Check it out let us know your thoughts.
Quote: ZugaWe just published the infographic dedicated to 10 Popular Blockbuster Movie Themed Slots
Check it out let us know your thoughts.
No Jurassic Park???
I am bored with the top ten movie based sluts. I think I will deposit no more money into them. But I am but one vote, one vote in such a very large ocean ;-)Quote: Zcore13Quote: ZugaWe just published the infographic dedicated to 10 Popular Blockbuster Movie Themed Slots
Check it out let us know your thoughts.
No Jurassic Park???
Quote: TwoFeathersATLI am bored with the top ten movie based sluts. I think I will deposit no more money into them. But I am but one vote, one vote in such a very large ocean ;-)Quote: Zcore13Quote: ZugaWe just published the infographic dedicated to 10 Popular Blockbuster Movie Themed Slots
Check it out let us know your thoughts.
No Jurassic Park???
I don't play slots very often and when I do I prefer higher denominations, but I never play any premium themed slots at casinos. The hold is always higher to make up for the licensing fees passed on to the casino in the form of higher revenue sharing.
I have to admit, I haven't played a slot machine in over 40 years, that's a true statement. Dammit, that is not a true statement, I lost $25 or so in a blackjack machine game a couple years ago at the Tampa Hardrock, prolly was a 'slot machine', I don't even know how to tell....But thanks for the insight, you have alot of insight, hopefully others will read and understand ;-) just 2FQuote: Zcore13Quote: TwoFeathersATLI am bored with the top ten movie based sluts. I think I will deposit no more money into them. But I am but one vote, one vote in such a very large ocean ;-)Quote: Zcore13Quote: ZugaWe just published the infographic dedicated to 10 Popular Blockbuster Movie Themed Slots
Check it out let us know your thoughts.
No Jurassic Park???
I don't play slots very often and when I do I prefer higher denominations, but I never play any premium themed slots at casinos. The hold is always higher to make up for the licensing fees passed on to the casino in the form of higher revenue sharing.
Quote: Zcore13Quote: TwoFeathersATLI am bored with the top ten movie based sluts. I think I will deposit no more money into them. But I am but one vote, one vote in such a very large ocean ;-)Quote: Zcore13Quote: ZugaWe just published the infographic dedicated to 10 Popular Blockbuster Movie Themed Slots
Check it out let us know your thoughts.
No Jurassic Park???
I don't play slots very often and when I do I prefer higher denominations, but I never play any premium themed slots at casinos. The hold is always higher to make up for the licensing fees passed on to the casino in the form of higher revenue sharing.
Exactly. I will give whoever did Iron Man points; that is one wild ride, Mr. Toad. But I'm not interested in playing slots that have to pay movie royalties, either; I figure it's coming straight out of my pocket with fewer jackpots or less frequent hits or whatever, compared to the same generation generic slots.
Quote: Zcore13
No Jurassic Park???
there is so many movies themed slots so maybe In volume 3 :)
Here is the volume 1 : Grab Your Popcorn it’s Time to Play Movie Themed Slots
Quote: CasinodepositorI could not believe it that Batman is not included in the list. I am not even aware of the other slots included in the list. For me ghostbuster should be in the top 4 on the most popular slot.
And a few forgot GREMLINS. Best movie themed slot by far.
Quote: gamerfreakAnd a few forgot GREMLINS. Best movie themed slot by far.
Haven't played it, but it did make that list at 6. Agree about Batman. If it were my list, it would be topped by Iron Man. That is simply an outstanding slot, with many bonuses and several unique features.
Please do make recommendations as to what else you would like to see
hope you like it :)

Very fun game, but I am sure they all are set impossibly tight. I burned through about $100 in 25 mins before I cried uncle. Only got the feature once. It was worth it though, very fun.