The reason for this question is because I dont want to travel and have to pay rent back home when I'm not even there anymore. My plan is what if I parked at a free casino garage and just left my car there for two weeks or so and then came back and moved it to another garage for another 2 weeks or so? I'd park close to the top as well so a tow truck would have difficulty getting up there, but at the same time I'd park on a level that is fairly busy so my car can blend in and not be the only car there once it empties. Sure I'd be wasting money traveling back and forth to move my car to a different garage each time, but I think I could fly under the radar a bit, while still traveling and getting the EV in and not having to worry about paying 800 a month back home when Im not even there anymore.
What do you think? Has anyone ever left their car in a casino garage for any amount of time without any hassle?
*EDIT* What about a vehicle storage locker? That would probably be +EV not having to fly back and forth just to move it to a new casino garage. Hmmm
There are dozens of mailbox places in Nevada that you can rent a box with a real address.
Quote: billryanDid you ever get Nevada plates? If not, your car will stick out like a sore thumb after a few days.
There are dozens of mailbox places in Nevada that you can rent a box with a real address.
I've always had the plates, but never had the license. I just got the nevada license last week and should be receiving it in the mail this week.
Regarding the OP, what do you think, hustle casino parking garages or just get a car storage place?
If so, be honest and ask a host.
I know people who do that for several weeks at a time without hassle.
Quote: DJTeddyBearAre you a high roller anywhere?
If so, be honest and ask a host.
I know people who do that for several weeks at a time without hassle.
He’s most definitely not using a player’s card.
Quote: RigondeauxI'm sure you'd take in stride

Quote: billryanA secure spot runs under $100 a month. Not worth the hassle to go any other way, but what will you do for transportation?
Rent a car.
So it looks like I'm going to go the car storage route at around $80 a month lets say and a private mailbox with a real street address at 10 a month, in case DMV or some other company says they don't ship to PO boxes. Going to get rid of my car insurance as well, another expense off the list.
Quote: ZenKinGRent a car.
So it looks like I'm going to go the car storage route at around $80 a month lets say and a private mailbox with a real street address at 10 a month, in case DMV or some other company says they don't ship to PO boxes. Going to get rid of my car insurance as well, another expense off the list.
I am assuming everybody besides Zenking sees the many flaws in his plans.
I will point out one of the more subtle ones. In Nevada as long as your car is registered and has valid plates you are required to maintain insurance. If you return your plates you can cancel your insurance.
Quote: DRichI am assuming everybody besides Zenking sees the many flaws in his plans.
I will point out one of the more subtle ones. In Nevada as long as your car is registered and has valid plates you are required to maintain insurance. If you return your plates you can cancel your insurance.
Ok, so Ill remove the registration as well. Do car storage places require you have to registration and insurance? I dont think they would, but i might need two forms of identification and not sure what I could provide other than my license if i remove both insurance and registration.
Quote: ZenKinGOk, so Ill remove the registration as well. Do car storage places require you have to registration and insurance? I dont think they would, but i might need two forms of identification and not sure what I could provide other than my license if i remove both insurance and registration.
Your life, but I don't see how it's cost-effective to do that and rent a car instead.
Quote: beachbumbabsYour life, but I don't see how it's cost-effective to do that and rent a car instead.
I won't be saving much by doing all of this, probably end up spending more with hotel costs, flight tickets, and rentals, but I'm already done in this town it seems like and getting in hours won't be easy, so I'm going to have to travel. I should've stuck to my original plan and played every shift, but I didn't. I guess I still have downtown to play at, but I think it's time for a completely new approach.
I have parked cars at the casinos for long periods of time for many years without much of a problem.
One time my tier went flat and the casino had it towed.
If you drop your car insurance won't you have to get car rental insurance, I assume that costs even more?
The DMV will reject sending ID to some P.O. box places, even ones with real street addresses. I wouldn't use the ones attached to places like VON's. It's best to use a small mom & pop place.
In Ontario here if you drop your insurance for say a few months ...thus not insured at all... when you go to get insurance again you are basically a NEW DRIVER and rates are insane ..... maybe drop to the minimum required by law no extras.
Ah,never mind, good luck.
I used to live in my car playing poker and hustling all over the country. I've always said all you really need is a gym membership so you can shower and shave. Having a car and gym membership is even better. However this idea of flying around counting cards and leaving your car unattended is borderline madness. Either drive your car around or sell it.
The truth is you need to find some direction or purpose in your life. You seem like you just expect everything to be given to you on a silver platter waiting for riches to fall from the sky in your lap. Your asking this forum how to park your car??? Seems like crazy talk to me. I'd tell you to find a girl because many times things are much easier but how can you figure a relationship out when you can't figure out parking your car? So much money to be made in Vegas and you burnt your face out in 6 months. I told you the pit is very difficult out here. You'd be better off with machines or even live poker but that requires a players card and your too hip for that. Your such a great counter but horrible AP or Hustler... you should burn that Hustler T Shirt you wear on your back. No offense of course.
Quote: pingpangpongZenKing, are you serious? The DMV has tied the registration and plates to the insurance companies. I accidentally renewed my insurance typing in one day late. One day and they fined me the full amount. You can't cancel your registration without turning in your plates. You can't park your car around town without plates. You could let your registration lapse and just keep the plates but you would have to steal someone's back plate so you can steal the sticker and put it on yours. Your idea is the worst in 2 years of you posting!
I used to live in my car playing poker and hustling all over the country. I've always said all you really need is a gym membership so you can shower and shave. Having a car and gym membership is even better. However this idea of flying around counting cards and leaving your car unattended is borderline madness. Either drive your car around or sell it.
The truth is you need to find some direction or purpose in your life. You seem like you just expect everything to be given to you on a silver platter waiting for riches to fall from the sky in your lap. Your asking this forum how to park your car??? Seems like crazy talk to me. I'd tell you to find a girl because many times things are much easier but how can you figure a relationship out when you can't figure out parking your car? So much money to be made in Vegas and you burnt your face out in 6 months. I told you the pit is very difficult out here. You'd be better off with machines or even live poker but that requires a players card and your too hip for that. Your such a great counter but horrible AP or Hustler... you should burn that Hustler T Shirt you wear on your back. No offense of course.
You obviously didn't read everything I write, which is a common theme among many forums. You're too busy already thinking of a reply in your head without fully reading what I said. When did I say I would be parking my car around town without plates? I said I would get rid of registration and insurance if I leave it at a 'CAR STORAGE' place, not a vegas casino garage.
You should just PM ZK. Now another AP move just got crushed.Quote: WizardNot that I approve of this, but I know someone who parks at the Hard Rock and takes a taxi to the airport when he has to fly somewhere. He has done this for weeks at a time without the Hard Rock noticing.
High roller, card counter and host. Teddy, I dont think they mix well.Quote: DJTeddyBearAre you a high roller anywhere?
If so, be honest and ask a host.
I know people who do that for several weeks at a time without hassle.
How will you move quickly and economically from casino to casino if your car is in a garage for two weeks?
With few exceptions casinos are not clustered close together; what is your plan to go from A to B without using your car?
The cost of a taxi / uber would be high, and with winter coming you wouldn't want to walk (lions and tigers and bears, oh my).
You might consider selling your car, surrendering your apt., and buying a van to travel and live in.
And Chinese PandasQuote: MrVyou wouldn't want to walk (lions and tigers and bears, oh my).
Seriously good suggestionQuote:You might consider selling your car, surrendering your apt., and buying a van to travel and live in.
Is that really the life you want?
You are already in Vegas. You have people like Axel who are interested in teaming up with you in some way or another. You can always count cards part time and start to learn how to AP other games while eating food for free forever. It is like your leaving the land of milk and honey to go out in the wilderness for 40 years. I get sad just thinking about it.
Think about the parking... I play at the Wynn every so often. I usually Valet the car because the entrance is close and on the side which makes things easier to get in and out of. Do you think I pay the 17 dollars?? No!! Never!! Many times I don't even play one dollar. I go in and pick up my 300 FP or whatever and talk to someone at the Red Card Club or someone in High Limit and I get that validated. Even if I didn't do that I would just park across the street and walk over from either the Palazzo or even if I had to the Fashion Show Mall.
Granted, it's definitely a grind, a lot of work, and always being on the road. But he's also been successful doing it.
I'm not necessarily advocating ZK doing this, since I think the sheer variance he'll experience on a day to day basis would drive him (and many people, actually) crazy. But it's definitely possible.
Listen carefully RS. ZK never has variance, he has only been cheated by casino using Chinese pre-shuffled decks.Quote: RSI used to be on a BJ team and since then, one of the guys has been doing what ZK is saying he's going to do. However, he used his own car and drove around and burnt out a bunch of places. He didn't play DD games, except in rare cases (IE: he had info on the store and knew with a polite enough spread, he could play all day long).
Granted, it's definitely a grind, a lot of work, and always being on the road. But he's also been successful doing it.
I'm not necessarily advocating ZK doing this, since I think the sheer variance he'll experience on a day to day basis would drive him (and many people, actually) crazy. But it's definitely possible.
If casino plays fair, ZK is a sure winner.
Quote: pingpangpong
You are already in Vegas. You have people like Axel who are interested in teaming up with you in some way or another. You can always count cards part time and start to learn how to AP other games while eating food for free forever. It is like your leaving the land of milk and honey to go out in the wilderness for 40 years. I get sad just thinking about it.
I would imagine that ship has sailed. A person would have to be nuts to lead a horse to the drinking water that would just wind up defecating in it.
There recently was a fairly solid six figure play requiring a low five figure investment. Some stuff went a little sideways and the play kind of unraveled a bit. Some involved lost substantial five figures in EV generated. All in all things worked out fairly well overall for those involved. At least I think it did.
Zen is the kind of person that would get totally twacked out and probably out the play in one of his rants. He's the type that counts chickens before they hatch. I don't know any successful AP's doing that.
Let him go in peace to exploit his thin edge around the world.'s not putting in the time needed to succeed because he can't accept the results.
Quote: MaxPenI would imagine that ship has sailed. A person would have to be nuts to lead a horse to the drinking water that would just wind up defecating in it.
There recently was a fairly solid six figure play requiring a low five figure investment. Some stuff went a little sideways and the play kind of unraveled a bit. Some involved lost substantial five figures in EV generated. All in all things worked out fairly well overall for those involved. At least I think it did.
Zen is the kind of person that would get totally twacked out and probably out the play in one of his rants. He's the type that counts chickens before they hatch. I don't know any successful AP's doing that.
Let him go in peace to exploit his thin edge around the world.'s not putting in the time needed to succeed because he can't accept the results.
I keep forgetting that ZK doesn't like to lose or doesn't like downswings especially when they get sideways or goofy. I wasn't thinking of it but you have a really good point on your post making that clear. I was on something recently where I got stuck around 22k and locked the machine down and went to get more bullets. I came back and kept at it and came out ahead winning around 7k in cash but the comp and mail that will kick in for that game... well you understand what I am talking about. After reading your post I just don't believe that ZK could stomach these types of swings. I recently read something about Axel talking about how Faith is a made up word for us rubes to believe in God but I think you have to have Faith in Math and you have to have Faith in the way Machines work and that you have to have Faith that you will come out ahead in the long run as long as you don't lose Faith since all that Faith is in reality is believing without seeing. This takes what some of us call Vision. You have to have the Vision to see how things will play out in the future while your still in the present. So call it what you will... Faith or Vision or Variance or whatever, the point is that it seems clear from ZK's posts is that he doesn't have this ability just yet even if he thinks he does.
This is how your supposed to have a relationship with the Casino. They shake your hand and give you cash, food, parking and beg you to come back and don't hesitate to call us!! Don't worry about the dress code Mr so and so this is Vegas... dress how you like. You want to park your car here for a month ok no problem.
Quote: pingpangpongYou are already in Vegas. You have people like Axel who are interested in teaming up with you in some way or another. You can always count cards part time and start to learn how to AP other games while eating food for free forever. It is like your leaving the land of milk and honey to go out in the wilderness for 40 years. I get sad just thinking about it.
Nothing against ZK, I think he’s a nice guy and I’d get a beer with him anytime. But there’s really no use giving him advice at this point. He’s headstrong and determined to play however he is going to play until he gets this Blackjack bug out of his system.
I’d KILL to live in Vegas within driving distance of 100+ casinos. There’s so many plays all over that are far better than the razor thin edge from counting and all the heat that follows it.
But here I am on the East Coast, where any casino outside the 6 in AC is an hour+ drive to the next. And now ZK, who belly’d up and made the big move to the AP capital of the world, wants to leave it all and travel in search of double deck games to squeeze another .25% edge out of his counting game. Smh.....
May ZK go in peace. AmanQuote: MaxPenI would imagine that ship has sailed. A person would have to be nuts to lead a horse to the drinking water that would just wind up defecating in it.
There recently was a fairly solid six figure play requiring a low five figure investment. Some stuff went a little sideways and the play kind of unraveled a bit. Some involved lost substantial five figures in EV generated. All in all things worked out fairly well overall for those involved. At least I think it did.
Zen is the kind of person that would get totally twacked out and probably out the play in one of his rants. He's the type that counts chickens before they hatch. I don't know any successful AP's doing that.
Let him go in peace to exploit his thin edge around the world.'s not putting in the time needed to succeed because he can't accept the results.
Quote: AxelWolf
If you drop your car insurance won't you have to get car rental insurance, I assume that costs even more?
If he can get a Discover Card, it's actually included as one of the benefits of the card.
Quote: Mission146If he can get a Discover Card, it's actually included as one of the benefits of the card.
I thought he doesn't believe in credit cards... I like the discover card now. I use it for the year and get double cash back and sign up the next family member. For 3 months I was getting 10% back on gas. I was getting everyone I knew to give me cash and I'd fill them up on the card and kick them back some money.
Quote: pingpangpongI thought he doesn't believe in credit cards... I like the discover card now. I use it for the year and get double cash back and sign up the next family member. For 3 months I was getting 10% back on gas. I was getting everyone I knew to give me cash and I'd fill them up on the card and kick them back some money.
That's something Monet would do.
Quote: pingpangpongI thought he doesn't believe in credit cards... I like the discover card now. I use it for the year and get double cash back and sign up the next family member. For 3 months I was getting 10% back on gas. I was getting everyone I knew to give me cash and I'd fill them up on the card and kick them back some money.
That's a good way to go!
Quote: pingpangpongI thought he doesn't believe in credit cards... I like the discover card now. I use it for the year and get double cash back and sign up the next family member. For 3 months I was getting 10% back on gas. I was getting everyone I knew to give me cash and I'd fill them up on the card and kick them back some money.
Other than us gamblers, do people still use cash?
Some people just park at valet & tip heavy when leaving the car (telling them I'll be back in 2 weeks).Quote: ZenKinGMy plan is what if I parked at a free casino garage and just left my car there for two weeks or so and then came back and moved it to another garage for another 2 weeks or so?
...if you don't want to risk a tow in regular parking.
LOTS of people use ZenKing's parking hack.
It's not just casinos.
(1) I used to find SAFE street parking spots with no street cleaning (or street cleaning every 2 weeks), and park there for airport travel.
Sometimes spots next to Avis/Hertz were great. Take the free Avis/Hertz shuttle to/from car-airport (or some airports have free buses & shuttles, like San Jose (SJC)).
(2) Sometimes I didn't park close to the airports (bad neighboorhoods, like Oakland (OAK)), so parked farther away in a safer middle-class/upper-class neighborhood, and took the subway to the airport. Longer subway ride, but more peace of mind.
(3) Wash your car just before parking. Dust is a giveaway of car not moved in awhile. Every time you repark, do a new car wash (and check tire pressure & fluids). ...or a california dry dust cloth/soft-brush & wipe dust off. Rain sucks, because people can easily see car has not been touched since the rain day.
(4) $50 backup battery (fully charged) in trunk to jump car. Look for sales at auto stores (Used to be $25-30 on sale). Saves hassle of calling AAA, and you can help other people jump cars without annoying cables.
I used to fly 200K-250K miles/year, was on planes all the time, and my airport parking costs would have been I mostly did free parking (unless rushed for time).
If you were in Vegas in August, or AC in June with $500...and don't have a good bankroll now...Quote: gamerfreakI’d KILL to live in Vegas within driving distance of 100+ casinos. There’s so many plays all over that are far better than the razor thin edge from counting and all the heat that follows it.
But here I am on the East Coast, where any casino outside the 6 in AC is an hour+ drive to the next.
I would have been very happy to be in either place. :-(
There are reasons why 95-99% of APs don't have good bankrolls. It's easier than you think...yet harder than you might think. The easy & the hard are NOT what most non-gamblers would think. ZK is a good example. A little info sometimes makes the casinos a lot of money.
There's good advice out there, but it's surrounded by a whole ton of junk (especially books on "How to Gamble").
Good luck with that during the summer.Quote: NokTangI always thought a lot of people lived in their cars in Las Vegas? Is this fairy tale?
Quote: AxelWolfGood luck with that during the summer.
I need to check, but isn't it relatively cool nights in the desert?
Quote: NokTangI need to check, but isn't it relatively cool nights in the desert?
Average Las Vegas temperatures
High °F Low °F High °C Low °C
58 39 January 14 4
63 43 February 17 6
70 49 March 21 10
78 56 April 26 13
89 66 May 32 19
99 75 June 37 24
104 81 July 40 27
102 79 August 39 26
94 71 September 34 22
81 59 October 27 15
66 47 November 19 8
57 39 December 14 4
80 59 Year 27 15
When I slept in my car, I left Vegas during the hot months (Jun-Sep). I'm ok in my car down to 35-40 degrees with 2 summer bags (no subzero bag). Can't sleep in my car above 72 degrees - not good with heat.Quote: AxelWolfGood luck with that during the summer.
I didn't sleep in casino parking lots, since some are sleeper-friendly & some are not. Don't know which are which in Vegas.
(a) WalMart parking lots.
(b) near 24 Fitness (where I have a membership)...not in their lot.
(c) Highway rest areas.