Quote: LostWagesand the harvest count in the last 3 years was 65, 37, 62 .
Growing up, we had an apple tree in the backyard, and we noticed it was a big harvest, followed by a small harvest the next year, then back to big. Seemed like it was on a two year cycle. Any idea if mango trees are the same way?
Great pics and I'm very jealous!
I always misread yours as rsanctuary and used to confuse you with rs.Quote: rsactuaryGrowing up, we had an apple tree in the backyard, and we noticed it was a big harvest, followed by a small harvest the next year, then back to big. Seemed like it was on a two year cycle. Any idea if mango trees are the same way?
Great pics and I'm very jealous!
Is it bad if I've confused him with me, too?Quote: onenickelmiracleI always misread yours as rsanctuary and used to confuse you with rs.
RSA, I will be sure to post more pics as the mangoes mature, and I'll even do my Acai Bowl Special featuring the mangoes, how's that? I hope DeMango gets back to us. We also have a giant Myers lemon tree that bears fruits like a fluffle of rabbits - so many that I squeeze a couple of dozen, make ice cubes, then have "fresh frozen" lemon juice all year round. Ditto with one Ka'au orange tree (the uglier the fruit, the sweeter the flesh), and one tangelo tree (luscious, big, no seeds). I can't take ANY credit for these trees other than watering them. They were all hand-grown from seed by my father-in-law many, many years ago!Quote: rsactuaryGrowing up, we had an apple tree in the backyard, and we noticed it was a big harvest, followed by a small harvest the next year, then back to big. Seemed like it was on a two year cycle. Any idea if mango trees are the same way?
Great pics and I'm very jealous!
So, you analyze financial consequences of risk? Just curious,
Quote: 100xOddsI've lost more $ with bases loaded than made. :(
and several times I made no $ back because the 7 showed up after the 6th # was 'loaded'
thus me switching to '3 point Molly' betting system
I concur, I usually pull my odds when I get them loaded. It takes 3 more wins to win more than pulling them down.
Quote: LostWagesI hope DeMango gets back to us.
Thanks for the pics. I tended my fathers crop (He was a native, imperial colonialist of Dutch New Indies) in Florida. Moved further north in the peninsula and no longer have the climate to grow. But hey, with some more climate change, we might start growing them in downtown New York City!
Appreciate your reply - will you be able to give me any "tending" tips for this single mango tree?Quote: DeMangoThanks for the pics. I tended my fathers crop (He was a native, imperial colonialist of Dutch New Indies) in Florida. Moved further north in the peninsula and no longer have the climate to grow. But hey, with some more climate change, we might start growing them in downtown New York City!
Quote: onenickelmiracleI always misread yours as rsanctuary and used to confuse you with rs.
When people read back my email address to me on the phone... it starts with rsactuary as well.... many times they make this mistake too.
Quote: LostWagesSo, you analyze financial consequences of risk? Just curious
Maybe, the ones who use their initials or shortened titles from real life always wanted others to give them a nickname, and settled for "nickname", itself.
Quote: ontariodealerI live in Ontario and I'm a craps dealer......Pretty clever.
Really wanted to know the story about your other handle!
Quote: InTimeForSpace1I'm thinking that internet usernames are a form of nickname or other means of euphemism for becoming tagged or labeled, at which point one's productive life expectancy, at least in the eyes of others, essentially ends. When we half-heartedly accept what life seems to be, and then hang out in bars and internet forums to feel so "sorry" for ourselves.
Maybe, the ones who use their initials or shortened titles from real life always wanted others to give them a nickname, and settled for "nickname", itself.
That you Buzz?
Quote: DeMangoThat you Buzz?
BuzzardBot, you say?
What was that comment Mr. Poker made about you guys? It seems to have vanished.Quote: RSBuzzardBot, you say?
Quote: InTimeForSpace1What was that comment Mr. Poker made about you guys? It seems to have vanished.
Never heard'a no Mr.Poker. Whatchu talkin' 'bout?
.egaugnal wen a nrael ot decrof si eh ro ,ti terpretni t'nac tobor ereh siht os sdrow yllaer t'nera taht sdrow esu ot si yroeht yM
Your other half, who claimed, "I beat your aces". His other post from a few days ago seems to have vanished. Is he deleting his posts again? The one in which he (indirectly) called you Really... .Quote: RSNever heard'a no Mr.Poker. Whatchu talkin' 'bout?
.egaugnal wen a nrael ot decrof si eh ro ,ti terpretni t'nac tobor ereh siht os sdrow yllaer t'nera taht sdrow esu ot si yroeht yM
Quote: InTimeForSpace1Your other half, who claimed, "I beat your aces". His other post from a few days ago seems to have vanished. Is he deleting his posts again? The one in which he (indirectly) called you Really... .
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, can't prove anything.
I'd check your post count, but it's off by only about 5000 posts. Beyond this, I CAN prove everything.Quote: IbeatyouracesI didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, can't prove anything.
Quote: InTimeForSpace1Your other half, who claimed, "I beat your aces". His other post from a few days ago seems to have vanished. Is he deleting his posts again? The one in which he (indirectly) called you Really... .
Does. Not. Compute.
Do you mean the trusty ol' AxelWolf?
Quote: InTimeForSpace1I'd check your post count, but it's off by only about 5000 posts. Beyond this, I CAN prove everything.
I can agree with the first sentence Grim Reaper. Those shouldn't count. Those numbers are meaningless me.
Quote: DeMangoJust amazing previous knowledge for one just joining on April Fool's day 2017!
You can bet that person has been here before under a few other handles.
Quote: IbeatyouracesAnd all this time I thought you grinded these down...
Shhh... don't tell anyone!
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” Is this place and its inhabitants an exception to the rule? It's just good to come "home" now and then to measure how far we all have come.Quote: IbeatyouracesYou can bet that person has been here before under a few other handles.
From what I'm guessing is that IBYA beat me to the punch and also mentioned that RS stood for Really Stupid, but then he deleted it.Quote: RSDoes. Not. Compute.
Do you mean the trusty ol' AxelWolf?
To be clear, I didn't/wasn't calling RS Really Stupid (I think the opposite). I was just messing around pointing out what some of the WOV banned members jump on anytime they get frustrated with him.
What part?Quote: GeoducknCrabI live on Puget Sound where I can dig for the 'giant' clam called a GEODUCK or put out crab pots for Dungeness crab.
Quote: AxelWolfFrom what I'm guessing is that IBYA beat me to the punch and also mentioned that RS stood for Really Stupid, but then he deleted it.
To be clear, I didn't/wasn't calling RS Really Stupid (I think the opposite). I was just messing around pointing out what some of the WOV banned members jump on anytime they get frustrated with him.
I made no post nor deleted any post about the what "RS" stood for anywhere here. I joked in another thread that if the pit asked who I was, I'd tell them I was "RS" from WoV.
If someone wants to start $h!t with me (not you axel), come knock on my door!
I very much recall IBYA wrote that people on a different gambling forum called RS this. Not sure, though, how he could completely delete the post after submitting it. I see a lot of "double posts" here, and think the authors would delete those if they could.Quote: AxelWolfFrom what I'm guessing is that IBYA beat me to the punch and also mentioned that RS stood for Really Stupid, but then he deleted it.
I don't know how AW became involved. He's not the one who claims, "I beat your aces." But thanks for your clarifications.
You want the Reaper at your door?Quote: IbeatyouracesIf someone wants to start $h!t with me (not you axel), come knock on my door!
Quote: InTimeForSpace1I very much recall IBYA wrote that people on a different gambling forum called RS this. Not sure, though, how he could completely delete the post after submitting it. I see a lot of "double posts" here, and think the authors would delete those if they could.
I don't know how AW became involved. He's not the one who claims, "I beat your aces." But thanks for your clarifications.
Kiss my ass. I'm not on any other damn boards. So tell your idiot friends on them to shove it. And as I said, if anyone has a problem with it, come knock on my door!!!
Quote: InTimeForSpace1You want the Reaper at your door?
Seriously, you don't have the guts!! Piss off!!!
You'd be pleasantly, and then unpleasantly, surprised.Quote: IbeatyouracesSeriously, you don't have the guts!! Piss off!!!
Well that makes sense. I did see that post, it was obviously a joke. As I said, I was just guessing what may have happened, even then, had that been the case, I would also assume it was a joke.Quote: IbeatyouracesI made no post nor deleted any post about the what "RS" stood for anywhere here. I joked in another thread that if the pit asked who I was, I'd tell them I was "RS" from WoV.
If someone wants to start $h!t with me (not you axel), come knock on my door!