Uh Oh
It's another fake pee pee dossier, and
everybody wants to know why Trump
is suing? LOLOLOL!
"The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true. Several of his sources, he says, were definitely lying to him, while some offered accounts that flatly contradicted those of others."
Of course. The book contains information from interviewees that were close to Trump. And most people that surround Trump are liars, increasingly to the point of criminality.
Quote: darkozTrump sues everyone so thats meaningless
Trump sues no one.. he just threatens to.
Quote: rsactuaryTrump sues no one.. he just threatens to.
The only court he's seen is bankruptcy court. 😅😆😅😆😅😆😅😆😅
Quote: darkoz
However Wolff doesnt say he is telling untruths in the book. He is pointing out that people were telling him obvious lies
When an author admits a few days
after publication that his book is
full of lies, it means his lawyers
are screaming at him for damage
control. It's lawsuit city and the
book is meaningless now.
Quote: EvenBobWhen an author admits a few days
after publication that his book is
full of lies, it means his lawyers
are screaming at him for damage
control. It's lawsuit city and the
book is meaningless now.
It's in the foreward of the book......and he does not say "it's full of lies". You are misinterpreting what he is saying.
Quote: EvenBobWhen an author admits a few days
after publication that his book is
full of lies, it means his lawyers
are screaming at him for damage
control. It's lawsuit city and the
book is meaningless now.
Except thats not what he said
Quote: EvenBobWhen an author admits a few days
after publication that his book is
full of lies, it means his lawyers
are screaming at him for damage
control. It's lawsuit city and the
book is meaningless now.
You know very well what he is saying and your twisting it to create your own lie
He is reporting that people lied in many things they told him BUT HE IS REPORTING WHAT THEY SAID
That makes him telling the truth.
That makes Trumps and his people liars
Nice but pathetic try tho
Commie Republicans Against Greater America
LOL! This guy has zero respect among
his peers, he's well known for lying and
making up whatever he has to when
writing a book.
Quote: EvenBob"I have a certain combination of fearlessness and foolishness," he told the Washington Post in 2001. "I don't really care. I will say anything."
LOL! This guy has zero respect among
his peers, he's well known for lying and
making up whatever he has to when
writing a book.
Wait are you referring to Donald Trump?
Is this guy also an author of gambling systems and DI?Quote: EvenBob
LOL! This guy has zero respect among
his peers, he's well known for lying and
making up whatever he has to when
writing a book.
I bet he plays lots of roulette.
Quote: AxelWolfIs this guy also an author of gambling systems and DI?
I bet he plays lots of roulette.
This made me LOL
8 years of a Black president (his mom
was white) and he couldn't do one
thing for 'his' people. One year of
Trump and look what can happen.
Quote: EvenBob"I have a certain combination of fearlessness and foolishness," he told the Washington Post in 2001. "I don't really care. I will say anything."
LOL! This guy has zero respect among
his peers, he's well known for lying and
making up whatever he has to when
writing a book.
You can say the same thing about Breitbart and Alex Jones and all of a sudden you aren't laughing.
Quote: EvenBob"In the month of December, the unemployment rate for black Americans dropped to just 6.8 percent, which is the lowest ever recorded. Prior to this month, the previous record was 7.4 percent in 2000."
8 years of a Black president (his mom
was white) and he couldn't do one
thing for 'his' people. One year of
Trump and look what can happen.
He wasn't as focused on race as you are.
Quote: EvenBob"In the month of December, the unemployment rate for black Americans dropped to just 6.8 percent, which is the lowest ever recorded. Prior to this month, the previous record was 7.4 percent in 2000."
8 years of a Black president (his mom
was white) and he couldn't do one
thing for 'his' people. One year of
Trump and look what can happen.
This is 100% interpreting statistics to fit a narrative...

W left black unemployment at record highs. The new low has nothing to do with Trump, it’s a continuation of the huge momentum Obama started from the disaster the republicans left him with.
I'll try one more time, since you missed my last 2 posts, Bob...Quote: EvenBob"In the month of December, the unemployment rate for black Americans dropped to just 6.8 percent, which is the lowest ever recorded. Prior to this month, the previous record was 7.4 percent in 2000."
8 years of a Black president (his mom
was white) and he couldn't do one
thing for 'his' people. One year of
Trump and look what can happen.
Quote: rsactuaryHe wasn't as focused on race
But he said he was going to be,
and never was. Never. If anything
he ignored them like they didn't
LOLOLOL! Sure it was, everything Trump
has accomplished or ever will accomplish
are just things Barry set in motion. Whatever
gets you thru the night, dude. The dark fetid
night of Trump and his real accomplishments..
Quote: RomesI'll try one more time, since you missed my last 2 posts, Bob...
Praise Obama.....please stop.....my sides are hurting. That Kenyan pickpocket'r has already been revered with statues in his homeland. That's enough.

Quote: gamerfreakThis is 100% interpreting statistics to fit a narrative...
W left black unemployment at record highs. The new low has nothing to do with Trump, it’s a continuation of the huge momentum Obama started from the disaster the republicans left him with.
I don't know if you saw Westworld, but if you did do you remember that when the robots would look at something that they were programmed not to see, they would respond as if they couldn't see anything?
Quote: EvenBob"I have a certain combination of fearlessness and foolishness," he told the Washington Post in 2001. "I don't really care. I will say anything."
LOL! This guy has zero respect among
his peers, he's well known for lying and
making up whatever he has to when
writing a book.
LOL because Trump aint laughing with you
Trump is fuming over the book
Trump is pissed over the book
Trump aint laughing, now that's funny
Quote:Wolff reportedly has dozens of hours of audio recordings of interviews with top White House Staff, including Bannon.
The economy is humming. The country is virtually at full employment. The smart thing to do now would be to increase skills training for areas where skilled workers are needed. This would limit the requirement for large corporations to import immigrants and to go offshore to get people for needed jobs. To do that, you need education programs to allow people to get these skills and to point them in the right direction and to lift people out of poverty. The federal tax bill did none of that.
Why is the economy humming? Why did America's economy bounce back faster than anyone else's except for Germany? There are many factors, but most economists point to TARP, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, various measures taken in early 2009 (extending unemployment benefits, the payroll tax cut), and the Feds' economic policies of keeping interest rates near zero to allow money to move.
Obama's policies certainly weren't perfect. Far from it. But at least the Obama Administration (and Bush, by quickly enacting TARP to stop the free-fall) did concrete actions to improve the economy from disaster. None of this Trump can take any credit for, for his administration, up until the end of 2017, has done nothing to stimulate anything. Just like Trump cannot take any credit for zero aircraft deaths in 2017 (he did not pass any legislation to prevent plane crashes, and frankly, a very near miss from an Air Canada jet at SFO last summer would have been the worse aviation disaster in history), he cannot take any credit for 2017's economy.
Only time will tell what the effect of the tax bill would be.
Quote: terapinedLOL because Trump aint laughing with you
Trump is fuming over the book
Trump is pissed over the book
Trump aint laughing, now that's funny
The book is amazing. I'm about 100 pages in. Puts a lot of weirdness and inconsistency previously noted into perspective. Several dark stars in Trump's orbit are named, some of whom are famous but not known to be involved as heavily as they are, others unknown to me. And many alliances are defined that help make temporal sense out of illogical events.
It's not illiterate, just very gossipy feeling. Still introducing people, factions, philosophies, and alliances.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe book is amazing. I'm about 100 pages in. Puts a lot of weirdness and inconsistency previously noted into perspective. Several dark stars in Trump's orbit are named, some of whom are famous but not known to be involved as heavily as they are, others unknown to me. And many alliances are defined that help make temporal sense out of illogical events.
It's not illiterate, just very gossipy feeling. Still introducing people, factions, philosophies, and alliances.
This is got to get Trump fuming
Kim Jong-un is probably reading it right now and saying out loud, what a dotard
The more Trump tweets about it, the more free publicity he gives the book. lol
The statistic is a false narrative, "Number of Black People Not in the Labor Force Reaches an All-Time High"Quote: EvenBob"In the month of December, the unemployment rate for black Americans dropped to just 6.8 percent, which is the lowest ever recorded. Prior to this month, the previous record was 7.4 percent in 2000."
8 years of a Black president (his mom
was white) and he couldn't do one
thing for 'his' people. One year of
Trump and look what can happen.
"Trump quotes:
Sep. 7, 2012
“Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work. Not a real recovery, phony numbers”
Oct. 19, 2012
"7.8% unemployment number is a complete fraud as evidenced by the jobless claims number released yesterday. Real unemployment is at least 15%”
Aug. 11, 2013
“We can rev up this economy like it should be, not with false numbers like 7.4 percent unemployment. But with real numbers.”
May 31, 2014
“Unemployment is a totally phony number.”
June 16, 2015
“Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it.”
Aug. 11, 2015
“Then you hear there's a 5.4 percent unemployment. It's really — if you add it up, it's probably 40 percent if you think about it.”
Aug. 30, 2015
“They show those phony statistics where we are 5.4 percent unemployment. The real number, I saw a number that could be 42 percent, believe it or not.”
Sept. 28, 2015
“I hear 5.3 percent unemployment, that is the biggest joke there is in this country. That number is so false.”
Sept. 29, 2015
“The number is not reflective. I have seen numbers of 24 percent. I saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. … That number is so false.”
Oct. 9, 2015
“They say 5.3 percent employment. The number is probably 32 percent.”
Oct. 11, 2015
“Nobody has jobs. … It is not a real economy. It is a phony set of numbers. They cooked the books.”
Jan. 17, 2016
“Look again, you hear these phony jobs numbers? People that gave up looking for jobs? They are considered employed.”
Feb. 9, 2016
“Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. As high as 35 — as in fact, I heard recently, 42 percent.”
March 12, 2016
“The numbers are phony. These are all phony numbers. Numbers given to politicians to look good. These are phony numbers.”
May 24, 2016
“You hear a 5 percent unemployment rate. It's such a phony number. That number was put in for presidents and for politicians so that they look good to the people.”
July 7, 2016
“The phony 5 percent numbers that we hear about with the unemployment.”
Aug. 8, 2016
“The 5 percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics.”
Nov. 4, 2016
“The terrible jobs report that just came out … you can see phony numbers, 5 percent.”
Dec. 8, 2016
“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction.”
Quote: beachbumbabsThe book is amazing. I'm about 100 pages in.
I want to read it, but it's sold out everywhere around here. :/
Quote:President Trump is starting his official day much later than he did in the early days of his presidency, often around 11am, and holding far fewer meetings, according to copies of his private schedule shown to Axios. This is largely to meet Trump’s demands for more “Executive Time,” which almost always means TV and Twitter time alone in the residence, officials tell us.
I'm not complaining. He might have actually accomplished more during his first year had he actually worked more than 4 hours a day!
Entire book on PDF...https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-07/wikileaks-publishes-michael-wolffs-entire-sold-out-trump-book-pdfQuote: ams288I want to read it, but it's sold out everywhere around here. :/
Quote: petroglyphEntire book on PDF...https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-07/wikileaks-publishes-michael-wolffs-entire-sold-out-trump-book-pdf
Wow. That's just a really dirty trick. Thought you guys were supportive of a guy's making a buck off his own work? So illegal to publish that. I wouldn't want to have my IP showing downloading it. Huge lawsuit.
It looks like you are right, and downloading that is illegal, and someone could get in a lot of trouble.Quote: beachbumbabsWow. That's just a really dirty trick. Thought you guys were supportive of a guy's making a buck off his own work? So illegal to publish that. I wouldn't want to have my IP showing downloading it. Huge lawsuit.
I looked at it more as a public service announcement.
Helps me figure why you been treating me like you have lately, thinking me "one of you guys". Whoever "you guys" is, I assume it is somebody really unfavorable.
Jake Tapper ended the interview early. Did not want to waste viewers time.
Does Steve Miller leave after the interview? Nope
He is asked to leave again
He refuses to budge and refuses to leave
It took security to make him leave.
Where does Trump find these twisted people?
Is Miller taking lessons from Trump to act like a child
Really really weird.
Did Miller expect more TV time if he refused to leave?
Quote: petroglyphIt looks like you are right, and downloading that is illegal, and someone could get in a lot of trouble.
I looked at it more as a public service announcement.
Helps me figure why you been treating me like you have lately, thinking me "one of you guys". Whoever "you guys" is, I assume it is somebody really unfavorable.
petro, and all.
Sorry about the wall of text.
Personally, I like you just fine, and I hope I have not been personally rude to you on either board. Politically, you and I have had some disagreements, with each defending their position.
You're not the only one who is conflating the two.
In fact, it's almost a microcosm on these sites of the larger US society over the last couple of years. Except that women are a vastly under-represented demographic here.
I wrote an agonized post last year, about seeing so many people I like and respect on here take a position pro-Trump that I would never have expected from them. And in the end, decided I would not allow Trump support or non-support be a litmus test for my personal feelings about people.
That doesn't mean I'm going to stay quiet when I disagree, or not defend my criticism of Trump's actions, tweets, or this administration's policies or objectives. Even when it's friends discussing it.
People used to have vigorous arguments about policies and politicians over beers and the dinner table, on political work committees, in op-ed pages. I grew up in a family like that. It was considered productive to hear all sides, to play Devil's Advocate, to debate how beat to reach a goal. It was even entertaining, wrapping your brain around other people's perspective and ideas. Ideal solutions were inclusive and considerate of people's unresolved issues.
I don't think that's true any longer. It's all about pushing buttons, deflection and diversion, gaslighting or trolling other people, making everything seem personal and antagonistic. Incredibly divisive and unproductive, sometimes bewildering or unfathomable. Leaves feelings of resentment, bias, ruins friendships, creates further insulation in and retreat to the bubble of like-minded folk. I have to fight my way out of anxiety and anger on a daily basis, which paralyzes me if I give in to it.
I kind of wish I were not retired. If I was working my regular schedule of 30 years, I wouldn't have time to hear all these outrages in detail, and I could somewhat ignore them. Instead, here we are, with barely restrained contempt and frustration from both sides.
But if you view the divisiveness as a deliberate tactic, you have an "aha" moment. This is happening on purpose, designed to confuse and split people of common purpose in order to consolidate power in an autocracy.
Every litmus test is being conducted simultaneously. Every button pushed. Smoke screens, lies, deflections. Flag disrespect. Immigration. Abortion. LGBT issues. Class warfare by income. Voter's rights. Women's "place". Public parks and possessions. Free speech. Free press. Gun rights. Fair judicial.
And it's working. We have increasing divides between Rep and Dem, with Ind disavowing both. USA against allies. Men against women. Whites against other races. Factions of all those groups arguing among themselves about what the problem is, what the priority is, what to do about any of it and scattering into ever-smaller corners to defend.
This is war. Most of us don't even know we're at war, and I include myself. But it is, on the deepest level possible to Americans. I don't know if it will come to armed conflict, but Civil War II is well underway.
E pluribus unum. Out of many, one. We must not lose why we came to live together; it's much more than co-location in the center of a continent.
TL;DR: We're all being used to divide this country. And a house divided unto itself, cannot stand. ~A.Lincoln
First step we need some people to stop looking for ways to be victimized. Trump is pro women, however some are jumping on some harmless locker room talk and using it as a lame excuse just because he's a republican. Bill Clinton did far worse but he was given a pass.
Face the facts, its bilogy. Men look at breasts and think about sex... and talk about women with other men when women aren't around. Women do the same thing.
Quote: KeyserTrump will make america great again.
First step we need some people to stop looking for ways to be victimized. Trump is pro women, however some are jumping on some harmless locker room talk and using it as a lame excuse just because he's a republican. Bill Clinton did far worse but he was given a pass.
Face the facts, its bilogy. Men look at breasts and think about sex... and talk about women with other men when women aren't around. Women do the same thing.
So you dont mind if trump grabs your daughters crotch?
Quote: KeyserTrump will make america great again.
First step we need some people to stop looking for ways to be victimized. Trump is pro women, however some are jumping on some harmless locker room talk and using it as a lame excuse just because he's a republican. Bill Clinton did far worse but he was given a pass.
Face the facts, its bilogy. Men look at breasts and think about sex... and talk about women with other men when women aren't around. Women do the same thing.
Locker room talk is wishful thinking. What Trump has done his entire life is something entirely different, and there are plenty of people on the record about it, not just women.
Lots of it has been hushed up over the years. And there are many, many women who have not come forward out of fear, intimidation, and a custom of silence and shame. I don't know how those who have can stand the pressure and aspersions against them.
We're talking about a person with no morals who has been elevated to the most powerful position in the world - at least it used to be. Who has proven himself to be petty, vindictive, and extremely litigious. Even those who support him would have to be in complete denial not to recognize the truth of who he is through his tweets and comments, whether he's putting on a fake front or that's actually him (and he claims loudly and often he does those things BECAUSE he wants to represent his own thoughts without a filter).
So, if you're going to believe anything he says, you have to believe he's about as anti women-as-people as it's possible to be.
Quote: KeyserTrump will make america great again.
First step we need some people to stop looking for ways to be victimized. Trump is pro women, however some are jumping on some harmless locker room talk and using it as a lame excuse just because he's a republican. Bill Clinton did far worse but he was given a pass.
Face the facts, its bilogy. Men look at breasts and think about sex... and talk about women with other men when women aren't around. Women do the same thing.
Talking about sexual assault amongst "us men" and bragging about it in any location is not harmless. It perpetuates the thought that it is acceptable behavior. IT IS NOT. Under any circumstance or under any political party. Shame on you for even thinking this way.
Look, the country knew Trump was heterosexual and liked women, but we voted for him because we knew he was no worse than his predecessors like Bill Clinton or Kennedy. Besides we knew we needed a real man to lead the country and to make America great again, rather than some politically correct hipster. In general politically correct leaders/weak men don't command much respect from world leaders with their safety pins outside of their safe places.
Considering his record with the truth, no, it's not an exaggeration. Not. Even. Close. This isn't difficult.

Trump was a womanizer. Women used to come to him to purposefully get attention, power, and to advance their careers. Just like actresses do in Hollywood. Sex advances they're careers...until it doesn't. Then they cry harrassment.
We knew he was heterosexual when he was elected. Just like everyone knew Bill Clinton was. However Clinton was accused of rape and assault. Trump wasn't.
Quote: KeyserWe knew he was heterosexual when he was elected. Just like everyone knew Bill Clinton was. However Clinton was accused of rape and assault. Trump wasn't.
Might wanna do some fact checking there.
Quote: KeyserOnly 16? I wouldbof thought the left could have come up with at least 30. Lol. Trump was a womanizer. Women used to come to him to purposefully get attention, power, and to advance their careers. Just like actresses do in Hollywood. Sex advances they're careers...until it doesn't. Then they cry harrassment.
We knew he was heterosexual when he was elected. Just like everyone knew Bill Clinton was. However Clinton was accused of rape and assault. Trump wasn't.
Trump has been accused of rape at least twice that I know of. He's been accused of assault by at least the 19 women mentioned above. As ams288 said, fact checking would be worth your time.
Quote: KeyserOnly 16? I wouldbof thought the left could have come up with at least 30. Lol. Trump was a womanizer. Women used to come to him to purposefully get attention, power, and to advance their careers. Just like actresses do in Hollywood. Sex advances they're careers...until it doesn't. Then they cry harrassment.
We knew he was heterosexual when he was elected. Just like everyone knew Bill Clinton was. However Clinton was accused of rape and assault. Trump wasn't.
Factually speaking, Donald Trump's accusers only went public when they tried to save our country from the disaster and disgrace that this presidency has become. I haven't read through the entire list linked below, but most of these are from women who just encountered Trump and did not work for him.
Quote: beachbumbabsTrump has been accused of rape at least twice that I know of. He's been accused of assault by at least the 19 women mentioned above. As ams288 said, fact checking would be worth your time.
Better call the Snopes Dopes.
Quote: MaxPenBetter call the Snopes Dopes.
Or just use your brain.
Quote: SteverinosOr just use your brain.
Good thing it's a Trump supporter you're personally insulting or you'd be suspended.
Quote: Keyserpolitically correct leaders/weak men don't command much respect from world leaders . . .
Heads up matey : trump commands ZERO respect from world leaders, be they friendly or hostile. Zero trust too, except that we can and do trust that everything he says is ill thought through and almost certainly a lie.
Edited typo where I accidentally capitalised his brandname. Heaven forbid he sue me for trademark infringement.