He's got too much to hide.
The Dems should make this a huge issue for the next 6 months.
Quote: ams288I've said it from day 1 of this campaign: he will never release his taxes.
He's got too much to hide.
The Dems should make this a huge issue for the next 6 months.
This is a Vegas board so
Whats the over under in how many days it takes for Trump to admit he is John Miller
3, 7 10?
Maybe he never comes clean
Pretty funny that all the Trump (aka John Miller) supporters wont support their man on this issue
Just silence
Quote: terapinedPretty funny that all the Trump (aka John Miller) supporters wont support their man on this issue
Just silence
Actually I've seen lots of his surrogates on TV saying "I believe him when he says it wasn't him."
INSANE. Apparently they don't have ears.
Has he done any of his constant TV phone interviews since this came out? I don't think so.
You know Trump is having a bad week when he doesn't call into 87 morning shows... He's a fame whore.
Quote: ams288I've said it from day 1 of this campaign: he will never release his taxes.
He's got too much to hide.
The Dems should make this a huge issue for the next 6 months.
I agree. Attack him on his failure to release his tax returns. That should be a huge issue.
Quote: RonCI agree. Attack him on his failure to release his tax returns. That should be a huge issue.
Glad we agree.
Quote: RonCI agree. Attack him on his failure to release his tax returns. That should be a huge issue.
this country in the debt it's in, will he file bankruptcy for it? He's a pro at that scam.
Quote: RonCI agree. Attack him on his failure to release his tax returns. That should be a huge issue.
Actually it shouldn't be a huge issue if there is NOTHING of significant value in John Miller's tax return. However, tax returns are resourceful in helping voters to judge John Miller's (or any Presidential candidate) conflict of interest, honesty, integrity and hypocrisy. And yes, the conflict of interest, honesty, integrity and hypocrisy issues are huge and very important for the most important position in the nation and the world.
As one of the articles listed in the initial post stated, "... that without the returns, voters are left to make their own inferences as to why Trump won’t release them. By releasing them, voters may learn that Trump isn’t hiding something that’s worse than what’s actually there." The author of the article then concluded,
"In other words if "there’s nothing to learn," voters would, in fact, learn that."
Quote: ams288Glad we agree.
Don't worry; we will agree on this but we won't agree on much else for long...once I start talking about the things Trump should attack Clinton on, my prediction is that you'll defend her at every turn. Maybe I will be wrong.
I don't like Trump. I like Hillary even less.
Quote: Ibeatyouracesthis country in the debt it's in, will he file bankruptcy for it? He's a pro at that scam.
The answer is an absolutely yes according to his proposal about reducing the national debt by persuading creditors to accept something less than full payment. NO THIS IS NOT A JOKE. IT IS A SERIOUS PROPOSAL BY JOHN MILLER.
Quote: ams288I've said it from day 1 of this campaign: he will never release his taxes.
He's got too much to hide.
The Dems should make this a huge issue for the next 6 months.
John Miller has very right to take advantage of any loop hole in the tax codes. While John Miller's many attempts to pay smallest amount in tax as possible are legal (or borderline legal), the video below expose his hypocrisy, honesty, integrity on the tax issues.
Quote: RonCDon't worry; we will agree on this but we won't agree on much else for long...once I start talking about the things Trump should attack Clinton on, my prediction is that you'll defend her at every turn. Maybe I will be wrong.
I don't like Trump. I like Hillary even less.
I don't care what Trump attacks Hillary on. He's already gone after Bill. Called her an enabler. Attacked her voice. (Stuff that is going to tank his favorables with women even more).
At this point, it'd be refreshing if he brought up a dead horse like Benghazi.
He's destined to lose no matter what he attacks her on.
Demographics are destiny.
Quote: ams288I don't care what Trump attacks Hillary on. He's already gone after Bill. Called her an enabler. Attacked her voice. (Stuff that is going to tank his favorables with women even more).
At this point, it'd be refreshing if he brought up a dead horse like Benghazi.
He's destined to lose no matter what he attacks her on.
Demographics are destiny.
He should release his tax returns, but he has filed the proper legal forms. If the voters accept what he has decided, they will vote for him. If they don't, they will vote against him. It is up to the voters to decide whether it is important or not.
It is important to me, but less important than President Clinton.
A lot of people counted Trump out over the past year, me included. So far, those people have all been wrong. Don't go counting your demographic eggs before they hatch!
Who are the creditors?Quote: 777The answer is an absolutely yes according to his proposal about reducing the national debt by persuading creditors to accept something less than full payment.
During the Mexican–American War, Frémont, a major in the U.S. Army, took control of California from the Bear Flag Republic in 1846. Frémont then proclaimed himself military Governor of California; however, for that he was convicted in court martial for mutiny and insubordination. After President Polk commuted his sentence, Frémont led a fourth expedition, which cost ten lives, seeking a rail route over the mountains around the 38th parallel in the winter of 1849. He retired from military service and settled in California. Frémont acquired massive wealth during the California Gold Rush, but he was soon bogged down with lawsuits over land claims, between the dispossession of various land owners during the Mexican–American War and the explosion of Forty-Niners immigrating during the Rush. These cases were settled by the U.S. Supreme Court allowing Frémont to keep his property
Although Frémont had successes during his brief tenure as Commander of the Western Armies, he ran his department autocratically, and made hasty decisions without consulting Washington D.C. or President Lincoln. After Frémont's emancipation edict that freed slaves in his district, he was relieved of his command by President Lincoln for insubordination
After the Civil War, Frémont's wealth declined after investing heavily and purchasing an unsuccessful Pacific Railroad in 1866. Frémont served as Governor of Arizona appointed by President Rutherford B. Hayes and served from 1878 to 1881. Frémont, retired from politics and financially destitute, died in New York City in 1890.
Historians portray Frémont as controversial, impetuous, and contradictory. Some scholars regard him as a military hero of significant accomplishment, while others view him as a failure who repeatedly defeated his own best purposes
Countries, corporations, and individuals who own treasury bills, notes, and bonds.
Notably, the largest creditor is social security, as the funds were drawn out of it and replaced with these debt notes.
So is he suggesting that social security gets short-paid, or all of the mutual fund holders of t-bills and such, or is he just going to try to stiff the foreign owners of those instruments?
Quote: petroglyphWho are the creditors?
China I believe.
China has been net negative on treasury purchases, since IIRC 2011. They have been dumping treasury's and buying anything of intrinsic value that they can with the proceeds. Infrastructure here, around the world and particularly Africa.Quote: IbeatyouracesChina I believe.
That was done under Clinton, B. in order to show economic gains. Dalex64Notably, the largest creditor is social security, as the funds were drawn out of it and replaced with these debt notes.
The way I see it: the treasury needs money to pay for things, including the interest on what they stole out of SS. So the fed, [ you and me] prints it, and loans it to tbtf banks [at a fraction above 0%]that are also "primary dealers" who will buy all the treasury's left over after a monthly auction process. So that is how the treasury gets their money. Then the big banks get to collect until maturity on those notes.Quote:So is he suggesting that social security gets short-paid, or all of the mutual fund holders of t-bills and such, or is he just going to try to stiff the foreign owners of those instruments?
The fed. [us] creates money, loans it cheap to the the "SIFI' banks, then according to a back room agreement [it's not backroom] buy's the treasury's, and now get the bonds on their books as level one assets. Then they loan them to each other, and fractionally loan that money again. They also get to collect around 3% now on the ten year. The money the tbtf banks have left over, they put back into the fed bank, as excess reserves. They collect around .25 now, they were higher. Now the fed is paying the tbtf banks, 50 billion per year, not to lend. There really aren't that many good places to loan that money, so it is forced into stocks.
I think on Trump's part it was like a thumb in Hillary's eye, as the big banks have donated hundreds of millions to the Clinton's over the years. Trump will ever make a move on the Wall street banks other than smoke and mirrors. Won't happen.
Coincidentally, Adelson just promised Trump a hundred million dollars. Trump is only posturing about cutting a little vig off of what taxpayers are paying the banks, at any cost, so they don't go under. He's a business man, it's just business.
Quote: Dalex64..Notably, the largest creditor is social security...
Social Security is the second largest man made fraud ever created after religion.
How has he not been asked about this since then? He's been caught in a lie. Plain and simple. He should be asked about this constantly.
Quote: ParadigmI haven't seen anything on it a couple of days...I realize "John Miller" isn't a classified document on a private server that may have compromised National Security nor did the "interview" result in Americans dying in Benghazi, but still, it's an important issue impacting our collective futures. Questions must be asked!!
Trump hasn't been tested on protecting National Security or troops, so it's hard to compare.
I wouldn't bet on him to do well against Hillary for protecting information. Trump's propensity for running his mouth makes me think he would be badly matched over the same period of time given a chance.
Even Gen Petraeus flubbed the National Security issue -- so even the well trained and mighty fall once in awhile to mistakes.
Yep, me too. But my prediction is that Hillary will win by a historic landslide. You read it hear first !Quote: RonC
A lot of people counted Trump out over the past year, me included.
Quote: ParadigmI haven't seen anything on it a couple of days...I realize "John Miller" isn't a classified document on a private server that may have compromised National Security nor did the "interview" result in Americans dying in Benghazi, but still, it's an important issue impacting our collective futures. Questions must be asked!!
Understood! Fair questions!
There aren’t any perfect/flawless candidates, presidents, politicians, lawyers, CPA… You can find plenty of mistakes or poor judgments in John Miller, Clintons, Reagan, Obama, or other human beings.
There are reckless, unforeseen, unavoidable, unforgivable, or just simple ordinary mistakes. And we all make mistakes and can learn from our own and other people mistakes. Knowledge and experience can be gained from one’s own or other people mistakes. We all made mistakes, and it is more important to me whether one had learned from his/her own past mistakes. As Vince Lombardi, Jr. once said, "It's not whether you got knocked down; it's whether you get back up."
With regarding to the Benghazi incident, there were numerous hearings/investigations and the conclusion was the terrorist killed American, and those deaths were NOT caused by Clinton, or anyone in the Whitehouse, the Statement Department or the Congress. And in the private server controversy, I think it was a poor judgment on Hillary part to use private server, but none of the email communications were considered classified at the time when those communications were send. Many of those emails were LATER classified by the Whitehouse and/or State Department, but at no time Clinton or any of her staff or those involved were unknowingly transmitted classified documents. Keep in mind that the private server is still an on-going investigation and will hear more about this from John Miller between now and November.
Clinton’s handling of Benghazi incident, and her use of private server were not desirable, and I don’t consider her actions as reckless. I believe Clinton and our nation can and will learn from those ordinary mistakes and, and lesson learned from her poor judgments will make her a better & wiser leader/human being, and us collectively a better nation.
As I have stated earlier, knowledge and experience can be gained from one’s own or other people mistakes. We all made mistakes, and it is more important to me whether one had learned from his/her own past mistakes. I would be more comfortable in an aircraft controlled by an experience pilot with many flying hours who had learned a lot from his own and other pilots' mistakes than an inexperience pilot with so few flying hours. And my same feeling can be applied to CPA professions and any other professions, or human beings.
Had John Miller learned anything from his bad treatments of woman in the past 20 plus years? I'll let you be the judge. And considering many of John Miller reckless statements about Mexican, Muslim, immigrant, woman, handling US debt and nuclear arsenal, is John Miller fit to be a POTUS? Under the U.S. constitution and democracy, you have every right to choose John Miller to plan our collective futures. It is a scary thought that the odds of John Miller planning our collective futures are much greater than the odds of 10,000 of anything in a row.
And with regarding to John Miller and Clinton, I don't demand perfection from them. However, I'm more comfortable with Clinton for her experience and knowledge than the loud mouth, reckless, deceitful, and flame baiter/thrower John Miller. And I sincerely hope our collective futures will not be in the hand of John Miller.
Quote: ams288I don't care what Trump attacks Hillary on. He's already gone after Bill. Called her an enabler. Attacked her voice. (Stuff that is going to tank his favorables with women even more).
At this point, it'd be refreshing if he brought up a dead horse like Benghazi.
He's destined to lose no matter what he attacks her on.
Demographics are destiny.
If he's destined to lose, why so unhinged?
Quote: Sabretom2If he's destined to lose, why so unhinged?
Who's unhinged? (Besides John MillerTrump)
Quote: ams288He's destined to lose no matter what he attacks her on.
Quote: Sabretom2If he's destined to lose, why so unhinged?
The last very strong prediction of a Presidential outcome of that sort here led to...well, a long period of self exile and some ridicule...
I am not saying that he is going to win, or that he even has a very good chance of winning, but the people on both sides have strongly gone against the establishment candidates.
He most certainly has a chance of winning...
The unrest at the Democratic Convention over the weekend in of all places Las Vegas should not go unmentioned. The tumult was severe enough to force a prominent official like Barbara Boxer off the stage fearing for her safety, she said. Also, the Democratic headquarters was too fearful even to open its doors on Monday.Quote: RonCThe people on both sides have strongly gone against the establishment candidates.
Quote: ams288Who's unhinged? (Besides John MillerTrump)
tldrQuote: 777
Not to mention ONLY posting four letter words ;-)