Quote: lilredroosterno U.S. President other that this clown would salute military personnel from another country. they would only salute military personnel from the U.S.
not only that but he is saluting a representative of a country that is known to imprison, torture and kill thousands of its own citizens and abducting citizens of another country (Japan). He is saluting a representative of a dictator who is so twisted that he killed his own brother. but killing his own people is sometimes not enough for him. he needs to do it in a satisfying way, so he sometimes blows their bodies apart with anti-aircraft guns.
Presidents do not salute military personnel, they only return salutes....
But, more importantly, what you and everyone on your side of this issue is missing, is basic diplomacy. Basic diplomacy (actually basic English Argument), when you are in a debate, you do not criticize your opponent, you treat their views with respect. If Trump went in there and said "You are a horrible person my button is much bigger", no progress would be made (though late night comedians would have a field day). Even Trump, possibly the most aggressive President in recent years knows this.....
Everyone knows the bad stories of North Korea, that is not what you talk about when you are accomplishing a specific goal in a meeting. Also, Kim is somebody who loves praise, so yes praising him is actually wise (and in this context appropriate). The goal is two-fold, avoid a war with North Korea and denuclearize them.... A war with North Korea would be beyond messy, a war with North Korea while they still have nuclear weapons, would be borderline apocalyptic...
Trump did almost everything right from a textbook diplomacy standpoint. I am sure he was well instructed on the issue, since it is very unlike him to be so cordial, but it worked for now....
Again, at the end of the day confronting Kim on Human Right's violations will be much less risky after their nuclear shield is gone (or at least mostly gone). You cannot engage two targets at once....
Trump did not initiate that salute with the North Korean General. The General saluted first.
I stand corrected.
This changes everything in my opinion. Of course I still think Trump is a total fool and I don't think he should have saluted at all, but it was not his idea to salute in the first place, like I originally thought.
Quote: aceofspadesHow about a bet on when Hillary is drunk again?
EvenBob should have the line on that... he's obsessed with her.
Quote: RSQuote: AZDuffmanLike this?
But the full video is worth 10,000!
Amazing how lefties go crazy over the picture, but as soon as they see what actually happened.....oh something else let's talk about that! So predictable.
This exonerates Donald, how?
He saluted the NK general. The video proves it.
You righties would be absolutely catatonic if Obama did that.
Lewandowki was fired as campaign manager on June 20, 2016.Quote: terapinedManafort was campaign chairman in May 2016 and resigned on August 19, 2016. That’s a total of 144 days, not 49 days.
It is called returnnig the salute. Anybody with basic military training knows that and the protocols associated with it.Quote: ams288Amazing how lefties go crazy over the picture, but as soon as they see what actually happened.....oh something else let's talk about that! So predictable.
This exonerates Donald, how?
He saluted the NK general. The video proves it.
Not really. No one with military experience would expect Obama to have the faintest idea about military practices.Quote: ams288You righties would be absolutely catatonic if Obama did that.
Even though, it might seem heavily indoctrinated anti-Christian states of Islam are the biggest targets, most Muslims already know of the Christian message, whereas N. Koreans are one of the most isolated large bodies of peoples on Earth from all sorts of outside unwanted influences. There was an introduction of Christianity, and it continues to exist, but the state has been closed tightly for 60 years and it's estimated to be very small percentage of people.
Quote: terapined
Manafort was campaign chairman in May 2016 and resigned on August 19, 2016. That’s a total of 144 days, not 49 days.
Quote: SanchoPanzaLewandowki was fired as campaign manager on June 10, 2016.
Both are facts are slightly off
The factual timeline
Manafort joined the Trump Campaign May 2016
On June 20, 2016, Trump fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and promoted Manafort to the position
Trump announced his acceptance of Manafort's resignation from the campaign August 19, 2016
Regardless, Trump lied. Deal with it. lol
For the record, the problematic post that is the subject of this subthread:Quote: terapined
The factual timeline
Manafort joined the Trump Campaign May 2016
On June 20, 2016, Trump fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and promoted Manafort to the position
Trump announced his acceptance of Manafort's resignation from the campaign August 19, 2016
Regardless, Trump lied. Deal with it. lol
"Manafort was campaign chairman in May 2016 and resigned on August 19, 2016. That’s a total of 144 days, not 49 days." What difference does three months make when we're into counting days and minutes?
Quote: SanchoPanzaFor the record, the problematic post that is the subject of this subthread:
"Manafort was campaign chairman in May 2016 and resigned on August 19, 2016. That’s a total of 144 days, not 49 days." What difference does three months make when we're into counting days and minutes?
I think its pretty funny Manafort is locked up
From what I understand, its no country club prison.
He only has himself to blame
How stupid can you get
If you are out on bail, you keep your nose clean. You play good boy scout.
Its about trust. The judge trusts you therefore you have your freedom.
Instead Manafort breaks the law. What a dummy.
Of course you get remanded immediately. You now cannot be trusted.
Where does Trump find these morons
Fox is doing a bit on the WH lawn and
Trump walks up and starts answering
questions for 30 minutes. Can you
imagine stumbling and stammering
and fumbling Obama doing this?
Trump never misses a beat, he exudes
leadership and confidence because
that's been his job for 40 years.
Quote: EvenBobThis is why Trump won. This morning
Fox is doing a bit on the WH lawn and
Trump walks up and starts answering
questions for 30 minutes. Can you
imagine stumbling and stammering
and fumbling Obama doing this?
Trump never misses a beat, he exudes
leadership and confidence because
that's been his job for 40 years.
I love his completely organic response to "they're listening here right behind you".
The Korean Armistice took effect in 1951. Lets say a boy was 18 and in combat then. He was born in 1933 and would be 85 today. How many 85 year olds parents are still alive? He lies about nonsense that shouldn't matter and only does matter because the POTUS lied about it.
Quote: billryanSeventeen different lies on seven separate subjects. That might be a record, even for him.
The Korean Armistice took effect in 1951. Lets say a boy was 18 and in combat then. He was born in 1933 and would be 85 today. How many 85 year olds parents are still alive? He lies about nonsense that shouldn't matter and only does matter because the POTUS lied about it.
Some Trump supporters would love a turd if it came out of their ass with poise and authority.
Quote: billryanSeventeen different lies on seven separate subjects.
Only 17? A lie is when you know
the truth and purposely change
it. You know that, right?
But it doesn't matter. We have long
known it's not what you say, it's
how you say it. Ever see a really
really good salesman, the guy
who can sell anybody anything?
That's Trump. It's why he won, he
constantly sells himself and people
eat it up.
Quote: EvenBobOnly 17? A lie is when you know
the truth and purposely change
it. You know that, right?
But it doesn't matter. We have long
known it's not what you say, it's
how you say it. Ever see a really
really good salesman, the guy
who can sell anybody anything?
That's Trump. It's why he won, he
constantly sells himself and people
eat it up.
Are you suggesting trump cant lie because he doesn't know the truth? That's an interesting defense. As is the "he is a liar but people eat it up so who cares".
Quote: RS
Amazing how lefties go crazy over the picture, but as soon as they see what actually happened.....oh something else let's talk about that! So predictable.
The back-and-forth is amusing and no big deal. I am sure it happens all the time when Western businessmen deal with Oriental ones and you have a bow/handshake mixup. IIRC AT&T showed it in a commercial way back in the 1980s. Just both sides trying to show mutual respect.
Quote: EvenBob
But it doesn't matter. We have long
known it's not what you say, it's
how you say it. Ever see a really
really good salesman, the guy
who can sell anybody anything?
That's Trump. It's why he won, he
constantly sells himself and people
eat it up.
Look at it as a job interview. A few jobs are technical, and you have to know the material. An EMT had better know every procedure. Most jobs are not. I have interviewed hundreds of people for jobs. On most, it is not the technical knowledge. It is how the person talks and can handle themselves. How they give the person they are interacting with confidence in their ability. As Donnie Brasco said, don't let then know you don't know something, so by the time they know you don't know it, you do know it.
I needed the person who could calm the customer down on their own. Not freeze and say, "let me ask my boss." It is a very rare quality, maybe 1 in 1o people have it. Trump has it to the 1 in 100,000 level. It is not a matter of every little detail being right. It is a matter of getting the right result. Bad salesmen and bad negotiators don't get hung up and stop over little details. They move on and get the right final result.
Quote: AZDuffmanJust both sides trying to show mutual respect.
The North Koreans don’t deserve any respect. That’s the point.
Quote: ams288The North Koreans don’t deserve any respect. That’s the point.
If that is your position, don't bother taking the Foreign Service Exam. Because you treat a high-ranking officer who commands thousands with respect. If you want to get anything done that is.
Quote: RomesYes, as demonstrated by all of the quotes talking about how he's bowing and how we're "losing our s#$% now"... oh wait. Not really... sounds like all of the people defending Obama aren't saying that about trump, but waiting for the SAME PEOPLE who blamed Obama are suddenly silent and condoning of this action with trump. Speaking for these forums and members on here.
Didn't want to leave this, as I see what you're saying. My statement was not apples to apples, and I see that. Dunno how the point system works here, so just let me know how many I owe you.
I was just attempting to point out the insanity we outsiders see. Wasn't that long ago I saw shock and horror at the asshat in chief's taunting about rocket man and his wussy broken button, as if he was sweeping us into WWIII: Nuketown. Now the dude has broken the wall, had a meeting, showed respect, and it's the same wailing at the moon.
The tribalism is just insane, and I in no way mean "just now" or "just against Trump". I saw it with O and thought it a function of one subset of one side. Now that all sides have switched, all the bulls#$% still remains. It's quite ridiculous.
Quote: NathanTime for one of my rare completely serious posts. I am wondering if Trump WAS the better Presidential Candidate than Clinton. I'll admit, I voted for Clinton because I am a Democrat and I wanted to see the first female President, and I let the Media make me think Donald Trump was the Apocalyptic Devil that would doom America if chosen. I remember someone even saying something like "2017-2020/2021 will be like America 1823 if Trump is elected." Ouch. America under Trump is doing better than I thought. We are not living like 1823 and we are not living in an Apocalyptic world either. On the other hand, it has been reported that Clinton actually got a lot of people killed and there was the whole Benghazi fiasco which made me uneasy but I was kind of blinded by the tangible aspect of having a Democratic first female President. Silly me.
Point by point...
1. Trump was the better candidate where it counted, in the swing states that enable an electoral college victory.
2. In my opinion the media overplays the importance of the President. His power is (wisely) limited by the legislature and the judiciary. So no 'apocalypse'.
3. I think it is unfair to say "Clinton got a lot of people killed", but it is fair to say that she did not handle the Benghazi situation well.
4. Many did vote like you did, for ANY Democrat female. But we will never know how the country would be doing with her as President. I think worse, but you will find many (a majority?) who would think better.

Quote: NathanTime for one of my rare completely serious posts. I am wondering if Trump WAS the better Presidential Candidate than Clinton. I'll admit, I voted for Clinton because I am a Democrat and I wanted to see the first female President, and I let the Media make me think Donald Trump was the Apocalyptic Devil that would doom America if chosen. I remember someone even saying something like "2017-2020/2021 will be like America 1823 if Trump is elected." Ouch. America under Trump is doing better than I thought. We are not living like 1823 and we are not living in an Apocalyptic world either. On the other hand, it has been reported that Clinton actually got a lot of people killed and there was the whole Benghazi fiasco which made me uneasy but I was kind of blinded by the tangible aspect of having a Democratic first female President. Silly me.
More Points:
1. Democrats regularly go to the "he will take us back to 'x'." First time was Bwhen Reagan nominated Bork to SCOTUS and Ted Kennedy ran to the well of the Senate and claimed it would mean a return to segregated lunch counters along with other things. If you have not. I would suggest you read "Animal Farm" and maybe get the Cliffs Notes to go with it. The claims are classic "JONES WILL COME BACK!" threats.
2. Trump was a far better candidate because Trump had far better instincts. Hillary was surrounded by all kinds of "experts" with all kinds of data that could "get issues down to city blocks." She had every issue and answer focus group tested to every possible demo, maybe excepting the demos she wrote off.
Trump flew by the seat of his pants. In the primaries while Jeb was spending money like Hillary did, one of Trump's biggest expenses was MAGA hats. Trump took flack for some things he said, but he said the same thing Monday, Tuesday, Wed, etc. Hillary, OTOH, got caught at a rally supporting miners for promising to put the coal industry out of business days before. The joke was she needed debate questions ahead of time to find out the answer you wanted, not what she believed. Some people insisted she didn't believe in anything much beyond wining and would just make the position fit.
3. Hillary thought job titles on a resume were "qualifications" in and of themselves. She had many, Senator, SoS, etc. But she really did not do much on any job but fill her resume. Some supporters made the outlandish claim that she was "the most qualified POTUS candidate in history!" She preferred to do nothing on these jobs rather than have a disaster. She had the disasters, thought nobody ever held her accountable for them.
Trump's resume had zero in the way of government work. But he got things done. He had success, he had failure. No matter what, he kept pushing forward. The contest was a bit of "Should we hire the kid out of college who was in a bunch of clubs, or the guy off the shop floor who has work experience?"
4. Hillary is just an unlikable person. Many people hate Trump to be sure, but he can motivate the people who do like him. Hillary more thinks that you are supposed to jump because the boss says "jump." Trump knows the boss has to motivate, not bark orders.
In 2008 it was reversed. Obama could motivate. McCain was a lump. Obama had all the energy. Same as Trump had all the energy. Energy wins POTUS elections. Last candidate with no energy to win was Bush41, a re-election of Reagan.
Quote: NathanTime for one of my rare completely serious posts. I am wondering if Trump WAS the better Presidential Candidate than Clinton. I'll admit, I voted for Clinton because I am a Democrat and I wanted to see the first female President, and I let the Media make me think Donald Trump was the Apocalyptic Devil that would doom America if chosen. I remember someone even saying something like "2017-2020/2021 will be like America 1823 if Trump is elected." Ouch. America under Trump is doing better than I thought. We are not living like 1823 and we are not living in an Apocalyptic world either. On the other hand, it has been reported that Clinton actually got a lot of people killed and there was the whole Benghazi fiasco which made me uneasy but I was kind of blinded by the tangible aspect of having a Democratic first female President. Silly me.
Serious reply
This thread has basically taken on a religiousity of sorts. If you created a Judaism vs Christian vs. Muslim thread (with Atheist independents thrown in) (and Agnostics as moderate independents as well) you would have the same 300 page thread of arguments contorted to support everyones views (and then the counter-arguments twisted by the opposite people in the polar opposite direction) till everyone looked like a hypocrite
Now you shouldn't vote for someone because they are female or male or black or whatever. It should be because you genuinely believe they will make the best president
That goes for crossing party lines too
As for our country at This moment. It generally takes about 3-4 years to feel the full effect of a presidency in either direction.
There is a reason the elections are every 4 years
Sometimes its a painfully slow degradation (think Jimmy Carter) sometimes its hidden in the underbelly and explodes at once (Bush and the sudden recession of 2008)
It takes about 4 years to fix a countries problems as well. Think Obama and the recession or FDR and the Depression)
Trumpers will say see life is good right now.
But we have only had one major legislation passed and that was 5 months ago. Tariffs go into effect july 6th. Including retaliatory tariffs from China ($50 Billion from China against America alone. Canada is going to hit us with tariffs as well)
The time to decide if Trump is great and deserves re-election is really in the spring to fall of 2020 when everything (including how much you save on taxes and how much you are paying at the supermarket etc) can be evaluated in the moment
I will sum up really quick
No amount of Trump is great shouting will matter if the country is demonstrably worse in 2020 prior to the election.
Quote: darkozSerious reply
This thread has basically taken on a religiousity of sorts. If you created a Judaism vs Christian vs. Muslim thread (with Atheist independents thrown in) (and Agnostics as moderate independents as well) you would have the same 300 page thread of arguments contorted to support everyones views (and then the counter-arguments twisted by the opposite people in the polar opposite direction) till everyone looked like a hypocrite
Now you shouldn't vote for someone because they are female or male or black or whatever. It should be because you genuinely believe they will make the best president
That goes for crossing party lines too
As for our country at This moment. It generally takes about 3-4 years to feel the full effect of a presidency in either direction.
There is a reason the elections are every 4 years
Sometimes its a painfully slow degradation (think Jimmy Carter) sometimes its hidden in the underbelly and explodes at once (Bush and the sudden recession of 2008)
It takes about 4 years to fix a countries problems as well. Think Obama and the recession or FDR and the Depression)
Trumpers will say see life is good right now.
But we have only had one major legislation passed and that was 5 months ago. Tariffs go into effect july 6th. Including retaliatory tariffs from China ($50 Billion from China against America alone. Canada is going to hit us with tariffs as well)
The time to decide if Trump is great and deserves re-election is really in the spring to fall of 2020 when everything (including how much you save on taxes and how much you are paying at the supermarket etc) can be evaluated in the moment
I will sum up really quick
No amount of Trump is great shouting will matter if the country is demonstrably worse in 2020 prior to the election.
I don't think Trump is GREAT. I just think he is not coming across as as bad as the Media, people, and forums were saying he would be as President.
Quote: NathanI don't think Trump is GREAT. I just think he is not coming across as as bad as the Media, people, and forums were saying he would be as President.
As they say in slots, maybe he's just having a good run. Most people think you aren't tested until you show your mettle in bad times. I don't think that's happened yet to Trump.
George Bush was unfortunate to have 911 on his watch. Obama started with a bad recession.
We'll see.
I generally see people like Trump as someone who is going to save us money and make prosperity as the guy who doesn't buy enough life boats for the ship. Seemed like a good idea at the time until you start going South. Then we see the real cost.
Quote: rxwineAs they say in slots, maybe he's just having a good run. Most people think you aren't tested until you show your mettle in bad times. I don't think that's happened yet to Trump.
George Bush was unfortunate to have 911 on his watch. Obama started with a bad recession.
We'll see.
I generally see people like Trump as someone who is going to save us money and make prosperity as the guy who doesn't buy enough life boats for the ship. Seemed like a good idea at the time until you start going South. Then we see the real cost.
People blame Bush for the recession, not Obama as technically, Bush was President in December 2008, not Obama. I love the Titanic reference, BTW. Even if they thought the Titanic was unsinkable, add more lifeboats! More lifeboats would have saved more lives! The survivors and the victims' families sued the crap out of White Star(The company that manufactured Titanic) and IIRC , White Star went bankrupt. At least the tragic sinking of The Titanic prompted better safety regulations on boats. As the sayings go,"Learn from mistakes from the past." "Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it."
Quote: NathanPeople blame Bush for the recession, not Obama as technically, Bush was President in December 2008, not Obama. I love the Titanic reference, BTW. Even if they thought the Titanic was unsinkable, add more lifeboats! More lifeboats would have saved more lives! The survivors and the victims' families sued the crap out of White Star(The company that manufactured Titanic) and IIRC , White Star went bankrupt. At least the tragic sinking of The Titanic prompted better safety regulations on boats. As the sayings go,"Learn from mistakes from the past." "Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it."
IIRC, the White Star Line wasn’t (or shouldn’t have been) responsible for the “lack” of safety boats because back then the number of safety boats that was required was based on amount of cargo the ship could hold, not based on occupancy. I’m pretty sure WSL didn’t go bankrupt, but I may be wrong.
Quote: RSIIRC, the White Star Line wasn’t (or shouldn’t have been) responsible for the “lack” of safety boats because back then the number of safety boats that was required was based on amount of cargo the ship could hold, not based on occupancy. I’m pretty sure WSL didn’t go bankrupt, but I may be wrong.
Okay, that makes sense about the cargo/safety boats. On two hilarious side notes, my family and I went on a Carnival Cruise in 2014. One of the very first things we saw were lifeboats! One of my family members dryly remarked,"Lifeboats are one of the very first things we see. Very comforting." LMAO! My sister sarcastically mentioned" They should show the movie Titanic as a movie choice!" LMAO!

Rudy saved NYC and now he's going to save America. 𝐆𝐎 𝐑𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐆𝐎
Quote: lilredrooster
Rudy saved NYC and now he's going to save America. 𝐆𝐎 𝐑𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐆𝐎
Rudy saved nyc in his first term. It was his hard stance on serious crime and adding police and excellent ideas that changed a crime ridden city into a relatively safe place to live
He was heartily reelected
Then in his 2nd term he maximised the crackdown going literally after EVERYONE! He began spouting craziness
Having run out the real criminals, every month was a semingly new target for crackdowns
Squeegee men
Taxi drivers
Hot dog vendors
Porn shops (a particularly funny crackdown which depending on your pov did or did not work)
Sidewalk vendors
He even issued a directive one weekend for officers to hand out jaywalking tickets. Zero policy
That lasted one day btw. - everyone jaywalks in nyc. 8 million people. A great example of majority rule. You think police officers got any respect THAT DAY lol. The next day police announced quietly the jaywalking program was going to be passively enforced (which in nyc means not at all)
By the end of his 2nd term his name was being used with expletives and vindictiveness.
Then came 9-11. A true crime. What he really needed to excel and he did
But that one day was not enough to undo 4 years of damage. Nyc to this day thinks he is a lunatic
Funny everyone seeing him today questions how this can be the Guiliani of NYC.
I dont. He hasnt really changed
Quote: darkoz
Having run out the real criminals, every month was a semingly new target for crackdowns
Squeegee men
Taxi drivers
Hot dog vendors
Porn shops (a particularly funny crackdown which depending on your pov did or did not work)
Sidewalk vendors
He even issued a directive one weekend for officers to hand out jaywalking tickets. Zero policy
Squeege men were criminals and needed to be cracked down on. They were one of the biggest signs screaming "DO NOT MOVE HERE, DO NOT VISIT HERE!" Porn shops had turned Times Square into an awful area nobody wanted to visit. These are things that the people who call it "mean" don't have to deal with.
Quote: rxwineDo they have any porn slappers in NYC? They can't rub it out in Vegas because of 1st amendment rights.
Whats a porn slapper? Is that west coast jargon for porn shop?
Here is my memory of the porn fight with guiliani
Guiliani passed law that no shops selling porn could do so within 400 feet of a school church or each other
In nyc that pretty much meant every store lol
It was challenged in court. The lawyer for porn shops argued the law would prevent regular video stores with porn sections that were within 400 feet of the above to not sell porn either. Essentially outlawing the sale of porn in nyc
Guiliani adjusted the law to state it was only for porn shops which were defined as any store that sold less than 40% regular items
So the porn shops loaded up with 40% junk items and continued doing business
Guiliani made an adjustment to the law that the 60% porn had to be in an enclosed section for the store not to be considered a porn shop
Not only did porn shops create the enclosures. They began allowing children in
Furious guiliani went to press charges against the porn stores which countered that by his own definition they were no longer porn shops but regular business with an enclosed porn section and they had 40% regular merchandise to sell
In the end porn shops remained
Quote: darkozWhats a porn slapper? Is that west coast jargon for porn shop?
You’ve been on the Vegas strip, right?
It’s those people who have call cards for prostitutes and “slap” the cards to try and get your attention as you walk by.
Guy approaches me about buying 10,000 books for 10 cents each. We agree on 15 cents and I'm surprised how little it dented my inventory. A week later the guy calls me back and offers me seven cents each for everything. I happily accept and end my dream of being the king of comic book dealers.
Months later I find out the guy used the comics to get around the porn content for shops in NYC. 5,000 comics doesn't take much space and allowed the shop to stock 5,000 porn items.
Quote: darkozGuiliani adjusted the law to state it was only for porn shops which were defined as any store that sold less than 40% regular items
Similar here in the UK in the 80s and 90's with 'Adult shops' that sold, adult videos, sex toys etc. ( hardcore was illegal then ) It used to amuse me that alongside all the sex toys and adult vids, were a few spanners and bicycle pumps, tissues and all the assorted low price junk that they had no interest in selling... well, maybe the tissues.
* Not that I went in for anything except spanners, bicycle pumps and tissues... No, not tissues :o)
says something is wrong in the US.
There are lots of people saying they
would rather see a recession and
high unemployment than see Trump
succeed. They would rather see a
war with N Korea than have Trump
get a peace agreement. And these
people are serious.
The shrink doesn't know how it got
to the point where you want to see
your country fail just so the guy you
didn't vote for doesn't succeed. It's
cutting off your nose to spite your face.
It's the media, duh. We've never had
a media that will say anything just
to get viewers. They're creating a class
of blooming idiots.
Quote: EvenBob
It's the media, duh. We've never had
a media that will say anything just
to get viewers. They're creating a class
of blooming idiots.
We have not had this level of media bias, either. Lamestream media was always biased, but in 2008 they really took sides. Then they never let up. So you have Joe Average been lapping it all up 10 years now. He thinks their claims are reality. It will keep getting worse. Remember my prediction about a very violent 2020s.
Quote: AZDuffmanWe have not had this level of media bias, either. Lamestream media was always biased, but in 2008 they really took sides.
It started with the end of the Fairness Doctrine and the rise of cable news. Then it ramped up after 9/11, and again in 2008 like you said.
Quote: EvenBobSaw a shrink on a panel show. He's
says something is wrong in the US.
There are lots of people saying they
would rather see a recession and
high unemployment than see Trump
succeed. They would rather see a
war with N Korea than have Trump
get a peace agreement. And these
people are serious.
The shrink doesn't know how it got
to the point where you want to see
your country fail just so the guy you
didn't vote for doesn't succeed. It's
cutting off your nose to spite your face.
It's the media, duh. We've never had
a media that will say anything just
to get viewers. They're creating a class
of blooming idiots.
There is a long precedent, if that's what's happening. Starting Obama's first day in office with a pledge to deny him everything, no matter how necessary, no matter if it was a Republican idea he was supporting, was borderline treasonous, certainly party before country. Trump as a backlash candidate would, not surprisingly, get the mirrored response from those supporters.
But I think it's deeper than that. A LOT of people, regardless of party, see Trump as a real threat to everything America stands for. The list is enormous and well represented in this thread. But every time we think they can't be worse, they find a new low.
And so we want to see this administration fail. The long-term damage to the US if they succeed in ripping the guts out of us may be irreparable. The party is no longer anything resembling the one I joined - nobody left to stand up to him, even with the power to do so.
My point is LEGAL immigration is needed and still going strong. Good kids looking to experience America and also work hard and doing it the right way. Yet liberals want to defend illegals crossing the border in the middle of the night. I for one love the splitting of families at the border because maybe, just maybe it will make a few of these criminals decide to turn around and stop infesting America. If they have something to offer us, get in line and do it the right way.
No Babs, the party didn’t leave you, you left the party to join a party who has no issue with putting criminals above hard working Americans. A party who only wants to support laws when it suits them. A party that depends on the ignorance of many of its voters. A party that sees many Americans and sadly criminals as victims. It is the liberals who threaten the America that has worked for well over 200 years and us the envy of the world.
Hard work, following the law and making the right choices in life still pays huge rewards for those willing to it.
You simply are too smart to believe Trump has done any damage to America other than continuing to increase the debt. It’s simply anger that his way is working.
But we will take you back and I look forward to your vote for Rick Scott this fall.😀
Quote: BozJust finishing up close to a week in Montana near Glacier. The hotels and resorts have to fill a lot of seasonal positions and are hiring Romanian’s and other Europeans to fill the need as their are just not enough Americans available to meet demand. I asked if there was any reduction or challenge in getting Visas and was told nothing changed from last year as many come back year after year while in school.
My point is LEGAL immigration is needed and still going strong. Good kids looking to experience America and also work hard and doing it the right way. Yet liberals want to defend illegals crossing the border in the middle of the night. I for one love the splitting of families at the border because maybe, just maybe it will make a few of these criminals decide to turn around and stop infesting America. If they have something to offer us, get in line and do it the right way.
No Babs, the party didn’t leave you, you left the party to join a party who has no issue with putting criminals above hard working Americans. A party who only wants to support laws when it suits them. A party that depends on the ignorance of many of its voters. A party that sees many Americans and sadly criminals as victims. It is the liberals who threaten the America that has worked for well over 200 years and us the envy of the world.
Hard work, following the law and making the right choices in life still pays huge rewards for those willing to it.
You simply are too smart to believe Trump has done any damage to America other than continuing to increase the debt. It’s simply anger that his way is working.
But we will take you back and I look forward to your vote for Rick Scott this fall.😀
Glad you're enjoying Montana.
I don't have a party. I will never be a Democrat. The Republicans have gone rogue. I have no idea who is going to emerge to coalesce the resistance, but someone is out there.
Rick Scott is an idiot. And a thief. I will be working against him. If you lived here full time, you'd know.
Mark Sanford was a great public servant and a great Republican. I've known him since 1992. He criticized Trump, very correctly, and lost in his primary Tuesday because of it, to a Trumper with little experience and no useful ideas or skills.
It's a cult of personality, and it will crumble without any real basis for unity or growth. I can hardly wait.
Quote: beachbumbabs
It's a cult of personality, and it will crumble without any real basis for unity or growth. I can hardly wait.
I'd say the following is proof it is a Trump cult. What the hell was the rightwing voting against except the true statements Sanford made about Trump?
Quote:While in Congress, Sanford was recognized as its most fiscally conservative member by the Cato Institute. He was also recognized by Citizens Against Government Waste, as well as the National Tax Payers Union, for his efforts to rein in government spending and reduce the national deficit.[9] He garnered a lifetime rating of 92 from the American Conservative Union.[10]
Sanford was known for an independent streak. He was known for voting against bills that otherwise got unanimous support.[11] For example, he voted against a bill that preserved sites linked to the Underground Railroad.[12] He voted against pork barrel projects even when they benefited his own district; in 1997, he voted against a defense appropriations bill that included funds for Charleston's harbor. Seeing himself as a "citizen-legislator", he did not run for reelection in 2000, in keeping with a promise to serve only three terms in the House.[11]