Quote: darkozIf someone paid $5000 sight unseen and the watch turned out to be worth $20, not only was that person in the right to refuse such a transaction but the law would define that most likely as "unjust enrichment".
There are plenty of examples.
You agree to paint someone's property. You ask how many rooms and they tell you just one.
When you arrive it's a local school and the one room is the gymnasium.
Are you honor bound to paint a gymnasium because you quoted a price for an average room?
Of course not.
Likewise if Axel offers $5000 for a watch which turns out to be worth $20 he is not honor bound to close the transaction.
eBay has a dispute center WHERIN IF THE GOODS DON'T MATCH AS DESCRIBED you can get your money back. Even committing to a purchase on eBay isn't honor bound if the transaction was unjust
What are you even taking about. The evidence in this thread seems to be that the watch is worth more than $5k to the Wizard (he rejected a $5,000 offer from MDawg). And less than $5,500 to MDawg (he rejected a counter from the Wiz that was less than $5,500). Those are the data points and they are nowhere near your unjust enrichment analogy.
Then Axel came in with a non-serious (I think) $5,500 bid. My guess is that Axel assumed MDawg was seriously underbidding with the $5k so $5,500 would be below auction price. So just trying to score points in the argument with MDawg. It’s now turned into an absurd discussion about whether it’s legal offer to buy. Who cares? If we are purely speaking legal niceties an offer can be revoked prior to acceptance and the Wiz hasn’t accepted to anyone’s knowledge. But it’s not about that. It’s about scoring “points” from all sides in some weird argument over I don’t know what.
Quote: coachbellyBecause that is the bet, whether or not MD can prove his claims.
He laid them all out, he'll need some kind of documentation to validate the claims.
The Wizard should be an acceptable arbiter of whether documents are genuine or not.
Documentation can be fabricated, coach belly! You saw Singer's documentation of a handwritten bill of sale for his RV. Did that prove ANYTHING?
Now, no offense to Wizard, but who says he is an expert on whether certain pieces of documentation are genuine or not? I have never seen him claim expertise in this field. But Wizard IS an expert on gambling mathematics. And these claims are an attack on those very mathematics.
Personally, I would like to see Mike involved a little more than a referee. He should be out front calling this out. I understand that is not really his style, but this is a situation where MDAWG has used this forum to attack the very math that this forum was built on! It is time someone says what you are claiming is if not impossible, then hit by lightning 20 times impossible. Or maybe this analogy that we are all familiar with: 18 y.o.'s in a row impossible (hi Alan).
I mean even Dan Druff on his alternative reality forum, once a year chimes in telling Rob Singer what he is claiming is impossible. I mean he lets him make the completely fabricated, math defying claims the other 364 days a year, but at least respected math people who run forums need to be on record saying, yeah, that defies math and reality.
Quote: AxelWolfI have meet a significant amount of people on here and many of them can verify I have honored bets/challenges , business deals on my word for significant amounts of money without issue going back for years. I have even helped out members with various things when they needed it, shared with useful information and helped make connections. people have seen me in action on plays in the casinos dealing with significant amounts of cash.
All water under the bridge.
Time passes, things change...it's a new day.
It's time for you to face MD, especially after all the shit you talked about him.
You'll never live it down if you don't, not as long as my account is active.
Quote: coachbellyYes he is in this case, because his mouth (keyboard) wrote a check that his ass can't cash.
Same for you...your mouth wrote a check...when I meet you in AC we'll see if your ass can cash it.
And I promise to write all about it.
I will give you a few days heads up when I am going for a play.
Sometimes plays are missed (example a must hit that someone takes down before you arrive) but on general you should plan on watching me play.
WATCH ME GAMBLE! What a unique idea. Maybe if MDawg was serious about his winning Baccarat claims he would be up to that as well
Quote: kewljDocumentation can be fabricated, coach belly! You saw Singer's documentation of a handwritten bill of sale for his RV.
That was one piece, MDawg's documentation is on a whole other level.
I comes downs to the Wizard's credibility as arbiter.
He's expert enough for MD, your opinion of Shack doesn't matter unless you are involved in the bet.
Neither does my opinion...so do you want to cover my action?..I'm taking MDawg.
Quote: darkozon general you should plan on watching me play.
LOL...I'm planning on you buying me dinner. Wives too?
I'll need to make reservations for Vola, or Cafe 2525, so I'll need the heads up.
Quote: coachbelly
Neither does my opinion...so do you want to cover my action?..I'm taking MDawg.
Yes, I will take your bet. You and I will both watch MDawg play 50 sessions. By his claims he should win 49 of them. So if he wins 49 (which is the 99% he claims) and is ahead 50 grand, you win the bet. Otherwise I win. No need for or opportunity for phony documentation.
I never reengaged on anything. MDawg muddied up the the waters in assuming and adding his comment without following up. Go back and read what I said. I was only stating my motivation level. If the watch is worth 5k I'm not happy about it(no where did I say I'm out, however if its worth 6500 then i'd jump on it.Quote: coachbellyI saw that, but he's been involved all along and understands what's going on, I just got home.
To be clear, you side with MD that Axel is reneging on his offer to buy the watch?
Quote: kewljYes, I will take your bet.
My bet is that MDawg can prove his past performance claims, outlined earlier.
Are you sure you want to accept?
I have another bet you may feel more comfortable accepting.
We'll call this the AM challenge.
I'll bet that you cannot count 2 blackjack tables at the same time.
We'll have counters at both tables, and you playing at one or the other...your choice.
We will compare the independent count of each table, against your 2-table simultaneous count.
I pick the casino, day, date and time.
Quote: AxelWolfI never reengaged on anything. MDawg muddied up the the waters in assuming and adding his comment without following up. Go back and read what I said. I was only stating my motivation level. If the watch is worth 5k I'm not happy about it(no where did I say I'm out, however if its worth 6500 then i'd jump on it.
My question was to SOOPOO.
Your non-trust issue is with your friend.
The bet is about MDawgs play. Why would any bet not involve witnesses to that play?
Quote: coachbellyLOL...I'm planning on you buying me dinner. Wives too?
I'll need to make reservations for Vola, or Cafe 2525, so I'll need the heads up.
You are referring to this correct?
Those joints may not be taking reservations this far out for that weekend anyway,
but I'll give it a shot and we'll figure something out one way or another.
Where you staying...Trop?
Quote: coachbelly
I'll bet that you cannot count 2 blackjack tables at the same time.
We'll have counters at both tables, and you playing at one or the other...your choice.
We will compare the independent count of each table, against your 2-table simultaneous count.
I pick the casino, day, date and time.
I should ignore this because it is just you being difficult....you being YOU.
For those that may not know, I mentioned that I can track two tables for a relatively short period of time, when conditions are right, so as to jump to the better opportunity. There is nothing about that claim that defies math. And a number of known and respected blackjack players have confirmed that they have at times done this. It is sort of the spotter /call in approach with a player playing both roles. So there no claim of something that defies math or can't be done.
I won't demonstrate this because I am an active professional player and that would put me and my career in jeopardy. You can choose to believe or not believe and frankly it is better for me that you and others don't believe it. All the discussion that came about after I mentioned it has not been good for me and my career. I would have been far better off to have never brought it up. So please....don't believe it.
But this isn't the same thing despite that you are trying to make it so. What I claim is possible and not only me but others do it! Remember that is the low bar hurdle. Is it possible? Does it defy math?
Quote: coachbellyYes, I should be able to make it if no shut down.
Those joints may not be taking reservations this far out for that weekend anyway,
but I'll give it a shot and we'll figure something out one way or another.
Where you staying...Trop?
You do realize the challenge is I pay for dinner if I fail to win at least $1000 doing a play.
Otherwise you pay for dinner.
So Why would you not watch me gamble?
Quote: darkozYou do realize the challenge is I pay for dinner if I fail to win at least $1000 doing a play.
Otherwise you pay for dinner.
So Why would you not watch me gamble?
I don't understand your question.
I plan to watch you gamble, and also plan for you to buy me dinner.
Are they mutually exclusive?
Quote: kewljWhat I claim is possible and not only me but others do it!
I don't care if others do it, I only care if you can do it.
I know that you can't, and I'm willing to bet that you can't.
So either take the bet or don't.
But be advised that if you don't take the bet, then that means you admit that you can't ,
and Alan was right all along.
Quote: coachbellyI don't understand your question.
I plan to watch you gamble, and also plan for you to buy me dinner.
Are they mutually exclusive?
I got it.
You assume I will fail to make $1000.
That's fine. It's gambling so always possible.
I plan on having you buy dinner though as well
Quote: coachbelly
But be advised that if you don't take the bet, then that means you admit that you can't ,
and Alan was right all along.
Lol> Doesn't mean that at all. Just because YOU say something as stupid as that doesn't make it so.
BUT, I am not going to discuss this further here. I don't want to hijack a thread on another topic. If you feel the need to continue to rehash, you will have to start a new thread.
Quote: darkozI plan on having you buy dinner though as well
And that's what makes the world go 'round.
I'm not going to hold you to the NYE weekend.
You can give me the heads up whenever you have a play lined up,
just so I can call Vola for reservations.
Quote: kewljLol> Doesn't mean that at all.
Oh yes it does. Alan was right all along.
Quote: coachbellyI saw that, but he's been involved all along and understands what's going on, I just got home.
To be clear, you side with MD that Axel is reneging on his offer to buy the watch?
Not exactly..... I do not know what has transpired between the Wiz and Axel. However, if the Wiz saw the post, called Axel and asked when Axel could pick up the watch.... and Axel then reneged.... then I’d agree. I have no idea what has transpired between Wiz and Axel.
By the way, in my dealings with Axel he seems like a man of his word. I would feel comfortable betting 5 figures with him with no escrow.
As far as the main MDawg ‘bet’ , please see my earlier post why there have been no takers.
I have a feeling Boz isn't gonna just go away
1. I used to have huge amounts of Palms points, which could be cashed in any store or restaurant but not cash or free play. So, I purchased four high-end watches at the jewelry store there. One of them was an Audermas Piguet Royal Oak. In all fairness, it was a low end one, but still retailed for about $12,500 at the time I bought it with points.
2. MDawg offered me $4,000 for it. To MDawg's offer, I declined.
3. I incorrectly stated $5,000 in this thread. I can only file this under "memory failure."
4. The rest you know.
I would like to say that I do not hold Axel to his offer to buy the watch for $5,500, since the offer was made under incorrect information.
Quote: WizardI have been asked to comment on the watch offer. Here is what happened:
1. I used to have huge amounts of Palms points, which could be cashed in any store or restaurant but not cash or free play. So, I purchased four high-end watches at the jewelry store there. One of them was an Audermas Piguet Royal Oak. In all fairness, it was a low end one, but still retailed for about $12,500 at the time I bought it with points.
2. MDawg offered me $4,000 for it. To MDawg's offer, I declined.
3. I incorrectly stated $5,000 in this thread. I can only file this under "memory failure."
4. The rest you know.
I would like to say that I do not hold Axel to his offer to buy the watch for $5,500, since the offer was made under incorrect information.
Numbers can be off and that's what I classify as innocent but gentle memory loss reaching for the stars. Not lying, a lie would be say The Wizard didn't have a watch for sale and Big Dawg made it up and it went on from there. Or The Wizard had a watch for sale and someone made him an offer and The Wizard declined the offer and Big Dawg maintains he offered XYZ as well and that too was declined but was really never made. But of course that was not the case here and I think we all from time to time are a little bit off on our numbers no matter if it's larger or smaller.
Like I said, innocent by memory loss but reaching to post something for sake of carrying on the story or explaining something. Nothing against The Wizard and nothing against the Big Dawg.
Quote: coachbellyYou've done an extraordinary job of posting your documentation.
I hope you'll continue to post photos of markers, folios, etc.
My opinion is that the naysayers owe you the opportunity to validate your claims in person.
But they insist before the fact that your documentation will be faked, so that's a dead end.
Since it's not likely you'll get any takers for your bet, so why not let the Wizard have a look without charging him?
+1,000 yes sir! Factual. Rock Solid!
Problem with posting things such as Big Dawg does is the highest percentage, let's just go with 99.99 % of everybody does not post anything of a similar nature and so many will combat anything that's posted with one-liners, comical innuendos and attempts to turn around everything to make it appear that the person is only photoshopping everything and posting fake documentation.
Quote: coachbellyAll water under the bridge.
Time passes, things change...it's a new day.
It's time for you to face MD, especially after all the shit you talked about him.
You'll never live it down if you don't, not as long as my account is active.
Again +1,000!
Time passes, things change...it's a new day.<<<<<<So True! But he won't do it because he knows in his stomach that he has a huge chance of losing and that would ruin him on all of the boards that he pours tons of time into and that would wipe him out in quick sand, in so many words.
After all you're dealing with the ego of somebody that has better than 6 posts every single day for close to three thousand days which covers the span of just shortly over 8 years. You really think a top contributor would jeopardize that type of status that's so few will ever see in their lifetime?
Quote: Marcusclark66Again +1,000!
Time passes, things change...it's a new day.<<<<<<So True! But he won't do it because he knows in his stomach that he has a huge chance of losing and that would ruin him on all of the boards that he pours tons of time into and that would wipe him out in quick sand, in so many words.
After all you're dealing with the ego of somebody that has better than 6 posts every single day for close to three thousand days which covers the span of just shortly over 8 years. You really think a top contributor would jeopardize that type of status that's so few will ever see in their lifetime?
Let me be clear that it is possible to have Advantage Plays that create profit nearly 100% of the time.
Barring casinos shutting down my operations, I have a nearly 100% guaranteed profit.
If MDawg claimed to win at Baccarat through some type of Advantage play which he did not for security purposes wish to disclose I would find it credible.
I have asked him on these forums if he is using some mathematical Advantage and his reply is always the same.
No! He just wins. He knows what to bet in advance (intuition). Other people try to bet against him and they always get crushed.
His evidence, to be believed, means mathematics must not be believed.
The scary aspect for me is there appears to be a lot of posters on here who claim I am lying when I detail mathematically sound principles and are too quick to believe unsound math claims because they saw some "posted evidence".
Quote: AxelWolfOne of the last guys that posted up pictures and whatnot like this turned out to be a complete fraud. He was using his bosses(owner of the business )status and generosity and presenting it as his own. He too suggested he was a fearless baccarat player who also had some BJ experience and similar tenancies all around.
And whom was that Axel?
Quote: darkozLet me be clear that it is possible to have Advantage Plays that create profit nearly 100% of the time.
Barring casinos shutting down my operations, I have a nearly 100% guaranteed profit.
If MDawg claimed to win at Baccarat through some type of Advantage play which he did not for security purposes wish to disclose I would find it credible.
I have asked him on these forums if he is using some mathematical Advantage and his reply is always the same.
No! He just wins. He knows what to bet in advance (intuition). Other people try to bet against him and they always get crushed.
His evidence, to be believed, means mathematics must not be believed.
The scary aspect for me is there appears to be a lot of posters on here who claim I am lying when I detail mathematically sound principles and are too quick to believe unsound math claims because they saw some "posted evidence".
My response was not even geared towards you. Why did you take it it was towards you? Do you have to be in the Limelight continuously?
Quote: coachbellyYes he is in this case, because his mouth (keyboard) wrote a check that his ass can't cash.
Agreed re: AxelWolf. And Coach, Soopoo, MarcusClark and I seem to be on the same page – with the same moral compass, about that a man's word is his bond.
AxelWolf and DarkOz, have a different moral compass evidently, and don’t see anything wrong with making an offer that is expressed upon sight unseen and I don’t care what the brand is and then later adding that the offer is contingent on its being a good deal.
And this is one more reason why I discount anything AxelWolf has to say, and will not take him seriously.
The fact that the Wizard is letting AxelWolf off the hook is irrelevant, because AxelWolf would not have performed anyway - not based on his no contingency offer anyway.

Why didn't you correct the Wizard when he stated 5k? Because You wanted evryone to believe the a higher figure, Ill still offer above you're 4k offer. Your offer was one that you obviously knew he would decline or u were lowballing for a good deal.Quote: MDawgAgreed re: AxelWolf. And Coach, Soopoo, MarcusClark and I seem to be on the same page – with the same moral compass, about that a man's word is his bond. AxelWolf and DarkOz, have a different moral compass evidently, and don’t see anything wrong with making an offer that is expressed upon sight unseen and I don’t care what the brand is and then later adding that the offer is contingent on its being a good deal.
And this is one more reason why I discount anything AxelWolf has to say, and will not take him seriously.
The fact that the Wizard is letting AxelWolf off the hook is irrelevant, because AxelWolf would not have performed anyway - not based on his no contingency offer anyway.![]()
Not concerning you or anyone else I may still be interested.
I was actually surprised that he even brought up the watch negotiation between him and me in public at all. I have never brought it up in public, although I could have by way of, "Hey guys I'm for real I even tried to buy the Wizard's watch." I felt that such a transaction discussion was private, so I never brought it up in public.
But, the Wizard brought it up himself for the same reason - to show that MDawg is for real and had had some real world business discussions with him. That was his choice to bring this up publicly. I don't mind --- I want to make that clear, I do not mind his bringing up the watch discussion, and I know he brought it up to show me in a favorable light --- but in general anything he and I discuss is confidential and I would not reveal any of it in public.
But even here I stated publicly that I was sure Wizard would accept your 5500 unconditional offer because his counter to me had been lower than that. Disclosing that once you made an unconditional offer was not going to affect anything. Little did I know that you would soon alter your offer to include conditional terms.
Why even bother to throw a price out if you're going to say "only if it's a good deal." It's very poor business ethics to negotiate a price, or make an offer, and then start asking questions. You ask your questions first - then make an offer.
Quote: MDawgI did correct the Wizard - privately. I wrote to him privately and reminded him that my offer had been 4000, and his counter 5000. At that point it was his choice whether he wanted to disclose this information publicly. Now that he has disclosed it publicly, I am able to disclose what I said to him privately.
I was actually surprised that he even brought up the watch negotiation between him and me in public at all. I have never brought it up in public, although I could have by way of, "Hey guys I'm for real I even tried to buy the Wizard's watch." I felt that such a transaction discussion was private, so I never brought it up in public.
But, the Wizard brought it up himself for the same reason - to show that MDawg is for real and had had some real world business discussions with him. That was his choice to bring this up publicly. I don't mind --- I want to make that clear, I do not mind his bringing up the watch discussion, and I know he brought it up to show me in a favorable light --- but in general anything he and I discuss is confidential and I would not reveal any of it in public.
But even here I stated publicly that I was sure Wizard would accept your 5500 unconditional offer because his counter had been lower than that.
Please do not lower yourself and feel the need to explain all about your dealings in detail. The certain amount of members here know you're for real and likewise people that post thousands of thousands or tens of thousands of messages, so many of them are made up in so many ways and many of them have to post so much to only suit themselves. That would be their purpose for the enormous amount of time that they post with the enormous amount of messages. You have nothing to prove just report your sessions at the casino the way you have been and that far exceeds the majority of what others do.
As far as your documentation and portfolios you have posted, myself being in casino security can vouch for the validity of those that you have posted. I would say in my own opinion the highest majority of those members that demean you and accuse you of posting photoshopped or fake documentation would be doing so out of jealousy, which they should actually know the validity of what you posted is spot-on.
Frankly, MD, I’m quite disappointed that you did not report that error to us IMMEDIATELY.
I owe Axel a drink.....
AxelWolf made an unconditional offer of $5500. 'sight unseen' and 'not caring what the brand of the watch is' because he wanted to seem like the big man who one ups the big MDawg. Then without any further data, not knowing anything further at all, he reneged by adding a condition that he would perform only if it was a good deal. That's all. CoachBelly and MarcusClark both see that clear as day. The issue is not whether the Wizard accepted the deal or let AxelWolf out of the deal, but that AxelWolf unilaterally altered his unconditional offer to include the absurd provision of 'only if it's a good deal.' It's an ethical issue not a legal one.
I'd never deal with anyone like that who reneges, so stop trying to suggest that I need to see AxelWolf in any social capacity, ever. AxelWolf's made two ridiculous offers now, one to bankroll him effectively by covering his losses at the tables with me, and another to go to the trouble of showing him my winnings bankroll without any wager in place. Forget him, he's not going to be the one who will ever get to see MDawg, unless he takes up the current wager as offered, which is open to anyone.
I am referring to my own real world experiences below, not anything to do with this forum or anyone on it:
When I have something for sale wherever or offer my services I have contempt for people who spend time negotiating, finalize the deal, and THEN start asking questions. But, this is the real world and I have to deal with wishy washy potential clients or buyers all the time. *sigh. I just deal with them patiently. Doesn't mean I respect such wishy washy types, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. SooPoo if you have have no problem with wishy washy types, that is your prerogative.
Quote: MDawgIt's an ethical issue not a legal one.
I'd never deal with anyone like that who reneges,
Gee so you won't deal with casinos?
They are notorious for reneging on offers and deals made when it appears not to be "too good" for their side.
Quote: MDawgI don't know... The casino cage, as described above, called me up and handed me 400 they had short changed me on when I cashed 4400 and change in winning checks. I play openly under my own name, and they seem to be treating me extremely well. Yes, in the distant past, they banned me temporarily from blackjack, but they eventually let me back in for the blackjack. I'm both a short term and lifetime winner at casinos. Don't see the problem.
I'm just pointing out that you deal with organizations that have no ethics including reneging on offers quite a bit.
Even if it hasn't happened to you recently
Quote: MDawgI'm both a short term and lifetime winner at casinos.
No you aren't.
"One of the last guys that posted up pictures and whatnot like this turned out to be a complete fraud. He was using his bosses(owner of the business )status and generosity and presenting it as his own. He too suggested he was a fearless baccarat player who also had some BJ experience and similar tenancies all around."
And whom was that Axel?
Quote: MDawgIt is certainly clear that you can't handle the fact that I am. 😇 Cheers.
They seemingly reflect upon themselves, plain and simple. It is ingrained within themselves it's only possible to lose.
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: AxelWolf
"One of the last guys that posted up pictures and whatnot like this turned out to be a complete fraud. He was using his bosses(owner of the business )status and generosity and presenting it as his own. He too suggested he was a fearless baccarat player who also had some BJ experience and similar tenancies all around."
And whom was that Axel?
Hi MarcusClark. It was before my time, but here is one of the threads from this guy. Let's call this guy #1.
I don't know for a fact that whatever he posted was proven to be false, but that is what AxelWolf says.
Then again, AxelWolf also claims that whatever was said in this thread - let's call this guy #2
is also false, and yet it was verified by the Wizard himself, and AxelWolf never explained why he thought it was false. In that case I understand the guy #2 deleted the initial post because too many crazies were contacting him after he posted about the big win.
In short, AxelWolf has a history of calling people liars, and at least with reference to the claims of the guy #2 in that second thread, I have not seen any reasoning behind AxelWolf's cavil even though I have asked AxelWolf more than once to state why he believes that second guy #2's claims were false, and the best AxelWolf has offered is that he "can't remember" why he believes that. I have no idea what happened with the first guy #1, but as another member here put it,
Quote: TigerWuSome of you guys are throwing the baby out with the bathwater, here...
MDawg's superstition-based beliefs can easily be disproved. Fine. But it does not call into question many of his other claims. How many Asian whales are there that are ten times more superstitious? Are they lying about being billionaires?
He's even posted proof of many of his claims that no one has been able to disprove; claims, as I have said before, that aren't even remotely unbelievable, which makes the criticisms even more ridiculous. Betting $500 or $1000 or $5000 a hand is nothing in Vegas. Winning $30,000 in a session happens every freaking day.
I see the same old weak arguments from some of y'all;
"Why is a rich guy hanging out with us poor slobs?"
"That's a fake watch!"
"You borrowed those chips from the casino just to take a picture!"
"Fake this! Fake that! Wah wah wah!"
And of course my favorite one of all:
"There was another guy on here years ago that lied; that means MDawg is lying too!"
So what if he's superstitious. So what if he likes to stroke his ego. Just block him if you don't like his stories. This MDawg harassment is getting old.
Put another way:
Quote: TigerWuMDawg is the best thing to happen to this forum in months for some people... they can't get enough of him! Haha...
Quote: Marcusclark66They seemingly reflect upon themselves, plain and simple. It is ingrained within themselves it's only possible to lose.
I always win as well.
You keep confusing the argument!
No one is saying MDawg cannot consistently win in gambling. Like I said, I do as well.
What we are disputing is his claims of HOW he wins all the time.
I claim I can take a flight from NY to Vegas in five hours.
MDawg claims he can take the same flight but in thirty minutes.
MDawg shows a picture of himself at the airport and now you are ready to believe he can fly NY to Vegas in half an hour?
If that hypothetical sounds ridiculous to you, that's how ridiculous MDAWG claims are.
Please answer why you, Marcus, believe that MDawg is able to defy mathematics as defined by the house edge!
Quote: Marcusclark66They seemingly reflect upon themselves, plain and simple. It is ingrained within themselves it's only possible to lose.
MDawg either doesn't gamble like he claims, or is a lifetime loser at gambling.
Quote: TigerWuMDawg is the best thing to happen to this forum in months for some people... they can't get enough of him! Haha...