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December 11th, 2015 at 3:26:10 PM permalink
I just created a page on Ultimate X Video Poker — Single-Line. I didn't even know Ultimate X came in a single-line version, but it can evidently be found on Five Star machines.

Please click the link and have a read. As always, I welcome comments, questions, and especially corrections.

The question for the poll is would you play single-line Ultimate X?
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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December 11th, 2015 at 3:31:44 PM permalink
It's been talked about here and there. Firekeepers has one of them.
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December 13th, 2015 at 7:14:36 PM permalink
Played it once briefly for dimes. Cheapest I've seen it. Sucks that they reduced the multipliers on a lot of the games in the single line version.
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December 16th, 2015 at 10:38:16 AM permalink
Here are my calculations on the variance of the standard deviation of single-line 8-6 Jacks or Better

Base Win Multiplier Total win Hand Probability Multiplier Probability Total Probability Expected win Expected win ^2
800 1 400 0.000019 0.562913 0.000011 0.004308 1.723233
50 1 25 0.000109 0.562913 0.000061 0.001533 0.038327
25 1 12.5 0.002318 0.562913 0.001305 0.016307 0.203836
8 1 4 0.011259 0.562913 0.006338 0.025352 0.101407
6 1 3 0.015896 0.562913 0.008948 0.026845 0.080534
4 1 2 0.014546 0.562913 0.008188 0.016376 0.032753
3 1 1.5 0.071770 0.562913 0.040400 0.060600 0.090901
2 1 1 0.124216 0.562913 0.069923 0.069923 0.069923
1 1 0.5 0.192015 0.562913 0.108088 0.054044 0.027022
0 1 0 0.567852 0.562913 0.319651 0.000000 0.000000
800 2 800 0.000020 0.199258 0.000004 0.003110 2.488205
50 2 50 0.000107 0.199258 0.000021 0.001064 0.053190
25 2 25 0.002340 0.199258 0.000466 0.011656 0.291399
8 2 8 0.011362 0.199258 0.002264 0.018112 0.144895
6 2 6 0.014661 0.199258 0.002921 0.017528 0.105167
4 2 4 0.012972 0.199258 0.002585 0.010339 0.041356
3 2 3 0.072920 0.199258 0.014530 0.043590 0.130769
2 2 2 0.126189 0.199258 0.025144 0.050288 0.100577
1 2 1 0.199688 0.199258 0.039789 0.039789 0.039789
0 2 0 0.559742 0.199258 0.111533 0.000000 0.000000
800 3 1200 0.000020 0.125324 0.000003 0.003002 3.602929
50 3 75 0.000107 0.125324 0.000013 0.001003 0.075254
25 3 37.5 0.002343 0.125324 0.000294 0.011013 0.412972
8 3 12 0.011391 0.125324 0.001428 0.017131 0.205571
6 3 9 0.013942 0.125324 0.001747 0.015725 0.141526
4 3 6 0.012719 0.125324 0.001594 0.009564 0.057384
3 3 4.5 0.073178 0.125324 0.009171 0.041269 0.185712
2 3 3 0.126739 0.125324 0.015883 0.047650 0.142950
1 3 1.5 0.203340 0.125324 0.025483 0.038225 0.057338
0 3 0 0.556221 0.125324 0.069708 0.000000 0.000000
800 4 1600 0.000020 0.072392 0.000001 0.002367 3.787926
50 4 100 0.000107 0.072392 0.000008 0.000776 0.077583
25 4 50 0.002347 0.072392 0.000170 0.008495 0.424750
8 4 16 0.011417 0.072392 0.000826 0.013224 0.211578
6 4 12 0.013266 0.072392 0.000960 0.011524 0.138291
4 4 8 0.012646 0.072392 0.000916 0.007324 0.058592
3 4 6 0.073412 0.072392 0.005314 0.031887 0.191322
2 4 4 0.127200 0.072392 0.009208 0.036833 0.147334
1 4 2 0.205954 0.072392 0.014909 0.029819 0.059638
0 4 0 0.553630 0.072392 0.040079 0.000000 0.000000
800 7 2800 0.000021 0.013751 0.000000 0.000826 2.313398
50 7 175 0.000108 0.013751 0.000001 0.000260 0.045439
25 7 87.5 0.002356 0.013751 0.000032 0.002834 0.247991
8 7 28 0.011468 0.013751 0.000158 0.004415 0.123630
6 7 21 0.012174 0.013751 0.000167 0.003516 0.073826
4 7 14 0.012208 0.013751 0.000168 0.002350 0.032903
3 7 10.5 0.073925 0.013751 0.001017 0.010673 0.112071
2 7 7 0.128167 0.013751 0.001762 0.012337 0.086357
1 7 3.5 0.210107 0.013751 0.002889 0.010112 0.035392
0 7 0 0.549465 0.013751 0.007555 0.000000 0.000000
800 10 4000 0.000022 0.015046 0.000000 0.001330 5.321445
50 10 250 0.000108 0.015046 0.000002 0.000408 0.102013
25 10 125 0.002361 0.015046 0.000036 0.004441 0.555152
8 10 40 0.011505 0.015046 0.000173 0.006924 0.276966
6 10 30 0.011470 0.015046 0.000173 0.005177 0.155323
4 10 20 0.011485 0.015046 0.000173 0.003456 0.069122
3 10 15 0.074335 0.015046 0.001118 0.016776 0.251645
2 10 10 0.129009 0.015046 0.001941 0.019410 0.194104
1 10 5 0.213766 0.015046 0.003216 0.016081 0.080406
0 10 0 0.545937 0.015046 0.008214 0.000000 0.000000
800 12 4800 0.000023 0.011317 0.000000 0.001234 5.923007
50 12 300 0.000109 0.011317 0.000001 0.000370 0.111116
25 12 150 0.002362 0.011317 0.000027 0.004009 0.601384
8 12 48 0.011509 0.011317 0.000130 0.006252 0.300095
6 12 36 0.011360 0.011317 0.000129 0.004628 0.166616
4 12 24 0.011266 0.011317 0.000127 0.003060 0.073438
3 12 18 0.074395 0.011317 0.000842 0.015155 0.272785
2 12 12 0.129169 0.011317 0.001462 0.017542 0.210500
1 12 6 0.214361 0.011317 0.002426 0.014556 0.087334
0 12 0 0.545446 0.011317 0.006173 0.000000 0.000000
Total 1.000000 0.985730 33.565387

Variance = 33.565387 - 0.985730^2 = 32.593723.
Standard deviation = 5.709091

Please note that this is relative to the total wager (all ten credits). The adjustment is made in dividing the win by 2, because the player must bet twice as much.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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December 16th, 2015 at 10:41:33 AM permalink
I've seen it at RedRock over towards the exit that's loaded up with VP machines. They have some single line super times pay over there as well.
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December 17th, 2015 at 7:38:27 AM permalink
I may be wrong, as it's been a while, but I believe there's a single line game in Aria's HL room.
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December 17th, 2015 at 9:32:34 AM permalink
They have this at The Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi. Just one machine, it has Quick Quads, Dream Card, Random Rewards.

The Ultimate X single line is available in 10 Cent, 25 cent and $1.

I know it's just my perception, but this one will either let you win $100 or take $100. You just never know which. If you're up at this casino on this machine - cash out quickly.

On the variance of 32 you mention - that would be considered very high, correct? What's the swing for JoB, as a basis for comparison? (actually - let me look that up myself. )
"Those who have no idea what they are doing, genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
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December 18th, 2015 at 8:05:40 AM permalink
Quote: ukaserex

They have this at The Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi. Just one machine, it has Quick Quads, Dream Card, Random Rewards.

The Ultimate X single line is available in 10 Cent, 25 cent and $1.

I know it's just my perception, but this one will either let you win $100 or take $100. You just never know which. If you're up at this casino on this machine - cash out quickly.

On the variance of 32 you mention - that would be considered very high, correct? What's the swing for JoB, as a basis for comparison? (actually - let me look that up myself. )

32 isn't terribly high, but that's based on the total amount bet. So quarter JoB with Ultimate X would have a similar variance to 50c Bonus Poker Deluxe.
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December 18th, 2015 at 8:12:25 AM permalink
Quote: ukaserex

They have this at The Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi. Just one machine, it has Quick Quads, Dream Card, Random Rewards.

The Ultimate X single line is available in 10 Cent, 25 cent and $1.

I know it's just my perception, but this one will either let you win $100 or take $100. You just never know which. If you're up at this casino on this machine - cash out quickly.

On the variance of 32 you mention - that would be considered very high, correct? What's the swing for JoB, as a basis for comparison? (actually - let me look that up myself. )

JOB's variance is about 19.5
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