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September 13th, 2013 at 9:57:10 AM permalink
When I go to the casino (whether it be a trip to Vegas or somewhere else), I usually go with my son and/or my cousin. All three of us are pretty much “on the same page” of what we expect from the trip. Our bankrolls are similar, our desired session-lengths are similar, we all enjoy primarily the same types of activities and dining. Etc., etc.

Because of our similar expectations, we are usually able to enjoy most activities together and do not have to go our separate ways very often during a trip. We aren't all joined at the hip 100% of the time or anything, but most stuff is done as a group (which is more fun in my opinion).

We have given some thought to the idea of trying to add a 4th person to our group, but have been somewhat hesitant since we don’t want to end up with a situation where the additional person’s expectations are significantly different which could lead to an unpleasant experience for all.

For example, a person who fully intends on dining at Joel Robuchon’s or Thomas Keller’s for every meal is not going to have much fun (unless they like dining alone), since our trips (and budgets) don’t include many meals that are quite that upscale.

On the flip-side, a person who only plans to gamble $20 per day for 30 minutes isn't going to have much fun either because (although we are low-rollers) we definitely spend significantly more time and money per day gambling than that.

And I’m certain there are numerous other factors/issues that could have a negative effect on the trip if not somewhat similar for all persons in the group.

Which brings me to the question: Have any of you ever had someone join you on a gambling trip where after the trip was over you said: “Never again!!” ?
You serious, Clark?
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September 13th, 2013 at 10:12:43 AM permalink
Quote: blount2000

Have any of you ever had someone join you on a gambling trip where after the trip was over you said: “Never again!!” ?

Yep. My mother used to go to Biloxi with a group of co-workers once the tax season was over. I got invited along to make a good number for roommates etc. We were on an airplane junket, and the group of 10 decided to pool the cost of one rental car, since there wasn't much in the way of public jitney available at the time. I'm an "iron-butt paigow" player, where I'll do sessions of 8-12 hours at a time if left to my own devices. But somehow I got sucked into being the chauffeur (as a polite younger woman as an add-on to a group of older folks would, of course) and was running people around at their whim, gathering up folks for big group dinners every night, subject to involuntary accountability to my mother for bedtimes (after having an agreement not to do that in advance of the trip). The effect of all that was having such a lousy fragmented trip that I refused all subsequent invitations with that group.

I like a companion or group that's completely off the leash. I don't mind a specific time/place for dinner or a break, or the occasional swing by the table for a check-in, but I like to play on my own. If I'm social gambling, it's a whole different animal, and I just bet minimums and relax with them, rather than zoning into the cards and riding the rhythm of the table. I prefer the latter, since there's money at stake, and I generally win more.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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September 13th, 2013 at 11:31:40 AM permalink
Quote: blount2000

...trying to add a 4th person to our group,...

That there has the word "disaster" flashing in my head.

You don't "try" to make a group. A group forms when a number of people enjoy doing the same thing. If you have to "try" to form said group, chances are you'll force something that never should've been. Cue awkwardness.

Is there a reason you want a fourth? I could see if you were up for some euchre or something that required four, but if three's fun, why change it?

I don't have "gambling trips", but we've all had a disaster outing. I don't try to mix friends anymore because of it. Sure, they can mix, I just no longer try to make them do so.
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September 13th, 2013 at 12:29:22 PM permalink
Yes. Never again. Same person. 1 out of 3 times he was part of the problem. I can't let him slide on the 1st one unless I take blame for inviting him to learn how to play blackjack.
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September 13th, 2013 at 12:32:32 PM permalink
Quote: Face

Is there a reason you want a fourth? I could see if you were up for some euchre or something that required four, but if three's fun, why change it?

There are two main thoughts for considering a fourth:

1. The trips are fun when two of us go, but they are even more fun when all three of us make the trip. We're thinking the trips could be even MORE fun with a fourth person (along the lines of 'the more the merrier'). It seems like this could be especially true for certain activities like dining and nighttime things like enjoying some drinks/music at the bars.

I imagine there is probably a "sweet-spot" for the total number of people before it begins to be too many folks from a logistical standpoint. In theory it seems like four people could be fun, where ten people would quite likely be too many.

2. A fourth person in the group would increase the "pool" of compatible folks to draw from when everybody can't go. This reason actually benefits me the most since I'm currently the one with the most flexibility in our existing three-person-group. :)

Although I definitely hear what you're saying about not trying to force it. I would not want to create a bad experience in an attempt to make a better one!
You serious, Clark?
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September 13th, 2013 at 5:06:53 PM permalink
10 years ago my wife invited the youngest daughter on a trip
with us to Vegas. What a downer that was, she ruined the
whole stay. She wouldn't gamble and spent all her time in
the room watching TV, or whining to us that there was nothing
to do. The food was bad in the restaurants, we walked too
slow, we stayed up too late. Shopping was all she liked and
in Vegas who has time for that. Never take a newbie to Vegas,
you never know how they'll react.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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September 13th, 2013 at 5:57:13 PM permalink
There does not have to be absolute mirror-images of identical interests, simply an understanding of what is expected.

Bank roll, games, hours, meals, alone time, shopping, shows, etc.

I guess if there is about eighty percent agreement you are lucky.

Some junkets operate buses where people sing en route to the casino but once they get there, its "go your own way". Most go to Bingo, but others hit slot machines and a few hit the craps tables. The junket operator doesn't care if the people like each other.

Its when hours and type of casino and budgets all clash that you have discord. I don't ever want to be dragged to a show or to an overly fancy restaurant. And shopping is something my companion does in Vegas, I've never shopped there at all. The view? I can't remember ever looking out a window but darned if the companion doesn't rave about the view all the time.

The best thing is to make everything known in advance of the trip. Its sort of like the two sweet young things all bundled up in foul weather gear and sitting on the boom out over the whitecaps ..."I thought when he said sailing he meant we would be lying around in the sun with our tops off and drinking gin".
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September 13th, 2013 at 8:49:05 PM permalink
Quote: blount2000

Which brings me to the question: Have any of you ever had someone join you on a gambling trip where after the trip was over you said: “Never again!!” ?

Yeah, my dad and his girlfriend. We've said I'd a half dozen times so far, but the last time (2 weeks ago) is probably the last one. To be fair, they're getting pretty old by now, 85 and 87. They're still pretty sharp, but they move at a different rhythm that makes it hard. She's strictly VP, and plays really well but doesn't bring a big enough bank for the level she likes and also doesn't know when to stop: about 10 years ago she made Diamond In A Day by playing non-stop from noon until 5AM. My dad has been a card player all his life, and a damn good one, but he's starting to get confused at the tables, playing out of turn and misreading hands. He tossed a flush at 4 Card, and played a couple hands of Let It Ride like they were 3CP, I had to keep reminding him what game we were at. If he gets enough sleep he's OK, at the local casino he doesn't do that, but on a trip he doesn't sleep well. We've always taken them when we can because they like to get away and can't drive the distance any more, but I think it's done now.

We like to go with my sister B and her husband, we all play about the same, moving from dice to BJ to carny games to slots all pretty easily. When we are with any of my other sisters, it's a drag because they think $100 is Big Bux. While it's not chump change, it's still basically the price of admission, y'know? My sister C put a $20 in a $1 slot and lost it in about 30 seconds. She looked at me and said, "That was not fun. Why do people do this?" She put another $20 in, won back about $50, cashed out and watched the rest of us for a minute before asking when we were leaving. (To be fair a second time, she has always been the bitchy one.) Our daughter is the same way: if she gets ahead a bit, she'll want to cash out and leave.

Find people who like to play at the same rhythm, find people who like to play, and find people you like.
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September 13th, 2013 at 9:05:29 PM permalink
Quote: blount2000

We have given some thought to the idea of trying to add a 4th person to our group, but have been somewhat hesitant since we don’t want to end up with a situation where the additional person’s expectations are significantly different which could lead to an unpleasant experience for all.

Has it occurred to you to just ask the person what their idea of a good time in Vegas is? Just tell them up front what you and your group typically enjoy (hours, bet sizes, dining options, etc.) and see what their response is. Just be up front with them and lay out the most likely activities for the trip. If they don't appeal to that person, there's a better chance that they politely decline your offer. If it sounds good to them, then they will be on board.

I would also modify the responses above of "never take someone who hasn't been to las vegas" to "never take a person who doesn't gamble". My first trip was with some friends of mine who had also never been and we had a blast just exploring all of the intricacies of the strip casinos. I had another friend join us for my most recent trip who had never been and I thoroughly enjoyed playing "tour guide" and showing him what I knew. To each their own, I suppose, but if they are coming on the trip and you like to gamble, my #1 priority would be to make sure that they are at least experienced in the art form of parting ways with their money on the tables (or machines). Playing a $20 buy in home poker game is much different than playing live in a casino.

Just my 2 cents. Can't wait for my next trip back to Vegas (whenever that may be).
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