Quote: aceofspadesDems training for their move after the Mueller report reveals no collusion
That's freaking hilarious, and so true.
Too bad this isn't the election year,
whatever they make a big deal of
will be a year and a half old by
the election.
Yea, they are that stupid and will never understand any different.
Seriously, maybe I just missed it.
Quote: BozDid I miss where Don Jr was indicted as some on here gleefully said was coming “within days” many months ago?
Seriously, maybe I just missed it.
You’re mistaken. No one here said it was coming “within days.”
I may have posted an article that speculated it was coming, but I personally never said it was.
LOL LOL, a leftie losing it
Quote: FleaswatterConspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
LOL LOL, a leftie losing it
She wasn’t crying.
Fake news spread by a rightie. Shocking.
Quote: FleaswatterConspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
One of them said last week Mueller
was far from done, lots more
indictments coming. Yeah, probably
They're on their knees praying Roesnstein
will perp walk Trump out of the Oval
any hour now..
Quote: FleaswatterConspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
LOL LOL, a leftie losing it
Didn't happen. Just watched it.
She was so wound up about the Mueller report, she....went fishing. She wasn't on last night, she was on vacation. She was in Tennessee trout fishing when the word came, and they made her come back to cover it tonight.
So much for your overwrought exaggeration.
Quote: FleaswatterConspiracy Theorist Rachel Maddow CRIES ON AIR Over Mueller Report and Announcement That There Will Be No More Indictments (VIDEO)
LOL LOL, a leftie losing it
This is the level of reporting we're stooping to? I wasn't the one who decided it was relevant, but I can enjoy playing along. Now that this door is open, we may as well go all the way through. A lot of it doesn't always make Trump look good:
Quote: beachbumbabs
So much for your overwrought exaggeration.
Yep, just like the lefties here hyperventilating about Russian collusion the past 2 years
Quote: TomGThis is the level of reporting we're stooping to?
Yep, just matching the level of "stooping" that has gone on here since Trump was elected
Quote: FleaswatterYep, just like the lefties here hyperventilating about Russian collusion the past 2 years
We have gone back and forth and over and over, my position has always been.
I don't have the foggiest idea what's in the report till I get a chance to read it. could be a nothing burger, could be pretty serious
Both of those investigation produced important results of falsehoods and gross incompetence, along with malfeasance leading to deaths and other punishments.Quote: terapinedQuote: MaxPen[
About time. How long should be allowed, going forward, for the preparation of a nothing burger?
Can resources stop being wasted now?
Did you complain about how long the Benghazi investigation was or Ken Starr?
I was fine with both investigations and they were longer
Quote: SanchoPanza[I was fine with both investigations and they were longer
Cool, we agree. Investigations are good regardless of who is being investigated,
Looking forward to the Mueller report
I kind of view it as the pentagon papers of our time
Lets the people know WTF is going on :-)
Quote: FleaswatterYep, just like the lefties here hyperventilating about Russian collusion the past 2 years
Look for CNN/MS to now say, see,
it's like we've been saying for
2 years. Mueller will find nothing.
Oh wait, that's what Hannity and
Laura have been saying for 2 years.
Word is they're partying at Miralago
tonight. Barr and his staff have to
have read the report by now and
told Trump's team what's in it,
What happens next? A real investigation
of all the players behind getting the Mueller
witch hunt going. Uh oh..
Quote: terapinedQuote: SanchoPanza[I was fine with both investigations and they were longer
Cool, we agree. Investigations are good regardless of who is being investigated,
Looking forward to the Mueller report
I kind of view it as the pentagon papers of our time
Lets the people know WTF is going on :-)
Terapined is purposely misquoting SanchaPanza.
Quote: RSQuote: terapinedQuote: SanchoPanza[I was fine with both investigations and they were longer
Cool, we agree. Investigations are good regardless of who is being investigated,
Looking forward to the Mueller report
I kind of view it as the pentagon papers of our time
Lets the people know WTF is going on :-)
Terapined is purposely misquoting SanchaPanza.
I'm sure the Ministry of Propaganda will make an unbiased ruling.😂😂
You are correct that was Fake news(I'm not happy)Quote: beachbumbabsDidn't happen. Just watched it.
She was so wound up about the Mueller report, she....went fishing. She wasn't on last night, she was on vacation. She was in Tennessee trout fishing when the word came, and they made her come back to cover it tonight.
So much for your overwrought .
However, I did find this little gem https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/06/20/rachel_maddow_cries_on_air_reading_ap_report_on_immigrant_babies_taken_from_migrant_parents.html
Talk about a fake exaggeration. Give me a F****** break. I have no doubt that _____ was fishing for trout.
I know everyone is saying that the report should be released for the purpose of "transparency" but I am not sure that releasing it fits within the model of how the FBI, DOJ, and other agencies are supposed to use material gathered in an investigation that will not be used in the process of prosecuting someone. Those pieces are, of course, used and (with the exception of classified info) should be released. If one of them lists President Trump as an un-indicted co-conspirator, so be it. Normally, any other information is not released.
Otherwise, it is pretty similar to the FBI thing that Democrats were correct about--Comey should have never said a word other than "the investigation into the email issue has been closed and no indictments have been issued." I don't know why Comey did what he did; he is one strange duck who may find himself in legal peril yet with statements signed to start the whole process of this investigation...yet he also had an impact on the outcome of an election. Perhaps more of an impact than actual Russians??? He seems to have screwed both sides...
This is not a closed issue. There is still work going on in several jurisdictions. It does close the "collusion" issue. The Democrats will continue their investigations.
I'm not saying it won't get released, but I am not sure releasing it follows normal process.
(Yes, I did use Comey's statement against Hillary. I have learned through reading about this whole thing over the past two years about how it should have been handled...most of all, that he either refers something for prosecution or shuts the heck up)
We shall see what happens...
If there was no collusion the lefties need to see that otherwise they will always believe it is a coverup
And righties should be screaming for its release as vindication - unless they too believe there is wrongdoing about to be exposed
Considering how fiscally conservative the right is I can't imagine spending millions on a probe that leaves everyone up in the air is their official position
Quote: darkozIf its not released that will be a bigger problem
If there was no collusion the lefties need to see that otherwise they will always believe it is a coverup
And righties should be screaming for its release as vindication - unless they too believe there is wrongdoing about to be exposed
Considering how fiscally conservative the right is I can't imagine spending millions on a probe that leaves everyone up in the air is their official position
Good post Oz, agree 100% on your points. Only issue I see is some crazies like John Dean and Maher already are pushing the narrative that this report means nothing.
Quote: BozGood post Oz, agree 100% on your points. Only issue I see is some crazies like John Dean and Maher already are pushing the narrative that this report means nothing.
It is a good post...BUT I think that everyone already has made up their mind on the issue of "collusion" and that releasing the report will allow them to find their "cherry" to pick and say "see there it is..." or "see, it is a nothing burger".
I do think that it will be released in the end; I am just not sure that is the way the results of an investigation should be handled.
I honestly don't think the report will change any minds.
Quote: RonCIt is a good post...BUT I think that everyone already has made up their mind on the issue of "collusion" and that releasing the report will allow them to find their "cherry" to pick and say "see there it is..." or "see, it is a nothing burger".
I do think that it will be released in the end; I am just not sure that is the way the results of an investigation should be handled.
I honestly don't think the report will change any minds.
It should all eventually be leaked at Wikileaks.
"I love Wikileaks." Donald Trump.
Quote: RSQuote: terapinedQuote: SanchoPanza[I was fine with both investigations and they were longer
Cool, we agree. Investigations are good regardless of who is being investigated,
Looking forward to the Mueller report
I kind of view it as the pentagon papers of our time
Lets the people know WTF is going on :-)
Terapined is purposely misquoting SanchaPanza.
I looked back and yea, I made a mistake
sorry. lol
By the way, I'm not that important. The "t" is lower case like the letter g in god is lower case for atheists
Not the first time. And with the way things are run not likely the last.Quote: RSQuote: terapinedQuote: SanchoPanza[I was fine with both investigations and they were longer
Cool, we agree. Investigations are good regardless of who is being investigated,
Looking forward to the Mueller report
I kind of view it as the pentagon papers of our time
Lets the people know WTF is going on :-)
Terapined is purposely misquoting SanchaPanza.
a compilation of what the Leftie media
said would happen for the last 2 years,
and what really happened.
They conned and fooled and triggered
a lot of people with their lies and
fantasies, but will people stop watching?
Yeah, right..
AG Barr's letter to Congress:
The main stream media lefties are in meltdown
Quote: FleaswatterWow, awfully quiet here. I wonder why? No Collusion
AG Barr's letter to Congress:
The main stream media lefties are in meltdown
Or solemn silence. The investigation still brought about almost three dozen indictments, so it certainly wasn't for nothing. It is what it is. Another issue is that many are concerned about "dividing the people" or "being divisive" so that certainly limited the odds of there ever being an impeachment. Eh, que pase lo que pase.
Question: will we soon see the left rioting and protesting?
Quote: KeyserThe fake news lied to them for so long that they were certain that there would be indictments.
There WERE indictments. Lots of them.
-19 lawyers
-approximately 40 FBI agents. intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other professional staff
-issued more than 2800 subpoenas
-executed nearly 500 search warrants
-obtained more than 230 orders for communication records
-issued more than 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers
-made 13 requests of foreign governments for evidence
-interviewd approximately 500 witnesses
NO Collusion found
Quote: KeyserWow, I don't know how that multi duped posted like that.
Needed to be said 3 times, but still won’t get through to some on here.
CNN is living in an alternate universe, trying to find something, anything to keep their narrative going.
God bless the only fair and balanced network, Fox News.
Quote: ams288???
There WERE indictments. Lots of them.
How many for Russian Collusion?
Quote: FleaswatterYAWN.
How many for Russian Collusion?
Is that the only thing worth prosecuting in your eyes?
Quote: KeyserI wonder if the silly squad on the left will begin protesting and rioting?
I remember you wondering the same thing about the left in 2012 when you thought Mitt was gonna win. lol
Time to investigate the REAL Russian collusion by the democrats during the election (Steele dossier) or how about:
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
Quote:After nearly three years and millions of tax dollars, the Trump-Russia collusion probe is about to be resolved. Emerging in its place is newly unearthed evidence suggesting another foreign effort to influence the 2016 election — this time, in favor of the Democrats.
Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Quote: BozCNN is living in an alternate universe, trying to find something, anything to keep their narrative going.
Trump is still being investigated. This was just the Russian interference.
Quote: rxwineTrump is still being investigated.
That's a good thing. Trump needs a
constant foe to fight, or his base will
get bored. They'll never find anything
that Meuller and 19 rabid Lib prosecutors
didn't find, with unlimited funds and
unlimited subpoena power. But just
the fact the investigation will never
end is a huge plus for Trump's reelection.
Quote: EvenBobThat's a good thing. Trump needs a
constant foe to fight, or his base will
get bored. They'll never find anything
that Meuller and 19 rabid Lib prosecutors
didn't find, with unlimited funds and
unlimited subpoena power. But just
the fact the investigation will never
end is a huge plus for Trump's reelection.
So, it's a good day for Trump. So that's like a dozen out of 2 years. More of the same I expect.
Quote: rxwineSo, it's a good day for Trump.
Nonsense investigations give Trump
fuel for his tweets and keep his base
fired up. The Dems will double down
and hang themselves with their
hysteria now that they can't say 'Just
wait for the Mueller report, you'll see."
All the 47 people running on the Dem
side are screaming for whole report
to be released. Never gonna happen,
secret grand jury testimony is illegal
to release, as is a ton of stuff in the
report. The Watergate report was
released 40 years later.