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Please check out my new page about it. As always, I welcome all comments, questions, and corrections. In particular, should I cut out the "personal note" part?
I hate when a TV game show requires a random selection because they always ask the contestant why. And the response is usually something like, "I chose #2 because I have two daughters," or "I chose #14 because that's my IQ."
However you chose #11 because, "When given the choice, I'll always pick a prime number."
You would be mathematically hilarious on Deal or No Deal.
Quote: WizardIf anybody noticed I was gone part of last week it was in part to visit the oldest gambling establishing in California, Looff's Lite-a-Line.
Please check out my new page about it. As always, I welcome all comments, questions, and corrections. In particular, should I cut out the "personal note" part?
Love it, and keep it the personal touches... it makes it far more engaging, and for this sort of report, that's the important part. It's not a new game that needs pages of analysis, or a new casino with some quirks.
Well written article. No typos that I noticed.
Only one thing: Clicking on photo thumbnails will link to a large version, in the same window. In most of your other articles, they link to a pop-up of the photo. Why the change?
By the way, do you remember The Pike? Growing up in Santa Monica myself and the fact that I was only 8 when it shut down, it must have skipped my radar. But being so close, did you frequent the park?
Just out of curiosity and since I've never been to California myself, how would you rate the part of town where it's located? It's hard to tell from the limited pictures online but is it a place I may want to avoid at night or would you see it as being harmless to visit in the evening hours?
Thanks for the insight. Looks like a fun way to spend a few hours.
Quote: duckmankillaJust out of curiosity and since I've never been to California myself, how would you rate the part of town where it's located?
That baseball trip sounds like fun! I wouldn't mind doing that, but with the NFL. Looff's unfortunately is located in an area that doesn't cater to tourists. The fun stuff to do, like the beach and Queen Mary, are located many blocks to the south. My advice would be to hit Looff's in between visiting the Dodgers and Angels. You can easily pop by as you drive up or down the 405. You might also consider staying a few days on the beach in Long Beach, although I'm partial to Venice Beach.
At the risk of changing topics, as long as we're talking about Long Beach, did anyone else recognize the passing of Cal Worthington last week?

Rest in peace Cal. May you be selling cars wherever comes next.
Quote: RogerKintI remember being on a brass ring carousel in the late 80s but cannot recall its location. If I had to guess it would be at the boardwalk in Santa Cruz. They had a padded clown face against the wall with an open mouth. It was fun to try to chuck the ring into the mouth, or at my little brother, on the way by.
Yes, I was at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk in May, and their carousel still has rings riders can throw at the clown.
Here's a photo of Santa Cruz riders reaching for the ring:

Quote: Wizard...At the risk of changing topics, as long as we're talking about Long Beach, did anyone else recognize the passing of Cal Worthington last week?
Rest in peace Cal. May you be selling cars wherever comes next.
Whatever will become of his dog Spot?
RIP Cal.