Quote: TigerWuI like when people make fun of Obama they ALWAYS go to "57 states" and like, what, one or two other things?
But with Trump there is something almost EVERY SINGLE DAY, literally, showing how stupid he is, that completely blows 57 States out of the water. Even Bush Jr. could go weeks if not several months without saying something dumb.
Ya know, maybe this was noticed at the time, but in "57 states", "57" might not have been the misstatement. If his reference was to "...states, territories, and possessions", it would not only be correct, but illustrate an awareness of our national obligations and citizen population beyond how many stars are on the flag.
5 territories currently inhabited (PR, American Samoa, Guam, USVI, Northern Marianas) + Washington DC. Midway Island had a recognized population until 2012, though I think there are still some US scientists there. The 57 states thing was during the 2008 campaign, so Midway would have been included. That makes 7, with a population of more than 4 million voting US citizens, plus DC at more than 700k. Collectively, non-state US population is approximately our 25th largest state.
Contrast that awareness with Trump not even knowing PR was part of the US when Maria devastated them last year, and his continued non-support of their recovery after somebody schooled him.
I prefer Obama's "gaffe" to Trump's recalcitrant ignorance.
Quote: gamerfreakArizona Senator John McCain has passed away at the age of 81.
In keeping with the thread. I saw a quote from trump from a while ago about McCain being a hero. He said he preferred someone that wasnt captured.
I didnt know much about McCain but he seemed like a decent guy. At least what they are showing after his death.
Quote: GWAEIn keeping with the thread. I saw a quote from trump from a while ago about McCain being a hero. He said he preferred someone that wasnt captured.
I didnt know much about McCain but he seemed like a decent guy. At least what they are showing after his death.
He was a very decent guy. Trump has made a complete ass of himself from the time he made that statement (which offended a LOT of people, Republicans included) until even last week.
I voted for him in 2000 in the primaries, the day before he withdrew. I felt he was past his health prime in 2008, and had seriously screwed up picking Palin for VP, so that was part of why I voted for Obama that year. Had he picked Lieberman (or any of several other people), I would have voted for him again.
The thing I liked best about him was he put country before party, not just on the recent ACA vote, but time and again. He was the spirit of bipartisanship in the service of ALL Americans.
It's worth noting that GWB and Obama will be delivering eulogies at his request, and Trump will not be attending.
Quote: beachbumbabsHe was a very decent guy. Trump has made a complete ass of himself from the time he made that statement (which offended a LOT of people, Republicans included) until even last week.
This. I have voted Republican in every presidential election since 2000...until 2016. It is possible, though not probable that I could have forgiven many of the other things that make Trump a sh*tty human, but trashing McCain was a step too far for me. A man who consistently dodge duty to trash a man who not only served, but was tortured for his county, well that just showed the quality of his character to me.
Quote: beachbumbabsYa know, maybe this was noticed at the time, but in "57 states", "57" might not have been the misstatement. If his reference was to "...states, territories, and possessions", it would not only be correct, but illustrate an awareness of our national obligations and citizen population beyond how many stars are on the flag.
OMFG, you have GOT to be kidding. Where do you get this misinformation. Do you really have a source for this baloney or do you just make this up? Did you read this stuff the same place that provided evidence of the Cohen-$50000- Russia connection? Aren't you tired of being conned and manipulated?
Just google "Obama 57 states"
Quote:5 territories currently inhabited (PR, American Samoa, Guam, USVI, Northern Marianas) + Washington DC. Midway Island had a recognized population until 2012, though I think there are still some US scientists there. The 57 states thing was during the 2008 campaign, so Midway would have been included. That makes 7, with a population of more than 4 million voting US citizens, plus DC at more than 700k. Collectively, non-state US population is approximately our 25th largest state.
Quote:Contrast that awareness with Trump not even knowing PR was part of the US when Maria devastated them last year,
Absolutely 100% inaccurate and untrue.
and his continued non-support of their recovery after somebody schooled him.
I prefer Obama's "gaffe" to Trump's recalcitrant ignorance.
NOTE: I edited my response for accuracy.
Quote: FleaswatterNOTE: I edited my response for accuracy.
This made me LOL
Quote: rsactuaryThis made me LOL
I'm glad I made someone laugh today :-), and I do understand.
Quote: ams288I wasn’t “complaining.”
I was making fun of his stupid ass.
Learn the difference.

Quote: FleaswatterOMFG, you have GOT to be kidding. Where do you get this misinformation. Do you really have a source for this baloney or do you just make this up? Did you read this stuff the same place that provided evidence of the Cohen-$50000- Russia connection? Aren't you tired of being conned and manipulated?
Just google "Obama 57 states"
Absolutely 100% inaccurate and untrue.
NOTE: I edited my response for accuracy.
The data is all from wiki. How hard is that to figure out? It might not be a coincidence that he was inclusive of nearly 5 million voters, just because other people ignore them. I didn't hear it at the time, so I have no idea of the context.
Obama talked a lot about those non-state citizens as things progressed, . I was working a contract in HI from 2009-2011. FWIW, Our company was contractors working for the federal govt in HI, NoMar, Midway, Guam, and Samoa as a group, so we were watching and aware of whether anyone in Washington was paying attention. Obama was. He had several video conferences with voters and officials in those areas during the campaign (other employees said) . Not sure if he went to the Pacific during his presidency, but seems like he did at some point.
As to Trump, there were several leaks at the time Maria first hit (from his team) that he didn't think FEMA or the US had any obligations there, didn't want to send relief, etc. How come that's news to you if you're such a Trump fan? Or don't your faux news sources bring you no bad news?
Quote: boymimboFace do you feel that certain governments have higher degrees of corruotion, disgrace, and dishonor than others?
I don't really look too far passed our borders, usually. But speaking generally, sure, I think that'd be easy to say. 98% of your pop voted, did they? And 100% voted for the incumbent dictator? Sure. Sure they did. So yeah, that's certainly a far deeper level of corruption than we have, I'd say. But that's sort of "surface stuff". When it comes to specifics or any sort of learned opinion, I'm afraid I'm out to lunch. I don't "get" politics, admittedly.
Quote: boymimboHow would you rank this administration compared to Obama, Bush 43, or the Cuomos?
It's hard to say, both because we're still pretty fresh into this one (I suspect the final tally won't be complete for many years after the Don is dead and gone) and, again, I'm not all that heavily invested into politics period. I'm afraid I've no terribly profound insight, but...
I'd spit dead in 43's face, given half a chance. My friends are dead because of his lies. One was blown up, a victim of Rumsfeld's "Go with the Army you have, not the Army you want", cuz apparently we don't have armored vehicles for war. How many billions did he funnel through his oil buddies and contractor friends, how many non-bid contracts did he award his cronies, how many millions of Californians did he screw with his energy deals to plump his Texan friends, how long did NOLA rot in a fetid pool of its own destruction. Pretty sweet S+M club he ran down in Gitmo, two thumbs up for the swell recession, and the Patriot Act, well, if that wasn't the most red, white and blue thing one could think to do, then I'm f#$%ing blind to color...
Obama? I view him as more of a bumbler, perhaps a fool, than specifically and intentionally evil / sociopathic. A majority of the stuff he did to trigger me was simply failing to correct mistakes of the past. Continuing the Patriot Act was an a$$hole move. Expanding the "powers" of the TSA and completely f#$%ing air travel was an a$$hole move. There was of course corruption and cronyism, I reckon Solyndra was probably his most visible. You can keep your insurance. .gov will own Ford. You handful of clowns that single handedly wrecked the entire world's economy due to your greed.... here's some cash. Right your ship and take your bonus, gotta keep that NYC penthouse tight. Pah. I wouldn't flay the man, but a handful of lashings at least seem in order. ETA: Oop, forgot about Citizen's United. Changed my mind. Flay him.
Mario was well before my time, but I'd throttle Andrew with my own two hands. And yes, it's almost completely because of guns. All I really know about him outside of the firearm issue is his anti-corruption task force, which only found corruption involving him so he had it shuttered, and the fact he want to run NYS like it's NYC, despite the fact that other than 3 small cities, all 54,000 square miles of the state is cows and grapes. I've little to say about him otherwise as I'm completely ignorant on the subject. I'm just holding out, waiting for him to scare all the money away so the state crumbles into an abandoned, gutted wreck, and I can live in the country in peace.
Ah, but these compared to Trump is the question. And on that, I could not be happier, a true miracle from capital Gee Oh Dee that he got in, say true. Because just f#$%ing look around... how many things have been brought to light due to his disruption? How many simply grotesque practices have been exposed due to his presence? The DNC squashed Sanders before he had a chance. Are you the DNC? Am I? No, so how can you say "The People have chosen"? How do we not even talk about this? How much light has been shed on the financial side, how apparent has it ever been that the entire concept of representative democracy is a complete f#$%ing sham? Take a bit of "corporations are people", add a dash of SuperPAC, cull any sort of anti-trust action, and what you have is a corporate oligarchy. Are we one? No. But here we are just allowing a sliver to exist and flourish. Good f#$%ing job. Google's got your whole life on lock down, even "opting out" of s#$% has zero effect. Facebook likewise. Banks are opening accounts in YOUR NAME to pad THEIR NUMBERS to YOUR DETRIMENT, and when caught, they're not fined. Not jailed. Not executed on site as they should be as the thieves they are. They CREATE LAWS TO PROTECT THESE CORPS FROM BEING SUED. Are. You. F#$%ing. Kidding. Me.
So, rank? I'd say it's the worst I've seen, with the bitty asterisk to denote it could just SEEM that way because we're dead balls in it. If you wanted to argue that it is certainly the worst, I'd not have a word of argument with you. But if worst seen, it won't be the worst you will see. Power is too consolidated, those at the top are far, far to engaged in their game of domination to ever look up and see wtf is happening because of it. I'm not as certain, not as pessimistic as AZD who says blood is coming in the 20's; I know wild s#$% can happen than can shift an entire country's mindframe and course, and maybe that can still happen with us. But if a shift doesn't happen, he may be right. And, man, but am I ready for it.
Remember when Bob Dole was "unfit" because he fell down? Remember when Howard Dean was "unfit" because he gave a "yeehaw!"? Remember when Dan Quayle was unfit because of "potatoe"? What in the f#$% happened to us?
Quote: beachbumbabsFleaswatter,
The data is all from wiki. How hard is that to figure out? It might not be a coincidence that he was inclusive of nearly 5 million voters, just because other people ignore them. I didn't hear it at the time, so I have no idea of the context.
Obama talked a lot about those non-state citizens as things progressed, . I was working a contract in HI from 2009-2011. FWIW, Our company was contractors working for the federal govt in HI, NoMar, Midway, Guam, and Samoa as a group, so we were watching and aware of whether anyone in Washington was paying attention. Obama was. He had several video conferences with voters and officials in those areas during the campaign (other employees said) . Not sure if he went to the Pacific during his presidency, but seems like he did at some point.
As to Trump, there were several leaks at the time Maria first hit (from his team) that he didn't think FEMA or the US had any obligations there, didn't want to send relief, etc. How come that's news to you if you're such a Trump fan? Or don't your faux news sources bring you no bad news?
You have written a lot of words here without really saying anything. All I ask is you to answer 2 things:
(1) Where is it stated that when Obama said 57 states he was referring to "...states, territories, and possessions"?
Here maybe:
maybe here?
(2)Where did it say that President Trump not know that PR was part of the US.
It should be simple for you with all your real sources.
Thanks. Great rant. Equally critical of all sides, legitimate gripes and issues.
We are here now because so many of the great people don't want to be beholden to lobbyists, subjected to merciless scrutiny and criticism, and frustrated by the loss of any bipartisanship on getting anything done.
It used to be an honor to serve in Congress or in the Administration. That's been eroding for 30 years now, probably longer. It's ambition and greed driving these people, not public service or a higher calling. And this is the result - the things you're raising.
There used to be a theory that, if you sought the Presidency, you were probably not good enough to serve. In an ethical sense, that is. Better a person should be drafted into doing it because of their demonstrated quality of character, because the power of the office is supposed to be the tool with which to achieve the country's goals, not the point of wanting to do the job.
Watching this crowd of chislers, cheats, and arrogant pigs gorge themselves on the perqs while bumbling and destroying their respective departments makes me sick.
Quote: beachbumbabsFace,
Thanks. Great rant. Equally critical of all sides, legitimate gripes and issues.
We are here now because so many of the great people don't want to be beholden to lobbyists, subjected to merciless scrutiny and criticism, and frustrated by the loss of any bipartisanship on getting anything done.
It used to be an honor to serve in Congress or in the Administration. That's been eroding for 30 years now, probably longer. It's ambition and greed driving these people, not public service or a higher calling. And this is the result - the things you're raising.
There used to be a theory that, if you sought the Presidency, you were probably not good enough to serve. In an ethical sense, that is. Better a person should be drafted into doing it because of their demonstrated quality of character, because the power of the office is supposed to be the tool with which to achieve the country's goals, not the point of wanting to do the job.
Watching this crowd of chislers, cheats, and arrogant pigs gorge themselves on the perqs while bumbling and destroying their respective departments makes me sick.
Believe it or not, you have provided some excellent reasons why Trump was the right choice for president.
such as: not beholden to lobbyists, to achieve the country's goals.
The country's goals such as strong military, strong economy, protect our borders
They are all the sameQuote: boymimboWell THAT changes everything!!!
As if we needed more evidence that Donald really is just a terrible human being...
Quote: ams288Trump nixed White House statement praising McCain
As if we needed more evidence that Donald really is just a terrible human being...
And believe it or not.. it gets worse. The standard is for the WH flag to fly at half staff until interment. It is back to full staff this morning.
Quote: rsactuaryAnd believe it or not.. it gets worse. The standard is for the WH flag to fly at half staff until interment. It is back to full staff this morning.
McCain has the last laugh. He will go down in history as a better man than Trump in almost every respect.
Quote: TigerWuMcCain has the last laugh. He will go down in history as a better man than Trump in almost every respect.
The only thing I wonder about in your statement is the "almost". What exception(s) do you make?
Quote: beachbumbabsThe only thing I wonder about in your statement is the "almost". What exception(s) do you make?
I don't know... I just wanted to leave a qualifier in case something comes up.
I mean, "TV star" and "casino mogul" are both pretty cool job titles, even if Trump sucked at both.
Quote: TigerWuI don't know... I just wanted to leave a qualifier in case something comes up.
I mean, "TV star" and "casino mogul" are both pretty cool job titles, even if Trump sucked at both.
How did he suck at being a TV Star? My understanding is that The Apprentice was an extremely popular show.
Quote: Mission146How did he suck at being a TV Star? My understanding is that The Apprentice was an extremely popular show.
I guess so.
Okay, so there's one thing he did better than McCain.
Then again, Kim Kardashian and all those Real Housewives are also in that category, so that isn't saying much.
Quote: Mission146How did he suck at being a TV Star? My understanding is that The Apprentice was an extremely popular show.
The first season it was.
Near the end the ratings were quite low. Which is why they had to bring in celebrities.
Quote: rsactuaryQuote: ams288Trump nixed White House statement praising McCain
As if we needed more evidence that Donald really is just a terrible human being...
And believe it or not.. it gets worse. The standard is for the WH flag to fly at half staff until interment. It is back to full staff this morning.
The hate for President Trump here is just unbelievable (not necessarily you rsactuary) but many contributors here.
Even when the President FOLLOWS THE LAW, he is criticized and demeaned. Here is the law about flying the flag:
"The flag shall be flown at half-staff thirty days from the death of the President or a former President; ten days from the day of death of the Vice President, the Chief Justice or a retired Chief Justice of the United States, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives; from the day of death until interment of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, a Secretary of an executive or military department, a former Vice President, or the Governor of a State, territory, or possession; and on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress".
Section 175 (m) of the US Flag Code
As you can see the flag will be flown at half mast: "on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress".
Which is EXACTLY what was done.
Quote: FleaswatterQuote: rsactuaryQuote: ams288Trump nixed White House statement praising McCain
As if we needed more evidence that Donald really is just a terrible human being...
And believe it or not.. it gets worse. The standard is for the WH flag to fly at half staff until interment. It is back to full staff this morning.
The hate for President Trump here is just unbelievable (not necessarily you rsactuary) but many contributors here.
Even when the President FOLLOWS THE LAW, he is criticized and demeaned. Here is the law about flying the flag:
"The flag shall be flown at half-staff thirty days from the death of the President or a former President; ten days from the day of death of the Vice President, the Chief Justice or a retired Chief Justice of the United States, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives; from the day of death until interment of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, a Secretary of an executive or military department, a former Vice President, or the Governor of a State, territory, or possession; and on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress".
Section 175 (m) of the US Flag Code
As you can see the flag will be flown at half mast: "on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress".
Which is EXACTLY what was done.
I said "the standard", not "the law". I know what the law is. Did I say he broke the law? (with respect to this issue... clearly that's an open point for discussion on other topics)
Quote: FleaswatterThe hate for President Trump here is just unbelievable (not necessarily you rsactuary) but many contributors here.
The support for him is even more unbelievable. Dude's a douche.
Quote: Fleaswatter
Which is EXACTLY what was done.
Yes, Trump/the White House did nothing wrong from a "legal" standpoint.
But it has been "tradition" in recent years for the flag to be lowered until burial for the death of sitting Senators.
Four Senators died while Obama was in office, and flags were at half staff until their burial.
Even Barbara Bush, who died while Trump was in office, had flags at half staff until she was buried.
So yes, everything was done "by the book" with McCain. That doesn't mean it had to be, though, especially for someone of McCain's stature.
Quote: TigerWuMcCain has the last laugh. He will go down in history as a better man than Trump in almost every respect.
Oh yes, McCain is very magnanimous:
A couple quotse from the linked article.
"In Washington, even death is political -- a fact McCain well understood as a sought-after eulogizer himself, and by planning his funeral rites to exclude the President, he will be making an unmistakable posthumous statement directed at the White House."
"CNN has reported that McCain chose Barack Obama and George W. Bush -- the two men who kept him from the White House -- to eulogize him and didn't want the President to attend his funeral. If those plans hold, McCain will be sending a clear final message to Trump, after making clear when he was alive that he saw the President's demeanor, populist style and global outlook as antithetical to America's founding values and global role."
I guess McCain was above the pettiness. yeah right
Quote: Fleaswatter"CNN has reported that McCain chose Barack Obama and George W. Bush -- the two men who kept him from the White House -- to eulogize him and didn't want the President to attend his funeral. If those plans hold, McCain will be sending a clear final message to Trump, after making clear when he was alive that he saw the President's demeanor, populist style and global outlook as antithetical to America's founding values and global role."
I guess McCain was above the pettiness. yeah right
I see no problem with McCain's final wishes with regards to the kind of person Trump is.
Like I said, McCain is the better man, and history will judge him as such.
Quote: FleaswatterOh yes, McCain is very magnanimous:
A couple quotse from the linked article.
"In Washington, even death is political -- a fact McCain well understood as a sought-after eulogizer himself, and by planning his funeral rites to exclude the President, he will be making an unmistakable posthumous statement directed at the White House."
"CNN has reported that McCain chose Barack Obama and George W. Bush -- the two men who kept him from the White House -- to eulogize him and didn't want the President to attend his funeral. If those plans hold, McCain will be sending a clear final message to Trump, after making clear when he was alive that he saw the President's demeanor, populist style and global outlook as antithetical to America's founding values and global role."
I guess McCain was above the pettiness. yeah right
I don't think it's pettiness on McCain's part. A funeral is held in order to show respect and love for the person lost, and especially to the grieving family. Trump brought an enormous amount of pain to all the McCains time and again.
I don't doubt it's his wife and children who object to Trump being there, probably even more than McCain himself - he has no right to share their grief and joy in remembrance. He showed less than no respect (read enormous and outrageous disrespect) to McCain while he was living, and obviously held no love for him.
I would guess Pence might attend, since they were Senators together. Remains to be seen. (pun)
Quote: ams288
The first season it was.
Near the end the ratings were quite low. Which is why they had to bring in celebrities.
The viewership dropped as time went on?
Meet almost every formulaic TV show ever.
Quote: FleaswatterOh yes, McCain is very magnanimous:
I guess McCain was above the pettiness. yeah right
(Link and quotes from links deleted from quote as irrelevant)
Yeah, but to give an unreturnable middle finger to someone upon death gets a 10/10 for hilarity. We should all be so lucky to get the opportunity and take advantage of it.
Quote: TigerWu
Like I said, McCain is the better man, and history will judge him as such.
Where was all this love, support and respect for McCain from the left when he ran for President?
From all the glowing reports I have heard from liberals and the main stream media the past few days, McCain should have won the election in a landslide.
How soon we forget.
Quote: FleaswatterWhere was all this love, support and respect for McCain from the left when he ran for President?
From all the glowing reports I have heard from liberals and the main stream media the past few days, McCain should have won the election in a landslide.
How soon we forget.
Maybe we can call a decent person a decent person when we think someone is one regardless of politics. In doing so, ironically enough, we would be taking a page from McCain's own playbook:
When he showed respect to then Democratic candidate Barack Obama.
Quote: FleaswatterWhere was all this love, support and respect for McCain from the left when he ran for President?
From all the glowing reports I have heard from liberals and the main stream media the past few days, McCain should have won the election in a landslide.
How soon we forget.
He picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. He deserved to lose in a landslide, which he did.
That doesn't mean we have to spit on his grave like Trump is doing.
Quote: FleaswatterWhere was all this love, support and respect for McCain from the left when he ran for President?
From all the glowing reports I have heard from liberals and the main stream media the past few days, McCain should have won the election in a landslide.
Maybe because liberals loved Obama more than McCain?
Quote:How soon we forget.
Forget what?
"We are here to honor a good man who gave his life serving his country. Even when he was captured by tge vietcong which is not what smart heroes do he was sacrificing
He might have served us even better if he had voted yes on repealing Obamacare which I tried mightily to pass but the fake media and the Obama deep state helped nix that
McCain was a great man. I think we can all agree. Not as great as me since I am the greatest and most well respected leader for the entire history of monarchs in the world. Just look at those polls and you know the truth. Not the fake polls at CNN but the real ones which conclude I am doing just fine
I would like to bring up at this point and before I finish my last respects that there simply is and was and never has been any collusion
Well its nice to see we have a bipartisan group here. A lot of people showed up. Not as much as at my inauguration but McCain was never as popular as I was. I beat out 17 opponents for candidacy if you remember. Not even McCain had to deal with that
But he was a great man. A Yuge man. And he will be sorely missed
Now everyone lets look forward to that wall and repealing Obamacare finally
Thank you all
Quote: ams288He picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. He deserved to lose in a landslide, which he did.
That doesn't mean we have to spit on his grave like Trump is doing.
McCain has had a lot of support from the left, but lost some when he picked Palin as a running-mate and his platform went off the right-end, with departures from many of his previously stated moderate views.
Quote: Dalex64McCain has had a lot of support from the left, but lost some when he picked Palin as a running-mate and his platform went off the right-end, with departures from many of his previously stated moderate views.
I'm slightly left of center and I was going to vote for McCain over Obama until he picked Palin. He really screwed himself with that one.
Quote: darkozImagine Trump at McCains funeral:
Nah, that speech was too coherent. Too many complete sentences and not enough random interjected irrelevant thoughts.
I liked Romney, but felt Obama had done more than enough to deserve re-election.
Quote: FleaswatterThe hate for President Trump here is just unbelievable (not necessarily you rsactuary) but many contributors here.
Even when the President FOLLOWS THE LAW, he is criticized and demeaned.
The flag above the WH was just lowered back down to half staff.
So what's your defense now?
Making money making money
Dow over 26,000 NASDAQ over 8,000
Thank you President Trump for your economic policies
Quote: FleaswatterWoo Hoo
Making money making money
Dow over 26,000 NASDAQ over 8,000
Thank you President Trump for your economic policies
I imagine that I can safely assume that you offered the same thanks to Obama for the significant upward movement in the markets between the time he took office and left it? I'm not saying you didn't, legitimately asking.
Quote: ams288The flag above the WH was just lowered back down to half staff.
So what's your defense now?
He forgot?
Issued on: August 27, 2018
As a mark of respect for the memory and longstanding service of Senator John Sidney McCain III, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, on the day of interment. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half‑staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.
Quote: FleaswatterWoo Hoo
Making money making money
Dow over 26,000 NASDAQ over 8,000
Thank you President Trump for your economic policies
Must be nice to have inherited an already booming economy. Not much work to do.
You should have been invested during Obama. You'd have made even more money.
As it stands, Trump is barely keeping up with Obama as far as stock market growth.