Here are some pictures from today. The furniture and water go in Monday June 20th.
I love that hot tub!
More pictures to come next week.
Quote: WizardofnothingJust curious, given all the choices, if you wanted a pool is there some reason to stay at the plaza?
Nothing wrong with the Plaza for us Low Roller Hustler types. For you High Rollers... nothing but the best on the Strip of course but I love my Host at the Plaza and get the fake 2 Room Suite all the time! Not that I need the room since my house is only about 15 mins away but it is nice to have the room when you want to play long sessions. I guess when you get used to eating at the Bellagio, Aria, CET... etc etc... you just can't live the simple life anymore! No matter how high you climb up the ladder it is important to remember where you came from and have a 99 cent hot dog every now and then. However, I was at the Horseshoe Steakhouse the other night and no matter how many people say it has gone down hill... it still tastes good to me and the price is right (FREE)!
Did you know that they almost destroyed that pool a few years ago and were seriously going to make it a hockey rink for the Wranglers!!?? Too bad the deal didn't go through cause I love me some Wrangler Hockey!
Quote: WizardofnothingI wasn't saying it's all high roller, what I meant was aren't rooms at the linq and Paris almost the same price with even a small amount of gambling? Every time I'm at the plaza it seems so run down, Heck a couple weeks back the roof had trash bags hanging from the center of it
The tarps were only up because of that rain emergency. They are gone now.
The 3rd floor construction is now in full swing as they are remodeling the convention hallway and ballroom.
One of the things I like about staying at the Plaza and all the downtown spots as opposed to comparable places on the Strip is that I can get a decent meal for an economical price. That is almost impossible on the Strip anymore. I also find that my gambling bankroll lasts longer downtown.
But let's be honest, it's a total shithole of a casino and hotel compared to anywhere else. 100% will never stay there again.
Quote: BTLWII stayed downtown at the Plaza my first six years visiting Vegas because that's where my parents always stayed. And of course with just a little bit of action they and Vegas Club would give you room offers.
But let's be honest, it's a total shithole of a casino and hotel compared to anywhere else. 100% will never stay there again.
One person's opinion....
Not mine as I am returning in the fall for my fifth visit.
Water and furniture going in.....
Looking better every day!

You all can fool yourself thinking your some sort of good person who plays them all straight up. I for one know what this underworld is really about... Lie, Cheat, Steal, Beg and Borrow!!
To each his or her own!!
please explain where this 9/6 JOB is that allowed you to play your free play. Only a few non SLOT games actually took free play and NONE that I or anyone I know of seen anything close to 9/6 that you could use your free play on.Quote: SamhainMy gf and I went to the plaza for our first time last March to take advantage of their $500 loss rebate promo. We used our free play on 9/6 JoB and did quite well.l
Quote: AxelWolfplease explain where this 9/6 JOB is that allowed you to play your free play. Only a few non SLOT games actually took free play and NONE that I or anyone I know of seen anything close to 9/6 that you could use your free play on.
Upset that you didn't see it -jk
I don't think it's there
You changed your Avatar to a Miata? ;-)Quote: WizardofnothingUpset that you didn't see it -jk
I don't think it's there