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May 15th, 2014 at 6:53:25 AM permalink
I'm trying to find out how prevelant the no mid shoe entry policy is throughout vegas and around the country. I'm referring specifically to the double deck games.

For those that have this policy is it simply a security measure to prevent counters?
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May 15th, 2014 at 7:15:08 AM permalink
Quote: cadillacjack

I'm trying to find out how prevelant the no mid shoe entry policy is throughout vegas and around the country. I'm referring specifically to the double deck games.

For those that have this policy is it simply a security measure to prevent counters?

I know at Aria people come in mid-shoe on 2D all the time
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May 15th, 2014 at 8:10:06 AM permalink
Quote: cadillacjack

I'm trying to find out how prevelant the no mid shoe entry policy is throughout vegas and around the country. I'm referring specifically to the double deck games.

For those that have this policy is it simply a security measure to prevent counters?

It varies from casino to casino and even from pit to pit. It is common in high limit rooms. I've seen players ask for and be granted NMSE at table minimums as low as $25 all over the country. It is to prevent players from wonging in when the game goes positive. The casinos will tell you that it's to prevent other players from messing up your hands. They really do care. :-)
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May 15th, 2014 at 8:18:16 AM permalink
Actually it's so the current players can play without shoe interference. Look at $5 min tables -- can you Wong in? Probably. Can you wong in the $100 min table? Probably not. If you try to play and they tell you no, try asking the other players if they mind. If no one cares if you play, good chance they'll let you play.
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May 15th, 2014 at 11:02:03 AM permalink
Quote: aceofspades

I know at Aria people come in mid-shoe on 2D all the time

At MGM casinos in Vegas, they only have their no mid-shoe entry rule on their crappy 6/5 SD games. The DD games with the 1/4% house edge have no such rule. Then again, they do watch those games pretty closely, so I'm sure that someone back-counting and wonging in would be caught quickly.
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May 15th, 2014 at 1:53:45 PM permalink
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May 15th, 2014 at 3:04:09 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Every time I've played the Mirage's, Luxors, NYNY DD game, it's been NMSE. Can't speak for the other places but this was a couple years ago.

They absolutely do not have this rule at MGM Grand. People enter mid-shoe frequently (not necessarily because I'm back-counting)

I have played at NYNY and did not see a sign on the table with the rule. They may have had it without posting the rule, I guess. Or I may have just missed the sign. I was the only person in the high limit room at the time, so it wasn't relevant. This was also a couple of years ago. I did get away with surrendering once :)

I do not remember seeing the rule at Mandalay Bay, although I can't be 100% sure about that. I have not played at Luxor or Mirage. I have not played the DD at Aria either, but I believe Ace said that they don't have the rule there.
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May 15th, 2014 at 3:26:50 PM permalink
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May 15th, 2014 at 3:41:19 PM permalink
I am not going to list who does and doesn't employ NMSE, but since the OP said "throughout vegas", I will point out that there are a handful of casinos (non-strip) that employ a different tactic, in that they allow you to enter mid shoe, but only at table minimum until the shuffle.
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May 15th, 2014 at 3:45:07 PM permalink
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May 22nd, 2014 at 9:20:38 AM permalink
No Mid-shoe entry is very common in 1D and 2D games. For shoe games, it is more common on high-limit tables than in the main floor. Casinos use this rule as a counting countermeasure, particularly to thwart "Wonging" and certain types of team play. Casinos will usually tell players that ask that it's to prevent players from "ruining the order of the cards".

An interesting example:

A casino has a $10-$200 BJ table on the main floor, and a $100-$10,000 table in the "high limit" section. A player tries to place a $100 bet on the HL table, but mid-shoe entry isn't allowed. The player then goes to the $10 area to place a $200 bet. From the casino's perspective, why would the player want to place a $200 bet when $100 tables are available (often with better rules)? This acts as a countermeasure to put suspicion on the player. Unfortunately, some naive players think that banning mid-shoe entry HELPS them. From my observations, players only enter during "good counts" about half the time. Mid-shoe entry probably helps novice players by slowing the game down (buy-ins, coloring up, etc.) and causing fewer hands to be played.
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May 22nd, 2014 at 9:53:46 AM permalink
Yeah, right. Nice try . Letting me wong in will help the average ploppy, while I steal the positive hands from him. LOL
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May 22nd, 2014 at 10:06:26 AM permalink
We do no mid-shoe in our high limit for some of our tables. Usually if we have a high roller at a slow time or if the minimum is $100. It shuts up high rollers and keeps the ploppies with more dollars than sense from bothering them, like it makes a damn bit of difference (we're six-deck S17 in high limit, and I counted a shoe with a player going heads-up and it never went above TC +/- 1/2 either way.)
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May 22nd, 2014 at 10:16:55 AM permalink
Quote: hwccdealer

We do no mid-shoe in our high limit for some of our tables. Usually if we have a high roller at a slow time or if the minimum is $100. It shuts up high rollers and keeps the ploppies with more dollars than sense from bothering them, like it makes a damn bit of difference (we're six-deck S17 in high limit, and I counted a shoe with a player going heads-up and it never went above TC +/- 1/2 either way.)

How bad is your pen? How long did you count for? That is not what usually happens in a 6 deck game.
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May 22nd, 2014 at 1:54:31 PM permalink
I joined a table in mgm on $25 minimum BJ in the middle of the game and they didn't say anything, but I wasn't counting.
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May 22nd, 2014 at 2:02:55 PM permalink
MGM only has the no mid-shoe rule for their crappy single deck games. I jump into their DD and 6D games all the time.
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May 22nd, 2014 at 2:58:33 PM permalink
Quote: AxiomOfChoice

How bad is your pen? How long did you count for? That is not what usually happens in a 6 deck game.

We're told to cut it to 1/2 deck. I don't have much experience counting and it's hard to count and deal at the same time.
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May 22nd, 2014 at 3:00:49 PM permalink
Quote: hwccdealer

We're told to cut it to 1/2 deck. I don't have much experience counting and it's hard to count and deal at the same time.

That is good pen for a 6-deck game. And no mid-shoe means that if I get a heads-up game it's mine until I leave.

What's the max bet and what casino is this?
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May 22nd, 2014 at 3:20:54 PM permalink
Quote: AxiomOfChoice

That is good pen for a 6-deck game. And no mid-shoe means that if I get a heads-up game it's mine until I leave.

What's the max bet and what casino is this?

Axiom's planning a trip :)
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March 18th, 2019 at 7:34:46 AM permalink
im wondering, in a lot of places that have this no mid shoe entry rule, how often is a single player sitting alone prohibited from putting out a 2nd hand if he wants to in the middle of the shoe in order to change up the cards, or maybe just because he wants to have less variance when betting much higher in good counts.
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March 18th, 2019 at 8:01:04 AM permalink
im wondering, in a forum that contains really old threads, how often a single poster chooses to resurrect a nearly 5 year old thread, instead of starting a new one.
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March 18th, 2019 at 8:04:49 AM permalink
wouldnt it be a good idea to combine a few hundred of those old threads, and new thread all into the same thread, instead of starting another new thread on the same topic?
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March 18th, 2019 at 8:04:52 AM permalink
If the table is empty mid-shoe, does the dealer have to shuffle-up when somebody shows up to play?
Tables should have a sign posted mentioning "No Mid-Shoe Entry", but can I grab a seat and not bet until the next shoe?

When players are struggling with a tough shoe, they may welcome another player to change their luck. If they're winning, they may want to keep newcomers from butting in and messing up their card stream. If you're counting, and people keep wonging-in on positive counts, they are taking your better EV hands away, but so does a dealer shuffle-up.
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March 18th, 2019 at 8:12:43 AM permalink
Quote: ChumpChange

If the table is empty mid-shoe, does the dealer have to shuffle-up when somebody shows up to play?
Tables should have a sign posted mentioning "No Mid-Shoe Entry", but can I grab a seat and not bet until the next shoe?

Usually at NMSE tables, if all the players get up and leave the dealer will re-shuffle the shoe and wait for new players with a fresh shoe. In my experience. All casinos are different on these finer points.
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March 18th, 2019 at 8:26:04 AM permalink
Quote: sevencard2003

im wondering, in a lot of places that have this no mid shoe entry rule, how often is a single player sitting alone prohibited from putting out a 2nd hand if he wants to in the middle of the shoe in order to change up the cards, or maybe just because he wants to have less variance when betting much higher in good counts.

Somebody mentioned that they can't open a 2nd hand on these tables, and it disgusts him/her. They get stuck in a shoe with a negative count, or they can't double-up spots on a positive count. How long does a really positive count last? 3 hands? idk. Just use a progression on a win on a single spot. You win 6 hands in a row, you could double your 10 hand buy-in.
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March 18th, 2019 at 11:50:08 AM permalink
Quote: sabre

im wondering, in a forum that contains really old threads, how often a single poster chooses to resurrect a nearly 5 year old thread, instead of starting a new one.

In fairness you can usually discern serious discussion being resurrected from some spamming or suspicious post by looking at the members history

Having been here since 2011 and made over 100 posts it just looks like expediency 7card2003 resurrected this thread here nothing more.
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