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January 7th, 2012 at 10:53:15 PM permalink
So for those of you who haven't visited the Tropicana in the last couple of years, a great deal has changed. I remember the old Tropicana that was incredibly tacky, dirty, and disgusting. I was pleasantly surprised by the new renovations that have occurred over the last several years. They really have put some money into upgrading the gambling area.

The area is super fluorescent bright. In fact, I feel a lot safer than I did the first time being there. The place is clean and modernized. Also enjoyed their steakhouse Biscayne. Had the dry aged rib-eye which was moist and delicious and the lobster bisque. My colleague ordered a merlot, which he seemed to thoroughly enjoy.

Sorry folks. No pictures this time. Steakhouse and gaming area are worth checking out though. I know I will be back next time to try my luck.
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January 8th, 2012 at 12:55:52 AM permalink
Aren't the ceilings still really low in the gaming
area? I hate that..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 8th, 2012 at 1:09:36 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Aren't the ceilings still really low in the gaming
area? I hate that..

Ceilings seem to be a little higher when you walk toward the back to head to the steakhouse. But as for the rest of the gaming floor, yeah they didn't move the ceilings. It is brighter and cleaner though. I would go back to gamble there for sure.
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January 8th, 2012 at 5:18:13 AM permalink
Sidewalks cleaner? Trashcans getting emptied from time to time? Butts being removed ever?
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January 8th, 2012 at 10:26:56 AM permalink
The Trop is next to Hooters.

"What, me worry?"
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January 8th, 2012 at 5:48:13 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

Sidewalks cleaner? Trashcans getting emptied from time to time? Butts being removed ever?

You must be thinking of the old Tropicana. Swing on by, and you'll notice the difference. I was shocked by the renovations. From dump to actually attractive looking place. Sure they could spend more money to make it better. But I was pleased when I was there.
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January 8th, 2012 at 7:53:53 PM permalink
I went there and the did the rebate promo. Place was terrific - big, soft, lush chairs, lots of free space, real nice looking table game area with very classy dealers and crew. Have no reason to go back. Or do I? How about an update on the good promos that might be available again since new year. Cosmo?
I don't subscribe to LVA any more since TC went from 80% to 100% asshole.
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February 26th, 2012 at 3:45:38 PM permalink
Just spent a night there a couple weeks ago. After buying one round at one of their bars I decided their VP paytables didn't look so bad after all.
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February 26th, 2012 at 9:31:31 PM permalink
It really does look much better in there. I'm surprised they were able to pull off the bright, white-heavy color scheme. Unusual for a casino, but a good move for the Trop.
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February 26th, 2012 at 10:59:41 PM permalink
Yeah, from the outside it looks like an empty slate. Didn't feel like walking in so can't comment on the inside.

I think it is just a lazy move to not decorate it with creativity or any further on the exterior because it will probably be bulldozed within 5 years.

It is MUCH cleaner though.
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February 27th, 2012 at 7:58:52 AM permalink
When I was in the Trop some time in the last couple of years, I commented to one of the employees how much better the place looked. I said I wasn't sure I liked the plain white exterior and wondered whether it would be changed.

He asked whether I had checked it out at night (I hadn't). He said the white walls were used as a projection screen for changing colored lights as well as promotional graphics. He thought that was the scheme intended and didn't expect a change. I don't think I was ever in that area at night to get a good look at that. Has anyone seen the projections? If so, how do they look?
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March 28th, 2012 at 12:52:40 PM permalink
Quote: dm

Place was terrific - big, soft, lush chairs, lots of free space, real nice looking table game area with very classy dealers and crew.

Checked it out today. What a difference from the OLD place
to the NEW.

I agree it is worth stopping by, just to see how much
different it looks.

I did find one affordable VP schedule at the 25 cent level.
It was 98.92 % Dueces Wild, sortof near the sports book.
It is one one of those games where you can bet 6 coins
for a bonus, but you don't have to. 5 coins has the
98.92 % paytable.
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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May 1st, 2012 at 1:26:18 PM permalink
Yesterday out of the blue I got a phone call from the casino hostess I used to have at Venetian (she was let go along with most everyone else after they changed their comp policy of course). She's now working at the Trop and sent me some info. It does look really nice and she was prepared to make some deals for me based on my previous play at Venetian. Coincidentally I'll be in Vegas in less than 2 weeks for my wedding the Venetian (since we were married there. Hey, memories). I told her we'd stop by the Trop for a half day to see what was shakin' and she readily offered to tour us around and comp us a couple show tickets. Our *next* trip just might be to the Trop. :)
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May 1st, 2012 at 2:06:51 PM permalink
Quote: mantic59

Coincidentally I'll be in Vegas in less than 2 weeks for my wedding the Venetian

I see that you have been a member of this forum for quite a while but have not joined in the discussions heavily. I don't know whether you have been reading regularly. If not, you may have missed that some of us are gathering for an in-real-life get together we are calling WoVCon][. The main activities are Saturday May 12 starting at noon, but there are side activities planned for Friday night and (probably) Sunday night. There may be even more sub-group meetings during this general period.

If your anniversary trip "in less than 2 weeks" coincides and you have any interest in meeting other forum members, please check out the threads with WoVCon in the title. I know that at least two wives will be joining in for some of the activities, so it's not as if I am suggesting you dump your wife during an anniversary trip. It's just a little something extra you might consider.
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May 1st, 2012 at 2:07:49 PM permalink
ARRRRRGH!!! We arrive the 14th!
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February 25th, 2015 at 5:37:18 PM permalink
The Trop is nice overall, bright, clean, lacks high douche bag ratio, great service from what I seen for the two quick visits been there last past several days.
Bac79=Hazardous Material and Chemical person correcting other's mistakes. Non AP'er, I can't count cards, low intelligence. Sprinkles magical dust on the cards. Has a lucky monkey. Baby also has a green one. Sum it up: "It's okay just blame me, it's all my fault"! ( No one believes me--so I chose to stop posting)
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