![]() | 12 votes (42.85%) | ||
![]() | 16 votes (57.14%) |
28 members have voted
Quote: AlanMendelson
Tomorrow, I can put on a TV show on the Internet (using the same UStream website) showing myself healing a man who could not walk. Because it is on Internet TV will you believe me? I will show myself practicing my art, with dozens of crippled people coming into my home, ?
Would you? I believe it already, I have a check made out
to you waiting to be sent. God bless you, Alan..
Quote: EvenBobHow about detractors. Isn't that a
little more civilized?
Or simply, we disagree.
Quote: AlanMendelsonTomorrow, I can put on a TV show on the Internet (using the same UStream website) showing myself healing a man who could not walk. Because it is on Internet TV will you believe me? I will show myself practicing my art, with dozens of crippled people coming into my home, and how I place my hands on their shoulders and they will walk out of the room under their own power, and I will call it my "influence" on their bodies. And that too will be on TV. Will you believe me?
I can walk Alan, but I would appreciate if you could help me be less of a "cripple" (via cerebral palsy). Thanks in advance. ;)
Quote: AlanMendelsonOr simply, we disagree.
I don't know that it's about agree or disagree because a lot of the arguments are created by you guys and are really tangents from my perspective.
Here's something I wonder if you agree or disagree with: I'm doing more work on this these days (making efforts to determine if it's possible to have an advantage roll in craps) than anybody else out there right now.
If you don't disagree with that, why the hell create all these stupid arguments like "having a TV show doesn't make you right."
Here's my response to that: well, duh, Mr. "I am on TV."
But really? Who is arguing? I'm working my butt off on all this stuff just so you guys can all pretend like you know more about the stuff I'm doing than I do and spout off about it. Including how my woman feels about it! Very creative, guys, but tangential in the extreme.
Here is what I think: I think that people are so closed minded that they want to throw a wet blanket on my pursuits because they can't fathom a world where it is possible, and because they have enjoyed feeling intellectually superior to everyone from SuperRick, to DiceCoach, Heavy, MadProfessor, and even Stanford Wong.
And you know what: I want to point out something here. I know some people have made a couple snide comments about my name and assume that it's a reference to marijuana. But I am *the* ahigh and it's an abbreviation of Aaron Hightower. I am not known as Mr Awesome Aaron, or Aggie Asian, or DiceGod, or HappyTeacher. It's just an abbreviation for my name. My real one. The name that a normal person would use when they have nothing to hide.
I'm a straight forward guy who is not trying to take anyone's money. I don't have any agenda here. I am not affiliated with any of these other craps guys, and I don't want to be.
But everybody still just groups me on with these guys saying I am just like them and that they have already decided that anyone who considers the possibility of AP craps play is mentally challenged.
To me, that's just in the box thinking.
And a lot of these comments like "just because he's on TV doesn't mean he's right" are just like little spitballs to stir stuff up.
It doesn't mean anything other than people are too lazy to really consider what I'm doing in the first place.
I'm being pigeon-holed into a little place that's already been created for these other guys.
I'm not afraid of challenges, I'm just saying this is weak meaningless highly associative and derogatory conversation being created here trying to discredit me for the work that I am doing, before I even have any conclusions about proof of it being possible.
As someone pointed out: I don't even have the Chi-squared thing nailed down yet and I ask for help on that. So, yeah, I'm not done with what I'm doing. But there is a lot more to do than just math and numbers compared to something really simple like card counting or AP video poker.
Quote: AhighAs someone pointed out: I don't even have the Chi-squared thing nailed down yet and I ask for help on that.
Well, until you beat this "Chi-squared thing" with videotaped rolls, people are going to argue with you over this. And they are totally justified to do so until you prove them wrong with unedited video. You can spew all the words you want, but since you are trying to argue the non-accepted side, you must show PROOF to convince them (and me) otherwise.
Now obviously I haven't watched any of your videos, but since no other members have not vehemently joined your side, I'm assuming you have yet to show statistically significant proof contrary to the accepted idea that dice control is insignificant in craps.
Personally I don't think it's impossible, but if the game is run correctly, it is clearly very, very difficult.
Quote: tringlomaneWell, until you beat this "Chi-squared thing" with videotaped rolls, people are going to argue with you over this. And they are totally justified to do so until you prove them wrong with unedited video. You can spew all the words you want, but since you are trying to argue the non-accepted side, you must show PROOF to convince them (and me) otherwise.
Now obviously I haven't watched any of your videos, but since no other members have not vehemently joined your side, I'm assuming you have yet to show statistically significant proof contrary to the accepted idea that dice control is insignificant in craps.
Personally I don't think it's impossible, but if the game is run correctly, it is clearly very, very difficult.
I can go ahead and state that even if it's possible, it no more significant than the house's edge in any case that I'm aware of. And as far as your comments, they are generally like many others. You are taking a very strong position of what I "must" do without having any appreciation for what I already have done.
I'm not here saying that anybody is right or wrong. I am on a quest for which most people believe they already know what the answer will be for this quest.
SOOPOO could be the leader of those who feel they already know the answer, just to pick the leader.
And SOOPOO doesn't harass me, and I have no issues with him.
But on this thread, all the bashing and attempts to derail my quest are just annoying.
I don't know why more people have such an aversion to cooperation.
People are helping with the Chi-squared thing, and I still get bashing along the lines of "it's so easy .. why you no understand white boy?"
My response is that this is a lot of work and I could use some cooperation instead of so many people just taking pop shots at everything like I am some kind of enemy of sane thinking.
Surely you can see past what you are trying to bonk me on the head with and understand my perspective here.
I have limited time. When I spend all my time on these arguments, such as "Ahigh on TV no mean Ahigh right" it takes AWAY from what I am trying to do.
Even "Ahigh no understand Chi-squared" is not helpful for me to address.
I'm busy!
That is a bit like considering billions of playboy centerfolds.
>*the usual assumptions are in place, such as having casino conditions and excluding outright cheating [as an alternative]
AND excluding any DI moves that are so time consuming, annoying or suspicious that the crew thinks it constitutes cheating.
>*such a vote does not mean I know for sure DI is possible
Yeah, well you only have to believe in Leprechauns one day a year. The rest of the time you can be as skeptical as you wish.
- You want attention - you got it.
- You're on a quest to understand if dice influencing is possible through your throws, your experiments, etc, and forum members have tried to help you with analyzing your own figures properly. Numbers below and above the expected in and of itself mean nothing - they have to account for sample sizes. A sane thinker would put proper statistical analysis to what you are doing and I would even go so far to label each dice so you know the result of each die based on its initial set. Otherwise, your observations probably mean nothing and you would be far better off spending the hour or so to understand statistical analysis rather than calculating averages that mean nothing. That understanding, in my opinion, would be an efficient use of your time, especially if you are trying to prove or disprove dice influencing. If your goal is to waste time, then by all means, have at it.
- You talk a long time about dice bias, which in itself is an interesting question, but really, once again, to prove bias, you need the proper mathematical tool to understand it.
- You go out of your way to see if a casino thinks your dice throw is legal without knowing whether it actually is a biased roll, which actually is not (in my opinion) sane thinking.
Certainly you're one of the more interesting characters around here.
We have arguments from the lone one or two "successful" dice setters, and arguments against from a legion of people who think they know differently - each of them with either a successful background in math, knowledge of physics, tens of years of experience, and pure skeptics. These arguments are part of what makes this forum great and successful and shouldn't be discounted.
It's up to you whether you wish to participate in your argument just like it's up to me to make the comment I'm making now.
Quote: AhighIncluding how my woman feels about it! .
Does your wife know you refer to her as
'my woman'? My wife would let me get away
with that exactly once. Its the way you refer
to a possession, like my car or my shoes.
You really have a problem and it is that you want to be the center of attention, that can be seen in all the Videos you have posted about your bike riding, and motorcycle stunt riding. We all know that stunt riding is way to dangerous to do. I feel safe when I would say that I don't think there would be one other person on this board that has tried to do that and after the first bad accident they would have stopped. Some times being the center of attention comes at a painful price.
I had to defend HarleyHorn and then there was Stanford Wong, that you said didn't know anything and made fun of Stanford Wong pen name. Now I'm going to defend Heavy and DiceCoach That provide a service to the guys that think the same way you do, that they can influence the dice. Heavy and DiceCoach have schools that teaches what you say is possible. I see no harm done, because they also tell their students that what they are teaching is not a overnight thing, that they can't go into the casinos and walk out winning hundreds of thousands of dollars. They also teach some betting skills that most players don't have a clue as to what a good bet is on a craps table.
These four guys have been playing craps way longer then you, no they don't have thousands of dollars of equipment sitting on there tables, but what they do have is the experience in the casinos. As I said before my wife told me in no uncertain terms that I didn't need a table because of all my casino time I had on the tables.
HarleyHorn does not teach anything, he makes his money off the tables, yes he has a full size table at his house so he can practice on, that has five different bounce characteristics on the table by flipping over base panels and felts. He doesn't have any other source of income besides what he takes off the tables.
Now I can't speak for DiceCoach or Heavy as far as their incomes go, but I do know just like everybody else that they make money from what they teach.
I'm not afraid of challenges, I'm just saying this is weak meaningless highly associative and derogatory conversation being created here trying to discredit me for the work that I am doing, before I even have any conclusions about proof of it being possible.
In the above quote aren't you doing the same thing trying to discredit all of the above guys that you mentioned. Sorry I can't defend someone that nobody in the DI world has ever met or has seen them shooting in a real casino, so I'm leaving the one guy out, who ever he or she may be!
But everybody still just groups me on with these guys saying I am just like them and that they have already decided that anyone who considers the possibility of AP craps play is mentally challenged.
I think you are wrong on this one nobody that I know is grouping you with them. When you were in collage and did any research papers, didn't you have to prove them out before you presented them to be reviewed. Ahigh your not doing that here, you are showing videos that only show that you are a random rollers that thinks he has an edge. When anybody tell you that you say we are picking on you, but from my point of view and a few others on this board, you are getting what you want, and that is to be the center of attention, so be it!
You keep asking for help in what you are doing, but if one of us guys that are saying you are just a random roller was to volunteer to help you, I think I know what your answer would be, no thanks, you don't know what you are doing. Only Ahigh knows what he is doing, should we all bow down now and praise you, is that what you really want?
You forgot to mention Frank Scoblete and his Golden Touch classes. He's another one of those people who make their living selling dreams.
Quote: AhighI'm doing more work on this these days (making efforts to determine if it's possible to have an advantage roll in craps) than anybody else out there right now.
Ahigh, if you are really interested in finding out if it is possible to have an advantage roll in craps, why don't you do what every investigative journalist does: he calls those who claim to already have the skill and the ability and ask if he can document those skills and performance.
In fact, Ahigh, someone who claims to have the ability should jump at the chance to come to your home where it costs nothing to play and show you what it's all about so that you can video tape them or even put them "live" on your Internet show.
You have every right as a "citizen journalist" and as a freelance TV producer and (I will give you the added title of) live documentarian to ask them and make them this offer.
Instead of trying to show the world that you might be able to do it, why don't you call those who already claim they can do it, and sell courses to others, and really put all the speculation to rest once and for all.
You have the medium to stop the doubts. Instead of trying to shoot your own rolls, invite the "dice control experts in" and put them on your show. We will all be watching. In fact, I promise you I will help you publicize your "live event" and I am sure you will have a huge audience. Plus you'll have a video on YouTube that for the next several years will probably get thousands and thousands of views and will probably make you some money.
You have the tools to do this, and you have the motivation to help dispel all of the myths and misunderstandings about dice control. The only thing you need to do is remove "Ahigh" from the stage and focus on the dice controllers with the established names and who have been telling the world for years that they can do it and that they do do it.
You shouldn't allow yourself to be in a position where you are being ridiculed. If you want to prove DC and DI exists, then show us with the experts on video.
I can't wait to see the show!!
Quote: AhighI'm doing more work on this these days (making efforts to determine if it's possible to have an advantage roll in craps) than anybody else out there right now.
I'm working my butt off on all this stuff just so you guys can all pretend like you know more about the stuff I'm doing than I do and spout off about it.
That's not why you should be "working your butt off." Pursuit of rational inquiry is a worthy endeavor, and if I had the time and resources, I might build a dice-throwing machine to critically examine the possibility of dice influencing on a regulation craps table. I don't, but that's irrelevant here. Point is, if you're going to do research in a controversial field *and* you're going to publish unfinished results along the way, then you should be prepared to separate the helpfully critical comments about sample sizes or statistical tests from the simple-minded derision. It will help you focus. If this is really about the research, don't make it about you. The time to make it about you is after you've published your final results, especially if the conclusions are decisive.
I'd suggest that publishing in a peer-reviewed journal should be your ultimate goal.
You forgot to mention Frank Scoblete and his Golden Touch classes. He's another one of those people who make their living selling dreams.
Well Ahigh didn't mention him and in case you didn't know it, he retired from giving classes.
Look other players call me a DI, but I try to tell it like it is, we play craps a lot more then other players, when the suits see us setting the dice and using a shot that is taught by one of these schools these suits, dealers and boxmen will try anything they can to stop a roll from happening, only because they believe all the BS that a few fiction writers; write all the time.
Everybody was just a random roller before they coined the words “Dice Influencer” or DI. Then all the books came out, the schools were started when the money was flowing. Now days that has all dried up maybe that is why Scoblete has retired. I know some of the best DI's in this country, and the one thing they all have in common, is they can't go into a casino and win every time they pick-up the dice. Some of these guys go on losing streaks for a few months at a time!
I won't go to a table with a bunch of so-called DI's on it, because I don't want to lose money by bettting on them. At the same time I'm one of the biggest opponents of all the fiction that is written about the so-called DI's with all the outrages claims that a few of the fiction writers write. I think that is why the so-called DI's get a bad rap. They don't go into the casinos winning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by playing craps. Most guys that try playing craps all the time have to run home to their mommy with there tail between their legs, because; now get this they lost their bankroll. There has even been a few cases of that on this board here lateley!
I live in Vegas and I've seen way to many players lose everything they have, thinking they can beat the casinos, they won't admit that they have a problem until it's to late with their gambling! They blame it on bad luck and tell everybody that their luck will change. They never blame it on the fact they are playing negative games.
If you have the money and want to take one of these schools in some ways I think it's a good idea, if they teach you how to bet the game and don't fill you with the foolish notion that you are going to break the casinos bank and take a half million dollars off the table, when you bought in for $2000, believe it or not that is what one of these fiction writers wrote not to long ago on a different craps board! Now it was written so vague, that you had to do the math to figure out what he should have won! It was just one more case of the BS that is written about being a DI. I also think that a few of the boards do a great injustices to their readers by letting that kind of BS to get posted!
Their credibility goes down the drain, by letting all the fiction go on!
I have a question for you. We all know there are tons of people that try to be a dice controller, we even have Ahigh on here trying to be a craps
icon,,, but have you ever played craps with one of FRanks instructors for a day or even a week to see how good they are. Have you ever spoken with
them to see how hard they try to make sure all their students understand the danger of betting to much or betting on bad bets.
Some one at golden touch once indicated that even with all the training they can give over 90% of the people will never be able to win, because
they are gamblers.
I challenged the best Di in golden touch with that, you have the classes and the books and the tapes and 90% will fail....that is not so good.
Well the answer was that if we teach the best way we know how,give the students all we have learned , use the instructors we can train
then it is up to them how far they can take this.
So since i think you need to walk the talk i took the classes. I watched the instructors. I watched the quality of the instruction at 9 in
the morning and 4 in the afternoon, and i can say they have excellent instructors, they dont quit have way though the day.All the instructors
are very accomplished people in other walks of life, they know how to relate to students and they care about doing the best job they
Now since i have taken the class i have not followed any of the students to see how they have done, i have seen a couple at additional
classes. What i will say sadly is after class in the evening most were playing the same way they were before , throwing money all
over the table. It appears if you are a gambler. no matter what you learn it wont help. Some i can follow on other web sites and they
seem to be doing oK, my playing partner is also trained.
I will say speaking for myself, any contact i have had with Golden Touch is that it is a class act, their achievement board is accurate
and all tosses have to be verified, and i know this because i am on there a number of times and had to verify mine, and i have verified
several others that i personally saw.
and all tosses have to be verified"
Now I know what new job Bernie Madoff's ex-accountant has !
Those guys include you, Rick.
Quote: AhighI'm not making fun of those guys. I am merely pointing out that I am NOT those guys and I don't really think it's fair to group me in with them.
Those guys include you, Rick.
Ahigh you are making it very difficult for yourself. Where should we "group you" ??
You're a nice guy with a home table and a computer and camera equipment who wants to test the theory of dice control. You haven't demonstrated anything that says you can control the dice and in fact you doubt yourself you can control the dice or influence them. When you made claims early on about success in getting hardways or rolls or results, several showed that your sample size was too small to come to any conclusions. You have given us reports about winning sessions at casinos -- and quite frankly we've all had them without attaching those results to any claims about DI or DC. You even announced yourself to WYNN and for what reason except to announce yourself.
So what are you and what are you doing? Give us some specific goals and your methodology and perhaps if we knew specifically what you are doing and what you are trying to accomplish everyone can give you the proper support without criticizing you for things that, as you say, have become tangental to your real purpose.
(Now a side issue: Personally, I think having a table right next to the kitchen is great. It puts food and craps right where they should be -- in the center of your home. But don't tell my wife I said that. I've been wanting my own table for years.)
Quote: EvenBobDoes your wife know you refer to her as
'my woman'? My wife would let me get away
with that exactly once. Its the way you refer
to a possession, like my car or my shoes.
Methinks the legal arrangement does not constitute man and wife, thus no reference to "my wife" ... If I am wrong I will put Aaron down as the first guy I ever knew who was married and referred to his spouse that way.
If anyone is making it difficult in this forum, it is the blow-hard, know-it-alls who can't help but try to lecture the same tiresome, simple-minded points.Quote: AlanMendelsonAhigh you are making it very difficult for yourself.
What do you mean "we." Please speak for yourself.Quote: AlanMendelsonWhere should we "group you" ??
Also, why should anyone try to "group" a member of this forum anywhere?
I don't think that Ahigh has ever claimed that he can control the dice.Quote: AlanMendelsonYou haven't demonstrated anything that says you can control the dice and in fact you doubt yourself you can control the dice or influence them.
Yes. So what? Why are people still harping on such an obvious notion.Quote: AlanMendelsonWhen you made claims early on about success in getting hardways or rolls or results, several showed that your sample size was too small to come to any conclusions.
Again, so what?Quote: AlanMendelsonYou have given us reports about winning sessions at casinos -- and quite frankly we've all had them without attaching those results to any claims about DI or DC.
Lots of us have given winning and losing reports. I don't recall Ahigh ever claiming that he undoubtedly controlled the dice at a casino.
As I recall his explanation was that he did so merely to see the reaction of the pit management.Quote: AlanMendelsonYou even announced yourself to WYNN and for what reason except to announce yourself.
My impression is that Ahigh is just somebody who is enthusiastic and intelligent about craps and craps methodologies, and he merely wants to share and discuss ideas on the subject, in addition to conducting/sharing his own research.Quote: AlanMendelsonSo what are you and what are you doing?
He has repeatedly stated his interest and what he is trying to do on this forum.Quote: AlanMendelsonGive us some specific goals and your methodology and perhaps if we knew specifically what you are doing and what you are trying to accomplish everyone can give you the proper support without criticizing you for things that, as you say, have become tangental to your real purpose.
Regardless, I don't see why anybody should have to justify themselves to the peanut gallery.
Quote: odiousgambitIf I am wrong I will put Aaron down as the first guy I ever knew who was married and referred to his spouse that way.
My wife would never let me do it before we were
married, as if it I ever would have. Its how men
referred to woman before they had any social
status, when they were considered property. You
hear bikers do it, but then look at th women they're
referring to..
She did say our little boy started calling her woman though.
She is awesome, guys. And she loves me and the craps table, and you better believe I treat her right!! No matter what I call her, she gets royal treatment from me!
Quote: AhighLegal or not we're married,
There is no illegal marriage, either you are or you
aren't. Marriage is a legal term, not one you can
throw around because you feel like it. Try filing
your taxes jointly as a married couple and see how
funny the IRS thinks it is when they find out you
were just kidding.
but also to the manners i use at the table.
Beats the hell out of being some one like Buzzard that calls people liars he has never met. that is what life i all about
those that can do and those that cant..talk
Quote: dicesitterBeats the hell out of being some one like Buzzard that calls people liars he has never met. that is what life i all about
those that can do and those that cant..talkDicesitter
OK then, Mr. "Can Do," prove that dice influencing provides a demonstrable, replicable advantage.
I'l wait.
tick ... tick ... tick ...
prove that any of the records of quality rolls on the GTC website is false.....
I will be waiting,,, but i will be doing others things while i wait, this could take
Well I can't say that I ever took the “Golden Touch, Heavys, or DiceCoach” classes but I do know plenty of guys that have. I have sat in on some of “The LittleJoe” classes, because I've known those guys for years and have shot with them many times over the years.
Some of the students of these classes have done okay playing craps, and I still feel that if the guy has the money to spend on these classes there is nothing wrong with them. I've also seen where a student will pay for the class they just took with the money they won at the craps tables. The one thing that I see the most of is that these guys as soon as they leave any school, are doing the same things as they did before the took the class, therefore losing. As the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.
I've seen the guys that teach these classes lose just like everybody else, but I've seen them win too! That's the problem with being a so-called DI, we are just like anybody else on the craps table if we don't have set rules that we play by, as far as loss limits goes. If things are on the tables are not going right for you and your having a bad day it's time to leave the casino. There are days when the guys that I think of as really good shooters can't do a thing that is right, even when their shot looks picture perfect.
One of the easiest things there is to do is throw 7's. I was crying once because I watch a DVD that they were saying look there's a 7 just about every time they shot the dice! Now by saying that the 7's are easy to throw doesn't mean that when things are going bad on the table, and you make the switch to the dark side of the table, that you are going to make them when you need them. There have been plenty of times that I've been taking a beating and switch over to the dark side only to get killed there to, I couldn't throw a 7 when I needed it. Call it bad luck or anything you want to, there are days that nothing will go right for you! The same thing goes for these guys that are teaching classes.
One of my highrolling buddies were in town for Super Bowl weekend playing down on the strip, I wouldn't set foot in a casino this past weekend, because of all the craziness going on. Most DI's pick when they are going to play craps, I play when there is nobody on the tables, because I don't want players that don't know what they are doing on the same table with me.
I don't make fun of any of the classes some are better then the next one, we all get out of any school what we put into it. These schools do not give out report cards, but if they did most of the guys that took their class would get an “F” because of what happens after the class is over with. I wouldn't cut down the teachers, trying to put the blame on them, it the guys that don't do what they have spent their money on that I blame.
As I said I've only sat in on one craps school, where they give out a set of rules for their students to go by. I will point out two of them because I say the same things. While these are not quite the same things they have in their rules, they are damn close!
One of these thing is; only play when you feel right. If you are losing get out of the casino, Leave for any of these reason if they are bothering you. They could be bad dearers, bad players, to much BS happening at the table, and here is one reason why I leave a casino that we eat at with our Corvette Club “To much cigarette smoke” after I'm done eating I will hit the craps table, but when my wife is done socializing and come out to the table it's time to leave because of the smoke that is in that casino!
Then you have this one: When it comes to betting “Everybody is just a random roller, which includes you or any other so-called DI” bet everybody like they are.
I have to hand it to those guys for telling their students the above rules, because they are not trying to BS their students into thinking that they are above everybody else on the tables!
Now everybody calls me a DI, but there are days that I can't do anything right and the so-called random rollers will out shoot everybody that is a DI on the table, I'm still living in Vegas because I know this to be a fact, . I didn't have to leave Vegas like some of these guy that took bad advice from our great fiction writers on becoming a DI. Now if you are a DI and you are winning, I'm sure that you have a set of rules that you go by every time you hit the casinos. If you stick to them and know how to bet the game you can win at playing craps, just remember I know players that never pick-up the dice and are winners because of their betting skills, although there aren't to many of them around.
The DI's that I know don't win every time they go into a casino, the same thing goes for the guys that have good betting skills. The only one that wins all the time is the casinos, even when you have a winning day the casinos still made money off you because of the Vig, that we all pay to play craps!
Quote: dicesitterok i have one for you....
prove that any of the records of quality rolls on the GTC website is false.....
I will be waiting,,, but i will be doing others things while i wait, this could take
ROFLMAO Anyone can get lucky. Just can't get luckier than me to any measurable degree.
Quote: dicesitterok i have one for you....prove that any of the records of quality rolls on the GTC website is false.....dicesitter
Logic 101: I need not prove a negative. The proponent of a proposition bears the burden of proof the correctness of his assertion.
Quote: dicesitterok i have one for you....
prove that any of the records of quality rolls on the GTC website is false.....
I will be waiting,,, but i will be doing others things while i wait, this could take
I have a more important question: can you prove the quality rolls were the result of dice control or dice influencing? The answer is: you can't unless you can somehow deliver videos with multi angles, multi views showing this "control" and you haven't got it.
Of course these guys probably had quality rolls. Chicken feeders (I think that the term the DC crowd uses) can have quality rolls. The longest rolls I have even seen were by chicken feeders. I once had 17 passes plus numbers in between and it's because I got lucky and not because I "controlled" the dice, although I set my dice and "tried" to control or influence the dice.
the more this discussion/debate continues, the sillier it gets.
Alan, Alan, Alan.....17 passes plus numbers.....you didn't win. You lost several hundred minimum due to the -EV.....pleaseQuote: AlanMendelsonI have a more important question: can you prove the quality rolls were the result of dice control or dice influencing? The answer is: you can't unless you can somehow deliver videos with multi angles, multi views showing this "control" and you haven't got it.
Of course these guys probably had quality rolls. Chicken feeders (I think that the term the DC crowd uses) can have quality rolls. The longest rolls I have even seen were by chicken feeders. I once had 17 passes plus numbers in between and it's because I got lucky and not because I "controlled" the dice, although I set my dice and "tried" to control or influence the dice.
the more this discussion/debate continues, the sillier it gets.
I think your a craps player and i think you get it. Having said that some of the things you say about dice
control just dont ring true.
1....The DI that i know dont go into a casino and win everytime..... well i dont know a single (good) dice controller
that does or ever said they did. The vast majority are honest and will tell you they lose more times than they win, but
in the end they win more money than they lose. thats a fact.... i have no idea where you get your information
2.....There is a huge difference between a dice controller and random thrower...... that is also false....i was told one
time that the chances of a 40 or better roll by a random thrower is .48, that means you would expect one about every
220 rolls. A good dicesitter could expect a1.28% chance or 2.7 40 or better rolls out of 220 rolls....
Now on the surface that is not much of a difference, most gamblers would say why in the hell would i go through
all the work to be just a little better.
Look at all forms of sports, the difference between the average and the very good, is many times slight, but the over-all
difference in what they achieve can be miles apart.
If the only thing i every get out of dice sitting is a hand that on average is only 1 roll longer than a random thrower
must guys would say screw it, that is no difference, yet think back over just the past year of your playing and ask yourself
how much more money would i have made if all my hands were just 1 roll longer.
I wanted to be able to play craps in my retirement years and not lose the house, make some or just be close to even.
I do that, there is no plans on breaking vegas, or walking out the door with $30,000 in wins, i leave that to the gamblers,
but i love the feeling of taking on the table with the understanding that i have an edge.... that is a great feeling.
Dice Sitter:

Dice Setter:

Dice influencer:
The difference between the skilled and unskilled is always great.
Quote: Buzzard"the difference between the average and the very good, is many times slight "
The difference between the skilled and unskilled is always great.
The difference between content and quip is about 40x as many characters in the post.
Quote: AhighAhigh's definitions...
Dice Sitter: whodathunk you'd find that somewhere!?
Dice Setter: set shown seems to be the one that takes time to set up, from my experience, ymmv
Dice influencer: you make that one yourself?