Quote: RigondeauxQuote: ams288Because many republicans actually like the scumbag.
Some do, but he just pulled a Hillary. He lost an election virtually anybody else would have won.
I don't think Roy wins the popular vote though.
I will give you Moore is a terrible candidate (IMO). Him losing at least makes me think better of Alabama if nothing else.
Quote: ams288Quote: RigondeauxQuote: ams288Because many republicans actually like the scumbag.
Some do, but he just pulled a Hillary. He lost an election virtually anybody else would have won.
Yup. You can thank Steve Bannon.
This is Alabama
Luther Strange would have won in a landslide
Quote: ams288I CANNOT WAIT for Donald's early morning tweetstorm.
If they dont’ contain the words “democrat conspiracy” or “fake news” I’ll eat my hat.
Quote: RSTime to start rioting. That's what we're supposed to do when we lose, right?
You have to actually believe there was some injustice done to your side.
Just the opposite In fact, the way I see it.
I quote the lede for the story....
A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes
Quote: rsactuaryUSA Today posted a scathing editorial tonight...
I quote the lede for the story....
A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes
And this is why such publications are worthless. Firstly, I'd wager the tweet was accurate and would be of most politicians. Secondly, I didn't get any sexual innuendo from it. I could be wrong about that one, but that's not how it struck me. Thirdly, even if the tweet was sexist, GW murdered hundreds of thousands of people, and thousands of our soldiers, and created ISIS, to make money for his buddies. In the world of the big newspapers, that's nothing compared to a mean tweet.
Quote: RigondeauxAnd this is why such publications are worthless. Firstly, I'd wager the tweet was accurate and would be of most politicians. Secondly, I didn't get any sexual innuendo from it. I could be wrong about that one, but that's not how it struck me. Thirdly, even if the tweet was sexist, GW murdered hundreds of thousands of people, and thousands of our soldiers, and created ISIS, to make money for his buddies. In the world of the big newspapers, that's nothing compared to a mean tweet.
I read it as a sexual innuendo, but that is not saying much coming from someone who will snicker when they say “Magna Cum Laude” at a graduation.
It is an opinion piece, but I don’t think the editors of a news outlet should be publishing their opinion at all. Journalism and Political Punditry are very different things, and I think those likes becoming so blurry has played a huge part in the grossly divisive political climate we are in.
Quote: terapinedHmm, abortion is murder?
That's insane crazy thinking. Its right up there with believing some all powerful being controlling everything on the planet. Its so crazy, its right up there with believing a god was born 2k years ago without sex.
I just cant advise what crazy people should vote for.
Maybe insane people should not vote.
I live in the real world, not the fantasy religious world
Of course abortion is murder. Choosing to end one's potential life just because it can't make its own choice to exit the womb and become independent is still murder. Life begins at conception. Of course. You don't have to believe in a Christian God to believe that. It just makes sense that life begins before the child exits the womb and that point where "life" begins will always be an ethical decision bound by framework built up over time as well as the ethical decision of when someone can end that "life" as well. I imagine that other worlds where there is a gestation period where its inhabitants are smart enough to think of morality would have the same conundrum. When does life begin, and is it immoral/unethical to choose to end the life of the thing growing inside of you?
Trump's and the GOP's agenda just got one more vote shorter.
Quote: boymimboOf course abortion is murder. Choosing to end one's potential life just because it can't make its own choice to exit the womb and become independent is still murder. Life begins at conception. Of course. You don't have to believe in a Christian God to believe that. It just makes sense that life begins before the child exits the womb and that point where "life" begins will always be an ethical decision bound by framework built up over time as well as the ethical decision of when someone can end that "life" as well. I imagine that other worlds where there is a gestation period where its inhabitants are smart enough to think of morality would have the same conundrum. When does life begin, and is it immoral/unethical to choose to end the life of the thing growing inside of you?
I only object because this needs its own thread. Don't continue it here please. It's way too big and volatile a topic.
Quote: boymimboAlabama was a close call. Good thing that the Liberal machine did its job and that voters in urban areas decided to show up at the polls. I feel very sad for the Evangelicals who voted for him. I understand that they were between a rock and a hard place but I would have written in someone else's name.
Trump's and the GOP's agenda just got one more vote shorter.
The numbers haven't been certified, but at the moment, Jones won by ~21K and the write-ins are slightly over 22k. So it was a significant factor.
Along with low Moore turnout and energized Jones turnout. Percentage of black turnout exceeded the 2012 Obama turnout for total Alabama population.
And I would bet, if they would admit it, Republican white women turned on him in the privacy of the ballot box, among not a few men.
Quote: rxwineI only object because this needs its own thread. Don't continue it here please. It's way too big and volatile a topic.
Agreed. The context was a linkage between abortion and religion. What I am saying is that religion doesn't have to play a part of it, and in fact, the argument of when life begins and when abortions should be legal can be made by non-religious people as an moral/ethical construct. Look, people will identify me as a leftist, but I am Christian and fit in quite well with my Church which identifies itself as Evangelical.
I would happily vote in a GOP who actually:
- believed in the science of Climate Change yet balked on giving huge subsidies to clean fuel.
- agrees that abortion is wrong but that the ship has sailed.
- agrees that gay marriage is wrong but that the rights of two same sex couple to have the same legal benefits of a male/female couple actually carries a long term economic benefit to the nation.
- supported a sustainable health care plan that cuts the costs of health care yet allows people to be covered. Heck I would support a private plans that guaranteed fair competition in order to keep prices low and to remove cost gouging.
- agreed on a tax plan that removes regulation and is fair for all and involves raising revenue (raise taxes) and cutting costs reasonably.
- brought back a moral and ethical conservatism to the country and a modicum of respect and work ethic in the House and Senate.
Really, I would. "With Liberty and Justice for all".
Quote: @realDonaldTrumpThe reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!
"but the deck was stacked against him!"
Those poor child molesters, they just can't catch a break!
I expect his tweets will become more deranged throughout the day, as he watches cable news and they talk about how embarrassing this is for him...
Best companion I saw is to Scott Brown in MA years back. It’s a feel good win but no way they hold the seat.
Quote: BozCongratulations to Jones, he won fair and square.
Best companion I saw is to Scott Brown in MA years back. It’s a feel good win but no way they hold the seat.
Why not
Moore may run again
The republican primary winner is another dumb unelectable extremist like Todd Aikin
I see Moore is not conceding
Last night as it looked bad for Moore
The Moore campaign ordered all TV's turned off
They then sang church hymns and songs praying for gods intervention into the election
Quote: BozCongratulations to Jones, he won fair and square.
Best companion I saw is to Scott Brown in MA years back. It’s a feel good win but no way they hold the seat.
It is way more than a feel good win. It dramatically increases the Democrats ability to block the Trump agenda. And by the time the Republicans win the seat back, that will coincide with America electing a Democrat President in 2020. Right now the Democrats can focus on keeping all the present Supreme Court Justices alive until 2020.
"The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election. I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!"
C'mon, don, get a grope, I mean, grip.

Quote: rsactuaryBarely a mention of the Alabama election on the foxnews page today.
Remember: Hillary Clinton is President in Fox News-land. They're too busy working to get her impeached.
Quote: ams288Remember: Hillary Clinton is President in Fox News-land. They're too busy working to get her impeached.
And the rest of us are celebrating how good we have done financially under Trump and Obama. Once again showing hard work and making the tough decisions in life is a winning strategy regardless of who is in Washington.
But politics are fun to discuss and debate in downtime.
Quote: BozAnd the rest of us are celebrating how good we have done financially under Trump and Obama. Once again showing hard work and making the tough decisions in life is a winning strategy regardless of who is in Washington.
I just signed up to go back to college for a third degree! Gotta keep moving forward and never stop learning!
Roll tide, or whatever.
Quote: billryanIf Trump can cause a Democrat to be elected in Ali Bama, just think what he can do for Republicans in Purple States.
Despite some of the irregularities in the past with polls and results, I think low poll numbers of support for Trump are actually about right.
But Trump will probably always be able to drum up enough support to fill a good sized room of cheering supporters as long as he visits the right places.
What we care about, as well as all the democrats who similarly are becoming wealthier by the day because Trump knows how to run a country whereas Obama had no clue, are pertinent issues. You immediately knew on 11/9/16 that Martha Radditz wasn't going to be the only liberal who cries herself to sleep every night because another whackjob Clinton couldn't win, so they'd clog the airwaves with hate, deflections, dishonesty, and Fake News.
As a conservative, it's all music to my ears. The tweets only make it all the better, as he rubs it in while his opponents writhe in beautiful agony.
WAT?Quote: horseThe Alabama election means little to Trump and to his supporters.
What we care about, as well as all the democrats who similarly are becoming wealthier by the day because Trump knows how to run a country whereas Obama had no clue, are pertinent issues. You immediately knew on 11/9/16 that Martha Radditz wasn't going to be the only liberal who cries herself to sleep every night because another whackjob Clinton couldn't win, so they'd clog the airwaves with hate, deflections, dishonesty, and Fake News.
As a conservative, it's all music to my ears. The tweets only make it all the better, as he rubs it in while his opponents writhe in beautiful agony.
At least this made me laugh...
Quote: horseThe Alabama election means little to Trump and to his supporters.
What we care about, as well as all the democrats who similarly are becoming wealthier by the day because Trump knows how to run a country whereas Obama had no clue, are pertinent issues. You immediately knew on 11/9/16 that Martha Radditz wasn't going to be the only liberal who cries herself to sleep every night because another whackjob Clinton couldn't win, so they'd clog the airwaves with hate, deflections, dishonesty, and Fake News.
As a conservative, it's all music to my ears. The tweets only make it all the better, as he rubs it in while his opponents writhe in beautiful agony.
LMAO. Obama didn't have a clue? LMAO. News flash...the bull market is 112 months old. Trump "owns" 10 of them.
Quote: horse
What we care about, as well as all the democrats who similarly are becoming wealthier by the day because Trump knows how to run a country whereas Obama had no clue
It's a shame you didn't have any money invested during the Obama administration. My 401k did quite nicely.
Quote:Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said that based on his discussions with the White House, the nominations of Jeff Mateer and Brett Talley would not move forward through the confirmation process. The decision comes after reports that both nominees made public comments celebrating groups or policies that were discriminatory.
The decision is a significant interruption of the Trump administration's plans to have the Senate swiftly confirm its judicial nominees, often over the objections of Democrats complaining that certain picks are too biased or too inexperienced for the federal bench.
Quote: rxwine
That's great news I hadn't heard. Thank God some folks are requiring competence and qualifications at last.
Quote: TigerWuIt's a shame you didn't have any money invested during the Obama administration. My 401k did quite nicely.
Same! And it's performance under GWB was next to nothing.
Quote: horseThe Alabama election means little to Trump and to his supporters.
That's why Fox is barely covering Jones today, too afraid to discuss the Steve Bannon debacle
I am still in shock
A dem senator in Alabama. lol
Any normal republican would win in a landslide
Thanks Steve Bannon
Quote: terapinedROTFL
That's why Fox is barely covering Jones today, too afraid to discuss the Steve Bannon debacle
I am still in shock
A dem senator in Alabama. lol
Any normal republican would win in a landslide
Thanks Steve Bannon
Probably because they’re going to be sued for the whole train wreck
Quote: gamerfreakProbably because they’re going to be sued for the whole train wreck
Right up there with the guy suing the Saints over the “protests”. Why lawyers always have work.
Quote: darkozFox news talking about the FBI needs yo be subpeonad due to a conspiracy amongst them to destroy trumpa presidency
Yeah, lots of meat on those bones.
The FBI was so biased against Trump that no word of the FBI investigation against their campaign got leaked even though it started 6 months before election day and included NSA intercepts, FISA warrants, and looking at at least a dozen people. And even though the investigation into Clinton got leaked, then confirmed, closed, then reopened in those same 6 months, and each time affected her negatively. /sarcasm
Think about it.
The conspiracy is the Republican cabal hoping to discredit Mueller and get him fired. Which really means that the WH is feeling huge heat as the facts come out and people turn. Mueller is getting it done; something Trump can't manage. Conmen cringe when competent cops shine a spotlight on their lies and misdeeds.
It is established beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.
He is impeached and convicted of treason.
The last words he hears before Old Sparky sends him to hell:
Or, he could try this .
Quote:The campaign is seeking to meet a deadline to report cases of voter fraud before Alabama's secretary of state certifies the vote. The election will be certified between Dec. 26 and Jan. 3.
In a letter sent out to supporters, the campaign said its budget "ran through" on Tuesday, the night of the Alabama special election, and asked supporters to help raise another $75,000 to collect reports of "voter fraud and other irregularities at polling locations throughout the state."
"My campaign team is busy collecting numerous reported cases of voter fraud and irregularities for the Secretary of State's office," the statement said.
All 100 percent of precincts in the state reported
Quote:The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”
The Federal Government is banning words in the science community now. One small step for Evangelicals. One giant leap to becoming Saudi Arabia.
Trump certainly has a way with his words and people get pissed off for no reason. I saw his "happy 8 days of Hanukkah" tweet the other day as well as some comments. Go read the comments. People get mad over nothing.
Quote: gamerfreakThis can’t be real....
Quote:The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”
The Federal Government is banning words in the science community now. One small step for Evangelicals. One giant leap to becoming Saudi Arabia.
Censorship isn't nothing. It's double not-nothing when it's scientists you're censoring. Triple when it's government scientists.
More authoritarianism. Resist.
Interesting read to say the least. While I don’t expect this lady to start voting GOP it is nice to the opportunity is there for people who actually look at issues. Dems have taken the minority vote for granted for a long time without doing anything for them.
Voting shouldn’t have to be voting for the lessor of 2 evils, as it was for many in Alabama this week.
Quote:The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”
Sounds like something a bunch of triggered snowflakes would do....
Quote: Bozhttps://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5a31a32de4b07ff75b001456?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009
Interesting read to say the least. While I don’t expect this lady to start voting GOP it is nice to the opportunity is there for people who actually look at issues. Dems have taken the minority vote for granted for a long time without doing anything for them.
Voting shouldn’t have to be voting for the lessor of 2 evils, as it was for many in Alabama this week.
Her opinion seems a bit twisted
She's upset because at a rally she didnt see many people of color. Thats more likely because they didn't show up than the party doesnt want them there
And her suggestion that people in Alabama voted for Doug Jones as the lesser of two evils? Doug jones prosecuted the KKK for the church bombings and has had a 30 year history fighting for alabama civil rights. If thats now viewed as lesser evil the american people will never be satisfied
Where is the hue and cry from antifa and other disaffected citizens against Trump and his dark lord minions?
Nation of sheep.