Quote: KaydayLooking back from the ripe old age of 46, I can tell you that the decisions I most regret in life are the ones where I opted for the familiar, secure, comfortable option over the riskier, scarier, but passionately desired option.
As another 46-year-old, I agree 100%.
Quote: WizardAs another 46-year-old, I agree 100%.
I was 46 about 15 years ago and believe me, it seems
like day before yesterday. Your life is set, and your future
is set, usually. You get into routines and time really flies
by. Be aware of it and fight it and maybe it won't fly by
so fast.
Quote: EvenBobI was 46 about 15 years ago and believe me, it seems
like day before yesterday. Your life is set, and your future
is set, usually. You get into routines and time really flies
by. Be aware of it and fight it and maybe it won't fly by
so fast.
46 & 25 = 71 Always wondered what if I had not honked my horn at that cute girl 18 waiting at the bus stop ??
I was 28 at the time. All my buddies from the pool hall racetrack back then are either dead, in jail, or worse.
Dead Beat Dads. SIGH
Quote: NicksGamingStuffWhat is a good furniture store to pick up a sofa and maybe a chair. I googled furniture store and I think there are more furniture stores than casinos.
Too bad you missed the Sahara sale, I heard they were practically giving away their used furniture.
Anyway, I've got some stuff you can borrow. Otherwise, I like Walker Furniture.
Quote: rxwineUse Craigslist when you get here, if you want to go cheap. In some cases, furniture is given away if you're the first to show up to pick it up.
When I moved, and had a whole houseful of furniture to get rid of, so I put an ad on Craigslist, giving it all away. I checked back about an hour later and got about 100 responses. So I contacted the first person to respond, and he took almost all of it. What little he left I gave the second person.
see ... http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/search/cas/?query=w4m
wicked world
Quote: avargovI kinda like what they offer at RC Willey. But my wife is the head of that cost center.
Can she hook me up with a deal? Mike thanks for the offer but I would prefer to get my own just incase something happens
I would assume there would be alot of orange crates behind the Tropicana. You take the orange crates home and you got two schools of interior decorating to choose from: Horizontal and Vertical.Quote: NicksGamingStuffWhat is a good furniture store ...
Seriously, wait till you know about things like wall length and likelihood of staying put before you start accumulating "stuff" that you gotta just lug with you if you move.
Have your extra set of black pants and white ruffled shirt in a plastic bag in the car.
Quote: WizardI've got some stuff you can borrow.
Note to self: if thinking of moving to Vegas and not so flush, make fast friends with the Wizard first.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffCan she hook me up with a deal [at RC Willey]? Mike thanks for the offer but I would prefer to get my own just incase something happens
RC Willey in Henderson has some very nice stuff, some very comfortable furnishings.
When I came to Vegas from New York, one-way ticket, I took only my clothes/suits, my papers (birth cert, passport, photo albums, personal letters, etc.), my library/movie collection (in crates), my two rifles (shipped via courrier), some watches/jewlery in a carry-on (it may get stolen from checked lugged via a New York Airport), and my computer contents on CD-ROMS. (we now use mem-sticks)
And almost enough money to retire on, if I hadn't gone so often to the sports book....another story there....
But...NO FURNITURE OR OTHER MAJOR BAGGAGE WHEN STARTING OVER!! Travel light into the new life... Gave the big stuff (actually the little stuff when you think about it) to my ex-wife and family, and donated the rest.
Stayed at a Stations property hotel (comped) when the condo I bought on a previous trip was getting cleaned up.
1. call an exterminator first BEFORE you install your new furniture.
2. have the AC unit cleaned and recharged before the summer. Check it out first.
3. Have a mechanic check out a used car before you buy it, or else you will find out how expensive cabs are in this town, or how PROBLEMATIC public transportation is in this town.
4. learn EVERY LITTLE DETAIL they teach you in dealers' school; it'll save a few black eyes. And talk to working dealers about the business, for tips and contacts.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffOne option I think I am going to use is a place that includes all utilities. This will be a big savings since electricity is so expensive and it will be a pain to set up the account. This place also includes cable tv. All the places I have called seem to want me to prepay for a 3 month lease which is fine, that way I won't have to worry about coming up with the rent each month. This place will let me pay a $49 holding fee so I wont have to pay for September when I am not there. The location seems okay.I like the fact it is near a police station.
That apartment is absolutely in one of the worst parts of Las Vegas. Horrible crime rate there. You would be wise to pay a little more and look elsewhere.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffI had terrible luck at the casino today, which is a really good thing because if I had won I would have wanted to play more.
"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..."Quote: NicksGamingStuffI had terrible luck at the casino today, which is a really good thing because if I had won I would have wanted to play more. I only lost $300 but I just got murdered on every game.When I move here the only time I will go into a casino will be to work.
John Sedgwick, Union Civil War general who was hit by sniper fire at the battle of Spotsylvania, on May 9, 1864.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffWhen I move here the only time I will go into a casino will be to work.
Famous last words.
So what did you do? Flit around the place and move onto some other game at the very first loss?Quote: NicksGamingStuffI only lost $300 but I just got murdered on every game.
Anyway, good luck with your new digs. And your job hunting.
(although that wouldn't be in anyway unique, I'm sure)
Quote: NicksGamingStuffI had terrible luck at the casino today, which is a really good thing because if I had won I would have wanted to play more. I only lost $300 but I just got murdered on every game.When I move here the only time I will go into a casino will be to work.
Only $300!!!? Up thread it sounded as if you're scrounging every penny, then you went out gambling? ugh!!!!
Quote: AlanOnly $300!!!? Up thread it sounded as if you're scrounging every penny, then you went out gambling? ugh!!!!
$300 is a lot to lose if things are tight in my book, too.
As tight as you describe your monetary situation, I would have to say you need to figure you have busted the budget for at least the next 6 months... no gambling!
stated over and over how tight money is, and the
first thing you do is drop $300. It doesn't bode well
for your future in Vegas. The town has two kinds
of people. Those who gamble and lose, and those
who don't gamble at all. There really isn't any middle
that isn't the case, and it isn't quite as black-and-white as that.
There are many people who gamble $500 a month, averaging a loss of $150 a month as an entertainment expense that's fine with them; some are even up.
There's a whole spectrum of gamblers, in all colors and many shades of grey, the vast majority in town are doing fine in their lives. Some are not, some have gone to GA, some don't gamble any more, and some are fine with gambling.
Nick handled himself very well, a very bright young man who knows the deal, and I think he'll do very fine in this town.
Quote: PaigowdanWell,
that isn't the case, and it isn't quite as black-and-white as that.
But it mostly is. Everybody has a different level of control,
all but an extreme (highlite the word 'extreme') few actually
stay ahead of the game. Gambling is a lose/lose proposition
for the player, don't pretend its anything else.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffWell I have not moved here yet, but I do agree with you that if you live here and gamble you have a 99% chance of being a loser and having your life in debt
I read a few years ago about a school teacher
who was applying for a mortgage in Vegas. One
of the questions on the form asked if he was a regular
gambler. When he asked the bank person about it, he was
told that if he answered yes, his mortgage would
be denied. The bank had learned the hard way
that regular gamblers in Vegas usually last about
6 months before they start missing their payments.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffShould I be worried about having my car broken into since there will be boxes visible from the windows?
Use valet parking, it'll cost you a $2 tip.
If you live in Los Angeles, you do movies, real estate or Internet porn... those are the only games in town.
If you live in Las Vegas, you do casinos, its the only game in town. Now I have to get back to the kitchen. I'm preparing diced beets for dinner and its taking me forever to paint those little white dots on them.
Quote: EvenBobI read a few years ago about a school teacher
who was applying for a mortgage in Vegas. One
of the questions on the form asked if he was a regular
gambler. When he asked the bank person about it, he was
told that if he answered yes, his mortgage would
be denied. The bank had learned the hard way
that regular gamblers in Vegas usually last about
6 months before they start missing their payments.
This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have heard come out of you yet EB. I notice it's always something you read about. Never anything you experienced yourself. Sheeesh!
Moving to Las Vegas at the present time, without the prospect of employment preconfirmed will likely be suicidal for you.
It's still on the ropes.
My suggestion: San Antonio.
Quote: NicksGamingStuffShould I be worried about having my car broken into since there will be boxes visible from the windows?
Yes... when I moved from Chicago to Kansas City, I stopped in St Louis to see a friend. I left some boxes in the car, mostly kitchen stuff worth about $50 total. My car was stolen along with all my stuff. I got the car back a week later but of course, everything was gone.
If you HAVE to, do the valet thing. But frankly, I wouldn't even trust that.
And I agree with others....if you like cocaine or oranges, you move to Miami; you like skiing, you move to Denver. Why move here if you don't gamble?