I don¢t like long intros and big words,so let¢s get straight to the point.
This system consists of 3 different but unified stages:
Stage 1 } Place 10 units on Pass Line plus 10 on Field.
Let¢s take a look by betting so,what¢s every possible outcome.
TWO > 1-1 } I¢m loosing my Pass Line bet -10 but winning +20 from the field,which is a total of +10
THREE >1-2 / 2-1 } I¢m loosing my Pass Line bet, but winning my field bet for 0 result (no profit/loss)
FOUR > 2-2 / 1-3 / 3-1 } I¢m winning my Field bet + 10 and the point goes to 4,here instead of risking our already earned profit,we are going to “lock” it by laying 14 units on 4,whether a 7 or a 4 appears,we will loose 6 units,but since we won 10 from the field before,we¢ll have a net of +4
FIVE > 2-3 / 3-2 / 1-4 / 4-1 } I loose my Field bet -10 and making a point to 5 which if 5 rolls out again,we will break even,if not,we proceed to stage 3 which will be explained later
SIX > 1-5 / 5-1 / 2-4 / 4-2 / 3-3 } The same here as above,loosing the Field bet and want a repeat to break even,or if I loose both (-10 + -10 = -20) moving to the third stage
SEVEN > 1-6 / 6-1 / 2-5 / 5-2 /3-4 / 4-3 } I¢m winning my Pass Line bet but loosing my Field,so I break even
EIGHT > 2-6 / 6-2 / 3-5 / 5-3 / 4-4 } In this case is the same as on 5 and 6,see above
NINE > 3-6 / 6-3 / 4-5 / 5-4 } I¢m winning my field bet +10 and making my point on 9,this time I¢m going to Lay the 9 with 12 units in order to create a sure win of +6,whether the 7 or the 9 will come out first,I¢ll loose 4,but since I won 10 from the Field,I¢m an overall winner of +6 for this rollout
TEN > 4-6 / 6-4 / 5-5 } Here is the same situation as on 4,winning 10 from Field and Laying the 10 for 14 units,whether it will be a 7 or 10,I¢m loosing 6, but 10 (field) -6 = +4 net profit
ELEVEN > 5-6 / 6-5 } I¢m winning both,my Pass Line and my Field bet for a total of 10 = 10 = 20 net profit
TWELVE > 6-6 } I¢m loosing my Pass Line bet -10 bu I¢m winning my Field for a overall net profit of +10 or +20,this depends from the variations of the table,some tables paying x2 while others paying x3
STAGE 2 } Place 30 units on Don¢t Pass Line
Let¢s see one by one every possible outcome:
TWO > 1-1 } I¢m winning +60 units
THREE > 1-2 / 2-1 } I¢m winning with Craps +10 net profit
FOUR > 1-3 / 3-1 / 2-2 } I¢m making my point on 4,so here what I have to do in order to create a risk-free profit is to bet 21 units on 4 to win +9 on either case (7 or 4)
FIVE > 1-4 / 4-1 / 2-3 / 3-2 } Here goes the same as above,but instead of 21 units for the 5 to come,I¢m placing 25 units,thus a risk free profit of +5 either way
SIX > 1-5 / 5-1 / 2-4 / 4-2 / 3-3 } The same as above but instead of 25,I¢m betting 28 units to create a sure win of 2 net profit
SEVEN > 1-6 / 6-1 / 2-5 / 5-2 / 3-4 / 4-3 } I¢m loosing -30 from my Pass Line bet and proceed to stage number 3 which will be explained later
EIGHT > 2-6 / 6-2 / 3-5 / 5-3 / 4-4 } It¢s the same situation like on 6,see above
NINE > 3-6 / 6-3 / 4-5 / 5-4 } It¢s the same situation as on 5
TEN > 4-6 / 6-4 / 5-5 } It¢s the same as 4,see above
ELEVEN > 5-6 / 6-5 } I¢m loosing -30 from my Pass Line bet and proceed to the third stage
TWELVE > 6-6 } This is a push (break even)
Between 2 possible outcomes (P / DP) there are 8 possible compinations of results in a set of 3 consecutive outcomes:
1) P - P - P
2) DP - DP - DP
3) P - P - DP
4) DP - DP - P
5) P - DP - DP
6) DP - P - P
7) P - DP - P
8) DP - P - DP
To win 3 consecutive times you need dice setting or a great deal of luck!:-)
But what if we needed only 1 win out of 3 (1 win/2 loses) in order to be overall winners?!
On stages 1 & 2,there are certain outcomes which have negative influence on our bankroll,particularly 16 out of 36 times from the stage 1 we will be break even or -20
On stage 2, eight times out of thirtysix, our bankroll will be depleted by -30
So each and every time a negative outcome occurs we bet 20 or 30, depends from the lost amount of your last session, on Pass Line if your last lost bet was on Don¢t Pass or on Don¢t Pass line if your last lost bet was on Pass Line.
Remember the 8 compinations I¢ve told you above? We are not looking for 3 consecutive,but only 1 out of 3!
What are the chances to get 1 out of 3? You have 7 chances against only 1 out of the total 8 compinations!
For examble I lost 10 on Fiels plus 10 when my point didn¢t make it,now I¢m betting 20 units on Don¢t Pass / First roll 7,I¢m losing -20 / Second bet should go to Pass Line for 40 units
Second roll 3, I¢m losing -40 / Third bet should be on Don¢t Pass for 80 units, third roll points to 4 and a few rolls after sevens out!
So let¢s calculate from the beginning, (-20 stage 1) + (-60 stage 3) = 80 deduct the net profit of our eventual win,which is 80 and we break even.
What we have done is being neutralized the minority negative outcomes (16 out of 36) of stage 1 in our favor.
Second examble with stage 2, I¢m losing 30 on Don¢t Pass line, first bet should go to Pass Line, remember the opposite of the last lost bet, for 30 units,first roll and 7!
We have recoup immediately our initial bet from stage 1.
You may ask “why to use the compination of DP-P-DP or P-DP-P and not one of the other compinations?”
In theory,all of the 8 compinations have the same chances; 7 against 1,but from my experience I¢ve seen long streaks of Passes and Don¢t Passes,therefore if you bet only on one side all the time,sooner or later you will get burned!
By sharing our bets on this pattern: P/DP/P or DP/P/DP we are heavy favorites to get just 1 win out of 3 consecutive outcomes!
Last but not least,I would like to mention that you must not underestimate the effectiveness of Hedge Parity System just because I¢m offering it for free.
Perhaps, I couldn¢t and you would still banging in the dark…!
I would like to hear your comments,thank you.
Quote: rainmanI have a system that will allow you to gain a stroke while switching hands.
Is this a kind of a practical joke?!
Quote: odiousgambitIMO the thing to remember about complicated systems is to look at the undefeatable EV of each bet. Not to be unkind, but that is all I can see when I look at this, is a whole bunch of bets with negative expectation. I say this to encourage others not to get tied up deciphering all the possibilities, you as well, begging your pardon, sir.
I respect your oppinion,but I have to say that what it matters most of all is the overall,the total result.
So you have to calculate this system as a whole and not partialy,the stage 1 and 2 by their one have a negative expectation,indeed.
When you proceed to stage 3 for the recoup,you have 7 chances with you and only 1 against you.
They used to say that the "chain" is as strong as the weakest link...the worst case senario is to proceed on stage 3, which eventualy happens, but there we have 87.5 %
against 12.5% rate of success,even if this would not been confirm by the first set of 3 consecutive outcomes,we may proceed to a 2nd set of 3.
Two times in a row to happens a 12.5% against the 87.5% is an extremely rare occasion!
Quote: treetopbuddyIs there a Readers Digest version?
Quote: BlueAngelno,sorry
I went through it twice, and couldn't understand what was meant in stage 3 at all.
You need to separate the 'process' from the 'math'.
Not that it matters, you still have a series of negative expectation bets, and even though there's a 'rare' 1-in-8 chance at stage 3, it still can and will happen.
Quote: BlueAngel...
Two times in a row to happens a 12.5% against the 87.5% is an extremely rare occasion!
This sums it up perfectly. One in eight times you lose. I guess the poster doesn't understand that people at this site think a 99% bet isn't very good.
Quote: thecesspitI went through it twice, and couldn't understand what was meant in stage 3 at all.
You need to separate the 'process' from the 'math'.
Not that it matters, you still have a series of negative expectation bets, and even though there's a 'rare' 1-in-8 chance at stage 3, it still can and will happen.
Let's say you have lost your bet from STAGE 1 (10 Pass + 10 Field) or from STAGE 2 (30 on DP), you continue to STAGE 3 everytime you lose on STAGE 1 or 2 and your first bet on STAGE 3 is always the amount of your last lost bet.
On STAGE 3 you bet the opposite of the last lost bet (either STAGE 1 or 2) If the last lost was STAGE 1,which means 10 Pass + 10 Field, you bet 20 on Don't Pass.
If your last lost was 30 on Don't Pass (STAGE 2) you are betting 30 on Pass Line.
As long as you are not loosing on STAGES 1 & 2,you are not using STAGE 3
You always bet one time stage 1,the next bet is stage 2,then stage 1,after stage 2...and so on. You never bet second time in a row the Pass line,neither the Don't Pass!
On stage 3 you keep the same pattern PASS / DON'T PASS / PASS / DON'T PASS / PASS ...as long as you recoup the lost bet from stage 1 or 2.
This is a very strong system,but what it could make it INVISIBLE is additional 2 things:
Set your LIMITS according to your budget, the STOP limits must be exactly the SAME! For examble you set your limits to 100 units whether you win or loose,every session must be +100 OR -100!!
This way you don't have to win every session,but to win the most of them.If for examble after 10 sessions you won 7 and lost 3,you would have a net of 400 units. (7x100)-(3x100) => 700-300=400 These numbers are very REALISTIC! To win 7 sessions out of 10 it's an average result regarding my experience
If you combine this system with dice setting/control and the stop limits like described above,then you have a full time gambling income for life!
Stage 1 - Win -> Go to Stage 2
Stage 1 - Loss -> Go to Stage 3
Stage 2 - Win -> Go to Stage 1
Stage 2 - Loss -> Go to Stage 3
Stage 3 - Win -> Go to Stage 1
Stage 3 - Loss ---- repeat Stage 3?
Repeat stage on any push.
Bet size on stage 3 is loss of the bet that pushed you there.
Quote: thecesspitSo:
Stage 1 - Win -> Go to Stage 2
Stage 1 - Loss -> Go to Stage 3
Stage 2 - Win -> Go to Stage 1
Stage 2 - Loss -> Go to Stage 3
Stage 3 - Win -> Go to Stage 1
Stage 3 - Loss ---- repeat Stage 3?
Repeat stage on any push.
Bet size on stage 3 is loss of the bet that pushed you there.
On stage 3 if lose,you stop the session if you have reached your predetermined limits.
Like I said the limit for winning and losing should be exactly the same! For examble whether you win or lose 100 units you must STOP.
So it's what is going to happen first.win 100 or lose,but every session will stop with one way or the other.
By placing your win/lose limits equaly,you are overcoming much easier negative sessions which will hapen once in a while.
Quote: treetopbuddyCould you direct me to the 'fake parity hedge' system so I can compare it to the 'real parity hedge' system......
This is a link for what most people think for the "Hedge Parity", the author of the book "Doey/Don't system",Frank Scoblete together with Dominico Loriggio,the "Dominator" are the owners of this website.
Mr Frank Scoblete has written many more books about craps,but none of them is the "Hedge Parity" system.
The Doey/Don't system is very simple actually,it's based on the principle that a 7 should come out on an average of every 6 rolls,so they have deployed a system count in which you can offset your bets till a 7 appears and you would become an overall winner.
If you ask me,this is very simplistic and common sense.You don't have to buy such book in order to play this way.
After all,if you want to bet on 7,why don't you bet it straight on "Any Seven" which pays 5 for 1 instead of betting the Don't Pass line??
Perhaps you could loose with any different outcome than 7,but it pays 5 times more.
In general,I don't particulary like this kind of play.
My system in combination with Dice Setting,it's the best possible option,not only in CRAPS,but for every gambling game which has ever been offered by the casinos!
You could ask me why I say so. The answer actually is very obvious if you think it for a while...Craps is the only game which PLAYERS are determining the outcome!
YOU roll the dice! Setting and rolling the dices according your desired result could be taught like a child is learning to speak,like a tiger is learning to jumb through a fired ring,like aiming a target with a gun or a crossbow...and so on.
No other game,the final outcome depends on you and I don't mean by using illegal devices and cheating!
For all of you who Don't believe me,personally,I don't give a dime!!! hahahahaha I've seen the results and I don't expect you to confirm me.
Quote: treetopbuddyCould you direct me to the 'fake parity hedge' system so I can compare it to the 'real parity hedge' system......
This is a link for what most people think for the "Hedge Parity", the author of the book "Doey/Don't system",Frank Scoblete together with Dominico Loriggio,the "Dominator" are the owners of this website.
Mr Frank Scoblete has written many more books about craps,but none of them is the "Hedge Parity" system.
The Doey/Don't system is very simple actually,it's based on the principle that a 7 should come out on an average of every 6 rolls,so they have deployed a system count in which you can offset your bets till a 7 appears and you would become an overall winner.
If you ask me,this is very simplistic and common sense.You don't have to buy such book in order to play this way.
After all,if you want to bet on 7,why don't you bet it straight on "Any Seven" which pays 5 for 1 instead of betting the Don't Pass line??
Perhaps you could loose with any different outcome than 7,but it pays 5 times more.
In general,I don't particulary like this kind of play.
My system in combination with Dice Setting,it's the best possible option,not only in CRAPS,but for every gambling game which has ever been offered by the casinos!
You could ask me why I say so. The answer actually is very obvious if you think it for a while...Craps is the only game which PLAYERS are determining the outcome!
YOU roll the dice! Setting and rolling the dices according your desired result could be taught like a child is learning to speak,like a tiger is learning to jumb through a fired ring,like aiming a target with a gun or a crossbow...and so on.
No other game,the final outcome depends on you and I don't mean by using illegal devices and cheating!
For all of you who Don't believe me,personally,I don't give a dime!!! hahahahaha I've seen the results and I don't expect you to confirm me.
Not true, Us slot players decide when to hit the button.