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April 22nd, 2020 at 1:21:57 PM permalink
In a live interview today I heard Anderson Cooper on CNN call the Mayor of Las Vegas "ignorant". She wants to open up Vegas and have the casinos figure out how all the social distancing is done. Anderson called her ignorant for that. If casinos do it and use CDC guidelines I'm sure that's as good as anything. I have to believe most casinos would exceed CDC requirements for their own protection.

Comments? Thank you.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 1:38:14 PM permalink
She is reckless. You have to agree with Anderson Cooper on this one, she doesn't inspire confidence, quite the contrary. This affects everyone, them screwing up ruins it for those being responsible. This seems so wise letting the owners of new Babylon make up their own rules during a mini-armageddon.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:03:25 PM permalink
Quote: Yoyomama

In a live interview today I heard Anderson Cooper on CNN call the Mayor of Las Vegas "ignorant". She wants to open up Vegas and have the casinos figure out how all the social distancing is done. Anderson called her ignorant for that. If casinos do it and use CDC guidelines I'm sure that's as good as anything. I have to believe most casinos would exceed CDC requirements for their own protection.

Comments? Thank you.

Ignorant was being kind. I thought I was watching SNL.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:04:18 PM permalink
I’m sure most members here know, but it should always be pointed out that this lady doesn’t actually represent the Strip, which is not technically in the city of Las Vegas.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:07:49 PM permalink
Dr. Bright and his attorney just dropped a bomb.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:12:55 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

I’m sure most members here know, but it should always be pointed out that this lady doesn’t actually represent the Strip, which is not technically in the city of Las Vegas.

She used this in her defense in the interview
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:13:01 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Dr. Bright and his attorney just dropped a bomb.

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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:17:47 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle


Google is your friend.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:18:37 PM permalink
Link to the CNN clip where Cooper calls Goodman ignorant - scroll down to where it says, "Watch the moment here"
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:18:59 PM permalink
What's the status of Vegas right now in terms of deaths and new cases?
Have you tried 22 tonight? I said 22.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:31:23 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Dr. Bright and his attorney just dropped a bomb.

Oh thought it was a euphemism.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:39:13 PM permalink
She should simply ask for the guidelines....and I don't mean general guidelines. If she wants to open, get in writing what Sisolak wants to open the doors.

His press conference was so uninspiring and lethargic...I got the feeling he doesn't even want to talk about what numbers he's looking it isn't even close.

As it stands...his words said July to me. May 1 has no chance. May 30 looks to be a pipe dream. That leaves June. Even with that in mind....he had ZERO confidence on discussing a time frame.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:41:25 PM permalink
When asked what she would do to help business's keep their customers and employees safe, she said that wasn't her job. She hoped business's could figure it out or people will get sick.
It was the culmination of a number of statements like that that caused Cooper to say that was ignorant.
SNL just got an early Christmas present.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 2:41:41 PM permalink
Quote: Gialmere

What's the status of Vegas right now in terms of deaths and new cases?

3,800 positive tests. 163 dead as of April 20.....maybe 19 new cases yesterday?
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:07:30 PM permalink
In his press conference Sisolak made comments about not starting Phase 1 until July but he also said casinos won't be in Phase 1.

This raises the possibility that the earliest for casinos to reopen would be mid July if Phase 1 takes only two weeks.

Meanwhile the unemployment insurance crisis here is getting worse. The Las Vegas Review Journal just reported that the new call center failed to handle the needs of 1/3 of the callers on Monday.

Also the state has failed to set up payments for self employed and gig workers who are now out of jobs and the Governor says it will be at least mid May before those applications can be accepted. That's just APPLICATIONS and not payments.

This state is in big trouble.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:09:16 PM permalink
Quote: Yoyomama

In a live interview today I heard Anderson Cooper on CNN call the Mayor of Las Vegas "ignorant". She wants to open up Vegas and have the casinos figure out how all the social distancing is done. Anderson called her ignorant for that. If casinos do it and use CDC guidelines I'm sure that's as good as anything. I have to believe most casinos would exceed CDC requirements for their own protection.

Comments? Thank you.

Social distancing rules will not work without a huge change in how casinos work. Under present social distancing rules, things that you directly touch should not be touched by another without being cleaned first. If you knowingly touch something that another has just touched you should wash your hands immediately.
That eliminates card games where you touch cards. It eliminates touching chips like you normally would do now. Not sitting within 6 feet of the next patron makes the majority of slot machines closed, and just a few patrons able to be at a normal table.
What the casinos will end up doing is something less than 'real' social distancing, but something that will appease whatever government official that they have to. Keeping the customers safe will not be factored into the decision.

I would not call her ignorant. Someone realizing that they are not the expert on a subject, and deferring to someone else....... almost refreshing!
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:15:40 PM permalink

Social distancing rules will not work without a huge change in how casinos work. Under present social distancing rules, things that you directly touch should not be touched by another without being cleaned first. If you knowingly touch something that another has just touched you should wash your hands immediately.
That eliminates card games where you touch cards. It eliminates touching chips like you normally would do now. Not sitting within 6 feet of the next patron makes the majority of slot machines closed, and just a few patrons able to be at a normal table.
What the casinos will end up doing is something less than 'real' social distancing, but something that will appease whatever government official that they have to. Keeping the customers safe will not be factored into the decision.

I would not call her ignorant. Someone realizing that they are not the expert on a subject, and deferring to someone else....... almost refreshing!

Did you see the interview? Refreshing?
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:21:35 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Did you see the interview? Refreshing?

i didn't. I guess I'll need to. Apparently must see TV!
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:22:10 PM permalink

Social distancing rules will not work without a huge change in how casinos work. Under present social distancing rules, things that you directly touch should not be touched by another without being cleaned first. If you knowingly touch something that another has just touched you should wash your hands immediately.
That eliminates card games where you touch cards. It eliminates touching chips like you normally would do now. Not sitting within 6 feet of the next patron makes the majority of slot machines closed, and just a few patrons able to be at a normal table.
What the casinos will end up doing is something less than 'real' social distancing, but something that will appease whatever government official that they have to. Keeping the customers safe will not be factored into the decision.

I would not call her ignorant. Someone realizing that they are not the expert on a subject, and deferring to someone else....... almost refreshing!

She said that she attempted to offer up whoever the citizens are that she represents, as a control group. Because.. “we have to see what happens ..”

Do you think a mayor has that right ?

And then when asked if she herself will be in the casinos risking her own life after they reopen, she said “no , I have a family “

What exactly does someone have to say in order for you to label them ignorant ?
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:39:54 PM permalink
She seemed to want to make it a game. Let them all open and whoever has the most cases has to close.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:43:24 PM permalink
Forget what she said in this particular debacle. How could a majority of voters pull the lever next to her name? Luckily she is an Independent so I can avoid the suspension worthy politics talk.......
I just think 81 year olds should not be in responsible positions.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 3:53:32 PM permalink
Is that lady a drunk.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 4:15:39 PM permalink
You do realize her husband was defending men and all the while denying the existence of organized crime influence in Las Vegas from 1960 to 1990? Anthony Spilotto was merely an upstanding businessman, wrongfully accused of being a part of organized crime.

And people wonder about her opinions?

The Apple does not fall far from the husband.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 4:29:23 PM permalink
Sorry. I loved the part of it that I saw and will watch the whole thing to see if I missed anything.

She has no more business telling me that I should stay out of a casino than to tell me to brush my teeth or eat six portions of fresh fruit every day.

Cigarettes have been known to be dangerous since at least 1964. If I pick up a pack of Chesterfields and start to puff away, there's no one to blame for what happens to me - other than ME. If you fear for the harms inherent in second hand smoke, if you worry about your friends and family getting lung cancer, protect them, and you, by doing whatever YOU think is appropriate - for THEM and for YOURSELF. Can you tell your neighbor not to smoke? Can you tell the people two states over not to smoke? Good luck with that.

Covid-19 is in no way any different.

The facts of covid-19 are known, well-publicized, and shouted out from the rooftops every second of every day by experts much more qualified than Anderson Cooper. Who is in HIS position, UNELECTED as the penultimate judge of idiocy, solely because his mother was Gloria Vanderbilt. That's the august qualification that he brings to the table.

If you are appropriately concerned about the risks of going to a casino, stay home. Stay away.

If your are in fear for your life and you work at a casino, don't go to work. Get another job if you can, but YOU are the one who should decide what's right - FOR YOU.

Nobody is going to kidnap you and take you to a casino. No one will make you work there.

The governor of my state has decreed, all on her own, that if you drive in your car, just 2 feet into a neighboring state, and turn around without getting out of your car, coming within 200 feet of NO ONE, you are REQUIRED to self-quarantine for FOURTEEN DAYS! "Her" state police will ticket you if you don't! Tell me that this idiot is more qualified or makes more sense than the lady in Las Vegas. Tell me where we gave this just-as-mindless airhead the power and authority to make me stay in my house for two weeks because I crossed an imaginary line in the road. That makes sense, but "Decide for yourself! Take responsibility for yourself!" is idiotic?

People have to take responsibility for their own actions. We cannot allow someone with the mindset of a mall cop to tell us what to do, whether she's in Las Vegas or standing behind a podium with a state seal on it insisting that she, and only she, knows what's best for us, and she's going to do everything in her power, backed up by the full force of the state, to make damned-sure that we do EXACTLY WHAT SHE SAYS.

The Las Vegas lady is an idiot. But she has a lot of company standing under that banner. Regretably, the rest of them can wield a lot more power over us than she can.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 4:57:44 PM permalink
Quote: racquet

Sorry. I loved the part of it that I saw and will watch the whole thing to see if I missed anything.

She has no more business telling me that I should stay out of a casino than to tell me to brush my teeth or eat six portions of fresh fruit every day.

Cigarettes have been known to be dangerous since at least 1964. If I pick up a pack of Chesterfields and start to puff away, there's no one to blame for what happens to me - other than ME. If you fear for the harms inherent in second hand smoke, if you worry about your friends and family getting lung cancer, protect them, and you, by doing whatever YOU think is appropriate - for THEM and for YOURSELF. Can you tell your neighbor not to smoke? Can you tell the people two states over not to smoke? Good luck with that.

Covid-19 is in no way any different.

The facts of covid-19 are known, well-publicized, and shouted out from the rooftops every second of every day by experts much more qualified than Anderson Cooper. Who is in HIS position, UNELECTED as the penultimate judge of idiocy, solely because his mother was Gloria Vanderbilt. That's the august qualification that he brings to the table.

If you are appropriately concerned about the risks of going to a casino, stay home. Stay away.

If your are in fear for your life and you work at a casino, don't go to work. Get another job if you can, but YOU are the one who should decide what's right - FOR YOU.

Nobody is going to kidnap you and take you to a casino. No one will make you work there.

The governor of my state has decreed, all on her own, that if you drive in your car, just 2 feet into a neighboring state, and turn around without getting out of your car, coming within 200 feet of NO ONE, you are REQUIRED to self-quarantine for FOURTEEN DAYS! "Her" state police will ticket you if you don't! Tell me that this idiot is more qualified or makes more sense than the lady in Las Vegas. Tell me where we gave this just-as-mindless airhead the power and authority to make me stay in my house for two weeks because I crossed an imaginary line in the road. That makes sense, but "Decide for yourself! Take responsibility for yourself!" is idiotic?

People have to take responsibility for their own actions. We cannot allow someone with the mindset of a mall cop to tell us what to do, whether she's in Las Vegas or standing behind a podium with a state seal on it insisting that she, and only she, knows what's best for us, and she's going to do everything in her power, backed up by the full force of the state, to make damned-sure that we do EXACTLY WHAT SHE SAYS.

The Las Vegas lady is an idiot. But she has a lot of company standing under that banner. Regretably, the rest of them can wield a lot more power over us than she can.

You are not understanding the core concern. That all these people who say “screw it”....May get sick and OVERWHELM the hospital system. Then EVERYONE is screwed.

It’s not as easy as me, myself and I.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 5:25:03 PM permalink
Quote: TDVegas

You are not understanding the core concern. That all these people who say “screw it”....May get sick and OVERWHELM the hospital system. Then EVERYONE is screwed.

It’s not as easy as me, myself and I.

I get that part, which I hadn't considered.

What follows is a totally theoretical, abstract scenario. It's a generalization, and maybe an attempt to salvage some part of my argument that you properly critique, And sorry, like George Carlin, Don Imus and Ricky Gervais, I don't think that there's anything that isn't funny, somehow...

You smart people are staying home, sequestered, isolated, because you think the risk is too great. You follow all the guidelines, you're properly masked, you don't even get within six feet of your cat (I'd worry that the cat is no more in love with these rules than I am. That's what would keep me awake at night... the cat).

You're not going to get sick. The overwhelmed hospital system shouldn't worry you any more than the lack of fresh shrimp at the Golden Nugget buffet - you're not going anywhere near either one. Actually, I remeber that shrimp from the last time I was in Vegas. OK. The shrimp and the cat. I need to be careful too.

If the zombie apocalypse, without the zombies, describes what happens when Las Vegas casinos start opening, you'll be okay, and I'll be happy that until I sneeze my last sneeze, I'll have no trouble finding a seat at a blackjack table.

Seriously though, the culture, the society, the human race, are all better off if people are given a chance to take action based on their own perception of what's best. I'm not coming over to toss you in the trunk of my car and force you to come with me to the casino, as a customer or a dealer.

Stay home. Stay safe. Or not. It's up to you, and I don't insist that you do or don't.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 5:44:26 PM permalink
Quote: racquet

I get that part, which I hadn't considered.

What follows is a totally theoretical, abstract scenario. It's a generalization, and maybe an attempt to salvage some part of my argument that you properly critique, And sorry, like George Carlin, Don Imus and Ricky Gervais, I don't think that there's anything that isn't funny, somehow...

You smart people are staying home, sequestered, isolated, because you think the risk is too great. You follow all the guidelines, you're properly masked, you don't even get within six feet of your cat (I'd worry that the cat is no more in love with these rules than I am. That's what would keep me awake at night... the cat).

You're not going to get sick. The overwhelmed hospital system shouldn't worry you any more than the lack of fresh shrimp at the Golden Nugget buffet - you're not going anywhere near either one. Actually, I remeber that shrimp from the last time I was in Vegas. OK. The shrimp and the cat. I need to be careful too.

If the zombie apocalypse, without the zombies, describes what happens when Las Vegas casinos start opening, you'll be okay, and I'll be happy that until I sneeze my last sneeze, I'll have no trouble finding a seat at a blackjack table.

Seriously though, the culture, the society, the human race, are all better off if people are given a chance to take action based on their own perception of what's best. I'm not coming over to toss you in the trunk of my car and force you to come with me to the casino, as a customer or a dealer.

Stay home. Stay safe. Or not. It's up to you, and I don't insist that you do or don't.

I totally understand her frustration. The economic destruction WILL lead to life destruction. Will lead to death. Stress, suicide, drug abuse, spousal abuse.

If anyone thinks "stay home" is just an acceptable given....then they fail to understand economic reality for MANY who are worried about paying bills, buying food, PAYING their health insurance, etc.

I understand her frustration. I want to see a concrete plan with benchmarks.

Her rationization seems to be "open the doors and just let the casinos and business people decide how they want to run their business". She is truly of a "live free or die" mentality.

Not sure about other cities...but here there are not a huge amount of hospital beds or ICU units. Maybe 600 ICU. If NYC was to happen would be absolute Armageddon. Tough to picture it. NYC has ~150,000 confirmed cases.

I don't know the exact count or prediction and I hasten to look at predictions too much but I saw numbers that said for every 17 that would require a bed....1 bed was available and staffed.

These politicians got scared because even a remote chance of a full blown crisis would create an apocalyptic situation.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 6:15:39 PM permalink
Quote: TDVegas

You do realize her husband was defending men and all the while denying the existence of organized crime influence in Las Vegas from 1960 to 1990? Anthony Spilotto was merely an upstanding businessman, wrongfully accused of being a part of organized crime.

And people wonder about her opinions?

The Apple does not fall far from the husband.

Yet she and her husband have been mayor of Las Vegas for the past 20 years. Some one must like them
50-50-90 Rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there is a 90% probability you'll get it wrong
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April 22nd, 2020 at 6:39:29 PM permalink

Forget what she said in this particular debacle. How could a majority of voters pull the lever next to her name? Luckily she is an Independent so I can avoid the suspension worthy politics talk.......
I just think 81 year olds should not be in responsible positions.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 6:56:07 PM permalink
Quote: racquet

I get that part, which I hadn't considered.

What follows is a totally theoretical, abstract scenario. It's a generalization, and maybe an attempt to salvage some part of my argument that you properly critique, And sorry, like George Carlin, Don Imus and Ricky Gervais, I don't think that there's anything that isn't funny, somehow...

You smart people are staying home, sequestered, isolated, because you think the risk is too great. You follow all the guidelines, you're properly masked, you don't even get within six feet of your cat (I'd worry that the cat is no more in love with these rules than I am. That's what would keep me awake at night... the cat).

You're not going to get sick. The overwhelmed hospital system shouldn't worry you any more than the lack of fresh shrimp at the Golden Nugget buffet - you're not going anywhere near either one. Actually, I remeber that shrimp from the last time I was in Vegas. OK. The shrimp and the cat. I need to be careful too.

If the zombie apocalypse, without the zombies, describes what happens when Las Vegas casinos start opening, you'll be okay, and I'll be happy that until I sneeze my last sneeze, I'll have no trouble finding a seat at a blackjack table.

Seriously though, the culture, the society, the human race, are all better off if people are given a chance to take action based on their own perception of what's best. I'm not coming over to toss you in the trunk of my car and force you to come with me to the casino, as a customer or a dealer.

Stay home. Stay safe. Or not. It's up to you, and I don't insist that you do or don't.

The problem with your argument is that there are people who wants to stay home be safe and not get sick, that will go out because they believe and trust that their leaders are making proper well thought out decisions.

Those are the ones being misled by this moron mayor.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 7:30:16 PM permalink
Anyone who believes that leaders are making proper and well thought out decisions solely on the basis of what they say is the moron. Nowadays supposed "leaders" of all stripes are certainly making well thought out decisions, but more often than not based on their own narrow political objectives. This occurs on both sides of any issue.

List for me any person with whom you disagree that you concede tries conscientiously to present a reasoned, contrary view. If you're a Trumpian, tell me who in the Democratic party is a leader. If you're a Democrat, list the person you disagree with that you respect. Just one. It will be rare if anyone reading this will respond, and if they do, be prepared for an avalanche of abuse - FROM THEIR OWN SIDE - for acknowledging that anyone - ANYONE - from the opposition should be granted even the slightest consideration as having a considered opinion.

Do you honestly think that anyone can logically argue that they went out because they trusted this mayor, that they were convinced that she made a "proper and well thought out decision?" If you decide to do something that will have such an immense impact on your life on that basis, there's no hope for you.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 7:33:44 PM permalink
If you just scream the word “science” after saying anything no one can argue with that.
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April 22nd, 2020 at 9:41:44 PM permalink
This whole thread is getting too politically overheated. I am closing it.

I invite all who want to discuss the Corona Virus in a political sense to take it to The Coronavirus thread at DT.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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