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June 17th, 2018 at 6:40:59 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

I've been posting chip of the day's every day, don't believe anything that Doc says!

I suppose that I can allow for the possibility that PG has been posting a chip of the day every day. We just need to figure out how to convince him to tell us where he has been posting them.

At least he didn't try to pass off this black souvenir as a $100 chip.
Last edited by: Doc on Jun 18, 2018
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June 17th, 2018 at 7:36:13 AM permalink
Haha check over at DT, maybe they are over there.

As far as the denomination they will only get bigger from here.
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June 17th, 2018 at 9:28:43 AM permalink
That’s a sharp looking chip. Black and Gold go together very well.

Was the entry fee due every 24 hours? Were there a lot of locals, or mostly tourists?

I always wonder if there are things you could buy with a single “insert name of currency that converts to 1000’s per Dollar here”. What is the smallest denomination of Rupee currency? Are there chips smaller than 100’s?
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June 17th, 2018 at 9:42:02 AM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

That’s a sharp looking chip. Black and Gold go together very well.

Was the entry fee due every 24 hours? Were there a lot of locals, or mostly tourists?

I always wonder if there are things you could buy with a single “insert name of currency that converts to 1000’s per Dollar here”. What is the smallest denomination of Rupee currency? Are there chips smaller than 100’s?

It is a really nice chip, one of my favourites from India.

I think the entry fee is per visit?!?

No 1 rupee can’t buy you anything really. A mint at the corner store was 2 or 3 rupees I think. It’s sort of like you can’t buy anything with one penny. The smallest bill is 10 rupees, coins is 1 rupee.
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June 17th, 2018 at 9:46:19 AM permalink
The clientele was local to India but not to Goa. I was basically the only white guy in most of the casinos.

They had a 50 rupee chip as well. Not all of the casinos did though.
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June 17th, 2018 at 9:38:46 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Casino Pride 2

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Pride 2 in Panaji, Goa, India. This was the first casino boat on the Mandovi River that I visited. The casino had two floors with 29 tables and roughly 50 slot machines. The first floor had 5 tables and the buffet (Not very good) while everything else was on the second floor. I paid the 2000 Rupee entry fee and they take you to the casino cruise using a ferry. I won both my 500 OTP chip bets and I won 500 more while playing 500 minimum BJ.

The chip is tan with 6 white/pink/white edge inserts. "100" is printed in white 4 times around the chip. The centre inlay is white with a shiny blue border. Casino Pride 2 shows up twice with the "CP" logo as the backdrop for the denomination in the middle in gold. I am not sure who made this chip. MoGH says it is BJ but they say that for everything so I don't really know.
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June 18th, 2018 at 8:21:52 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

I am not sure who made this chip. MoGH says it is BJ but they say that for everything so I don't really know.

As noted previously, I, too, have started having reduced confidence as to identifying the manufacturers of chips. However, I think that both the Crown chip and the Casino Pride 2 chip are from Matsui.

Try this: Go to the Matsui web site and click on the Matsui Catalog block (a few inches down on the right hand side) to download a .pdf file of the catalog. In that catalog, scroll down past the chip colour chart (yes, they use the British spelling) to the section entitled "Gaming Chips". Scroll a little further past those three rows of chip styles and look at both the image labeled "Chip Colour Combination" and below that "Inner Ring Style".

In those images, note the design of the edge inserts: they look a bit like a three-part trapezoid bent to fit the curvature of the chip edge; sometimes the center is blank and sometimes it is colored. I think that the edge inserts on the Crown and Casino Pride 2 are exactly like those in the Matsui catalog, so I suspect Matsui is the source of these chips, though I may have seen similar edge inserts from other manufacturers.

BTW, just out of curiosity, what's the little green/white speck at the 11:00 position just outside the center inlay? Is it a piece of a sticker adhering to the chip, a photo defect, or a genuine part of the chip?
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June 18th, 2018 at 8:57:15 AM permalink
The blue border of the inlay is shiny. The green is just a mixture of the lamp that I use and the camera, it isn’t actually on the chip. I didn’t notice it until I had uploaded the picture to imgur and I was too lazy to retake the picture.
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June 18th, 2018 at 5:51:14 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Casino Pride

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Pride (the original) in Panaji, Goa, India. After Casino Pride 2 I took the ferry over to Casino Pride. I played 100/200 NL poker for about 3 hours and I won 11,000 rupees. The game was good as there were no good players but the rake was insanely high like in most of Asia. The rake was 5% uncapped versus 10% capped at $4 or $5 in North America. I didn't collect my chip playing poker as they use a separate set of chips marked for poker. This is not uncommon, I have seen this from time to time in NA. I played the spinning wheel as I was leaving since it had the lowest minimum bet. I lost 500 rupees which included the 100 chip that I kept. The casino had too many table games to count on the two floors but only 6 slot machines.

The chip is burnt orange with 6 edge inserts which are white/blueish grey/white, the colours on the inserts are quite faded. The centre inlay is white with a stained white border. As with yesterday's chip the casino name is listed twice and the logo is the backdrop for the denomination. The denomination uses Rs instead of the symbol for rupees.

I am headed to the states for 4 days tomorrow, I might try and post chips while I am there but don't count on it... seriously don't count on it.
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June 20th, 2018 at 12:20:47 AM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Vancouver, B.C.
Casino: Great Canadian Casino


I'd like to join the chip-sharing fun! This chip was from my second trip to Vancouver—in 2002 (my first visit being in 1986, the summer that Canada hosted the World's Fair: Expo 86).

I visited Vancouver with then-girlfriend smooth, whose grandmother lived there. I married into a gambling family, as Mrs. smooth's parents apparently had been to this casino before. My memory is not precise, but I do recall it was somewhere near Vancouver Chinatown because we walked there. This was my first casino visit outside the U.S., and what was striking to me about it was that it was very dark, very quiet, and nearly devoid of patrons. It did seem sophisticated, however.

I can't remember exactly how I got this chip, but it was probably from playing blackjack, as that's the only table game I played back then. The casino is apparently long gone, and I'm not sure of the name of the casino—Great Canadian Casino might have been the name of the company.

My only other chip from that trip is from another defunct casino that was in Burnaby, B.C.—hometown of singer Michael Bublé.
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June 20th, 2018 at 8:14:46 AM permalink
Welcome to the thread, smoothgrh. Let me offer what I can about this chip. Most of my information offered here comes from the Chip Guide at the Museum of Gaming History site. According to them:
Quote: MoGH Chip Guide

Great Canadian Casinos had three different Casinos operating at one time in Vancouver as follows; Seasonal operation at the PNE fair in late August each year (no longer in operation)
Holiday Inn at 711 W. Broadway 1986 - 2007
Renaissance Hotel early 90's until about 2004

However, every one of the chips that MoGH shows for a Great Canadian Casino in Vancouver specifically says “Vancouver, B.C.” right on the chip, and this chip does not. The closest chip in the MoGH “Vancouver” set to the one posted here is a similar white/gray Paulson short cane version chip, but it has a gold hot stamp impression in the center instead of a center inlay like this one.

MoGH has other pages that show Great Canadian Casino chips for a number of cities (all of the casinos listed as “closed”), and they even have a page devoted to “Great Canadian (Casinos) Gaming Corp.” (though the corporation is not listed as "closed".) On that page, they have a number of chips shown which do not specify an individual casino. I do not know the situations in which such “generic” chips for the chain might come into play, but that page shows a chip exactly like the one posted by smoothgrh.

As best I can interpret the information on that site, the 1298 shown above the logo on the center inlay of this chip means that it was issued in December 1998.

Hope these comments help some. Since this chip does not specifically say "Vancouver", I will list it in the thread index without a city identifier. That will allow smoothgrh's chip post to represent the casino corporation as a whole while leaving open the possibility of someone else adding future posts with chips that represent their casinos in specific cities.
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June 20th, 2018 at 12:33:30 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Welcome to the thread, smoothgrh. Let me offer what I can about this chip. Most of my information offered here comes from the Chip Guide at the Museum of Gaming History site. …

However, every one of the chips that MoGH shows for a Great Canadian Casino in Vancouver specifically says “Vancouver, B.C.” right on the chip, and this chip does not. The closest chip in the MoGH “Vancouver” set to the one posted here is a similar white/gray Paulson short cane version chip, but it has a gold hot stamp impression in the center instead of a center inlay like this one.

Thanks, Doc! And thanks for informing me about the MoGH—something new to explore!

I found another posting in which the Wizard himself stated that he once visited a Vancouver Chinatown casino. I haven't been able to find its name. There's a small chance that I saved a brochure from the place! I'll update if I find one.

My other chip is from Burnaby's Gateway Casino, which I see is on the MoGH ChipGuide.
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June 20th, 2018 at 2:59:54 PM permalink
I collected a new chip today that I’ve been attempting to get for many years. I’ll post it eventually (meaning who knows when lol).
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June 21st, 2018 at 6:51:42 AM permalink
Category: Canada
City: Burnaby, B.C.
Casino: Gateway Casino

In 2002, I collected this chip from Gateway Casino in Burnaby, B.C., a suburb of Vancouver. It was located at 4320 Dominion Street, according to the Museum of Gaming History’s ChipGuide. If you look at the address on Street View, you’ll see there’s a huge casino, the Grand Villa Casino Hotel & Conference Centre, across the street where the Gateway once was.

What I remember most about this casino was trying to get there: driving my girlfriend of less than a year—and her parents—from downtown Vancouver to this not-so-convenient location in a rental car while glancing at a paper map and keeping an eye on traffic.

The area seemed like some kind of office park area with some residential spots—not the typical area I would find a casino.

I don’t remember the decor at all, and that’s what I usually remember about casinos. It’s as if it was decorated unlike like any casino I could compare it to. The one thing I do remember is that it had sic bo, because it was the first place I’d seen that game, and I’m pretty sure I grabbed a brochure. We played a few games and a new (to me) dice-based game seemed intriguing.

I think Mrs. Smooth’s parents were thankful I got them there, and two years later, she and I were married (cause-and-effect implied, but overstated).

One aspect about this chip that I didn't notice until now is that the fireworks depicted are the four playing card suits.
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June 21st, 2018 at 7:26:46 AM permalink
Again checking with the MoGH Chip Guide, I find it interesting that as I review the different editions of chips from the various locations of Gateway Casinos I find that some of the chips are labeled "Gateway Casino" and some are labeled "Gateway Casinos", using the plural even when just one specific location is shown on the chip. I wonder why they changed direction on this.
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June 21st, 2018 at 10:09:21 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

Again checking with the MoGH Chip Guide, I find it interesting that as I review the different editions of chips from the various locations of Gateway Casinos I find that some of the chips are labeled "Gateway Casino" and some are labeled "Gateway Casinos", using the plural even when just one specific location is shown on the chip. I wonder why they changed direction on this.

Seems like there have been a lot of changes in Canadian gaming laws and ownership over the past 18 years!
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June 21st, 2018 at 11:53:06 AM permalink
Smooth do you collect chips or did you just happen to have these two sitting around?
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June 21st, 2018 at 1:30:56 PM permalink
I have a small collection, and my display case is now full. If I visit different casinos, I'll have to bump the slot tokens!
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June 28th, 2018 at 9:51:49 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Casino Paradise

Who has been deleting all of the chip of the day posts that I of course have been posting because well, why would I not?

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Paradise in Panaji, Goa, India. This casino is owned by the same company that owns the Casino Pride boats and a couple more casinos that I will post (maybe on time). The land casinos are pretty spread out so instead of wasting money on taxis I decided to rent a scooter. Now here is the problem, I had never driven one before and they drive on the other side of the road in India. I managed to only drive on the wrong side of the road twice and I managed to not crash the scooter until the second day. I drove 10 minutes on my scooter to Casino Paradise. It took some getting used to but I got the hang of the bike pretty quickly. Casino Paradise had a 1000 rupee entry fee with no OTP chips. I lost 1950 rupees while playing 100 minimum BJ on a computer screen. The cards were not real but you bet with real chips. I had a bite to eat at the buffet which was included in the entry fee before heading out to the next casino.

The chip is the same model as the Casino Pride chips that I posted (awhile back). The chip is tan or brown depending on what you want to call it with 6 white/green/white edge inserts. "100" is printed 4 times around the outside of the chip. The centre inlay has the Casino Pride logo as the casino is owned by the Pride Group. The casino name is on the bottom and top of the chip with the denomination in black in the middle.

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June 28th, 2018 at 10:19:06 PM permalink
Did most/all of the dealers in Goa speak English as their first language? Was there the equivalent of the State Gaming Commission to make sure the games were on the up and up?

I always pictured India as a pretty conservative country in respect to gaming. Since it seems that there actually aren't that many gambling joints for a population so large, my first thought is that they must be mobbed up to protect themselves from competition. Did you get any info one way or the other?
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June 28th, 2018 at 10:22:33 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

Again checking with the MoGH Chip Guide, I find it interesting that as I review the different editions of chips from the various locations of Gateway Casinos I find that some of the chips are labeled "Gateway Casino" and some are labeled "Gateway Casinos", using the plural even when just one specific location is shown on the chip. I wonder why they changed direction on this.

My guess would be that there were multiple casinos when this chip was issued, but only one at other times. Either that... or maybe they don't use apostrophes in Canada?
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June 29th, 2018 at 9:06:48 AM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

Did most/all of the dealers in Goa speak English as their first language? Was there the equivalent of the State Gaming Commission to make sure the games were on the up and up?

I always pictured India as a pretty conservative country in respect to gaming. Since it seems that there actually aren't that many gambling joints for a population so large, my first thought is that they must be mobbed up to protect themselves from competition. Did you get any info one way or the other?

All the dealers that I interacted with spoke English, maybe not as a first language but it was spoken well. Yes I have read about the state gaming commission.

I wouldn’t say they are mobbed up, they are only allowed in Goa and Sikkim which has only one I believe. The yearly fees to run a casino in Goa are extreme to the point where one casino just closed I believe because the fees were so high.
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June 29th, 2018 at 8:15:59 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Casino Palms

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Palms in Panaji, Goa, India. This property is another one that is owned by the Pride Group. I scooted over to Palms from Paradise (30 minute drive) and I managed to find it without any difficulties. The casino is in this beach town/area with lots of shops. Palms Casino had 12 slots and 15 tables that all used electronic screens but real cards. The entry fee was 1000 rupees with no OTP. I played 200 minimum Bj and won 1050 plus the chip that I kept. At Palms they were using 100 and 50 rupee chips from the Pride Group casinos. MoGH does list Palms as having the smaller chips but they weren't in play at the casino when I went. For this reason I collected my first 500 rupee chip of the trip as I am a baller, don't you know?

The chip is purple with 6 dark pink/light pink/dark pink edge inserts. The denomination "500" is in pink around the outside of the chip 4 times. The centre inlay is shiny gold with the casino name twice in black. The 'CP' logo is in black with the denomination over top of it in white.

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June 30th, 2018 at 5:33:24 PM permalink
BTW, the Casino Palms is the 1,100th casino represented in this thread.
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June 30th, 2018 at 5:52:29 PM permalink
Pretty cool Doc. Your baby is getting old lol. I plan on bringing it over 1200 this year.
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June 30th, 2018 at 5:54:44 PM permalink
Doc I was surprised to see that you have listed the Indian chips with “casino” in the name. I just figured that they would be listed as “Palms”, “Pride” etc...
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June 30th, 2018 at 6:32:00 PM permalink
PG where and when is your next adventure?
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June 30th, 2018 at 6:43:30 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Doc I was surprised to see that you have listed the Indian chips with “casino” in the name. I just figured that they would be listed as “Palms”, “Pride” etc...

Yes, I tend to be inconsistent in this. For the most part recently, I have been listing casinos the way the poster names them in the post header and/or what it says on the chip.
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June 30th, 2018 at 10:15:00 PM permalink
Quote: GWAE

PG where and when is your next adventure?

I am going to Europe for the first time on September 5. I got a really cheap round trip flight for $360 USD to London from Winnipeg. My plan is to spend 3 days in London and then fly to Nice and visit Cannes and Monaco over 3 days. From there I will spend about 17 days in Italy. After Italy I will fly back to London, spend a day there and then 2 days in Liverpool, then back to London for a day before heading home.
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June 30th, 2018 at 10:51:27 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Grand 7

Look at me, I'm on a roll! Today's chip of the day is from the Grand 7 Casino in Panaji, Goa, India. I headed over to Grand 7 after Palms and played 200 minimum BJ and won 1550 rupees. I payed 1000 to enter and lost the 500 OTP chip that they gave me with the entry. MoGH lists a 100 rupee chip and a 500 chip that is grey, neither of them were in play. They were using 100 chips from the Goa Nugget which doesn't exist currently and the 500 chip that I kept is yellow not grey. The game was electronic was dealt electronically like all the land casinos. I really liked the dealer and the pit boss as they were friendly and personable. I ordered some of the little snacks that came with the entry, I believe I had fries and some sort of chicken thing that tasted bad.

The chip is nicer than the previous ones that I have posted. The chip is a little more plastic feeling, like usual I have no idea who the manufacturer is. The chip is yellow with 4 edge inserts that alternate between an orange/red and purple. I had trouble trying to find the right colour to describe the red between the purple on the inserts so this is what I am going with. The centre inlay is white with a orange/red border on it. (same colour that I don't know how to describe) The Grand 7 logo is in the centre of the inlay with the casino name on the top and bottom. The denomination is on both sides of the logo. All the writing is yellow with a black border.

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July 1st, 2018 at 8:16:48 AM permalink
Way back in post #1 of this thread, in the "subsequent edits" section, I made the comment that I am maintaining a thread index, "...with the casinos within each category arranged (roughly) in alphabetical order." This latest chip of the day (Grand 7 Casino in Panaji, Goa, India) is an example of why I included that "roughly" comment.

In the "Asia" category, should "Grand 7" be indexed before or after "Grand Ho Tram Strip"? I am sure that many people here can cite "rules" for alphabetizing numbers, symbols, and such -- at least in computer applications -- but I have found that computer operations aren't necessarily all that consistent.

When I get a new chip and take photos of it, I may need several files all beginning with the casino name but with things appended, like numbers or _a or _b (for the two sides of the chip) or even _UV for (images under ultraviolet light) or some such. When I then upload the images to my hosting service, I often find that they are listed in the index there in a different order than they are on my computer. Different computer systems = different rules, apparently.

Anyway, in today's case I indexed Grand 7 ahead of Grand Ho. That makes it at least "roughly" in alphabetical order.
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July 2nd, 2018 at 8:11:43 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Casino Carnival

Happy Canada day! (Yesterday) I blame my countries birthday for the lack of a post yesterday. I could have made the post but I don't know if it would have made much sense in the condition that I was in.

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Carnival in Panaji, Goa, India. I am a big fan of this casino! I might be biased as they gave me a wad of money but I'll get to that later. I don't seem to have records of the entry fee but I believe it was 1000 with 500 OTP which I lost. Casino Carnival had 39 slots (27 were operational) including a bank of Game King poker machines. I didn't see video poker machines anywhere else if my memory is correct. The casino had 200 minimum BJ with electronic cards or 500 minimum with real cards. I played the 200 minimum game and won 800 rupees while losing my OTP as I mentioned. I decided to play video poker for a bit. Sadly the big bills can't be used on these machines so I had to feed 100 rupee bills in and I was betting 100 per game so it was a bit tedious. I was down about 7000 ($100 USD) when I hit a few double ups and I was up 400 rupees. I decided to play it down to even instead of cashing out the small win and on the second hand I hit a royal for 80,000 rupees (just under $1300 USD).

The chip is most likely made by Chipco, although there is no marking saying that. The chip is yellow with 6 faded white edge inserts. The centre inlay has a masquerade mask, half in colour. The casino name is in blue on the left and the denomination is in red on the bottom (RS) in black.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 3rd, 2018 at 7:36:55 AM permalink
Building upon the oh-so-interesting discussion in my previous two posts -- (1) responding to PG's comment about my including in the thread index the word "Casino" in the names of the Asian casinos and (2) noting that the Grand 7 chip again raised the issue that the index has the chips listed "roughly" in alphabetical order within each category -- I just want to add that (at least for now) "Casino Carnival" appears in the index both in proper alphabetical order and in exactly the same position whether I use the word "Casino" or not. So there.
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July 3rd, 2018 at 11:50:50 AM permalink
When I start mocking myself, it isn't really necessary for others to join in. And if the mods start piling on, I might have to find a comfy spot to go sulk.

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July 3rd, 2018 at 11:03:05 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Chances Casino

Today's chip of the day is from Chances Casino in Panaji, Goa, India. The casino's website says the name is Chances Casino while the chip says Chances Slots Amusement Centre, I am going with the website on this one. I didn't spend too long at this casino as the night was getting quite late. I accidentally took the wrong turn and while backtracking slightly a car was driving towards me on the wrong side of the road... then I realized "oh crap I'm on the wrong side of the road". Luckily we were the only two vehicles on the highway at this hour so there were no issues. The entry fee was 1000 and they gave me 1000 in OTP chips in 100's which was weird as every other casino gave me the OTP chips in 500 denominations. I played 500 minimum BJ with a guy playing between 5000-25000 a hand and I managed to leave up 650 plus I won 1000 off of my OTP chips. The casino had a decent amount of slots and tables, it seemed like all the tables were of higher limits to cater to the patrons of the resort the casino was in. I had a light snack of a curry chicken appetizer that was free, it was quite tasty.

The chip is of the four suits variety that I'm pretty sure we have seen at some point in this thread. The chip is green with 8 tan edge inserts. One of the suits is present between each set of inserts. The centre inlay is white with all the printing in black and white. The casino logo takes up most of the inlay. The denomination is on the top with what I assume is the old name of the casino on the bottom. Every sign I remember from the casino said "Chances Casino" and I didn't see "Chances Slots Amusement Center" anywhere.

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July 4th, 2018 at 7:11:42 AM permalink
Quote: Doc

When I start mocking myself, it isn't really necessary for others to join in. And if the mods start piling on, I might have to find a comfy spot to go sulk.


Meant as a joke. Deleted.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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July 4th, 2018 at 11:49:43 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Chances Casino

... I played 500 minimum BJ with a guy playing between 5000-25000 a hand ...

Thanks for the post PG! Do you recall the table limits? 100 Rupees is currently $1.45 USD, so I imagine the dealer's tray would hold chips in denominations of 100, 500, 2500, 10,000, 50,000, but I can also see that there might be other denominations of chips.

Is there a 50 Rs. chip to pay correctly on odd wager amounts, or do they use coins??

Does anyone else wonder why the dice are printed on the chip as 6 and 3? Is 9 significant in India?
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July 4th, 2018 at 12:25:47 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Meant as a joke. Deleted.

Taken as a joke and added to as a further joke -- that's what the winking smiley is all about. Babs, you aren't starting to take me seriously, are you?
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July 5th, 2018 at 11:01:57 PM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

Quote: PokerGrinder

Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Chances Casino

... I played 500 minimum BJ with a guy playing between 5000-25000 a hand ...

Thanks for the post PG! Do you recall the table limits? 100 Rupees is currently $1.45 USD, so I imagine the dealer's tray would hold chips in denominations of 100, 500, 2500, 10,000, 50,000, but I can also see that there might be other denominations of chips.

Is there a 50 Rs. chip to pay correctly on odd wager amounts, or do they use coins??

Does anyone else wonder why the dice are printed on the chip as 6 and 3? Is 9 significant in India?

I believe the chips in the tray went 50, 100, 500. 5000, possibly 10,000 but I can't remember and then they had 25000 chips.

I'm not sure why they chose a 6 and a 3?
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July 5th, 2018 at 11:14:25 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Casino Strike

Today's chip of the day is from Casino Strike in Panaji, Goa, India. I believe this is the newest casino in Goa, it opened in July 2016. This was the nicest and most luxurious casino that I visited in India. I paid 2000 rupees to enter and I was given 2000 OTP chips to play with. I had dinner at the buffet before I played. The buffet was an around the world theme and the food was spectacular. There were dancing girls on the stage while we ate. I would have happily paid $20-$30 for this buffet if I was in Las Vegas.

I won 750 off of my 2000 OTP, this was the only casino that I found paid a BJ in full when betting OTP chips. I proceeded to lose 1750 playing 200 minimum BJ. This was by far the weirdest version of dealt card games that I saw in Goa. They deal all card games face down and the player never sees the other side of the cards. You bet with real chips and make all decisions on the computer screen in front of each player. There is a scanner on the shoe that tells the computer what each card is. The only time I saw the other side of the cards was if the dealer flashed them slightly while picking them up after each game.

This is one of my favourite chips that I collected in Asia. The chip is yellow with 6 sets of black edge inserts. "100" appears 4 times around the centre inlay. The centre inlay is white with the gold Casino Strike logo in the middle. The only writing in the middle is "cash" on the bottom and the rupee symbol on the left of the logo. This was the only chip from India that had "cash" on the chips to differentiate from the OTP chips.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 6th, 2018 at 7:55:31 AM permalink
Are the “cash” and “otp” chips so similar in design and quantity that a notation on the regular chips is required?
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July 6th, 2018 at 7:58:18 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

This is one of my favourite chips that I collected in Asia.

And it doesn't even name the casino that it is from!
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July 6th, 2018 at 8:13:16 AM permalink
Aye they weren’t, I have a couple other chips from Asia that have “cash” on them. I’m not sure why they bother when the OTP chips clearly say they are of no value.

Doc I know but it makes for a very sleek looking chip.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 7th, 2018 at 8:46:31 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Dunes Casino

Today's chip of the day is from the Dunes Casino in Panaji, Goa, India. This casino was about 70 minutes drive from where I was staying. I got on my scooter and about 10 minutes in I crashed the bike on the highway when a bus slammed on it's brakes in front of me and I slammed on mine which sent me flying over top of the bike. Some people stopped to help me up and directed me to the hospital that happened to be right across the street on the highway. I went in, got cleaned up, got a tetanus shot, the doctor prescribed me some medication and sent me on my way. I headed back to my room and took a shower. Man was I sore! I was in pretty rough shape (mild concussion and a lot of scrapes) but I still wanted to go to the casino. The front desk was able to arrange a tourist van for me. The driver would take me to the casino, wait a hour and then drive me back for 2000 rupees. Seemed fair to me.

Dunes Casino is a locals casino with no entry fee. It was by far the smallest casino in Goa with only 5 slots and 9 tables. I played 200 minimum BJ and I was down about 5000 before I won 11 straight hands which left me up 5000 after the run was over. I raise my bet by 200 with every win so the wins get bigger and bigger if the streak continues. The hour was finally up so I went to find my driver and we headed back to my hostel. Definitely an adventure filled day.

The chip is (most likely) a Chipco with a tropical theme on it. The colours are odd in that the sky is brown and the sun is pink. The white clouds are more normal with the trees and birds in black. At the bottom of the chip is the casino logo. The chip is actually quite nice if you ignore the odd colours.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 8th, 2018 at 12:59:15 AM permalink
This is a very unique design. The edge to edge graphic that reads correctly in only one orientation makes it look more like a souvenir button than a chip.

Is there printing around the edge?
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July 8th, 2018 at 8:12:44 AM permalink
Yes, I think I'd have to say this chip design falls into the category of artwork.

I am accustomed to casinos where the chips of various denominations tend to look quite similar except for the color -- white, red, green, black, purple, yellow, etc. How do the different denominations at the Dunes compare/differ? Completely different designs? Same/similar design with a different number on it? Something else? (The MoGH Chip Guide doesn't show any of the Dunes chips.)

Or did the 400 casinos you visited in Asia become such a blur (other than the food you were eating) that you can't remember what the chips looked like?
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July 8th, 2018 at 8:23:32 PM permalink
Aye there is no printing around the edge, just pink with 6 black inserts.

Doc I actually have no memory of the other chips. I will blame the fact that it was 6 months ago and maybe that I had a mild concussion?!?
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 8th, 2018 at 8:26:36 PM permalink
There was a funny thread on the MoGH chat boards the other day.

You might be a chip collector if...

1) You drove over 100 miles just to collect 1 chip. (I have driven a lot longer than this for 1 chip)
2) You plan vacations around areas that have casinos. (It is definitely a factor)
3) You're worried what security thinks while you walk around looking into all the chip trays to find what you are looking for. (I have done this a couple of times)

Any more to add?
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 8th, 2018 at 8:40:36 PM permalink
Category: Asia
City: Panaji, Goa, India
Casino: Deltin JAQK

Today's chip of the day is from Deltin JAQK Casino in Panaji, Goa, India. This is one of the Deltin Group casino boats that I will cover over the next couple of days. I visited this casino after Casino Dunes although I wish I hadn't since I lost a lot of money lol. I paid 2500 to enter and I won 1000 off of my 2000 OTP chips. I had a bite to eat at the buffet which was fine for free food but I wouldn't pay to eat there. I won 2450 playing 300 minimum BJ and then I left... sadly that last part isn't true. I stayed and played poker and got wrecked. I lost to the tune of just over 70,000 in the game. Oh well that is poker.

The chip is black with 4 lime green edge inserts. In the centre is an octagon and each side of the octagon has either "100" or a crown in lime or blue. The Deltin JAQK logo in the middle has the 4 suits to it's left. I can't tell what is connecting the heart and the diamond...? The denomination with the rupee symbol are in black at the bottom of the octagon.

You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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July 8th, 2018 at 11:55:27 PM permalink
Wow, PG! That is dedication to the Chip of the Day thread, your chip collection, and/or your obsession with casinos!

I salute you—and I hope you've healed well. Be careful out there!
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