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February 20th, 2011 at 9:35:14 AM permalink
Saw this just now on Vegas Message Board.

This looks like a pretty good promotion. I'm hoping it is still available in April for my trip. So is the proper play here to play high denomination slots or VP with 200 bucks just to see if you hit something big and then if you don't you can use your rebate freeplay in a low variance VP game?

Anything in the fine print that makes this not as good as it sounds? I'm aware that the second half of the freeplay won't be available until my next trip and I'm fine with that.
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February 20th, 2011 at 9:55:13 AM permalink
Quote: progrocker

Saw this just now on Vegas Message Board.

This looks like a pretty good promotion. I'm hoping it is still available in April for my trip. So is the proper play here to play high denomination slots or VP with 200 bucks just to see if you hit something big and then if you don't you can use your rebate freeplay in a low variance VP game?

Anything in the fine print that makes this not as good as it sounds? I'm aware that the second half of the freeplay won't be available until my next trip and I'm fine with that.

Typical of all slot clubs (and I'm a victim just as much as anyone but RS is) they encourage you to lose, and with this "promotion" now YOU encourage yourself to lose also. I wouldn't bother with it because it preys on losers. But if you do then at least try to win by playing a game that pays 10 for 2 pair, on the lowest denomination possible. If you don't mind not losing much, that is.
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February 20th, 2011 at 10:06:09 AM permalink
Well I wouldn't be hoping to lose of course. If I play 8 hands of 5 dollar VP and hit a royal I'm not going to try to still get that 200 dollar loss. Likewise if I hit a full house on the first hand, I would probably just call it off at that point.

And yes, that is what I meant by a low variance VP game for the rebate play. I would probably look for the lowest denomination/best pay table Jacks or Better if I don't happen to win during phase one.
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February 20th, 2011 at 10:16:07 AM permalink
VPFREE2 website says that there best VP payback game is NSUD DW at 99.7 %.
The Wiz has strategy for that on his other site.

So another approach would be to take your chances on that game, and you might hit
the Royal for $ 1000 or 4 Dueces for $ 250.

But if you lose your $ 200 going for that, you essentially get a "do-over" with this
promo. But read the fine print. It looks like you get the freeplay over 2 visits.

And it sounds like this is limited to new Slot Club members only, so since I had a
card years ago, even though I'd like to do this promo, I can't.
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February 20th, 2011 at 12:23:41 PM permalink
Quote: progrocker

Well I wouldn't be hoping to lose of course. If I play 8 hands of 5 dollar VP and hit a royal I'm not going to try to still get that 200 dollar loss. Likewise if I hit a full house on the first hand, I would probably just call it off at that point.

And yes, that is what I meant by a low variance VP game for the rebate play. I would probably look for the lowest denomination/best pay table Jacks or Better if I don't happen to win during phase one.

I believe the promo is still available; it's on their website again, after a few months where it wasn't. I played it myself, and lost $100 on the lone NSUD machine--you have until the end of the slot club day, then your losses after that are not rebated, so there's no point in playing on after that. I got $50 back in free play, I had $50 loaded onto my card three days later, and I earned about $20 in comps (since it took quite a while to even lose that $100). And of course, I had a decent chance to hit a royal, with about 3500 hands played.

The JOB available in there is pretty bad--all I saw was 8/5. In fact, that lone NSUD machine is the only decent one in there. There is some $1 8/5 Bonus available, which might be the best choice if you want to just get in and get out.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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February 20th, 2011 at 12:45:04 PM permalink
Yeah, looks like the NSUD is what I'll use for phase two. I do want to go high risk, high reward on the front end and make some bets I normally wouldn't so I'm leaning towards the $5 8/5 BP or maybe DDB if it isn't too terrible. Hell, maybe even that 5 play $5 BP. What does QQ mean on VPFREE2? I think I read a story from one of those VP guys everyone is always fighting about playing that machine. Quick quads, right?

I don't know if I'll be looking to get out quick or not, depends on other factors. My plane lands at at 0805 and MSS check in isn't until 1500, so I figure that would be the perfect activity to fill the morning I arrive. I wasn't planning on hitting the strip at all until this came up.
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February 20th, 2011 at 12:51:32 PM permalink
Quote: progrocker

What does QQ mean on VPFREE2? I think I read a story from one of those VP guys everyone is always fighting about playing that machine. Quick quads, right?

Sounds about right for Quick Quads.

I like your bold strategy. I may copy you, should I decide I can afford the loss (my first rule of gambling is that I only gamble money I'm willing to part with). I failed to get a player card last time I went through the Trop.

I'd advice you to do three things first:

1) Find out what games are available and pick the best one. VPfree2 is useful in this respect, but there may be info at the Trop's site.
2) Once you pick a game look up the Wizard of Odds site for strategy
3) Practice either in the Wizard's free games, if available, or here.

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February 20th, 2011 at 2:04:40 PM permalink
Quote: progrocker

Yeah, looks like the NSUD is what I'll use for phase two. I do want to go high risk, high reward on the front end and make some bets I normally wouldn't so I'm leaning towards the $5 8/5 BP or maybe DDB if it isn't too terrible. Hell, maybe even that 5 play $5 BP. What does QQ mean on VPFREE2? I think I read a story from one of those VP guys everyone is always fighting about playing that machine. Quick quads, right?

I don't know if I'll be looking to get out quick or not, depends on other factors. My plane lands at at 0805 and MSS check in isn't until 1500, so I figure that would be the perfect activity to fill the morning I arrive. I wasn't planning on hitting the strip at all until this came up.

Quick Quads is only playable if the paytable is decent, and even then, you can still get torched in short order. But there's another reason not to play that game: the HA will be immense unless you know the proper strategies. QQ evaluates hands where trips+two cards that add up to the same denomination as the cards forming three of a kind as equivalent to a "natural" quad: 77734 is paid as a four of a kind, for example. The "catch" is that you have to play 6 credits, not 5, to get this opportunity. The sometimes bizarre strategy variations have to be learned: for example, from 9963J, keep 9963. From A34s 68, keep A34s. Et cetera.

You can play the game without activating the QQ feature, and if memory serves, if you bet 5 coins, you still get 800-1 for the royal; so that might be a viable option.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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March 28th, 2012 at 1:01:08 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

And it sounds like this is limited to new Slot Club members only, so since I had a
card years ago, even though I'd like to do this promo, I can't.


They let me play the promo today. At the players club, they
said I hadn't been there for 4 years or so, which sounds about

So they let me do the $ 200 loss rebate promo afterall.

I played some of the higher denom VP initially, and then used
the first half of the loss rebate on either a 99 or 98 % Dueces
Wild paytable, playing 5 x quarters ( I know it was 15/9/4/4/3/2/1,
but I don't know if I looked carefully enough to see if the Wild RF
was 25 or 20 ). I was a little dissapointed to only cash out
with $ 60 of the $ 100 rebate, but such is life...

I'll probably play the same game on the other half of the
rebate when I am back this summer.
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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