
and it goes into escrow for 45 days. You have
that long to prove you don't owe the money.
Good luck with that..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 21st, 2013 at 1:25:14 PM permalink
For some reason, I thought Boulder City, NV, had a similar front-in only parking law.

I've certainly heard about it being a bye-law in places... and sometimes it was because some states only require a licence plate on the back of the car?

My father got ticketed in Denmark for parking in the wrong direction on a street (parking against the flow of traffic), but that made some sort of sense.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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July 21st, 2013 at 2:04:37 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Maybe you can become a secret moderator. A few more posts and you should qualify.

I'm new around here, but that's pretty damn funny.
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July 21st, 2013 at 2:05:17 PM permalink
write them a check for 50....18 goes to Barney Fife for his great police work.
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July 21st, 2013 at 4:52:30 PM permalink
Barney is suing George Zimmerman for criminal impersonation.
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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July 21st, 2013 at 9:19:52 PM permalink
Out of state vehicle, minor parking violation, campus authority, extremely remote chance of consequences for not paying it. Hell, I got a parking ticket on campus my sophomore year of college for parking in a staff lot when I was running late heading to class, never bothered to pay it, never heard a word about it and I was a resident student with that vehicle registered on campus for 3 years. Now their website said there was an appeals process but I never even bothered. I'm sure every college is different in how strictly they enforce their parking violations, and California education system is not so well off right now so they may be pulling BS like this just to generate revenue and subsidize their department. That being said, there's no way they are going to put in the effort to hold up a registration or license renewal, or make you pay it, or anything of the sort. Think of the cost/benefit from their perspective. Sending you a follow up letter asking for payment, contacting your state's DMV etc. That's time out of a well paid employee's day as well as resources in printing and mailing the letter, and there's still no guarantee of collecting the trivial amount of money. My campus of 5,000 students would have a dispatcher, an investigator and two or three patrol cars and one security guard on during the days and just a dispatcher and two patrol cars on at night. These people are doing their job and nothing more, the last thing they are doing is sitting in an office licking envelopes and calling the Nevada DMV over 30 bucks. There will be enough suckers that will mail in the cash out of self guilt or perception of an obligation to pay this ridiculousness. Bottom line, don't pay it.
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July 21st, 2013 at 10:19:35 PM permalink
I would say send them $32 in dirty pennies however the cost to ship that may be more then you want to spend. Get a rubber stamp and send them a bunch of checks for 1-5 cents each.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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July 22nd, 2013 at 5:11:42 AM permalink
Option #4:

Already mentioned, but something you should check out more closely.

Were you a visitor there? Obviously, you were there for SOME reason but, if you are not a student, faculty, or staff, perhaps there's an exemption you can claim as a visitor. Read the small print on the back (if present) to see if it mentions visitors, and / or call the parking services desk and inquire. Don't ignore it, it may come back to haunt you.
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July 23rd, 2013 at 5:19:52 PM permalink
Wow $32 is cheap! In the UK parking tickets are way more and a way for the council to raise lots of money - so don't park on those yellow lines! However if being out-of-state is the same as being in a different country (cf Netherlands vs UK), then I'd ignore it. I did pay one from Australia as I thought since they'd sent me a letter, they might not let me back in again if I didn't pay! but I've never heard from one in the Netherlands I got many years ago.

On topic I remember seeing a sign somewhere in a park saying that everyone should drive forwards into the space - but to issue a ticket seems harsh. btw for safety it pays to have one's headlights on in a multi-storey or in winter - I nearly had someone drive out in front of me and I think they only stopped because I had my lights on.

^^On sending dirty pennies - there was a story in today's paper (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2373474/Bet-raindrops-stately-home-paid-5-000-farthings-123-years-ago-bears-fruit-descendants-coins-sold-65-000.html) than someone lost a bet of £5 and had gone to the bank to get 4800 farthings. Over 130 years later, the family found these, and the Victorian coins were sold at auction for over £63k, as mint ones don't turn up very often!
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July 23rd, 2013 at 5:38:31 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Thanks for the comments thus far. Although it is coming in third place, I am leaning towards appealing the ticket. I'll admit I was in the wrong and will apologize, while making the point that I think $32 is way too much.

If I lose then I'll deduct $32 from my next donation check to UCSB.

$32 doesn't sound like too much to me. In Washington State parking fines are closer to $50. Also, what is the return on your investment fighting a $32 ticket. Maybe a few bucks an hour?

Why punish UCSB for enforcing their parking rules? Would you be happier if they had no parking rules? If you hate them, you should not give them any money at all rather than play some kind of passive aggressive game with a trivial amount of money.
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July 23rd, 2013 at 5:45:40 PM permalink
If you choose not to pay all they can do at a point is:
1: Deby you anything that is forthcoming from that institute . ie...... diploma, local loans, transcripts etc...
2: eventually turn into collections and in end a junk debt buyer that will hound you for a few years.
So with the fact of # 1 I would vote to pay as I have had this happen before and did not pay and found out later that they can and will withhold anything forthcoiming from them to you until its paid including late fees .
Just Me.......
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July 23rd, 2013 at 5:58:51 PM permalink
Boy this thread makes me wonder about you guys, including you...Mr Wiz.

As an AP, I weigh every decision by 2 principals. The first and most important is risk vs reward. That doesn't really apply here. The second principal is just a plain and simple 'is it worth my time and effort'. I'll tell you a little story about how this second came to be.

When I moved to Vegas, 4 years ago, I was all about accumulating as much EV as I could and I became obsessed with freebies, in this case match play coupons. At the time I lived a block off the strip at Flamingo/Koval. I didn't have a car that first year and spent a great deal of time on the strip, as opposed to the local type casinos. Upon discovering the free pull promo machines in front of Casino Royals, which the level 1 prize was a $5 matchplay coupon, I started and ended almost every day at Casino Royal. The rules are one spin per day, but there are two shift for the attendants, so this allowed me 2 match plays a day, slightly less than $5 EV. In the neighborhood of $4.85, I believe. Now cutting through the back end of Imperial Palace/Harrahs and through the casino (pre construction site) probably took upwards of 20 minutes and another 10 minutes for free spin and to play the matchplay. That's 30 minutes twice a day. An hour total for that $4.85 in EV! After a couple months, I finally said to myself, "free EV, yes, but is this really worth my time and effort?". And of course the answer is NO.

So now back to the parking ticket. Wizard, a man of principal has already kind of concluded that he was in the wrong, so there shouldn't be an issue....pay the darn 32 bucks! BUT, even if he felt he wasn't in the wrong....we come to the second of my principles for my decisions.....is it worth the time effort and hassle? Is it Wizard? Really? Cut your losses, pay the $32 bucks and learn to relax and be a law abiding citizen. :-)
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July 23rd, 2013 at 6:29:37 PM permalink
I'm not sure why you would appeal it. You believe you should be
allowed to drive any direction you like when it obviously goes
against the traffic flow? And most of all, you can't find more
important things to waste $32 of your time on?

I'm just sayin..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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July 23rd, 2013 at 6:36:26 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I'm not sure why you would appeal it. You believe you should be
allowed to drive any direction you like when it obviously goes
against the traffic flow?

Mike does not follow the masses. He goes in his own direction, Bob. Haven't you learned that by now. :-)
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