Quote: PokerGrinderDoc I know you have never been to these casinos or countries but your thread misses you lol. The thread longs for your long well thought out posts. Just sayin’
I just started a new thread here that might explain part of why I haven't be posting much in this thread lately.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Jin Bei Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Jin Bei Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Jin Bei is a much nicer casino just down the street from Kompong Som City, they had BJ! I played $5 BJ for longer than usual because I was enjoying the mid 20’s group of Israelis. My Hebrew is not great but I was actually picking up a decent amount of their conversation. Apparently I know words that I didn’t realize I knew. I ended up winning $49 before saying goodbye to my new friends.
The chip is white with 3 blue/yellow/blue edge inserts. There are 4 blue 1's around the chip and the serial number "03451" on the bottom right of the chip. The centre inlay is off white with a gold rim and another blue rim around the centre inlay. The casino logo is a clam shell with 4 aces and 3 dice inside. The casino name is around the logo, the city is printed on this chip which is odd for Asia but they spelled Sihanoukville as two words for some reason. I am not going to guess what the "CC1" stands for as I am usually wrong.

City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Queenco Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Queenco Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. As I left Jin Bei Casino it was past midnight but I wasn't tired at all so I decided that I would visit Queenco Casino. As far as my research had shown Queenco was about 15 minutes away and it was an isolated casino... I was very wrong! I paid a guy on a motorbike $4 to drive me to Queenco and on the way I saw a bunch of casinos, I quickly realized that this night was about to get longer than I had planned. I really didn't enjoy being on the back of a bike, I didn't like not being in control of the bike as we drove downhill and around sharp turns. The area has really been built up recently by the Chinese, most of the casinos seemed newer. The guy dropped me at Queenco Casino where I played $10 baccarat and won $5 after playing a handful of hands.
The chip is what I would describe as a light blue Chipco. There are 4 pairs of white edge inserts with a diamond between each set of insert. The centre inlay is white with the Queenco logo in grey and the denomination in black.

I leave on September 5th so the chip of the day posts will stop until I get back from Europe in October.
Quote: PokerGrinderI have been looking through all the casinos in London and I can't get over how many private card rooms there are in the city...
Be sure to check the dress codes for the salons. I seem to recall jackets being required in Monaco per the website, but have no idea if they actually enforce it.
Have a great time PG! I look forward to following your Euro Trip Thread. There will be a Euro Trip Thread, non?
Quote: AyecarumbaBe sure to check the dress codes for the salons. I seem to recall jackets being required in Monaco per the website, but have no idea if they actually enforce it.
Have a great time PG! I look forward to following your Euro Trip Thread. There will be a Euro Trip Thread, non?
All the salons are private clubs that I can’t get into so how I dress isn’t a big deal.
In Monaco you need a jacket after 7pm, I’ll be going before that point of the day.
Yes I plan on having a Europe trip thread.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Wan Long Entertainment City
Today's chip of the day is from the Wan Long Entertainment City in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. A warning, this will be one of the ugliest and cheapest chips that I have to show you all from Asia. Wan Long is a brand new casino in the same parking lot as Queenco Casino. I played the cash baccarat table because it was a $10 min instead of $30 if playing with chips. So I won $7 and grabbed a chip from the tables with chips, the dealer thought I was nuts. BREAKING NEWS!!! I am lol.
The chip is a yellow 6 dice with 6 white edge inserts. The chip is very low quality and it is the same model that Doc posted from Ocean Gaming in New Hampshire 4 years ago. The only difference is instead of going full dumpster quality with the hot stamp they have a real inlay. Basically Wan Long sprung for the high end of the extremely low end lol. The centre inlay is salmon with the denomination in black and the logo and "Million Dragon" in red. The logo looks like saturn, I'm not sure what Million Dragon is supposed to mean.

Oh, but each evening they sort all of the chips in serial-number sequence. Then they check for missing ones to verify that nobody has left the casino with any souvenirs or might be conspiring for some kind of scam! This is particularly important for the $1 chips.Quote: PokerGrinderQuite a few of my Cambodia chips have serial numbers on them, seems like a waste of time to me.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Golden Sea Casino
Today's chip of the day is from the Golden Sea Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. This casino was one that I was able to see from the parking lot of Queenco so I walked over after I was done at Wan Long. Golden Sea Casino is a small, dingy worn down room just off the main lobby of the hotel. There were only a few tables in this casino but the tables were busy even at this point in the night. I played $10 baccarat and lost $22 while I grabbed a chip. It took me a little bit to find the best looking of the worn out chips, I got the impression that this casino has been around for quite a while.
The chip is a blue Chipco with a very pretty white circle around the edge of the chip where it used to be blue. The casino name is in white around the "centre inlay". The "centre inlay" is a lighter blue with G.S.C (Golden Sea Casino) in the background and the yellow denomination over top of that. I wasn't able to find out in person or online what the "C.P.T.K" means and I can't think of any logical answer based on the casino or hotel name. I just want to reiterate that this chip is much nicer than most of the chips that were in play at the casino when I visited.

City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Golden Sea Royale Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Golden Sea Royale Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. As I was leaving Golden Sea Casino I realized there was a casino across the hall in the same hotel as well. It is a VIP baccarat casino called Golden Sea Royale. It was completely empty and the ladies were very nice and let me bet $10 a hand on the $100 minimum table, they even charged my phone for me. I stayed here longer than usual because they were charging my phone but also cause the boss, the two dealers and I were having a nice conversation. I spent around 30 minutes there. I seem to be missing my numbers from this casino but I think I broke even and that is the lie, err i mean story I am going with.
The chip is a nice one, especially after the one that I posted yesterday.The chip is pink with an oversized shiny pink centre inlay. The casino logo takes up the majority of the inlay. The denomination is over top of the logo in black.

For more than a month, I have been having problems when editing/saving the first three posts of this thread, those really long posts that constitute the index of the thread. The forum's software just wasn't performing the way it had in the past, and I was concerned that one day the entire index might just disappear when I made an edit. With all of the new chips that PokerGrinder has been giving us lately (Man, why can't I figure out some way to complain about him again right here?), I have bee doing a lot of edits, and the forum software glitches have really been annoying me.
Back last month, I sent a request for help to a person who had helped me on similar problems a few years ago. He responded that he no longer did the programming but would forward my message to the site owner. I heard nothing for more than a week, so I forwarded the past communications to the owner myself. He responded and said he would forward the matter to Miroslavlav.
Well, I can only surmise that the message got lost along the way, because I didn't hear anything for weeks. On Monday morning, I sent a message about this directly to Miroslavlav. He responded in just an hour and a half, saying that he had verified and replicated the problem and would look to identify the source and get it fixed by Tuesday. Better than that, he appears to have gotten it fixed even before I needed to add PokerGrinder's most recent chip posting to the index on Monday evening!
Great work, Miro. I indeed thank you very much.
Quote: AyecarumbaDo the Chinese players crowding the G.S.C. across the hall know that you can ask for a lower minimum if it is empty?
I highly doubt it. I was amazed that they were willing to do it for me. I would have played either way to get the chip but it would have been painful losing a $100 bet lol.
Quote: DocLooks as if we will be a few days without new chip posts unless someone, other than our recent frequent contributor, has some chips to share with us during his absence. It's a bummer to be punished for getting lured in by the incessant trolling.
I have never been one to hold my tongue, sometimes that gets me into trouble. I was due for a vacation anyways :P
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Rich Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Rich Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. After I left Golden Sea Royale (with my freshly charged phone) I walked up a hill towards some flashing lights that looked like a casino. There were no casinos, only a apartment building with so many flashing lights that I wouldn't ever live there because sleep would be impossible. I walked back down the hill and visited the casino that was attached to Wan Long called Rich Casino. I played $10 baccarat and lost $26 while collecting my chip. This casino was completely empty except for one guy playing online baccarat and about 10 employees. Based on the condition of the chips I assume this is a relatively new casino.
The chip is light pink with 4 pairs of white edge inserts with diamonds below each set. Between each set of inserts is a "1". The centre inlay is a shiny yellowish cream colour, that's a thing right? The casino name and the denomination is black and there is a crown in the middle of the inlay.

Quote: PokerGrinderCategory: Asia
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Rich Casino
...I walked back down the hill and visited the casino that was attached to Wan Long called Rich Casino...![]()
The name doesn't encourage anyone but the owner.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Golden Royal Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Golden Royal Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. In my TR I called this place Golden Palace but I think that was just because I mixed it up with Holiday Palace, or my notes are wrong who knows? After Rich Casino I was at the point where I wasn’t quite sure where to go next but I knew there were more casinos in the area. A tuk tuk driver offered to take me to the next one for $10 and I got him down to $4. On the way to Holiday Palace I saw the Golden Palace and got him to stop for 10 minutes by giving him an extra dollar. I played Niu Niu and lost $11, I didn’t have any idea what the game was but it was open. I headed back to the tuk tuk to continue my journey.
The chip is in perfect condition and quite nice despite being basic. The chip is dark green with all the printing in yellow. The casino name is in the ring around the centre and I assume that the Chinese letters are also the casino name. The logo and the denomination are in the middle of the chip.

Quote: AyecarumbaDo you recall the colors of the other denominations? If green is 1, what color is 25?
I don’t, I spent less than ten minutes in this place. All I remember from this place was the boss laughing at me because I didn’t know how to set my hand in the game.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Holiday Palace Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Holiday Palace Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. After leaving Golden Royal Casino the driver continued on to Holiday Palace Casino where I lost $2.50 playing baccarat, so basically the commission. This lady wanted something but I couldn’t figure it out. She tried giving me a chip, then got mad when I left after end of shoe. She didn’t speak English but wanted me to come play the other table, I didn’t want to. I really did want to know what she was wanting me to do but the language barrier didn't allow it. This is the oldest casino in Sihanoukville but at a new location.
The chip is very plain, it is white with the suits around the chip twice. The centre inlay has a gold hot stamp that shows the casino name, location and the chip denomination. It is very weird to have a casino location on an Asian chip.

OK, readers, if you want to see what the other chip looks like, you're going to have to check out this thread's index, way back on page #1. (Thought I would toss that in for any newcomers who haven't used the index before.) Tap the "<< First" button at the bottom of this page, scroll down page #1 past all of the states then a little farther to the "Asia" category, find the two listings in that block for Holiday Palace, then click on the one that notes that it is in Poipet, Cambodia. That's all there is to taking advantage of a thread index! And if you are a newcomer, you might want to read the introductory comments in the very first post, in order to get a feel for what the original concept of this thread was all about, plus some of the history along the way.
Quote: AyecarumbaMaybe she wanted you to be her lucky charm?
Haha maybe but I had no interest in being some old ladies lucky charm at 3 am.
Is there anyone else who has chips to share with us while the poker man is on vacation? Just check the index (as described above) to see which casinos we are missing. There has been a fair amount of talk in the forum about the new casinos in Atlantic City and MA; does anyone have souvenir chips and stories to share in this thread?
Quote: PokerGrinderI’ll have 30 chips from Europe to post since the only one I’m visiting that has been previously posted is Monte Carlo.
Like so many other WoV members, I am excited that we will all soon get to experience your European adventures as they unfold from your (anticipated) day-by-day trip report. The people you meet and the things you do, both in and out of the casino, fascinate me. Your crisp, clear text is a pleasure to read.
But remember, PG, a lot of those European folks know how to play poker really, REALLY well. This ain't gonna be no Poipet.
Quote: LuckyPhowLike so many other WoV members, I am excited that we will all soon get to experience your European adventures as they unfold from your (anticipated) day-by-day trip report. The people you meet and the things you do, both in and out of the casino, fascinate me. Your crisp, clear text is a pleasure to read.
But remember, PG, a lot of those European folks know how to play poker really, REALLY well. This ain't gonna be no Poipet.
Luckyphow I am touched that you enjoy my writing so much. I will be doing a TR as I go through Europe as I do with Asia.
As far as poker I disagree. I am not sure how to say this and sound humble at all so I hope people understand this is confidence not arrogance. I am the best player is most games that I play and if I am sitting at a table where I'm not one of the best 2 or 3 players than I shouldn't be sitting in the game. The games that I will be playing in Europe (which won't be that many as I won't have that many opportunities outside of London) will be the same that I play anywhere in the world. They will be soft because wherever you have poker, you have bad players playing the game.
P.S. There is no poker in Poipet :P
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Diamond Sea Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Diamond Sea Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. These next few posts will be very short as I literally ran in, played a few hands of something and left. This casino was just 4 tables in a back room of the building which I think was a hotel but I can't remember. The place was dark, dingy and worn down, much like Golden Sea Casino. I got them to shuffle for the baccarat game, I lost $43 after a few hands and then left. They were confused why I was leaving so soon.
This chip is most likely not originally from Diamond Sea Casino. The chip used to be white but even after cleaning it the chip still looks filthy. The chip has 3 blue edge inserts and a gold/brown patterned border around the centre inlay. I actually think that this was a really nice chip when it was first made, it has some really nice features. The centre inlay has a patterned background with the Casino name being SBHC I think, the H could maybe be something else. The reason that I think these chips were from a different casino is because I can't figure out what the letters could mean. The denomination is white with a blue border and major chip bleeding as is the case all over the chip.

I also looked at all of their pages for closed casinos in Cambodia and all of the ones with names that looked anything like SBHC. I didn't find any chips like this one.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: SV World Casino
Today's chip of the day is from SV World Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. After Diamond Sea Casino my driver took me to SV World and I gave him $5 more. At SV World I played Niu Niu the game that I didn't know what I was doing earlier in the night. This time I looked up the rules online before I started playing the game, the rules are very simple. I won $28 and the dealer cashed out my chips at the table which I haven't seen before at any other casino. My driver asked me to get him smokes so I grabbed two packs on my way out of the casino, the driver was very happy.
I am starting to realize as I do these write ups that I collected a lot of really nice chips. I have found myself thinking for a lot of these chips that the current one is one of my favourite chips that I collected in Asia, obviously they can't all be my favourite!
The chip is orange with 8 white edge inserts and an over sized black centre inlay. The inlay is very basic with the SV World logo on the top with the casino name in English and Chinese below it. The denomination is below the casino name and all the writing is white.

City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Bao Du Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Bao Du Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. This is the second to last casino that my driver took me to. The casino was quite small with only 4-5 tables in a very small room, the room was packed with people playing baccarat in the middle of the night. I played $10 baccarat and lost $21, I grabbed him smokes and we went on our way. I'm not 100% if this or tomorrow's chip is the last casino I visited that night, my memory is a bit fuzzy. Either way these were the last two casinos of the night.
The chip is lime green with 6 white edge inserts and 8 white crowns around the centre inlay. The centre inlay is black with the casino logo which consists of two lions and I assume 4 aces as I am too blind to see it properly. I also assume that the Chinese writing is the casino name.

Quote: AyecarumbaAre those dice at the lions’ feet?
Yes they are Aye.
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Sokha Vegas Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Sokha Vegas Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Sokha Vegas is a very nice casino and they had this weird game called blackqueen, no it was blackjack. It was a bit confusing but you keep taking cards and try to get close to 21 or something like that. Jk it was nice to play a North American game for the first time in a while. I seemed to have left this casino out of my notes but I think I won $20 playing $5 BJ and I grabbed another pack of smokes for my driver. I gave my driver $2 more to take me to my hotel and I thanked him and called it a night. All told he took me to 6 casinos and waited for me over around 3 hours plus a ride home for $22. I got to bed around 6:30 am that morning/night.
The chip is a pink suits chip with the suits around the chips twice. The centre inlay is also pink with a black hot stamp on it, The hot stamp lists the casino name and the denomination.

Quote: AyecarumbaAre those dice at the lions’ feet?
Quote: PokerGrinderYes they are Aye.
Interesting, as games that use two dice to determine the outcome of wagers are almost non-existent in Cambodia. Maybe they are dice that decide the “first-action” seat at the pai gow table?
City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Golden Island Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Golden Island Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. This I thought would be my last chip to collect in Sihanoukville but luckily I would find the one I was missing before I left. Golden Island Casino was just behind the hotel that I was staying at. I stopped in when the poker game at Riverking wasn't running midday. I won $18 playing baccarat and collected the first jeton in my collection. I saw some jetons in Macau but I didn't collect any as those casinos also had normal chips.
The jeton is blue on the outside and white in the middle. The casino name is on the top of the chip, they left off "golden" for some reason. The centre inlay has the logo or crest of the casino and the denomination in black. The crest/logo is also on the blue part of the chip quite a few times.

City: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Casino: Gobo East Casino
Today's chip of the day is from Gobo East Casino in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Gobo East Casino is a few doors down from where I was staying in Sihanoukville and yet I almost missed it. The first day I was in Sihanoukville I walked past it and almost walked in until security told me there wasn't a casino inside which there obviously was. The language barrier almost cost me collecting a chip from the casino. Eric and I visited this casino on my last night in Sihanoukville and we split a $38 win playing $10 baccarat. The casino is very large and looks like it is brand new.
The chip is light blue with 4 sets of black edge inserts with a crown between each set. The centre inlay is gold with a black border. The casino name is in English and Chinese with the logo to the left of the names. The denomination is white and the currency is black.

This will be my last chip of the day until the first week of October as I won't be posting chips from Europe. Doc I expect you to collect and post chips from Oregon and Washington while I am gone.
If I make it to either or both of those states while you are gone, I will do my best to collect and post as many new chips as I can. Of course, that two-letter word "if" is a big one. I don't expect to be within fifteen hundred miles of either state for at least this year. I don't have any chip-chasing trips planned at the moment, or any trips at all, for that matter.Quote: PokerGrinderDoc I expect you to collect and post chips from Oregon and Washington while I am gone.
The only such trip we have been considering for this fall is one to hit new or re-named establishments in MA, NY, NJ, and MD, and we haven't made definite plans for that trip. I've even considered extending such a trip to include a couple of stops on your side of the border, but based on input from the boss, I think those extensions will have to wait for a later outing, even if we get around to going for the basic trip this fall.
Have a lot of fun in Europe!
We plan to depart next weekend from our home in NC for approximately 9 days to the mid/north-Atlantic states of the U.S. plus a loop around Lake Ontario to drop in on some of PokerGrinder's fellow Canadians. Below is a map and list of the casinos I expect to visit in the numerical order shown. The only definite stops we have planned are two nights in Niagara Falls, Ontario for my wife's birthday and three nights at my sister-in-law's place in NJ, from which we will make a day trip to Atlantic City.
If I do indeed collect chips from these 11 casinos, that will finally bring my collection count above the 500 mark, still way under double what it was when I started this thread back in March of 2012.

1. Tioga Downs, 2384 West River Road, Nichols, NY
2. del Lago, 1133 Ridge Rd. (I-90 exit 41), Waterloo, NY
3. Elements Casino (former OLG Casino Brantford), 40 Icomm Drive, Brantford, ON
4. Shorelines Casino Belleville, 330 Bell Blvd, Belleville, ON
5. Point Place, Rte. 31, Bridgeport, NY
6. Rivers, 1 Rush St., Schenectady, NY
7. MGM Springfield, 1 MGM Way, Springfield, MA
8. Resorts World Catskills, Kiamesha Lake, Thompson, NY
9. Hard Rock (Former Trump Taj Mahal), 1000 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ
10. Ocean Resort (former Revel), 500 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ
11. Live! (former Maryland Live!), 7000 Arundel Mills Circle, Hanover, MD
Shouldn't take me too long into November to get the photos prepared, so maybe I'll get some of these posted before PokerGrinder is back in the western hemisphere.
PokerGrinder is being very lazy.
Don’t be like PokerGrinder.
Hope all went well for you, and I expect everyone is waiting for you to fill in the details. If you are ready to post CCotD entries, I won't mind at all waiting the six months while you post them on a daily basis. Now if you stick to your lazy ways, I might need to slip some US/Can casino chips into the thread along the way.