What's the weather forecast? I understand the roads are pretty bad there when it snows.Quote: GWAEJust booked my flight. Flying in to Bradley at 9am, driving to springfield for a 11am meeting. Then flying home 7am Friday. I will have the evening. As far as I can tell the only casino in the area is the new mgm one in springfield. Does anyone know if there is anything that I am missing?
Quote: AyecarumbaWhat's the weather forecast? I understand the roads are pretty bad there when it snows.
that is a good point. Probably should have looked before booking flight.
Just looked cloudy 48/38 so I should be fine.
Quote: PokerGrinder2 in Rhode Island?
I got the RI last time in Boston.
Thought about driving to Rivers in Schenectady but it is 2 hours each way. Not sure if I am going to do that.
Vermont is one of the few states that I have not been too. If I can't find any casinos to go to I might take the hour drive to cross the border and mark that state off my list.
Quote: PokerGrinderYou could collect in New Hampshire?
I have all of the NH ones. We drove from cape cod to Bangor so I got everything in that coridor. I know MA is adding some and when we were there they didnt have any.
I think what I might do is just take the ride to Boston and get the Encore Boston Harbour one. I havent booked my return flight yet because I am not sure which day for sure I am coming home. Maybe I can get a good flight out of Boston.
Quote: PokerGrinderI’m trying to figure out casinos in Guatemala... all I have to say is oy vay! There might be 6 or there could be 0, who knows?
IMHO, You might want to wait on Guatemala all together. They are walking the streets shooting people just for fun - how much more dangerous would it be, to be a stranger running in and out of casinos?
Let them get their act together before you grace them with your presence.
Quote: DocDid you leave out the "ot" right after the "ch"?
Ooooo first suspension in the history of the chip of the day thread!?!? Seems right that Doc should get it 🤣
Quote: PokerGrinderNew chips are being collected in February/March. Just booked a flight to Asia, the plan is to visit Macau again for 2-3 days and collect between 12-16 new chips. Next is two weeks in Taiwan which doesn’t have any casinos. I’ll be spending a week in the Philippines and I will be collecting 25+ chips depending on what’s open. I’m finishing up with 4 days in Brunei which doesn’t have gambling.
What’s in Brunei that takes 4 days to see? I think you could walk around the whole place in a day.
Quote: PokerGrinderThey have really cheap rt flights from Manila for 105 usd but the cheap flights only go on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The option was to stay for 1.5 days, 3.5 days or 4.5 days. 3.5 seemed like the best option. There are a couple things I want to do and check out in Brunei.
I understand they are to Singapore what Singapore is to Malaysia. Strict Sharia law, so no alcohol for sale in the country, all the women are covered up, even on the beach, hand chopping for theft, etc. Lots of rich folks, so things are relatively expensive compared to Malaysia. Maybe a benevolent dictatorship isn’t so bad after all... I’m looking forward to your report.
Has it already been presented?
Quote: AyecarumbaDoc - I picked up a chip from the casino formerly known as SLS but now back to Sahara. I don't recall if it has already been posted, but I didn't see it amongst the several versions in the index link.
Has it already been presented?
Quote: PokerGrinderIt hasn’t been posted yet.
Initially I (think that I) misread your post. I thought you had just picked up an SLS chip and you didn't think it had been posted yet. (My bad.) If you were really asking whether this thread has a chip from the "new" Sahara, then I agree with PG. I have not yet been to Las Vegas since the new place opened but plan to get such a chip on my next visit.
Just a comment out of my confusion/amusement: my common reference site, the Chip Guide from the Museum of Gaming history, seems to claim that both the SLS and the "Sahara (formerly the SLS)" are both now open for business. It also claims that the new Sahara opened on 10/1/19 but that the chips were issued on 10/21/19. They do offer an explanatory note that it took several months (September/October) to implement the name change.
Ayecarumba, since you have such a new chip, I invite you to make the official Casino Chip of the Day post. In addition to the chip image, tell as much of the story as you care to. I'm looking forward to it. After that, I'll have to figure out how to handle that post in the thread index. Suggestions?
Quote: beachbumbabsDang. I didn't see the "ot" comment until it was too late to reasonably suspend Doc. Shucky darn! (kidding PG)
Statute of limitations? Seems fishy to me Babs.
Quote: PokerGrinderStatute of limitations? Seems fishy to me Babs.
Fishy like your claim of sobriety? You know we all read your trip reports, right? :-)
Quote: PokerGrinderWhich TR has me drinking more than a couple times in a 6+ week trip?
Hehe... There’s a toe story in there someplace...

How many of them are in the CoTD?
Quote: AyecarumbaAccording to the UNLV Center for Gaming Research, there are 41 casinos in Macau:
How many of them are in the CoTD?
A bunch of those are SJM casinos and use the same chips.
Quote: DocThis post is not just a space filler, but it comes pretty close to that. I just wanted to point out that without this post or another one by tomorrow, this thread would have gone a full month without any posts, and it might be the first time in the history of the thread that has happened. I have to wonder whatever happened to Ayecarumba's post of his chip from the "new" Sahara casino (former SLS). How much time do you need, Aye?
Hehe... I'm inspired by PG...
Actually, I need to set up with a host for the photos. Any recommendations?
Here is my home set of chips...
At 13.5 grams they are heavier than standard casino chips. Admittedly they are not the prettiest things in the world. In fact, they weren't even my first choice when I started looking for a new set. The ones I wanted had a cool royal flush inlay. When I read the reviews, however, I found the inlays were merely stickers that started peeling off when first taking them out of the box. So these chips became plan-b and they do have a few advantages.
For starters the inlays are printed on so there's no peeling issues. Note that the denominations are not specified; they could represent US dollars (or cents) or pounds or pesos etc. Finally, the big numbers help players with poor vision or, more specifically, players with colorblindness.
So, overall I'm around 90% pleased with them (which ain't bad). I just wish they had more pizazz.
[If interested, these chips are easy to find online.]
Hopefully someone else will showcase their home chips.
To be honest, I am not really in a position to give good advice on this. I host my images in a section of my own domain, which I originally created (and keep paying for) in order to control my own email. I know that rdw4potus uses photobucket and PokerGrinder uses imgur, but I have never tried either of those and don't know what is required.Quote: AyecarumbaActually, I need to set up with a host for the photos. Any recommendations?
As far as my quips about a shortage of recent posts and chip images, it's not just your "missing" Sahara chip, Aye. Back in November, PG was egging me on to hassle GWAE to post the chips he collected in Washington some time in October. He had worked like crazy trying to develop an itinerary of chip collecting in conjunction with a business trip, and his plans just kept getting changed. I don't know how many of the chips he collected would be new ones to this thread, but (unless I overlooked something) we have not seen those or had any new casino chip posted (ignoring personal chips, sorry Gialmere) since one I posted from Aruba way back on the 1st of October. If people are still collecting chips from casinos not represented here, why can't we get them added to the thread?
City: Canyonville
Casino: Seven Feathers Casino Resort
Today’s chip of the day comes from Seven Feathers Casino in southern Oregon. It’s right along a Highway 5 offramp—100 miles north of the California border and 200 miles south of Portland.
It’s a 90-minute drive from Eugene, where I travelled from on my first visit—around 1990. Back then, it was a merely a bingo hall not unlike one you’d find in any suburb. I was in college then, and one of my student union counselors asked me if I wanted to go. She was Native American (and the first vegetarian I ever met), but I don’t know if she had any association to the tribe—I didn’t think to ask! Looking back, it seems odd that she asked me to join her, but then I was an adult so no impropriety there. In one game, I was one away from a bingo, and that was a thrill. Ultimately, neither of us won.
A couple years after I graduated, I stopped by for a rest stop on my drive north back to Eugene, surprised to see a big sign showing that it had become a casino. I vaguely remember walking through and seeing the early 1990s video poker machines.
I got the chip around 1997-98. By then, I had two main entertainment passions: pinball and casinos. I went to the Pinball Fantasy shows in Las Vegas run by Tim Arnold (who now operates the Pinball Hall of Fame). During one of those trips, I bought a craps stick from the Gambler’s General Store, and taught my dad how to play craps in our dining room. Around then, he and I went on another trip to Oregon to buy a pinball machine from a collector—and I made Seven Feathers a rest stop.
I was amazed that it had become a full-blown luxury casino with fancy decor and Las Vegas-style games. We were excited that they had a craps table (real dice craps!) so we could put our craps skills to the test. I had a good run as the shooter—lots of 6s and 8s. I remember betting conservatively (and I think my dad did too), so I won only about $80, but not bad for a rest stop!
My dad passed away in 2004, and it never occurred to me during that trip that I’d have less than 10 years left with him. I’m glad we shared some good times late in his life, including casino road trips like this one.

Just one comment, though, we have a long-established pattern for the official Casino Chip of the Day posts, a format that has the post begin with boldface font that identifies the state, city, and name of the casino -- check any of the earlier posts, or look at the very beginning of the thread for an index.
Unfortunately, by the time I have pointed out this omission from your post, there has likely been enough delay that you can no longer edit the post and stick that info in. I'll ask moderator beachbumbabs to help us -- she has given a lot of support to this thread in the past, and as a moderator she can edit your post for you.
Edit 1/18/20: Well, I did send email to Babs, but this morning I got a message from smoothgrh that he had been able to make the edit before he got locked out of the post. Excellent! Thanks all around!
Quote: Chinese New Years at the Rampart website
$10,000 Year of the Rat Prize Pick
February 4, 2020, from 10 am-midnight, win free bets, promo chips, “Year of the Rat” Commemorative Chips and more!...
Wizard reminded me in his last "Ask Me Anything" livestream that the Gaming Commission frowned on the $8 chips produced to commemorate Chinese New Year several years ago and ceased approving them. I wonder what the Rampart gave out?
Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean
Ship: Independence of the Seas
I collected this chip in August 2015 on a cruise from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (my only trip to the Sunshine State) to ports such as St. Kitts; Basseterre; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. At some of the ports, I saw casinos (such as in San Juan) and popped in to look around, but back then I wasn't cognizant of documenting my visits.
According to my casino log, on the cruise ship I had two sessions of $2–$5 no limit hold'em, winning $47 and $31.50. I don't remember playing at all—so I'm happy I keep track of my play!
On this trip, my family and I were with two other families, and the Mrs. was in the first week of her Executive MBA program, so she was studying most of the time while I tended to the kids. So mostly family time and little gamblin' time. After the cruise, we went to Disney World. Years later, a kid of our friends said his classmate told him it's weird that he goes on vacations with his parents' friends.

The back (I assume) of the chip has a design that looks something like the shutter of the James Bond opening gun spiral—or is that supposed to be some kind of sea shell?
I believe this is the last chip in my collection that's unique to the CCotD thread—unless you want to see variants like a chip with the updated Ellis Island logo.
It really seams the thread has gotten quiet. Maybe some day Ayecarumba will post the chip(s) he has promised us or PG will post 50 or so chips from another international excursion.
We did exchange comments in the Palm Springs thread about a possible collecting opportunity there. If you can verify that opportunity when you visit there, I am still considering the possibility of picking up my own souvenir as part of the Spring Fling trip. We are booked to fly into Las Vegas on Wednesday afternoon before the main events, and (while it would be a bit of a driving burden for me and a real annoyance to my wife) we could drive down to Palm Springs on Thursday and back to Las Vegas on Friday. Do the folks in Palm Springs still run a street fair every Thursday evening?
On the Royal Caribbean chip, in addition to the spiral, I find the back of the chip odd in that it’s a darker shade of blue than the front.
My wife and I have only been on one cruise with Royal Caribbean, on the Vision of the Seas, and I posted my souvenir chip here. That chip is a completely different design than yours from Independence of the Seas, so I can't make any meaningful comparisons. Since I have not been on their other ships (yet), I have nothing to offer. This thread has one other Royal Caribbean chip posting, but PhotoBucket seems to want to obscure the chip image that wezvidz provided us from the Majesty of the Seas.
Good news: I went to the Agua Caliente Palm Springs Casino tonight!
Bad news: The chip is the same as the Agua Caliente/Spa Casino chip previously featured.
A cashier told me the name change happened about a year ago.
I lost money—but overall had a good time.