So, another bet lost to FrG. The last one was when they were electing the current pope and I had the new Pope to be European. That'll teach me to bet with a priest about Catholicism.
In losing the bet my responsibility was to visit the Guardian Angel church, which is right off the Strip. Between the Wynn and Riviera on the east side of the street. It had to be that one -- not just any Catholic church would do. Once I got there I had to light two candles, one in memory of my family and one in memory of FrG's.
Last Thursday I was on the Strip and met up with SOOPOO, who was kind enough to accompany me to the church. He took these photos, except the one of both of us, which was on a timer. Click on any image for a larger version.

SOOPOO and I in front of the church. There were a few beggars hanging around.

I like this facade. It was done in thousands of little tiles. Who is the winged figure?

Here I am in front on the altar. If that artwork depicts what heaven looks like, I think I might prefer the other place.

I was expecting to see a rack of real candles but what do I encounter instead. A rack of lights. Actually two of them. You just flip a switch to turn on each one. Given that this is Las Vegas, maybe I shouldn't be surprised. So, I lit the two in the second row from the top, one for my family and one for FrG's. Since I thought making a donation was part of the ritual I put one of my $2 bills into the box.
That was about it. SOOPOO and I then went to enjoy some real Mexican tacos, which is in the same shopping center, at Tacos El Gordo, which I highly recommend.
I've been in several Catholic churches before and I must say that this one looks like it was built in the 1970's and nothing has changed about it since.
win hands down.
Quote: EvenBobBet him he can't prove god or sin exists, you'll
win hands down.
What if he refers to a rainbow or a Maryland crab cake and says such things could not exist without god? Even I would say sin exists, depending on how you define it.
Quote: WizardEven I would say sin exists
That's an opinion, you can't prove it.
Quote: 1BBI wish FrGamble would post here once in a while. Are you guys at DT treating him okay?
I think we're being nice to him over at DT. Maybe he'll make a return here to remark on this thread.
Quote: EvenBobThat's an opinion, you can't prove it.
I never said it was a fact. If I express something as "I would say..." I think it implies it is an opinion. If I meant it as a fact I would have said "Sin exists."
One more post on this topic and I would say that I'll split off those posts to a new thread.
1) I ran into Pete at the St Nick Church in AC, and a year later,
2) I ran into Pete again in the Guardian Angel Church... some 2,535 miles away from AC. We both waited in a long line to confess our sins while we were in the Sin City, USA.
St Nick in AC near Resorts Casino.
Quote: AyecarumbaIf you had won the bet, where would FrG have had to go?
As I recall, I would have received a statue of the Virgin Mary.
Quote: ArtemisWiz, speaking of LV Guardian Angel Church, I like to ask you for a favor. Please calculate the odd for me to run into another AC guy ("Pete") under these circumstances:
1) I ran into Pete at the St Nick Church in AC, and a year later,
2) I ran into Pete again in the Guardian Angel Church... some 2,535 miles away from AC. We both waited in a long line to confess our sins while we were in the Sin City, USA.
Probably not as unlikely as you think, as I think these events are correlated. I will say 1 in 10,000.
Do you know what the average slot payback is there?Quote: Wizard
In losing the bet my responsibility was to visit the Guardian Angel church, which is right off the Strip. Between the Wynn and Riviera on the east side of the street.
Told many times but it's fitting here.Quote: pokerfaceI didn't know there's a cathedral right off the strip. I will visit it next time when I am in Vegas.
What's the difference between prayer in church and prayer in a casino?
In a casino you really mean it
Quote: AxelWolfTold many times but it's fitting here.
What's the difference between prayer in church and prayer in a casino?
In a casino you really mean it
haha, my catholic wife even laughed.
Isn't there a church opposite of MGM on the strip? For some reason I thought I remembered seeing one when I stayed at the Excalibur.
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
Threads: 86
Posts: 6613
Quote: Buzzard
FR.Gamble now joins the ranks of those preaching to the choir. And us sinners are left to fend for ourselves. Whatever happened to Hate the sin , but love the sinner ? ? ?
The shepherd has abandoned his flock. Too many black sheep in here, I guess.
Quote: CrystalMathI second Tacos el Gordo. My wife and I went there late on a Saturday night and it was a mad house; it was packed inside and a wait for the tables outside in a tent/room. The tacos were fantastic, though, and I'm sure we'll visit again.
Glad you liked it! If NicksGamingStuff ever returns to the forum please tell him. I tried to get him to have lunch with me there but he refused.
Quote: GWAEIsn't there a church opposite of MGM on the strip? For some reason I thought I remembered seeing one when I stayed at the Excalibur.
Not that I know of. The Little Church of the West used to be located where the Mandalay Bay now stands, and is now by the Welcome to Las Vegas sign, but that isn't a legitimate church, but rather a wedding chapel.
I Remember FR.Gamble leavening the forum shortly after I pointed out a few things about and priests gambling,not that my comments had any merit or reason (gambling ,IT'S AN ABSOLUTE SIN).Eventually his superiors had informed him of similar views and it not conducive of the catholic church or most religions (Bingo is+EV for the hypocritical church) .Quote: BuzzardJune 28th, 2014 at 2:21:07 PM permalink
Member since: Oct 28, 2012
Threads: 86
Posts: 6613
Quote: Buzzard
FR.Gamble now joins the ranks of those preaching to the choir. And us sinners are left to fend for ourselves. Whatever happened to Hate the sin , but love the sinner ? ? ?
The shepherd has abandoned his flock. Too many black sheep in here, I guess.
I had a very compelling argument about why gambling IS a sin (he left the day before I posted it). The basics(much more details): Gambling is meant for one purpose MONEY, Money is meant only as one purpose(very few references about money in the bible ) , ONLY EARNED though HARD WORK, meant to minimally feed and clothe your family, Anything else is a sin(ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE). -EV games cannot be considered legitimate hard work to take care of your family. God MIGHT condone a hard working AP(doubtful) . If you're GAMBLING for entertainment, there is no way in hell God condones gambling. Justify it all you want, however it's a blatant sin according to the bible, God and Jesus.
The only thing God wants from you (if you believe ). Is for you to serve and worship him PERIOD. EAT,SLEEP AND DRINK God an Jesus.
My next guess about the guy with the wings is St. Peter, who founded the Catholic Church, and is considered the first Pope. But he's a saint, not an angel, and I don't think he's usually pictured with wings.
Hard to say what the artist was picturing. Can't read the word under the right hand sinner. Prayer, penance...?
Quote: AxelWolfEventually his superiors had informed him of similar views and it not conducive of the catholic church
I always marvel at how much vitriol is directed at Fr. G. I mean, someone can have reasons for hating a certain church, or religion in general [say victim of abuse] , but why pounce so meanly on the Padre?
I doubt very much that his superiors have taken him to task citing any similar position to yours.
Quote: linkThe Catechism of the Catholic Church explains:
“Games of chance (card games, etc.) or wagers are not in themselves contrary to justice. They become morally unacceptable when they deprive someone of what is necessary to provide for his needs and those of others. The passion for gambling risks becoming enslavement”
I'm not a religious person. Heck, I'm not even that politically correct. That doesn't mean I don't try to be a fair and considerate human being. Let's hope this doesn't turn into yet another thread to bash religion or insult the good Father.
Quote: beachbumbabsMy next guess about the guy with the wings is St. Peter, who founded the Catholic Church, and is considered the first Pope. But he's a saint, not an angel, and I don't think he's usually pictured with wings.
I don't think Peter should ever be pictured with wings. Not to say that it hasn't happened though, as every artist is not necessarily a biblical scholar. It is my understanding that humans and angels are completely separate beings and are not interchangeable at all.
If I was a good christian and lived for God, I'm convinced recreational gambling would be a sin or even talking about it as entertainment.
1BB Quote: "His superiors, if they know of his forum participation, may see it as reaching out to his extended flock. Nothing wrong with that."
This is part of one of his last posts in the religion threads.
FrGamble: "That along with my spiritual director helping me to see that gambling is maybe not the best hobby to be associated with a priest. It is not that gambling is inherently evil, it is not as the Catechism of the Church makes clear, but many people are hurt by an addiction to it (including some parishioners) and in solidarity with them I'd like to remove myself from a forum so directly attached to gambling."
I can only assume that was sugar coated.
Once again, I do believe gambling is inherently evil because it's centered around winning and losing money. I believe having more money than what's needed to support you and your family is sinful in Gods eyes.
Reaching out ??? Quote FrGamble:" I'm excited about the news that Rocky Gap Casino is finally open."
Im sorry but that and many other gambling related comments is not reaching out.
The religion threads cause more arguments , animosity and damage than they do good. Arguing about religion and calling people atheists is not a good way to reach any flock.
Fr Should post as much as he wants. I just don't believe any religious leader should support gambling or argue about religion.
Quote: AxelWolfOnce again, I do believe gambling is inherently evil because it's centered around winning and losing money. I believe having more money than what's needed to support you and your family is sinful in Gods eyes.
Can you quote me just one verse in the bible that specifically says gambling is sinful? I would also take issue with the opinion that having more money than what you need is sinful. There were plenty of rich godly people in the Old Testament, like Job.
Quote: WizardCan you quote me just one verse in the bible that specifically says gambling is sinful?
I'm certainly no biblical scholar, so I couldn't come close to quoting something without doing some research on it. I do believe, however, that there were some rather strongly negative comments made about the "casting of lots" to win ownership of the clothing of the condemned and perhaps dying Jesus while he was in the throes of being crucified.
Quote: AxelWolf
Once again, I do believe gambling is inherently evil because it's centered around winning and losing money. I believe having more money than what's needed to support you and your family is sinful in Gods eyes.
Quote: WizardCan you quote me just one verse in the bible that specifically says gambling is sinful? I would also take issue with the opinion that having more money than what you need is sinful. There were plenty of rich godly people in the Old Testament, like Job.
Gambling is allowed by the virtue of omission from the Tablet.
Life's a gamble. Moses gambled himself. He rescued Jews from Egypt and marched them through the no man's land to the promised land.
If gambling is not allowed, then it would be inscribed onto the Moses' 10 Commandments Tablet.

The good old FREEWILL prevails. God let us choose how to gamble. Gambling is like water in ocean. It depends how you use it. Using it the right way, it'll float you...the wrong way... it'll sink you.
If you gamble with +EVs (i.e., counting cards by Father Fahey with +1.5% edge ), it will float you. If you gamble with -Evs (i.e., Slots by Father McAuliffe with NEGATIVE 6.58% edge) it will sink you.
I kid you not. Here are the real stories of Father Slots (McAuliffe) vs Father Blackjack (Fahey):

Father McAuliffe's story

Father Fahey's story
Cmon over and join the fun and put your 2 cents in
Quote: Artemis
If gambling is not allowed, then it would be inscribed onto the Moses' 10 Commandments Tablet.
It was, there were 15, Moses dropped a tablet.
but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. "
" He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity. "
" Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. ""
Quote: WizardThere were plenty of rich godly people in the Old Testament, like Job.
He was probably an 8/5 or something, no wonder he was rich.
Somewhat more seriously, casting (or drawing) lots was a common thing in the olden days.
Quote: WizardCan you quote me just one verse in the bible that specifically says gambling is sinful? I would also take issue with the opinion that having more money than what you need is sinful. There were plenty of rich godly people in the Old Testament, like Job.
Thank you Wizard.
You can find passages where excessive boozing is criticized, as well as excessive interest in money; neglect of the poor ... etc.
A clear condemnation of gambling is unknown to me. I think you have to say casting lots over the Robe is even a case of sideways criticism, much as an enthusiastic gambler of today might find wagering over whether or not someone with Ebola is going to survive distasteful. As for the Robe, you could make a case that the soldiers were merely fulfilling prophecy [as the writer of the Gospel of John maintains]
Quote: Buzzard" Wealth gained hastily2 will dwindle,
but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. "
" He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity. "
" Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. ""
I think you could sum up all those with the well-known quotation by Jesus, "The love of money is the root of all evil." However, I don't think that is the usual reason why people gamble. This is not my area of expertise, but it seems to me most people game in moderation for amounts that they consider for entertainment purposes. I think that the Catholic church would use the same argument to justify church bingo.
About the casting of lots for Jesus' clothes, the bible says:
“Let’s not tear it,” they said to one another. “Let’s decide by lot who will get it.” This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled that said, “They divided my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment.” -- John 19:24. The other three gospels have a little less detail. It seems to me it is just reporting what happened and not a condemnation of casting lots in general.
By the way, "casting lots" is kind of like keno or bingo where a random marked stone is drawn from a jar.
Quote: Wizard
By the way, "casting lots" is kind of like keno or bingo where a random marked stone is drawn from a jar.
Casting lots for belongings was common
practice at Roman executions.
Anyway, I wanted to really clarify and say once again that for me and the Catholic Church gambling is not a sin in itself. It can lead to an enslavement and can cause huge problems in people's lives, but it can also be a form of healthy entertainment and competition. I think choosing to gamble is a decision not to be taken lightly. It goes a little further than just making sure you don't put at risk your rent or your kid's college education. You also have to weigh your contributions to charity outside of gambling and make sure that your gambling losses are not disproportionate to your donations or put at risk your ability to justly serve the poor or needy or whatever causes or people that you support. I also believe you have a responsibility to do research and always make the best bet, which is what led me to the Wizard's sites. Speaking of these sites they have been a blessing to me. I've learned a lot about gambling and life from the forums here and more recently at DT.
Thanks everybody and may God Bless you all!
p.s. Casting lots is not always negative in the Bible. The Apostles cast lots for who would take the place of Judas.
Quote: FrGambleclarify and say once again that for me and the Catholic Church gambling is not a sin in itself. .
How would they know that when nobody
really knows what sin is. Maybe it's worst
sin there is, maybe sin doesn't exist at all.
Wiz, you were wearing a Texas Longhorns T-Shirt in the photos, any reason? Or you are just a fan of the team?
Quote: pokerfaceWelcome back FrGamble!
Wiz, you were wearing a Texas Longhorns T-Shirt in the photos, any reason? Or you are just a fan of the team?
I went to Austin recently and came home with that t-shirt. I've been getting a lot of boo's since wearing it around Vegas.
Quote: FrGambleIt reminds me of the cab driver who went to heaven along with the life-long preacher. As St. Peter was showing them their mansions the preacher discovered that the cab driver had a much nicer eternal home. He asked Peter, "I don't understand I served the Lord faithfully always preaching many hours about the Gospel and this cab driver gets this huge place?" Peter responds, "We judge on results here in Heaven and while you put people to sleep for a living he caused everyone he drove to fervently pray."
So... I could be the first ever atheist Saint? =D
But it was the word DINKs, coined in the 80's that illuminated the end result for me. Being almost always DINKs, gay couples have two valuable things to contribute to politicians and churches that will lead to acceptance and approval.
Quote: EvenBobnobody really knows what sin is... maybe sin doesn't exist at all.
Wow you are really stuck on this, Bob.
I can remember being resentful about preaching on sin. Protestant preachers can really lay it on till you get sick of it, with the need to make you feel great guilt and fear clearly the motive. And the preacher often was making himself seem to be too holy for sin himself.
For me it helped when I read something about Sin being another word for Error. It made me realize the word doesnt have to be so loaded with guilt. Today we hear a lot about all being sinners, preachers too. It just means we are all imperfect.
I'm sure you don't mean you feel most people are free from error, making no mistakes in their lives that hurt themselves or others, nor that you yourself are perfect.
Quote: EvenBobHow would they know that when nobody really knows what sin is.
They mention this in the movie Dogma.
So, if you believe this sort of thing, there is some basis. In any case, an individual should decide for themselves what is right or wrong.
Quote: DeMangoSin is a Latin word meaning "Missing the mark". Of course EB has never missed the mark, so he doesn't know what sin is. Romney won right?
Bob complaining about a lack of proof is ironic... he claims he can tell a random number generator apart from a psuedo random computer... but wont prove it. I guess we need to have faith....
Quote: FrGamble
Gambling..... can lead to an enslavement and can cause huge problems in people's lives,
Absolutely !
Quote: FrGamble
but it can also be a form of healthy entertainment and competition.
Absolutely !
Quote: FrGamble
I think choosing to gamble is a decision not to be taken lightly. It goes a little further than just making sure you don't put at risk your rent or your kid's college education. You also have to weigh your contributions to charity outside of gambling and make sure that your gambling losses are not disproportionate to your donations or put at risk your ability to justly serve the poor or needy or whatever causes or people that you support.
Well Said. With most things in life, balance and moderation are important to help keep things in perspective.