Have you ever sold a watch?
Quote: mcallister3200Of course you posed a watch in front of your supplements lol.
It was too hard to get the Lambo up to the suite.
MDawg has an airtight excuse for no Lamborghini in the suite. He loaned it to me for a couple of days.
As far as selling a watch, any that I have sold in the past I have later regretted parting with. However, as I keep getting higher and higher end timepieces, I am lately starting to think about selling all of the lower end ones. Of course, my definition of lower end and the typical timepiece owner's definition are probably quite different. But in general, as you might imagine, the way it works with anything luxury - whether cars, watches or whatever - once you've moved up the ladder it becomes harder to bother with anything valued below your newest acquisition, short of perhaps - sentimental attachment.
Took it relatively easy. I did have some larger bets but nothing over 4500. Ended just a tad under +5K, stopped.
Had some runs, and some random shoes, I managed to win.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's a net $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
* Correction: The private communication in question was sent by Email, not a WoV private message. However, it was still a violation of my confidence at the suspension stands.
Quote: WizardMdawg is suspended for one month for quoting from private communication sent here on another forum, a rule 4 violation. Normally, I don't like to police other forums, but since the private message in question originated here, it makes it my business.
In that case:
Day 56: gagged
Day 57: gagged
Day 58: gagged
Etc, etc.
Quote: WizardMdawg is suspended for one month for quoting from private communication sent here on another forum, a rule 4 violation. Normally, I don't like to police other forums, but since the private message in question originated here, it makes it my business.
Judge, jury, and executioner! Seems harsh! I’d have given max week suspension.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: WizardMdawg is suspended for one month for quoting from private communication sent here on another forum, a rule 4 violation. Normally, I don't like to police other forums, but since the private message in question originated here, it makes it my business.
Judge, jury, and executioner! Seems harsh! I’d have given max week suspension.
Lol but of course you would say that.
Hang in there and keep winning and have a good time!
Give us the details when you get back on the board.
Always With The Eye in the Sky
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Victorious? Boasting in some kind of orgasmic victory?
But what I'm really wondering is why nobody took him up on his challenges that the wizard would have acted as an escrow agent and a witness?
Hopefully he continues his winning journey and extended vacation and signs on the day after his suspension expires! :) I miss the old man, I usually visit him on my coffee breaks here and when I got a few extra minutes of personal time, sign on and read what's going on in Vegas.
Love Out To The BigDog
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Quote: ChumpChangeI'm trying to find the deplorable forum that wasn't mentioned that MDawg used to hang out at. Nevermind, that can't be answered here.
There's a lot of TALK in VEGAS especially at CASINOS.
Hey now, I resemble that remark.
Also, those that are so spiteful and so annoyed by the winning MDawg, why do you keep coming on his thread even after he was suspended? Just curious?
Once Again Totally Flabbergasted!
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
(That's my understanding of this as of a few months ago.)
If I keep $4K of chips in my pocket for my next session without showing them to the cage, I'm guessing the cage will call the pit and ask about that, and will deny $4K of what I do present to the cage to go towards the check based on what the pit said my buy-in was? So I'll get a check for $8K instead of $12K, and I'll have $4K in chips & $4K in cash.
Quote: ChumpChangeIf I buy-in for $4,000 at a table, and win to $16,000. I go to the cage to get a check for my chips, but they'll only give me a check for $12,000, and they'll give me $4,000 in cash. So to avoid CTR's on winning days, don't buy-in for more than $10K, and get a check of the winnings for up to and more than $10K (there may be some minimum).
(That's my understanding of this as of a few months ago.)
If I keep $4K of chips in my pocket for my next session without showing them to the cage, I'm guessing the cage will call the pit and ask about that, and will deny $4K of what I do present to the cage to go towards the check based on what the pit said my buy-in was? So I'll get a check for $8K instead of $12K, and I'll have $4K in chips & $4K in cash.
You are seriously wrong.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Quote: ChumpChangeLosers don't win at checkers.
It's a funny thing you mentioned checkers. I've got to the point where I win almost every game of tic-tac-toe I play. Play It against some well educated and seemingly intelligent people. I've applied my science of scheduled moves to the game of chess and likewise I'm winning most all of those also!
I'm not going to make the claim I win every single one, but I am totally impressed with what it takes to win, it seems to be all within yourself.
While I'm posting, a shout out to The Super MDawg, continue winning I know in my heart you are and remember there's a bunch of us here that do love you and miss you. Take some money out of that darn town!!
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Quote: ExpectedvalueThis all just defies logic and mathematical fact. Regardless of your opinion. Also some of the stories that are posted about comps are very hard to pass the smell test
It does not defy any logic or math, because mdawg refuses to present any of the logic or math behind his bets. Until he does that, his writing will continue to be boring and have nothing to offer.
Quote: Marcusclark66It's a funny thing you mentioned checkers. I've got to the point where I win almost every game of tic-tac-toe I play. Play It against some well educated and seemingly intelligent people. I've applied my science of scheduled moves to the game of chess and likewise I'm winning most all of those also!
I'm not going to make the claim I win every single one, but I am totally impressed with what it takes to win, it seems to be all within yourself.
While I'm posting, a shout out to The Super MDawg, continue winning I know in my heart you are and remember there's a bunch of us here that do love you and miss you. Take some money out of that darn town!!
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Seriously? tic-tac-toe?
You must be playing dummies because that is one game that can be played to a draw every time by following certain patterns
Quote: darkozSeriously? tic-tac-toe?
You must be playing dummies because that is one game that can be played to a draw every time by following certain patterns
Likewise there dude!
I said that I found scheduled winning ways that I am able to employ.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Quote: Marcusclark66Likewise there dude!
I said that I found scheduled winning ways that I am able to employ.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Lol, playing the kindergarten kids out of their lunch money?
Quote: darkozLol, playing the kindergarten kids out of their lunch money?
Your insinuations are kind of insulting, to say the very least. However I will answer the best I can.
Playing business owners, university professors, a state politician, several casino advantaged professional players, a Rabbi and a doctor.
We do play in a professional atmosphere at a Starbucks Cafe along with the implementation of a timer and a witness to keep our score documented and official.
Thanks stay safe.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Quote: Marcusclark66Likewise there dude!
I said that I found scheduled winning ways that I am able to employ.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
I haven't played tic-tac-toe in over 30 years but if you want to play I will play you 10 games. If you win one game I will pay you $100, if you don't win any you pay me $200. If you want to play for more I will agree to that.
Quote: Marcusclark66Your insinuations are kind of insulting, to say the very least. However I will answer the best I can.
Playing business owners, university professors, a state politician, several casino advantaged professional players, a Rabbi and a doctor.
We do play in a professional atmosphere at a Starbucks Cafe along with the implementation of a timer and a witness to keep our score documented and official.
Thanks stay safe.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
This might be the funniest post on these forums.
Never thought I'd ever say this but thank you, Darkoz lol
Quote: DRichI haven't played tic-tac-toe in over 30 years but if you want to play I will play you 10 games. If you win one game I will pay you $100, if you don't win any you pay me $200. If you want to play for more I will agree to that.
LOL. Prediction: crickets.
But let's not be too hard on Marcus Clark (Real Person). I have seen some egregious errors playing tic tac toe when people are in front of a large audience at halftime of basketball games. Maybe Marcus Clark employs similar pressure-laden scenarios by forcing opponents to play in the presence of greatness and ultimate suave.
Quote: redietzLOL. Prediction: crickets.
Maybe Marcus Clark employs similar pressure-laden scenarios by forcing opponents to play in the presence of greatness and ultimate suave.
He will be playing in front of greatness, me.
Quote: DRichI haven't played tic-tac-toe in over 30 years but if you want to play I will play you 10 games. If you win one game I will pay you $100, if you don't win any you pay me $200. If you want to play for more I will agree to that.
It's probably not the same tic-tac-toe.
I believe the rules he is playing go like this.
Each player empties a box of tic-tacs and attempts to throw them with their toes into their mouths.
The person who gets the most tic-tacs from toes into their mouths is the winner
Quote: billryanAnybody remember when the Tropicana had a chicken you could play tic tac toe with? The winner got something like $10,000. The Chicken was undefeated for months before losing twice in a week. They said the second winner not only get the check but also got to eat the losing player.
Yes I played that live chicken and lost.
However I remember hearing or reading somewhere it was a gimmick. You could not actually see the chicken making choices. It went up to it's side of the game and made a peck. The actual peck was hidden as it was on the inside of the cage opposite to you.
Supposedly the chicken was just trained to peck a generic button when it saw a signal (cued by the human choice) and a computer controlled the actual choices.
Sounds familiar.
Quote: JohnzimboSo the chicken didn't allow people to watch it play?
Sounds familiar.
It was a live chicken inside a glass box.
You could see it was a live chicken. It walked around, etc.
There was one side with the electronic game board facing outward for you to choose your move. The chicken would then walk up to it's side of the glass where supposedly it had the identical game board for it to choose.
But the height of the glass cage and the angle of the electronic board made it impossible to see what it actually chose.
It appeared to be a fair fight the way it was set up but open to the trickery described above

I just assumed it was pecking wherever the food showed up.Quote: darkozYes I played that live chicken and lost.
However I remember hearing or reading somewhere it was a gimmick. You could not actually see the chicken making choices. It went up to it's side of the game and made a peck. The actual peck was hidden as it was on the inside of the cage opposite to you.
Supposedly the chicken was just trained to peck a generic button when it saw a signal (cued by the human choice) and a computer controlled the actual choices.
Seriously people there simple minds for simple people, sad but true.
We play Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe and I'll post a link to the rules here and it's much different than what you think, it is a game of skill!
"This lends the game a strategic element. You can’t just focus on the little board. You’ve got to consider where your move will send your opponent, and where his next move will send you, and so on.
The resulting scenarios look bizarre. Players seem to move randomly, missing easy two- and three-in-a-rows. But there’s a method to the madness – they’re thinking ahead to future moves, wary of setting up their opponent on prime real estate. It is, in short, vastly more interesting than regular tic-tac-toe."
Anyone care to continue on with the insults about kindergarten kids?
The Expert Ultimate Champion
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
Quote: Marcusclark66OH MY GOD!
Seriously people there simple minds for simple people, sad but true.
We play Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe and I'll post a link to the rules here and it's much different than what you think, it is a game of skill!
"This lends the game a strategic element. You can’t just focus on the little board. You’ve got to consider where your move will send your opponent, and where his next move will send you, and so on.
The resulting scenarios look bizarre. Players seem to move randomly, missing easy two- and three-in-a-rows. But there’s a method to the madness – they’re thinking ahead to future moves, wary of setting up their opponent on prime real estate. It is, in short, vastly more interesting than regular tic-tac-toe."
Anyone care to continue on with the insults about kindergarten kids?
The Expert Ultimate Champion
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club
I will have a crack at it.
Probably only kindergarten kids would be so misleading as to not mention the real game they were playing!
Quote: DRichI haven't played tic-tac-toe in over 30 years but if you want to play I will play you 10 games. If you win one game I will pay you $100, if you don't win any you pay me $200. If you want to play for more I will agree to that.
I’ll play 100 games. If he wins one I’ll pay $1,000. If not I win $100.
It is interesting that in the MDawg thread someone decides to bring up the easiest game to never lose at! And then imply he wins at it CONSISTENTLY. I don’t think I know anyone who could possibly lose at tic tac toe. I guess Marcus and I travel in different circles.
I actually consider Marcus’s posts about tic tac toe trolling. That is more likely than he actually found doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs so mentally hobbled to CONSISTENTLY lose at tic tac toe.
Edit.... I now see MC moved the goalposts a few miles down the field by mentioning he is not playing tic tac toe , but some extrapolation of it. So pathetic.
Quote: darkozHere is a pic
I’m sure PETA loved that one.
Quote: SOOPOOI’ll play 100 games. If he wins one I’ll pay $1,000. If not I win $100.
It is interesting that in the MDawg thread someone decides to bring up the easiest game to never lose at! And then imply he wins at it CONSISTENTLY. I don’t think I know anyone who could possibly lose at tic tac toe. I guess Marcus and I travel in different circles.
I actually consider Marcus’s posts about tic tac toe trolling. That is more likely than he actually found doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs so mentally hobbled to CONSISTENTLY lose at tic tac toe.
Edit.... I now see MC moved the goalposts a few miles down the field by mentioning he is not playing tic tac toe , but some extrapolation of it. So pathetic.
And you thought my claim of $20,000 a week profit but not every week was misleading!
Quote: darkozI will have a crack at it.
Probably only kindergarten kids would be so misleading as to not mention the real game they were playing!
Just to let you know, we play for title wins and food.
The loser of the meet brings food the following week. Last week the Rabbi lost overall so he brought homemade matzo balls, gefilte fish and beautiful corned beef sandwiches that we all had tonight. The last 20 sessions according to my notes, I was the champion at 17 of them.
Marcus Clark
Real Person; AKA MarcusClark66
Professional Casino Security Expert
Certified Company Firearms Instructor
Tic-Tac-Toe Expert & Mastering Chess
Honorary & Official #1 Fan of the MDawg Adventures Club