December 7th, 2016 at 9:02:28 PM
So was working on a table game idea, and thought it might work better if players filled out slips similar to Lottery/Keno. In casino setting the Keno cashiers could take funds for each game, each game might take about 15 minutes. May also work in Lottery setting such as how the Ohio Lottery does Keno. The game could use a dealer and 8 decks of cards or a electronic version can be created using a RNG to represent cards. Does anyone know if there has been any other game other than Keno that slips are filled out and a ticket printed for it? Since basically anyone could play, not limited to a set number of players per game, how would one charge a casino for offering such a game? I mean it wouldn't be the same as charging a royalty per table as with a bj sidebet, would it? Looking forward to thoughts, thanks.