Quote: PokerGrinderGetting out of hand??? The collection currently sits at 607 casinos, I think it's been out of hand for awhile now lol.
Haha yes it has. People think I have a problem and I only have 300
Quote: GWAE... I only have 300
Hehe... Amateur! On the other hand, PG keeps his collection in a box in his closet.... What's the point of collecting and cleaning all of them if you are going to treat them like a pair of snowshoes?
While I have seen several cases that hold ~30 chips (or challenge coins), I haven't found a good (i.e., affordable) wall mounted display solution for larger collections. Has anyone come across anything?
As you are aware, I don't take up wall space to display my collection. Our condo walls are getting pretty well covered with my travel photographs anyway.Quote: AyecarumbaWhile I have seen several cases that hold ~30 chips (or challenge coins), I haven't found a good (i.e., affordable) wall mounted display solution for larger collections. Has anyone come across anything?
Since taking the photo in that linked post, I have added four more chips, so the displayed array is now complete. I just need to rearrange the chips to get them in the right order. Some day I'll do that and post another photo.
As for wall mounting, in the post right after the one I linked to above, wezvidz said he uses frames that hold 99 chips each. Perhaps he can direct you to a good source.
Quote: AyecarumbaHehe... Amateur! On the other hand, PG keeps his collection in a box in his closet.... What's the point of collecting and cleaning all of them if you are going to treat them like a pair of snowshoes?
While I have seen several cases that hold ~30 chips (or challenge coins), I haven't found a good (i.e., affordable) wall mounted display solution for larger collections. Has anyone come across anything?
When we lived in our old house I had them in frames but I think they only had 30 or 40 in each. When we were looking at buying a house I was really excited about getting a game room to make a nice cssino decorated room. Unfortunately my wife wanted to live in a top 10 school district in the state and the only house we could afford did not have game room/man caves. I am very sad about that but owell. Now my chips are stacked neatly on my dresser as a reminder of my sacrifice. #firstworldproblems
Quote: AyecarumbaHehe... Amateur! On the other hand, PG keeps his collection in a box in his closet.... What's the point of collecting and cleaning all of them if you are going to treat them like a pair of snowshoes?
While I have seen several cases that hold ~30 chips (or challenge coins), I haven't found a good (i.e., affordable) wall mounted display solution for larger collections. Has anyone come across anything?
I have been looking for decent priced 99 chip frames for a few years now. I had found a place in Vegas but they won't ship them cause they brake. When I drove down this year they weren't carrying them anymore.
I had negotiated a price of $50 each, the best I've found since then was over $100 each.

I don't use them. they scuffed easily, and the doors are so much heavier than the frame that the whole thing shifts when the door is opened. So, I keep my chips in storage containers for now.
That sounds a bit like an offer to sell, but with a rather weak sense of salesmanship.Quote: rdw4potusI own 4 of these:
I don't use them. they scuffed easily, and the doors are so much heavier than the frame that the whole thing shifts when the door is opened. So, I keep my chips in storage containers for now.
Quote: rdw4potusI own 4 of these:
I don't use them. they scuffed easily, and the doors are so much heavier than the frame that the whole thing shifts when the door is opened. So, I keep my chips in storage containers for now.
The one I have is similar but smaller (only seven rows). Each shelf can hold chips two deep, but what is the point of that? Since you aren't using them, are you interested in parting with them?
Quote: PokerGrinderI've seen those ones. I think I'd prefer something more like this display. It is very similar to the sports memorabilia frames that I have just not as high of quality.
It's weird looking at amazon.ca with its play money prices.
Quote: PokerGrinderI've seen those ones. I think I'd prefer something more like this display. It is very similar to the sports memorabilia frames that I have just not as high of quality.
Oops forgot to add my serious response too. I have 2 of those insert displays. I ended up buying just the insert for 40 ish and then took it to jonann fabrics and found similar black frames for around 25. You have to wait for a sale and coupon to get it for thst price but each one with insert cost me about 60. I was going to just buy the frames online but shipping started to get crwzy.
Quote: PokerGrinderLaugh all you want but we have free health care, no gun problems and most importantly, no Trump problem. Who's laughing now? 🤣🤣🤣
Game set match
Yay new chips!
City: Ridgefield
Casino: Ilani Resort (but it has not hotel , go figure)
Ilani Casino , WA (Cowlitz Indian Tribe)
It just opened April 2017
About 150 miles south of Seattle, and 25 miles north of Portland OR
Place is pretty nice, it's all new slots though so my casino buddies were bummed. There is a non smoking area but absolutely no physical division. My wife is sensitive to smoke but she said it was ok in the non smoking section. We did not eat there.
The Table was 5$ min (Saturday afternoon)
3-4-5 odds
Vig upfront
No special bet ( no fire, nor ATS nor Sharpshooter)
Double 2-12 on the field
Prop bets pay "to"
I don't really play Blackjack but I looked a little
BJ payed 3/2 even the 5$ tables
Stand on soft 17

Quote: DocState: California
City: Indio
Casino: Fantasy Springs
Today we have the third consecutive Casino Chip of the Day that does not tell the casino's location, with a fourth to come tomorrow. Perhaps that doesn't seem so odd to others as it does to me.
The Fantasy Springs Resort Casino opened in 1995 and is located on the eastern edge of Indio, adjacent to I-10, though some of their chips have indicated the more general location of "Coachella Valley." Their web site says they are "located in the beautiful Palm Springs area." From Palm Springs, a reasonably direct route to the casino (avoiding the interstate) would take you 25 miles through Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, and out to the far side of Indio. Guess it depends a bit on how broadly you use the word "area."
The casino is owned by the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians. According to their web site, the members are all descendants of Chief Cabazon, leader of the Desert Cahuilla Indians from the 1830s to the 1870s. They even have a photo of him on the web site. I guess you could view this as a family business.
I only visited Fantasy Springs one time, in 2007, and I remember it as being a pretty nice establishment. In addition to the casino and hotel, they have a golf course, a lounge that seems to focus on country music, a Rock Yard with free music by tribute bands on the weekends, and an events center with upcoming shows by George Thorogood, Rodney Carrington, John Legend, Alice Cooper, and Journey. Doesn't sound like too shabby a venue.
The chip shown below is white with 12 black edge inserts. It appears to be a plastic injection molded chip, though I am not completely certain as to the manufacturer. The MOGH catalog lists the mold as "RFID", a term which I only know as referring to Radio Frequency IDentification tags. I highly doubt that any casino is placing such tags in $1 chips; I read that the manufacturing cost of RFID tagged chips is around $2.50 each, though I'm not sure of the accuracy of that figure.
Another resource lists the chip as coming from Bally. Seeing that, I realized that this is the same mold that was used for the chip I posted from Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno. The Grand Sierra chip was listed in the MOGH catalog as an "RTP" mold, and I still have no idea what that means. That Grand Sierra chip did have a Bally Technologies logo on it, but the Fantasy Springs chip does not. Back when I posted the Grand Sierra chip, I made a follow-up comment:
I still haven't found good info on that, though I suspect it would apply to this Fantasy Springs chip as well.![]()
chip I just got looks a little different
it was a gift chip so I do not have any first hand information about the place. I usually only collect chips of places I have been to but might start a new sections because family members have been kind enough to bring me chips.

Quote: Wonko33Casino: Ilani Resort (but it has not hotel , go figure)
Ilani Casino , WA (Cowlitz Indian Tribe)
Thanks, Wonko33, for the new entry in the thread. Now I have to deal with the trivial, confusing parts of managing this thread....
#1. In the index to this thread, should I, or should I not, capitalize the name of the casino?
For now, I have it with "I", but I can change that if I should. The dice and chip in the photo show it with "i", but your post uses "I" several times. In looking for guidance from other resources, I find that casinocity.com lists the place in their index and throughout their entry with a small "i".
In contrast, the MOGH chip guide has it with "I" both in their index and at the top of their page for the place, but they do use the casino's logo and include a photo (?) of the building, both of which use "i". I suspect that photo (showing the name on the building) was stolen from the casino's web site, but the photo that now appears on the casino's web site looks as if the name is not really on the building and was added by a photo editor. I'm not even convinced that it's a photo -- more likely an artist's rendition.
To add to the confusion, in the MOGH's link to the casino web site, they leave the colon out of the linked URL, directing the user to "http//ilaniresort.com" so that the link doesn't work. Of course, the casino's web site (once you can get there) seems to be consistent with "i".
#2. Assuming that I use "I" for the name, or eventually change to lower case, should I list the place as Ilani Casino or Ilani Resort, both of which are used in your post, or should I just stick with "Ilani" as it says on the chip (except for the capitalization)?
The MOGH page does it all, listing it as "Ilani Casino Resort", while casinocity.com does the same thing but with the lower case "i". On the establishment's own web site it says both "ilani" and "ilani New Casino Resort". How long will they retain that "New"? For now, I am just using the shortest option "Ilani" in the thread index.
#3. Dispensing with the above trivia, who knows anything about this chip? Who made it? It looks a bit like a Paulson design but without the hats and canes. In the photo, the outer rim is such a bright white that I have difficulty seeing the details. At first, I thought the repeating icon molded there might be a canoe and a paddle. However, the MOGH site lists this mold as being "Knife&Fork". Is that what it looks like on the chip? I can't really make that out in the photo. Maybe it's just my monitor settings. Is "Knife&Fork" some common nickname for molded chip logos with two things crossed?
Anyway, thanks for the new chip for the thread.
Quote: Doc...should I, or should I not, capitalize the name of the [Ilani ? ilani] casino? ... Of course, the casino's web site (once you can get there) seems to be consistent with "i". ... For now, I am just using the shortest option "Ilani" in the thread index.
The seriousness with which you and some of the others collect chips embarasses me to admit my occasional, haphazard efforts to collect them myself. That said, the casino's own dice and chips use lower case, so one might reasonably conclude that to be correct.
As for your index -- especially if changing the "I" from upper- to lower-case changes its physical location or might result in it not being returned in a search -- your interest in being consistent may suggest using the capital "I" because you want your index to be as user-friendly as possible.
My 2 cents. Whichever you do, someone will say you did it wrong. But, as a writer, I favor user-friendly.
I generally try to maintain a degree of consistency, but occasionally I act on whim. (You should see some of my inconsistencies at craps -- not just results, but also in style of play.)Quote: LuckyPhow... your interest in being consistent may suggest using the capital "I" because you want your index to be as user-friendly as possible.
My 2 cents. Whichever you do, someone will say you did it wrong. But, as a writer, I favor user-friendly.
Upon rethinking, I have changed that most recent entry to "ilani". As for user-friendliness, it's an extremely trivial matter, since the index is a completely manual setup. I could have Ilani or ilani appear in the index before Angel of the Winds, or even in with the chips from Africa and still have it link to the correct post. For now, though, it is indexed in its rightful place with the other Washington chips, between Great American and Last Frontier. If I were clever enough to know how to get the formatting and alphabetizing done in an automated fashion, I would have set that up years ago.
Quote: Konbu...I promise to post it by the end of July!
hehe... 2018??
Quote: KonbuJust finished catching up from May! Sorry everyone I've been wanting to post my London chips from April but I'm in a battle of procrastination with PG and I'm winning. I moved back to the west coast late May and between settling in and work I haven't had time but fear not! I promise to post it by the end of July!
Is it that a challenge? I can procrastinate with the best of them, just ask Doc, he'll vouch for me on that one.
Perhaps someone offered them a custom mold. No guess on the manufacturer.
Looking at each of the two crossed items separately, I can agree with your guesses. However, I have trouble understanding a design with a feather bigger than a canoe paddle. That's why I had guessed a paddle crossed with a canoe.Quote: beachbumbabs... I would wager the design is a canoe paddle crossed with an eagle tail feather.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe ilani chip on the left has pretty legible impressions IMO. Zooming them, I would wager the design is a canoe paddle crossed with an eagle tail feather. These would both be pertinent to NWP tribes, and show up in their totems often.
Perhaps someone offered them a custom mold. No guess on the manufacturer.
You are correct, But I think it's a paddle and a canoe, i filled one with some pencil to make it easier to see. Is there something I can look for to help identify the manufacturer?

Are the color "stripes" on the outer ring visible on the edge and through to the other side?
Quote: AyecarumbaCould this be a Sun-Fly POLYCLAY custom mold? A UV light might reveal a security stamped, "SF".
Are the color "stripes" on the outer ring visible on the edge and through to the other side?
yes the stripes run along the edge and continue on the other side
Quote: rdw4potusWow. Photobucket wants $40/month for the service that includes hosting. Time to find a new solution. And change lots of links. Awesome.
Ask them this...

Quote: rdw4potusWow. Photobucket wants $40/month for the service that includes hosting. Time to find a new solution. And change lots of links. Awesome.
Wow that is news to me as well. Guess I just lost a lot of links to various places.
Quote: rdw4potusWe'll see how long it takes until they realize this is stupid. To get hosting (of images, mind you), customers are now required to pay for 500GB of storage. That's about 2 million chip images. Why would I pay for 2 million images of storage just to get the right to embed the links to 2000 images.
This is exactly why I never store my photos in the cloud. I can see a time where people using an I cloud or Google photos will lose access al together of their data.
Edit: Just caught the reference to $40/month for the PhotoBucket service that includes hosting. For my domain, I am paying ~$15/year for the domain name registration. Last summer, I moved the hosting service to GoDaddy.com and paid $143.64 for three years of hosting ($3.99/month), a rate that will increase to $7.99/month upon renewal. If I were really running a business through the site and had a lot of traffic, I suppose there might be additional charges. I don't think $40/month is even close to reasonable for hosting the volume of images that we are sharing through this forum.
Silver Bullet which gets the license is actually the owners of Bodines in Carson City which is a slots only place. They are putting a second Bodines in Carson which might just be another slots casino but this license that they have acquired is an unrestricted gaming license which I believe means they can offer tables. I will be keeping an eye on this and post any new info that I find.
Quote: rdw4potusWow. Photobucket wants $40/month for the service that includes hosting. Time to find a new solution. And change lots of links. Awesome.
I got the same message tonight. I told them to cancel my account and to go F themselves!
If folks don't find a more conventional and low-cost solution soon, let me know, and I'll think about this in more detail.
What are the other services people are using? I think I recall "imgur" or something like that. Are there signs that other hosts may be taking the same approach?
Quote: PokerGrinderI use imgur which is free and it better stay that way because it will be cold day in hell before I pay to store images.
Just downloaded it. Testing...

Quite legitimate to fear this idea spreading to other photo sites - too much free usage a problem for them I guess. But $480 per year is pure insanity - if this spreads there will be competitive prices at least out there.
Looking into Imgur.
Quote: GWAEI leave for new hamshire, mass, and maine in 6 hours and I haven't planned a casino route yet. I am really slacking
I don't know how people live like that, I am the exact opposite, I plan things insanely far in advance. I am a bit of a nut job when it comes to trip planning. I've already started planning where I want to go in Europe and for how long next year. This wouldn't be as insane if I didn't have a 3 week trip to the Yukon and a 3.5 month trip to Asia (both already booked) before I can even think about going to Europe lol. I will probably not be going to Europe until September of 2018 lol.