Quote: ams288Is there *anything* these monsters won't lie about?
It is amazing to me how well you can peer inside the mind of someone and ferret out whether or not they are telling the truth. Sadly, it seems this superpower only applies to certain people; if you had that power of all folks in government, you could be a force to be reckoned with in making them all tell the truth all the time! Your power is somehow limited to knowing when the President and his folks are lying and, well, I am pretty sure it is flawed.
In reality, you have no clue about the truthfulness of this tweet or the reasoning behind the jacket being worn.
Of course, I love the way the media talks about the jacket 24/7 instead of really reporting on immigration issues and the various flips and flops of politicians on both sides. They don't go after the folks on both sides who prevent immigration reform for the own selfish reasons--some Democrats because many favor open, or very porous, borders and some Republicans who don't really want cheap labor to go away. Nope. They are mostly interested in making sure President Trump gets little done.
The media, as a whole, has become a waste of hours and hours of air time.
Quote: ams288Quote: ams288Odd fashion choice.
Is there *anything* these monsters won't lie about?
I don't understand the disconnect in any of the Trumps between how they live their personal lives and their behavior and choices when they are representing this country. Is it possible to be so dense and ignorant?
Someone yesterday made a perfect turn of phrase about this whole immigration debacle, that in my observations covers the entire Trump administration.
Malevolence multiplied by Incompetence.
That about covers it. A goat rodeo is the Rockettes kick-line compared to this whole bunch.
In this case, Melania is going AS FIRST LADY to view and speak about a crisis enveloping this country. Does she not have anyone competent advising her, since she has no inner compass or awareness? She showed up last year to tour Houston after Harvey in shoes she couldn't walk in, let alone wade through mud and debris. Now, she puts an incomprehensible (in the context of her reason for going) statement on her back like a billboard. She spends public money to decorate the White House for Christmas like a morgue. She plagerizes Michelle Obama nearly word for word, not once bit at least 3 times. Etc.
Ivanka is Senior Advisor to the President. But only when it's convenient. She deflects criticism of how she's doing her job, or stances Trump takes at odds with her stated values and purpose, by making it an issue that she's his daughter. It's not even relevant, except to demonstrate that she places personal loyalty above ethics or job duties. And conveniently manages to be elsewhere whenever something specific happens within her portfolio.
And that stuff is minor compared to Trump himself. This thread is littered with hundreds of examples, so no need to reiterate. But every need not to allow that to become acceptable or normalized Presidential behavior or statements.
Quote: RonCIt is amazing to me how well you can peer inside the mind of someone and ferret out whether or not they are telling the truth.
Did you not see the two contradictory tweets?
Quote: RSIt's possible the spokeswoman's statement and Trump's tweet aren't contradictory.
It is equally as possible that I'll be voting for Donald in 2020.
Quote: ams288
At least Melania acts like she doesn't care what the media says. Hell, she disappeared for almost a month and just blew it off like nothing happened. I respect her more than Trump with the way she's dealing with the media.
If only Trump would take a lesson from her, instead of absolutely obsessing over what the media has to say about him like some crybaby teenage girl.
It was nice when we had Presidents that acted professional and didn't give a crap when the media harassed them and actually had the cajones to face them (490 days since President Snowflake's last solo press conference).
Quote: TigerWuQuote: ams288
At least Melania acts like she doesn't care what the media says. Hell, she disappeared for almost a month and just blew it off like nothing happened. I respect her more than Trump with the way she's dealing with the media.
If only Trump would take a lesson from her, instead of absolutely obsessing over what the media has to say about him like some crybaby teenage girl.
It was nice when we had Presidents that acted professional and didn't give a crap when the media harassed them and actually had the cajones to face them (490 days since President Snowflake's last solo press conference).
When did the media challenge Obama?
Didn't President Trump hold an impromptu press conference on the White House driveway last week?
Quote: aceofspadesQuote: TigerWuQuote: ams288
At least Melania acts like she doesn't care what the media says. Hell, she disappeared for almost a month and just blew it off like nothing happened. I respect her more than Trump with the way she's dealing with the media.
If only Trump would take a lesson from her, instead of absolutely obsessing over what the media has to say about him like some crybaby teenage girl.
It was nice when we had Presidents that acted professional and didn't give a crap when the media harassed them and actually had the cajones to face them (490 days since President Snowflake's last solo press conference).
When did the media challenge Obama?
Were you living in a cave
Obama was challenged by the media every single day 24/7
Don't you watch Fox news?
A president being challenged by the media is a good thing
A President being investigated is a good thing
I don't trust power
I supported Ken Starr just as I support Mueller
Quote: terapined***EXCERPT***Obama was challenged by the media every single day 24/7Quote: aceofspadesQuote: TigerWuQuote: ams288
At least Melania acts like she doesn't care what the media says. Hell, she disappeared for almost a month and just blew it off like nothing happened. I respect her more than Trump with the way she's dealing with the media.
If only Trump would take a lesson from her, instead of absolutely obsessing over what the media has to say about him like some crybaby teenage girl.
It was nice when we had Presidents that acted professional and didn't give a crap when the media harassed them and actually had the cajones to face them (490 days since President Snowflake's last solo press conference).
When did the media challenge Obama?
Thank you for bringing the Friday LULZ
Quote: aceofspadesWhen did the media challenge Obama?
All the time. Obama was regularly criticized by the media for having the one of the least transparent administrations in recent history.
And that is coming from the "liberal" washington post.
Quote: aceofspades
When did the media challenge Obama?
I'm not going to go through 8 years of media coverage, but here's a few of the many examples I found by simply Googling:
Media doesn't hold back on Obama 9/16/2013
Media coverage of Obama grows more negative 9/14/2009
The myth of pro-Obama media bias 9/2008
The press corp vs. Obama 4/2015
And of course, just throw a dart at Fox News or conservative radio between 2008 and 2016 for endless examples.
Quote: ams288Did you not see the two contradictory tweets?
I see a lot of things that I don't like and don't support. I have seen more as each year passes.
What I understand at this point--and what I think President Trump understands-- is that it really doesn't matter what the President or his family does, the media is willing to attack them at any point. Even if I thought Fox was as bad about Senator Obama, the former President, as the others are about President Trump, they make more noise overall because it is ALL of the other channels.
Hell, Jimmy Fallon has even stooped to apologizing for messing with President Trump's hair during an appearance a couple of years ago because he unwilling may have "normalized" him. Really? You think that "normalized" anything? No. It is a piss poor excuse for trying to draw attention to himself because he is losing to someone else in the ratings. he think that saying "I hate Trump" in some fashion will draw viewers.
Quote: RonCI Even if I thought Fox was as bad about Senator Obama, the former President, as the others are about President Trump, they make more noise overall because it is ALL of the other channels.
ALL the other channels ???????????
MSNBC and CNN on one side and FOX on the other
I think the 2 against one is meaningless in the context that FOX claims they are the number 1 news source in the country
Trump has tons of media noise on his side with the number 1 news source in the country as Fox claims
I have to imagine that's the only noise Trump supports hear is positive noise
I cant imagine Breitbart fans going to the Huffington Post
Quote: terapinedALL the other channels ???????????
MSNBC and CNN on one side and FOX on the other
I think the 2 against one is meaningless in the context that FOX claims they are the number 1 news source in the country
Trump has tons of media noise on his side with the number 1 news source in the country as Fox claims
I have to imagine that's the only noise Trump supports hear is positive noise
I cant imagine Breitbart fans going to the Huffington Post
Newspapers, magazines, network news, etc.
Quote: RonCNewspapers, magazines, network news, etc.
All that is still around
I had no idea
Last century I was all over newspapers, magazines and network news
I no longer live in the last century, do you?
Still buying Vinyl? lol
Internet baby. Come on. Get with the times
I have to imagine 99.9% of WOV members get their news from the internet
Not last weeks news in a magazine or yesterdays news in a newspaper or stay away from the news all day and simply wait for network evening news
Quote: terapinedALL the other channels ???????????
MSNBC and CNN on one side and FOX on the other
I think the 2 against one is meaningless in the context that FOX claims they are the number 1 news source in the country
Trump has tons of media noise on his side with the number 1 news source in the country as Fox claims
I have to imagine that's the only noise Trump supports hear is positive noise
I cant imagine Breitbart fans going to the Huffington Post
Quote: aceofspadesCBS, NBC, ABC, CNBC
Let's be completely cynical for a moment and pretend the news is 100% left just for fun..
Still, advertisers only pay for TV people watch. Figure it out.
Conservatives are either too few or too cheap. It's their fault, not media if you don't like it.
It's conservatives' fault.
And we all know models dont take any interest in what they are wearing
Of course she had no idea what her jacket said
*snicker snicker shaking head at incompetence *
Quote: boymimboThe fact that America is turning away these people and forcing them to cross illegally (they are homeless and in a desparate situation, kind of the same situaiton when many of our ancestors arrived here) and not allowing due process is downright inhumane, yet not illegal.
We already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
He........... autographed the parents’ giant pictures of their dead kids.
How effing bizarre.
Quote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I don't buy any of the above
I heard this same exact sh*t from my Uncle Jack regarding the other 1/2 of my family
He was furious my father married my mother overseas
According to him, the family is now infested with a bunch of freeloaders
My Uncle Jack was dead wrong regarding the other 1/2 of the family
DR Lin , my Uncle on the other side of my family, eventually bought a mansion on Long Island. No freeloading
Quote: Tanko
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
I wish they would move to MY neighborhood... I swear housing prices where I live still haven't recovered since the crash.
But anyway, as per that article:
"The main reason [for increased housing prices] say critics?
Hundreds of thousands of Mainland Chinese (including investors) coming across the Pacific Ocean to take advantage of Vancouver’s top-notch public school system as well as its publicly-funded university, the University of British Columbia, one of Canada’s biggest and best."
So... we have hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming to the Canada legally, bringing with them an influx of new capital and consumption, which presumably would drive up the GDP.... isn't that a good thing?
Quote: RonCSenator Obama, the former President..,
Really Ron?
Quote: TigerWuQuote: Tanko
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
I wish they would move to MY neighborhood... I swear housing prices where I live still haven't recovered since the crash.
But anyway, as per that article:
"The main reason [for increased housing prices] say critics?
Hundreds of thousands of Mainland Chinese (including investors) coming across the Pacific Ocean to take advantage of Vancouver’s top-notch public school system as well as its publicly-funded university, the University of British Columbia, one of Canada’s biggest and best."
So... we have hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming to the Canada legally, bringing with them an influx of new capital and consumption, which presumably would drive up the GDP.... isn't that a good thing?
Historically, ....yes. Overwhelmingly so.
Quote: ams288
He........... autographed the parents’ giant pictures of their dead kids.
How effing bizarre.
Jesus Christ you can’t make this up
I’m convinced we are living in some sort of bizarre alternate timeline
Quote: gamerfreakI’m convinced we are living in some sort of bizarre alternate timeline
We're living in the 1985A timeline from Back to the Future 2.
Quote: TigerWuWe're living in the 1985A timeline from Back to the Future 2.
Maybe you knew this ,but a long time ago, the guy who wrote those movies and characters specifically pictured Trump when he wrote Biff Tannen. Eerie, really, how close to our new reality he got. And how well he predicted what a person like Trump would be with money and power. A cautionary tale.
Quote:”He also made several other surprising comments, including remarking that the law enforcement officers in attendance were "good looking people" and holding up the photograph of one victim and observing that he resembles "Tom Selleck, except better looking."
Quote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
Quote: beachbumbabsMaybe you knew this ,but a long time ago, the guy who wrote those movies and characters specifically pictured Trump when he wrote Biff Tannen. Eerie, really, how close to our new reality he got. And how well he predicted what a person like Trump would be with money and power. A cautionary tale.
Babs, a few pages ago, I asked how your life has changed with Trump as President (I know this thread moves pretty fast so you might have missed it) so, I will ask again - how has your day-to-day existence in this great country changed now that Trump is President
It has always been my contention that, other than making for great debate fodder, our day-to-day existence is only affected infinitesimally by whoever is President
Quote: aceofspades
It has always been my contention that, other than making for great debate fodder, our day-to-day existence is only affected infinitesimally by whoever is President
I agree, but I came across this not too long ago, and thought it had some interesting points...
Personal anecdotes of Trump's Presidency

Quote: aceofspadesQuote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
Trump is President
Its his job
If your health coverage sucks
Blame the man in charge
His campaign promise was to fix healthcare
Why has Trump not fixed your healthcare?
Sounds like Trump doesn't give a crap about your crappy healthcare
Quote: aceofspadesBREAKING NEWS:
Uh oh... better watch out, or they might start contributing to the economy by getting a job, paying for private school for their kids, and buying a house....! We can't have that....
Quote: terapinedQuote: aceofspadesQuote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
Trump is President
Its his job
If your health coverage sucks
Blame the man in charge
His campaign promise was to fix healthcare
Why has Trump not fixed your healthcare?
Sounds like Trump doesn't give a crap about your crappy healthcare
Congress (Dems and RINO's)
Quote: aceofspades
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
You mean #ThanksBigPharmaAndTheInsuranceIndustry.
Obamacare was a band-aid.
The real problem goes much deeper.
Quote: aceofspadesBREAKING NEWS:
....show me a photo of a brown family, and I'll give you /them a little credit. Shithole countries, I'm sure, have provided at least a few.
Asians and European immigrants are more than 87% processed for the year, as reported on MSNBC 3:00 hour. Central American, South American, and Carribean immigration is at a chaotic standstill, no percentage quoted, but far behind that, in context. African immigrants not mentioned at all.
Malevolence multiplied by incompetence.
Oh, and that picture? Originally published Jan 16, 2018, to accompany a Chinese story of an American citizen stripped of his citizenship and facing repatriation.
Karma. It's a stone b!=#/.
Quote:ChineseAfter 11 years as a U.S. citizen, he was deprived of his nationality...
American Chinese Network
01-16 03:23
+ Follow
Just a few days after the arrival of the New Year, an immigrant living in New Jersey discovered that the American dream he had already started was broken. On January 5, a judge of the New Jersey Federal Court ordered the deprivation of his American citizenship. The Ministry of Justice and the Department of Immigration Both announced the news on Wednesday.
The immigrant from India became a permanent resident overnight from a U.S. citizen; in the next step, he may be ordered to be repatriated by the Department of Homeland Security.
The story is in Chinese, with some untranslatables, such as "exclusion proceedings" and "shithole". Ih, yeah, and a photo of Trump running his mouth.
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: aceofspadesBREAKING NEWS:
....show me a photo of a brown family, and I'll give you /them a little credit. Shithole countries, I'm sure, have provided at least a few.
Asians and European immigrants are more than 87% processed for the year, as reported on MSNBC 3:00 hour. Central American, South American, and Carribean immigration is at a chaotic standstill, no percentage quoted, but far behind that, in context. African immigrants not mentioned at all.
Malevolence multiplied by incompetence.
So, only "brown" people count - sounds racist and makes your argument seem like "brown" people don't bother coming here legally
Quote: aceofspadesQuote: terapinedQuote: aceofspadesQuote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
Trump is President
Its his job
If your health coverage sucks
Blame the man in charge
His campaign promise was to fix healthcare
Why has Trump not fixed your healthcare?
Sounds like Trump doesn't give a crap about your crappy healthcare
Congress (Dems and RINO's)
The republican party has control of the House, Senate and Presidency and you are blaming Obama ??????????????????
Bottom line, republicans don't give a sh*t about your healthcare
Quote: terapined
The republican party has control of the House, Senate and Presidency and you are blaming Obama ??????????????????
It's because George Soros is paying off Hillary's Deep State Government to keep Obamacare around. And I think there's pizza involved somehow.
I agree, that picture is not portraying the situation correctly. There's no way the "brown people" would look that put together. Not to mention, each "brown" adult would have like 20 kids each.Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: aceofspadesBREAKING NEWS:
....show me a photo of a brown family, and I'll give you /them a little credit. Shithole countries, I'm sure, have provided at least a few.
Asians and European immigrants are more than 87% processed for the year, as reported on MSNBC 3:00 hour. Central American, South American, and Carribean immigration is at a chaotic standstill, no percentage quoted, but far behind that, in context. African immigrants not mentioned at all.
Malevolence multiplied by incompetence.
Quote: AxelWolfI agree, that picture is not portraying the situation correctly. There's no way the "brown people" would look that put together. Not to mention, each "brown" adult would have like 20 kids each.
Maybe we can point to religion for some of this. South America heavily Catholic, i.e., keep the kids coming; it's all good. China adopted 1 child policy after finding people just want to reproduce too much
Quote: aceofspadesQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: aceofspadesBREAKING NEWS:
....show me a photo of a brown family, and I'll give you /them a little credit. Shithole countries, I'm sure, have provided at least a few.
Asians and European immigrants are more than 87% processed for the year, as reported on MSNBC 3:00 hour. Central American, South American, and Carribean immigration is at a chaotic standstill, no percentage quoted, but far behind that, in context. African immigrants not mentioned at all.
Malevolence multiplied by incompetence.
So, only "brown" people count - sounds racist and makes your argument seem like "brown" people don't bother coming here legally
Yeah, twist everything I say, AOS. Nobody said ONLY brown people count. But Your President calls them animals who come from shitholes, and says they DONT count, have no merit, a hundred other racist statements.
Be sure to check my edited post above, though. Never know where a meme has been before you paste it under your name.
Quote: terapinedQuote: aceofspadesQuote: terapinedQuote: aceofspadesQuote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
Trump is President
Its his job
If your health coverage sucks
Blame the man in charge
His campaign promise was to fix healthcare
Why has Trump not fixed your healthcare?
Sounds like Trump doesn't give a crap about your crappy healthcare
Congress (Dems and RINO's)
The republican party has control of the House, Senate and Presidency and you are blaming Obama ??????????????????
Bottom line, republicans don't give a sh*t about your healthcare
Neither did the Dems as my premiums increased from $300 to $700 under O-care
Quote: TigerWuLOL
Trump staffers can't get dates in D.C. because everyone hates them....
I've been dateless since Obama was in office
Quote: aceofspadesQuote: terapinedQuote: aceofspadesQuote: terapinedQuote: aceofspadesQuote: TankoWe already have 554,000 homeless and many more desperate people than that already living here. We don’t need any more freeloaders with their phony asylum claims, while thousands of working people are living in homeless shelters.
They strain our municipal resources and drive up the cost of housing.
We pay for all of that, plus the $18.5 billion cost of their medical care.
The current system is designed to provide votes for democrats by maintaining a permanent underclass that relies upon handouts from the Federal government at taxpayer expense.
If we had an immigration system based upon merit, as Canada does, instead of chain migration, you would still be living and working in California.
I pay $700/month for health insurance and it doesn't even cover name brand prescriptions (and 2 of my meds are not available generic yet) #ThanksObama
Trump is President
Its his job
If your health coverage sucks
Blame the man in charge
His campaign promise was to fix healthcare
Why has Trump not fixed your healthcare?
Sounds like Trump doesn't give a crap about your crappy healthcare
Congress (Dems and RINO's)
The republican party has control of the House, Senate and Presidency and you are blaming Obama ??????????????????
Bottom line, republicans don't give a sh*t about your healthcare
Neither did the Dems as my premiums increased from $300 to $700 under O-care
And its staying there
Bottom line, republicans don't give a sh*t about your healthcare