
I hit my goal to win the first weight loss challenge
Quote: HotBlondeThis means I've lost 28.37% of the weight needed to hit my goal weight of 164.6 pounds.
And yesterday was 25.16% of the way through this challenge time-wise since I started my weight loss program on July 11 (77 days in out of 306 days).
So as far as the bet goes I am ahead of schedule.
I would say that puts you decently behind schedule. Do you think the last 20 will be as easy as the first 20 was? 1200 calories a day right now might lose you 2-3 lbs a week but at 180 lbs it's only going to lose you .75 - 1.25 lbs a week because your TDEE decreases with weight loss.
My weight loss has stalled and actually has receded. I went out of town 30 days ago for work purposes (and am still out of town) and have not stuck to a calorie-restricted diet for 26 of those days. I last weighed myself a couple days ago on Sunday October 30th and I weighed in at 264.2 pounds. My lowest recent weight was 254.4 pounds on September 29th.
Luckily I am staying in a hotel that has a mini-fridge and a microwave and I bought a digital kitchen scale and went grocery shopping so I will be sticking to my diet every day now through my birthday. I will be weighing and measuring my food and sticking within a calorie limit every day including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, etc.
According to my calculations if I stick to my diet and exercise program now through my birthday I can still hit my goal weight of 164.6 pounds one week before my birthday. I am coming back home Sunday and plan to hit the gym again starting Monday. The only thing is I have been having back issues with sciatica and I'm hoping this doesn't interfere with my workouts. I may go get an epidural next week to help. My doctor is the one that recommended this and I'm a little nervous but I think I may take his suggestion.
Quote: WizardThanks for the update. I also begrudgingly congratulate you on the Cubs victory.
3 day suspension for wizard for talking about the cubs.
Quote: HotBlondeSo........
My weight loss has stalled and actually has receded.
. . .
According to my calculations if I stick to my diet and exercise program now through my birthday I can still hit my goal weight of 164.6 pounds one week before my birthday.
Hi HB,
Sincerest thanks for the update. Sorry to hear that you've stalled (rather badly?) I want to see you win, or at least nearly win :o)
To be honest, I think you need to factor in the exponential nature of weight loss rather than expect to stick to a straight line graph. I.e losing one pound while you are at your current weight will be MUCH easier than when you are a slim 170lb super hot blonde.
In other words, try hard to catch up and make up now, while you can.
As I say about exam revision: The sooner you fall behind, the longer you have to catch up
Oh, and good luck with the back issues.
An update would be appreciated.Quote: MrV*crickets*
Sadly, I suspect that HB has fallen way behind target and is considering her options.
I guess that unless and until HB returns, that we who have action on this will need to consider our limited options too.
Gastric bypass?
Organ donation?
Quote: HotBlondeI weighed myself this morning and I weigh 289.2 pounds. If you need me to weigh myself again tomorrow as proof or something I can. I started my diet today so I should be around that or slightly less.
My target weight is 164.6 pounds or less on May 13, 2017 (and that would be my weight naked). That gives me 306 days (or 10 months and 2 days, or just under 44 weeks) to hit my goal.
If anyone is interested in my calculations, here's what I figured: if I follow the current plan I have set up I should reach 163.7 pounds on my birthday (May 13th). And yes, that's cutting it close (yikes) but it will only motivate me to really stick to my plan and possibly add in exercise.
I suppose she could be on track and just not posting. I'd have to say that is not very sporting, it gives the wrong impression if indeed it is still in play.
Quote: rainmanNever read the terms and conditions and I'm wondering if these are legal.
Liposuction? = My wager forbids tissue removal surgery.
Gastric bypass? = I would permit that.
Organ donation? = In the event that it was an altruistic donation, not specifically to remove tissue, I'd accept that.
I'm also OK with starvation dieting before final weigh-in, diuretics, enemas, and laxatives.
Others with action have their own terms.
I think the important common factor is that HB must provide prompt and acceptable evidence of final weight on the target day. I fear that not happening.
I think that was Blonde4Ever.Quote: AxelWolfDidn't she just pop on and post something in the Nathan thread?
That makes more sense. They all look the same to me. (-;Quote: JoemanI think that was Blonde4Ever.
That's too bad. But she had to know there was going to be negative comments, I can't imagine she thought it would be any different/better than last time. It couldn't get worst than Boob Job fund thing or the date ad on craigslist.Quote: WizardShe is on Facebook and I've heard from her myself recently. I don't know how she is doing with the challenge but she is turned off by the negativity here.
I always thought she was more than capable of handling negative criticism. You would have to be with this crowd and all that.
What is so different now I wonder?
Perhaps she had more supporters during the first challenge because she was kinda new and that cancelled out the negativity? Perhaps the amount wagered on the first challenge made it worth dealing with it?
I can respect that. She wants to avoid negativity here, which can be quite severe sometimes. But she's also missing out on some attempts at encouragement too.Quote: WizardShe is on Facebook and I've heard from her myself recently. I don't know how she is doing with the challenge but she is turned off by the negativity here.
Mike, since you have contact with her on FB, pass on my regards and best wishes. As I've told her before, I want her to have a lot of success in the challenge and hopefully she will ALMOST reach her winning target. $:o)
Quote: OnceDearI can respect that. She wants to avoid negativity here, which can be quite severe sometimes. But she's also missing out on some attempts at encouragement too.
Mike, since you have contact with her on FB, pass on my regards and best wishes. As I've told her before, I want her to have a lot of success in the challenge and hopefully she will ALMOST reach her winning target. $:o)
This coming from the biggest ___ in the cooperation game?(-;
I'm very suspicious.
Checking my ass for smoke.
Quote: AxelWolfThis coming from the biggest ___ in the cooperation game?(-;
I'm very suspicious.
Checking my ass for smoke.
What's to suspect Foxy?
I wish HB good luck in losing weight. That's sincere.
I also confess that I hope she doesn't lose enough weight to win her wager with me. That's sincere too.
In an ideal world, she will lose enough weight to gain health and welbeing gains that will outweigh ( no pun intended) the financial loss that she might suffer by failing.
There's no contradiction, mischief, or deceit there.
And why the grudge about the cooperation game, where you called me 'Rat' a few times?
I played that as an individual, just as you did. I always told the truth in that game thread ( possibly more so than you did) and I came out of it with my modest $15 profit. ( also more so than you did )
Does that make you sore, as in 'a sore loser'
Quote: HotBlondeJust as an update: those who have wagered against me have a very strong chance of winning the bet.
Thanks for the update. Good luck anyway. Don't do anything silly that may harm your health.
Quote: HotBlondeJust as an update: those who have wagered against me have a very strong chance of winning the bet.
Open offer to HotBlonde. . . .
We have, $175 at even money on the outcome of this wager, and by your admission I have a strong chance of winning the bet. It sounds like you may have fallen behind in your progress. .
Here is an offer for you to buy out and cancel the bet early:
If you wish to throw in the towel, I will accept a $120 buy-out to cancel the bet early, so long as you accept this offer and get the $120 into my PayPal account by 23:59 on 31st January. (GMT)
I make this genuine offer as a gesture of goodwill, in the hope that you won't go on to some reckless or potentially damaging starvation diet.
Also, Whether we proceed with this deal can be kept private between the two of us, if you wish, until any date to be agreed..
Please PM me if interested.
Much like OnceDear, you and I also have a bet going, the terms are as follows:
Quote: Mission146I'm going to propose a different bet with you, so tell me if you are interested in this, I'll be Laying (small) Odds:
I believe you said your weight goal is 164.6 by May 13th of 2017. The bet that I am proposing with you is as follows:
If you meet your weight loss goal by May 13th of 2017 AND you weigh less than 190 pounds on May 13th of 2018, then I shall pay you in the sum of $120.
If you EITHER fail to make your May 13th goal OR weigh in excess of 190 pounds on May 13th of 2018, then you shall pay me in the sum of $100.
Do we have a bet?
I would obviously require video confirmation of you weighing in at less than 200 on May 13th 2018, but we would not need to have a live weigh-in.
Also, like OnceDear, I do not want to see you try anything crazy to try to get to the necessary weight in time.
Therefore, if you donate $50 (half of what you would lose to me) to my March Madness game (you can either pay me ahead of time or pay the winner) and concede defeat, I will let you out of our bet for that amount. You have one week from this post to respond.
Thank you, and I apologize for you not being able to hit your goal.
Quote: Mission146Also, like OnceDear, I do not want to see you try anything crazy to try to get to the necessary weight in time.
In PM* with HB, she has confirmed that she would appreciate some sort of surrender offer or renegotiation. She has certain medical issues and is to have treatment this month.
Quote:Therefore, if you donate $50 (half of what you would lose to me) to my March Madness game (you can either pay me ahead of time or pay the winner) and concede defeat, I will let you out of our bet for that amount. You have one week from this post to respond.
I offered a buy out clause, but she has yet to take me up on that, nor has she come back to renegotiate that offer. I must say that my offer was quite generous and if she is to accept or renegotiate, then she must do so soon while it is still on the table.
We can't assume that the goal is unreachable, but it doesn't look at all likely to me.Quote:Thank you, and I apologize for you not being able to hit your goal.
*HB has explicitly told me that I could reveal the contents of her PM
Quote: WizardofnothingI'll take a surrender amount of 350 dollars if it's accepted and paid by the 15th of feb at noon
Over to you HB....
Surrender would seem to be a good deal for you. I know it will hurt, but what are the alternatives?
Not seen HB log in for nearly a month, nor has she read my most recent PM.
I suppose the $50 can wait in light of her medical problems and upcoming procedure, but in order to get that offer, she is still going to need to concede within a week. She doesn't have to donate it to the March Madness, though, we can add it to the NFL Picks game next season.
Quote: Mission146she is still going to need to concede within a week. She doesn't have to donate it to the March Madness, though, we can add it to the NFL Picks game next season.
Ok, my only contact channel with her is this forum. If she doesn't log in here, then progressing 'negotiations' is impossible. If she does log in here, then that's a different matter.
We can see when she last logged in here.
So, I make this open proposition to HB.
If you wish to surrender your wager with me, then you must have negotiated and agreed terms with me within 10 days of next time you log in here, or by 1st March, whichever comes soonest.
After that deadline, my offer of a surrender option is expired.
Mission, In the interest of simplicity, would you care to extend your own offer on the same timescale?
WON. Again, since HB isn't seeing this thread, would you care to synchronize your offer time-line with mine? Just trying to keep things simple and achievable.
I'm trying to be fair but, inevitably, there has to be some element of toughness.
Sorry HB. Terms are still negotiable. Start time for negotiating just got fixed.
Quote: OnceDear
. . . If you wish to surrender your wager with me, then you must have negotiated and agreed terms with me within 10 days of next time you log in here, or by 1st March, whichever comes soonest.
After that deadline, my offer of a surrender option is expired.
Well guys,
HB logged in here today and has in fact PM'd me, So the clock is ticking down to 21st Feb
Quote: OnceDearSo the clock is ticking down to 21st Feb
Quote: WizardofnothingGood luck on that one- but I'm laying 10-1 that it's not going to happen
Hey. . . hang on. . . This could be made to work.
I or HB or both of us could team up to structure a bet so that we both win and take you to the cleaners.....
Thinking out loud. . .
Let's say, I wager $100 with you that HB and I have negotiated an early surrender deal by 21st.
HB then PMs me to say 'will I let her surrender our bet for $1 to be paid by her to the charity of her choice.'
I PM her back to say. 'OK. I'll waive our wager and trust her to send that $1 on.' Negotiation complete and HB and I are both happy with the outcome. But I'd have waived a sure fire $174....
But then I've won my bet with you and pocket $1,000 instead. And all that would be required would be some cooperation with HB.
But then again. . .
Quote: OnceDearWell guys,
HB logged in here today and has in fact PM'd me, So the clock is ticking down to 21st Feb
Oh well. Looks Like HB prefers her chances of winning the wager to surrendering early at a big discount.
I tried.
I like to be positive and give people the benefit of doubt, but I simply read and didn't comment on the first several pages of this thread and it became abundantly obvious she just wanted to get paid to lose weight. It wasn't a challenge because she'd already done it before and she was refusing things such as "keeping it off" bets. She just kept asking who'd put money up. For me, that took that fun of any kind of challenge away and made it seem more like propositioning for money.Quote: WizardShe is on Facebook and I've heard from her myself recently. I don't know how she is doing with the challenge but she is turned off by the negativity here.
Quote: OnceDearSo the clock is ticking down to 21st Feb
I thought she had until May 13.
Quote: HotBlondeMy target weight is 164.6 pounds or less on May 13, 2017 (and that would be my weight naked). That gives me 306 days (or 10 months and 2 days, or just under 44 weeks) to hit my goal.
Quote: RomesI like to be positive and give people the benefit of doubt, but I simply read and didn't comment on the first several pages of this thread and it became abundantly obvious she just wanted to get paid to lose weight. It wasn't a challenge because she'd already done it before and she was refusing things such as "keeping it off" bets. She just kept asking who'd put money up. For me, that took that fun of any kind of challenge away and made it seem more like propositioning for money.
That's not a fair statement, her bet with me involves keeping it off.
Quote: WizardI thought she had until May 13.
She has stated she thinks she'll lose and a few of us (myself included) have offered to let her out at a discount if she concedes.
Quote: Mission146She has stated she thinks she'll lose and a few of us (myself included) have offered to let her out at a discount if she concedes.
Yes, I saw that. What is the significance to Feb 21?
Quote: WizardYes, I saw that. What is the significance to Feb 21?
That's the date upon which she must officially concede pursuant to OnceDear or their bet is still on as originally structured. I gave her one week as of February 11th, and I have not received what I consider to be an absolute and definitive concession yet.
I'll extend her opportunity to concede to me to February 28th. Any monies will be added to the WoV Picks Game if she concedes and pays me, which is what I planned to do with the money if I won, anyway.
Quote: OnceDearQuote: OnceDearWell guys,
HB logged in here today and has in fact PM'd me, So the clock is ticking down to 21st Feb
Oh well. Looks Like HB prefers her chances of winning the wager to surrendering early at a big discount.
I tried.
We both changed it to 3/1 on the previous page, I thought.
EDIT: She logged in on the 11th, in the previous page, OnceDear gave her ten days from logging in OR 3/1, whichever came first. I'll extend her to 3/1 to decide as far as my bet is concerned.
Quote:We both changed it to 3/1 on the previous page, I thought.
EDIT: She logged in on the 11th, in the previous page, OnceDear gave her ten days from logging in OR 3/1, whichever came first. I'll extend her to 3/1 to decide as far as my bet is concerned.
Just to be clear. I'm not insisting that HB gets money to me by 21st, only that she reaches agreement with me on the terms of surrender by that day.
I'll now accept surrender terms to be fully agreed by up to and including 28 Feb ( GMT )
Terms to be agreeable to us both, and in private by PM.
ps. Hope all goes well with the medical issues HB.