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There seems to be one or more "fake" dispensaries on the strip: is it true that no real dispensaries selling decent weed are on the strip?
Which are the "go to" dispensaries for folks in sin city, be they staying on the strip, downtown, or off strip?
Quote: MrVI haven't been to sin city since weed came to town, but I will return and when I do I'll want to buy some weed: much safer then bringing it with me on Southwest Airlines.
There seems to be one or more "fake" dispensaries on the strip: is it true that no real dispensaries selling decent weed are on the strip?
Which are the "go to" dispensaries for folks in sin city, be they staying on the strip, downtown, or off strip?
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You are limited to one ounce per day for smoking but I don't know if there is a limit on the edibles. My friends would go to the local dispensaries so I don't know anything about the strip locations.
now i also approached what i thought was someone who was "seasoned" or someone who seemed as if they lived in NY and knew about the weed in NY
he very confidently said to me that the weed in NY was CRAP .. and i would not have believed him had i actually recognized the smell that i had smelled all my life when my dad smoked
the weed that these big companies sell may not be the quality that kids these days expect but the quality that people in the 60s expect
this is a rant im sorry if its off subject
A 3 bowl a day habit adds up.
If you have a car and some time, weed in Needles is less than half the cost in Vegas. If you make the trip down to Laughlin, Needles is twenty minutes away. The rule of thumb was the closer to the strip, the more expensive the weed. The exception was on Twain and Paradise.
Quote: billryanThe exception was on Twain and Paradise.
That is not an area I would be hanging out in unless I was wearing a bulletproof vest.
Quote: DRichQuote: billryanThe exception was on Twain and Paradise.
That is not an area I would be hanging out in unless I was wearing a bulletproof vest.
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Fair enough.
Quote: heatmapi also approached what i thought was someone who was "seasoned" or someone who seemed as if they lived in NY and knew about the weed in NY
he very confidently said to me that the weed in NY was CRAP .. and i would not have believed him had i actually recognized the smell that i had smelled all my life when my dad smoked. the weed that these big companies sell may not be the quality that kids these days expect but the quality that people in the 60s expect.t
Now THAT is pretty startling and surprising, given what I've seen in Portland.
The quality of weed here is clearly several levels of magnitude better now than what I found to be available in the sixties.
Back then I lived outside of NYC and all we got was Mexican weed with lots of stems and seeds; the potency was OK but not strong: we smoked a fair amount to get a good buzz.
Now I go to dispensaries and buy weed with up to 30% THC, all beautiful, sculptured bud, no stems or seeds, great taste, the product of decades of cloning and selective breeding by dedicated pot farmers: now I take one, maybe two puffs on my small wooden pipe and I am good to go.
I can only surmise that the difference in quality is due to the fact that states are not allowed to import weed from out of state.
Out here there is talk of major corporations taking over but it hasn't happened yet; basically many if not most of the current weed growers are the same private folks who have been growing it illegally for decades, and if not them then others building upon their body of knowledge.
Could it be that NY state doesn't have the illegal dope growing culture to springboard off of that we have had?
The quality of weed out here is simply outstanding; no way does it compare to sixties quality Mexican shake; that NY still has lousy dirt weed is inexcusable and very unfortunate, given how far we out here have raised the bar.
Quote: MrV
The quality of weed out here is simply outstanding; no way does it compare to sixties quality Mexican shake; that NY still has lousy dirt weed is inexcusable and very unfortunate, given how far we out here have raised the bar.
That is what I heard in Vegas too. People say they never had weed as good as the stuff they can now buy legally.

This is an underground one though, you need references just to get in.
Names like "Peanut Butter Breath" and so on. $40. for a 1/4 ounce? Is that a good price for the above?
None of this was for me. I was an innocent bystander helping out a friend. She says that the quality is top shelf.
An ounce of very nice pot can be purchased for $36.00.
That is less than twice what I paid for an ounce in the early 70's.
I appreciate the info and will buy mine far from the strip when I next visit sin city.
Quote: MrVThere is such an abundance / oversupply of cannabis in the PNW that prices are lower now than when it was first legalized.
An ounce of very nice pot can be purchased for $36.00.
That is less than twice what I paid for an ounce in the early 70's.
I appreciate the info and will buy mine far from the strip when I next visit sin city.
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I know people in Las Vegas that go to Oregon to buy pot and resell it in Vegas.
Quote: DRichQuote: MrVThere is such an abundance / oversupply of cannabis in the PNW that prices are lower now than when it was first legalized.
An ounce of very nice pot can be purchased for $36.00.
That is less than twice what I paid for an ounce in the early 70's.
I appreciate the info and will buy mine far from the strip when I next visit sin city.
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I know people in Las Vegas that go to Oregon to buy pot and resell it in Vegas.
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You can get ounces in Needles for about a third of what it cost in Vegas, so going to Oregon is a waste of time. Just drive the 100 miles to Needles and you can easily double your money.
The prices in Arizona are starting to drift downward but I still have to travel 200 miles to legally buy it.
I heard a story about a grower who was transporting hundreds of pounds in a truck and had to sell 10 lbs. of it just to pay for gasoline.
I am told that except in the few states where marijuana remains illegal, that the prices have all dropped dramatically in recent years.
Clearly dispensaries are selling at much higher prices than street dealers.
The marijuana I posted above the dispensary owner said that at least one of those was outdoor grown "hydroponic" so maybe top shelf looking like that is available from outdoor grown now.
I'd think that this level of product is not necessarily good for people though, the THC content must be so high these days compared to sixty years ago that it might be blowing peoples' minds.
From what I'm told all street drug prices including for hard drugs have gone down across the board, that's the result of the War on Drugs I guess.
I ran across this, something about dictators and drug dealers and cops.
The final scene from the final episode of the classic tv series Miami Vice.
This one has been around some months, and plays a game of cat and mouse with the law, closing its doors when the heat is on. Many of these unlicensed dispensaries sell those psilocybin mushrooms MrV has mentioned. If they're caught with something like that, or weapons, the charges would be more serious, otherwise maybe most of what they do is just shut them down, confiscate all product and cash, and give them some kind of slap on the wrist.
In Los Angeles, as in Las Vegas, there's not much police can do to stop it.
Sept 22, 2022: Killings, robberies, extortion. California can’t stop its booming illegal cannabis stores