Did you ever tell us your age?Quote: Kentry
What you do for a living ? Do you mind sharing anything? Why are you still living with mom if you're 21?
If you do mind just say so and ill stop asking.
To be totally honest you seem a little off. Someone mentioned you may be foreign or something.
Some of the stuff you say reeks of BS OR someone who is really green (perhaps all by design). But the fact that you mentioned your cell phone bill is actually believable, as something a young person scraping by would be concerned with. (Would a troll even think to mention something so insignificant?)
I would hope if someone were trolling everyone they would come up with something better.
Why is everyone always asking you for stuff?
The Misadventures of Kentry are starting to get lame. I guess sometimes that's how real life can be.
You're going to have to do something dumb to piss off your mom again.
Pawn her TV and hit the dollar slots.
Or I'm thinking a tattoo of something really dumb. I'll contribute to a tattoo of RS's Nyan Cat.
We prefer ass beating stories to stories about $5 free play on penny slots.
Are you Spanish- is English not your first language I know in Hialiah there are lost of people that do not speak English, not sure why you use the word slotting as its either language issue or you are underage.
Quote: ontariodealerI actually find kentry a breath of fresh air from you regular posters, you offer nothing new. I have worked in casino's for over 40 yrs and I have seen thousands of these types. Keep telling us your travails man.
I can understand that, and I am not anti-Kentry exactly. He puzzles me though.
Maybe I should start a thread "how was your Craps playing today" ...
here is a sample
"I tossed the dice and a 4 came up. I rolled again and it was a 6. Then I rolled again and it was a 9. Then the 4 came up and I won $5. "
Notice no misspellings or bad grammar LOL
LOL, but shouldn't the thread title be, "How was your Crapping today?" ;)Quote: odiousgambitMaybe I should start a thread "how was your Craps playing today" ...
here is a sample
"I tossed the dice and a 4 came up. I rolled again and it was a 6. Then I rolled again and it was a 9. Then the 4 came up and I won $5. "
Notice no misspellings or bad grammar LOL
Quote: KentryWell, I sacrificed free play Thursday to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I would have been disgusted with myself if I had went to Free Play Thursday over Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
The right way would have been to find a way to fit both in. Win/Win
Quote: KentryThat's disgusting. Sitting up in a Casino on Christmas Eve when you should be spending time with your six children.
Unless you dont like your kids
Quote: ontariodealeryeah there is one d*** here and its not kentry.
and hasn't figured out how to block? although I tried that and I keep clicking on "show it to me anyway" LOL
Quote: teddysSTOP GAMBLING.
Quote: KentryBlew a good portion of my paycheck on the slots. Just got paid and about half my check went into the slots. So disgusting. Even sadder is that the logical part of my brain begged me to put half my paycheck into a gift card, and I didn't listen. Luckily, I was able to pay my electric bill.

Quote: teddysSTOP GAMBLING.
Successful slot players know enough to only play with the "bad" portion of their paycheck.
You should go tell your mama to give you a loan against your next paycheck and then go back to the casino and win that money back, plus a lot more.
You're "due" for a jackpot, I can feel it.
Now GO!
If she doesn't like it, tough: move out.
I'm sure you can find a culvert somewhere to call home.
I think the mods should ban you for the betterment of you. You talking about gambling is adding to your addiction.
In the unlikely event he isn't spoofing us, my advice would be: "take a break from gambling, it is destroying you."
You just study hard to get an A the next test.